Man of Mystery

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Authors: L.B. Wilde

BOOK: Man of Mystery
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Man of Mystery


L.B. Wilde















The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious.  Any similarity to real persons, living or
dead is coincidental and not intended by the author.

Text copyright ©2013 by L.B.Wilde all rights reserved.  No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise,
without express written permission of the author.

ISBN-10: 1484862635















Authors Notes:


This book is dedicated to my son Brandon who is Autistic.  He is my inspiration to see the world differently than we perceive it to be.  He is the sweetest little boy and loves everyone!  My son Adam has also been my backbone in helping me to be more confident in my abilities. He has been an angel sent to me from above to help our family work with his younger brother.  God Bless them both for they are my light at the end of the day.

A special thanks to all my friends who believe in me.  They gave me the confidence to do this book and I hope they all enjoy it.














Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
er 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24





Nathan knew there had to more to life than what
his family allows him to see.  He has been living under their shadow long enough; it’s now time to discover what he has been missing.  He does love his parents, they have some great values but he needs to find what his soul is trying to tell him. Something inside of him is missing.  He decides it is to time when his friend comes up with a place to go.  He will back him up with hopes of discovering what life is really about not what his family has made it.  He is tired of being in the lime light when people only want to know him because of them. He has better ideas for his life and he is going to find it whether they like it or not.

walks into the library to find his mother sitting comfortably reading a book.  The window is open sending a warm comforting breeze which smells rich from the flowers outside. He stands properly awaiting for her to notice him standing as not to interrupt her as he has done all his life.  Speak when spoken to in respect and never interrupt. 

Sophia looks up from her book with a loving motherly smile at her handsome young son. “Hello dear, is there something you need to talk to me about?” she speaks softly and sweetly to him.

“Yes mother, I am going on a vacation shortly, so I wanted to make you aware of my actions.” Nathan tells her even though he doesn’t specify for how long.

“That sounds wonderful sweetheart, when do you plan on leaving and where are you going to?” she knows her son has been itching to get out of the area for awhile, she’s seen him do it before but he always comes home like a good son should.

“Well, Denny and I are heading to the states, we are leaving next week.” Still not giving to much info but enough that makes him comfortable telling her.

“Oh, the states, you haven’t been there in quite some time.
  Well, you enjoy your vacation but we have the benefit tomorrow night that we must attend to first.  There are a lot of people expecting us and then you have some free time available.” She reminds him of his commitments that cannot be ignored.  He would never do anything to disappoint his father.  He is a good boy, just a little zealous because of his youth.














Chapter 1

Don’t you love the Spring Time?
  It is one of Brandy’s favorite seasons because she knows summer is on its way.  The birds start chirping after a long winter and they are feeling refreshed from the warming sun.  Brandy watches them fly by with anticipation out the apartment window early on a Friday morning with a smile. Seeing the trees with buds on them but still looking for her first robin signaling that spring really has arrived in her small apartment in “upstate” New York.

Not having classes today, but still having to work for a few hours so she can put food on the table and pay the bills just like the rest of the world.
  Her roommate Tiffany Brockton made plans for a Friday night out.  Sure that Tiffany is still sleeping since she has the luxury of just having to attend their school.  Her family lets her stay at an offsite apartment with a roomy which so happens to Brandy Whine.

Tiffany Brockton is adorable, the best roommate ever and never once teased about the name that her loving parents have bestowed upon her. The first day they met freshman year at college, she knew they would be great friends.
  Tiffany is the popular one, but she made a point to introduce herself making Brandy feel at home.  Thinking back, Brandy wouldn’t have survived the first few weeks without her by her side.

Growing up with a name like Brandy Whine while living by the Finger Lakes Wine Country wasn’t easy.
  She seriously wondered what “wine or brandy” her parents were drinking when they decided on that name.  Sighing thinking about the teasing received in school when as a young impressionable girl made her a shy person today.  Hearing people say, “
Really, your name is
Brandy Whine where did that come from??!!”
Oh then to top it off her middle name was Mary..hmmm was it to keep virginity or was that to give her the initials BMW like seeing her owning one someday! Wishing for the latter!

Brandy climbs out of her all too warm bed grabbing a towel to head to the shower.
  Constantly struggling not to have bed hair since no matter what is done to it, it gets tangles while sleeping.  Brandy’s hair seems to be uncontrollable in her eyes, being dirty blonde and slightly better than a mousey color.  Tiffany helps her highlight it so it doesn’t look so drab, but still the mid back length hair always seems to have a mind of its own.  Not straight like so many beautiful blondes on campus but slightly wavy in certain spots! Aargh, she has always hated her hair along with the huge blue eyes which always seem way too big for her face. 

Tiffany on the other hand has beautiful straight dark brunette hair and perfect oval shape emerald green eyes.
  She is fashionable and beautiful in one complete package!  So many men turn twice to catch a second glimpse at her.  She is much taller than her, almost 5’10”, while Brandy struggles to make 5’5”.  They are almost the same size clothing but Tiffany has those nice long legs any girl would die for. 

 mind is really going today; having the last long weekend before starting work on Saturday nights at Arnold’s were being a waitress brings in extra cash.  That morning rush feeling anxious for the day to be over to enjoy her last free time for the weekend.  She finds a clean outfit to wear she piles her hair back in a loss pony tail letting the slight curls cascade around her face now hurrying to get a cup of coffee before heading out the door.  She hears a muffled sound of feet moving slowly across the carpeted floor of the living room.  Looking up from her steaming coffee cup is Tiffany looking like an angel as always.  Some people just have the natural beauty even in the morning.

“Hey, heading to work?” Tiffany

“Yup, just downing a coffee and toast, how was last night?”

“It’s was fun, we had a blast! “Always being her usual perky self.

You know Tif, if you drank too much last night, we don’t have to head out tonight, I’ll understand?!”
  Brandy is checking to see if recouping on the couch tonight was an option.

“Oh NO way are you getting off the hook that easily, you know we have plans and you’re coming out tonight!
  You have off tomorrow so don’t think for a minute I’m going to let you burn out at home when you still have life in you!” Tiffany didn’t shy away which is OK, we both need a night out.

“OK, OK, Tif I promise!!
  What time are you looking to head out?” putting her hands up backing off and not offending her “Well”, She says with a grin, “I heard about a new place that just opened and
is coming, so what time do you get home from work? “

“Hopefully by 5pm if my “Lud” doesn’t give me any problems, but I will need to get something to eat before even thinking about hitting any new bar” telling her affectionately.

She smiles warmly, “No problem, Brandy, I'll  have dinner covered, I’m ordering in Chinese, your favorite, before heading out by say 9ish, this will give you time to eat and freshen up.”

“OK, I’m off to work, what was the name of new place we are going to tonight?
  And did you tell our backups Mikey and Pete that we are going out?”

“Off course I told Mikey and Pete they are joining us for dinner.
  The place is called Denny’s Den, I’ve heard great reports about it and the owner who I was told is absolutely adorable!...Dibs!” She says with such girlish playfulness.

“OK, catch you later.” heading out the door.

The air is crisp and cool since it is only coming into spring.  The weather looks promising the next few days according to the weather channel.  It seems like we are going to have an early summer.

She takes a deep cleansing breath relaxing the tension before dealing with the traffic that awaits the commute to work.
 Still hearing the birds chirp while heading to the parking lot looking up once again to see her first robin still none in sight.  Today feels like a good day and hopefully it stays that way.  Popping into her “Lud” and starting the engine, she’s got over 120,000 miles on her but to Brandy, she still purrs like a kitten… love this old car!  Heading to the thruway to start her 5hr shift at work thinking how tonight will go.

First off glad that Tiffany called our favorite gay friends to join us.
  They are the best couple we have ever known and they live in our apartment complex with Tiffany and me.  So Mike who likes to be called Mikey, he is definitely my famine side and Pete are the coolest guys we ever hung out with.  Feeling like we live in NYC and live the high life of “Sex in the City” when they join us.  They are so into each other but they are so down to earth with hanging with us!  We have actually gone out with them to some gay clubs they have downtown with us having a blast just people watching.  That's our thing when we go out, stay safe, have a couple of cocktails, dance and get home safe!

OK, Brandy enough reminiscing, getting her mind back into work mode.
  Her boss is very punctual and really gives you hell if you are late. Not being a person who likes to be late either which is embarrassing if you’re reprimanded in front of others.  It's just so degrading.  Making it to work with about 10 minutes to spare, perfect timing to grab a quick danish with another cup of coffee at the local coffee shop next to the bank. 

Digging out change for the vendor she accidentally drops a few quarters on the ground; cursing under her breath for her clumsiness she bends to retrieve them.
  A man behind her grunts because she is holding up the line as she tries not to get unnerved by his distaste of the situation.  She feels this sudden warmth as her hand starts to shake while picking up a quarter.  Not looking up to see because the embarrassment is already starting to make her uncomfortable.

She reaches for a quarter she dropped as another hand does the same, they touch by chance causing her body to freeze in place from the electrifying sensation that races up her arm.
  Turning her head slightly to gaze into the most beautiful blue eyes she has ever seen on this earth.  They belong to a man who is dreamy with a heavenly scent which is a mix of a light spicy cologne and musky.  She closes her eyes for a second trying to figure out if this is real or is she dreaming.

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