Man of Mystery (9 page)

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Authors: L.B. Wilde

BOOK: Man of Mystery
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So, Denny has
a lot of business to take care of this week and she is planning on meeting up with him again this Friday.  She is glad her weekend went well telling her about her excursion.  Not telling her all the details but hint that something special happened on the yacht.  She is ecstatically pleased that she came out of her shell and is jumping up and down clamping like a cute school girl!  Telling her she is being silly, but she says she is just so excited she can't control herself. She heads to the shower while she prepares for school.  Having to work the late shift at the bank today trying to make sure she has lunch along with her books packed.

They start their hustle and bustle of the day and we promise to catch up on everything tonight.  On her way to class while driving she gets a text but being a conscious driver she ignores it until the car is parked. 
Brandy locks up the car taking a look at her phone.  It's from Nathan simple but sweet

“I miss u already and I dreamt of u last night, hope to see u soon! :)”

She quickly texts back so she won’t be late for class even though her heart is warmed at this message.

“Dido so when is our next date? “

As she walks towards the building she sees her first robin and then two more!  Feeling like spring has really come to life and so has her love life per say.  The weather is a little chilly but the incoming weather alerts to her phone tell her to expect a fast and early summer type temperatures.  That is just awesome!

Her phone chirps again from Nathan, reading his reply.

“Busy week here but I am planning on going to Denny's Den on Friday.  Will you meet me there?”

Slightly bummed but understanding she tm back.

“I guess I'll have to wait, but I am busy too, keep in touch OK?”

“Most definitely, call if you want to talk or feel free to tm me any time of day or night, until our next date then? “

His tm back as she is now floating into the classroom staring at her phone.

“You got it Babe, go
t to go, I'm in class now ttfn.”

His tm's her back with a kiss, which is so sweet she melts.  Ok, needing to concentrate since they are doing finals which she needs to ace.  Being prepared so she thinks all should go well.

After class heading to lunch seeing several girls and guys she knows from the campus.  She needs to grab a quick lunch since she has to go to work.  One girl, she remembers her name being Ashley, not that they are friends but they speak occasionally.

“So Brandy, we saw you the other night with Tiffany at the new place.  You seem to have caught the attention of the gorgeous man everyone is talking about.  Do you know him?”

“Well, I kind of just met him that night also.” trying not to give anything away to see were this is leading.

“So you know his name? How cool!  Do you think he will be there again this Friday?  He is so hot and I would love to meet him myself!” She fans herself exaggerating the hot statement. “I'm sorry, did you have a thing for him, I don't mean to intrude.” she pipes back in to verify or pry more information.

“Well, his name is Nathan and we have talked since.” still not trying to give much away or confirm he will be there Friday. She is not a person who can handle girls blatantly flaunting themselves over someone she
she is now dating.  “I'm sorry Ashley, I really have to go.  I have to get to work.  Good luck with your finals.” trying to hide her anxiety over her inquisition.  

OK that was awkward, but she realizes that now how many girls kept staring at him.  What amazes her most is that he picked her to talk to?  He could have walked up to any of the gorgeous babes in the bar and he chose Brandy. 
She shakes her head and try to concentrate on something else like getting her butt to work.  Even though she is dumbfounded by why he chose her to go out with, holding her heart in check, hoping she is not just a one night stand even though it was an awesome experience. 

It's not a crazy day for once and Mr.  Bradshaw comes around to check on everyone.  He seems to be in great spirits today for some reason but hey you take it for a plus.  When he is in a good mood everyone is in a good mood.  Getting caught up on paper work since the teller line is slow, concentrating on her computer screen, she hears an “Excuse me” at her window.  Startled but compose herself

“I'm sorry, I didn't realize someone was waiting in line, may I help you?” she asks.

“No, I wasn't waiting in line, I was directed to you.  Are you Ms. Whine?”

“Yes I am
; how may I help you?”

“These are for you.” and he puts a large crystal vase of a dozen pink roses mixed with baby's breath and ferns neatly arranged in front of her, “Can you please sign for this?” He implores with a smile.  Obviously he loves surprising people because she certainly is and his smile broadens.

“Of course” signing his pad saying that she received the flowers and every person in the bank is staring at her.  They want to know who sent them; this is what it’s like working with a lot of women.  After the delivery boy retreats she first smells the fresh cut roses which smell divine before pulling the card out.  It reads “I miss you already, keep these with you to remember me while I'm not with you. Kisses Nathan”

Her heart skips a beat, he sent her flowers, she has never received flowers before and they are perfect!  Her smile radiates to all the girls she is working with and she hears a slight chuckle from someone saying “lucky dog”.

Mr. Bradshaw sees the flowers and nods with a smile.  What is he thinking and that was weird, but she lets it pass.  He has probably seen plenty of this as a VP in the bank.

She grabs
her phone out of her purse to tm Nathan.

“Oh Nathan this is the most special thing I have ever received.  I have never gotten flowers before and you're such a sweet man.  If you were here right now I would give you the most affectionate kiss ever.  Thank you for making my day! Hugs and kisses!”

He replies back “I'm so happy that you are happy, until I see again this is just a reminder of what is to come, hugs and kisses back!”

Wow, how did she ever land such a wonderful guy obviously have competition from other girls who have eyes on him.  This is all so weird and new to her.  She can't wait to get home and talk to Tiffany.  She
will know what she needs to do; excited and nervous all at once, so she quickly tm her.  “OMG Nathan just sent me roses at work and girls at school are asking about him.  I need you BFF!”

Her tm back “Don't worry BFF I have your back; that is ‘sooo’ awesome! I'll see you at home around 6 and I aced my finals! Girls night at home to talk OK?”

“Awesome news for u, Tif what would I do without you! See you soon! You're the best!”

Thanking God that she has Tiffany to talk to.  She doesn't think she could handle this without her.

We finally close up, counting down her drawer ready to head out when Mr. Bradshaw steps up to her and asks if he can have a word with her in his office.  Holy cow, what did she do?  She has been on time; her drawer is always on, was it the flowers?  She tries to calm herself walking to his office taking several deep breaths.  Brandy knocks on the door softly hoping that he has changed his mind and headed home.

“Come in please” Mr. Bradshaw says calmly.

“Sir, you wanted to see me?” she politely ask

“Yes I do, come in have a seat Ms. Whine.” He says with good humor.  She’s perplexed but not reassured.

“Well, Ms. Whine I want to put you at ease.  You have been an excellent employee and you have always done exceptional work” pausing and looking at her intently, she swallows hard not knowing what he is going to say next. “I want to be the first to tell you that there is a great opportunity opening up that I personally feel you're very qualified for.  It is a full time position and I feel you can handle it while still continuing your studies.  This opportunity is coming up in my personal opinion at a time that gives you enough time to learn the position before you start your new classes in the fall.  May I ask you how you would feel to become a full time employee before I continue?” Taking in what he is telling her, this is job career that has come true!  She gathers her thoughts for a moment so she doesn’t jump up and kiss the man.

“Sir, I appreciate that you are taking this time to talk to me and yes I am very interested in a full time position here at the bank.” she says trying not to sound desperate but professional in this situation.  This day just keeps getting better and better. “Please continue.” she implores.

“Well Pam has posted for a different position at the main office to further her career and it seems she will most likely get the job.  Here position will be opening up here.  I wanted to inform you about it before it is posted throughout the bank or on the internet.  I always feel that if we have someone such as yourself who is very qualified for a job opening they should be the one who should get the position.  Now I can't guarantee you will get it but I want you to get yourself prepared by updating your resume and applying for it when it posts which will be by the end of this week. Is that something you will be interested in?”

“Yes” saying a little too high pitched clearing her throat. “I'll touch up my resume this week and apply for the position as soon as it is available.”

“Good” Mr. Bradshaw smiles “The details of the position will be in the listing.  It will explain the hours, benefits starting pay and such.  Good luck Brandy, I'll make sure I put in a good word for you.” as he extends his hand showing our conversation is now over.

“Thank you Mr. Bradshaw that is very kind of you” Shaking his hand politely saying good bye and restrain herself from doing a touchdown dance when she leaves his office!  She can't wait to tell Tiffany, Mikey and Pete.  Quickly
, she tm Tiffany to tell her she has awesome news, see if Mikey and Pete want to come by for dinner and she’ll whip something up when she gets home.  Her tm back, “Really you’re going to keep me in suspense till you get home! :( I'll call them now see you soon!”

In all this excitement she almost forgot her roses; they are definitely coming home with her too!  The drive isn't too bad and she has three smiling faces when she comes in the door.  Mikey is the first to speak, “Oh it's the roses; I can only imagine who bought those for you, that is so sweet!  Hey Pete when was the last time you bought me flowers?” He pouts.  Pete just laughs, “Only when you deserve them if I do it all the time you wouldn't appreciate flowers anymore!”

We all start giggling she says, “Yes the roses are from Nathan but that isn't all my news I have for you.”  Pausing and soak up the anticipated looks they are giving her, “Well Mr. Bradshaw pulled me into his office today.  He wants me to apply for a full time position that is opening up as of this Friday!  He gave me a heads up so I can update my resume and he is putting in a good word for me!”

Mikey starts applauding jumping up and down, Tiffany runs over and gives her a huge hug and Pete saunters over to kiss her on the cheek “That's our girl, I know you deserve it and I'm confident you'll get it” he says warmly.

After putting her flowers on the counter in a perfect place, she starts rummaging through the frig to start on dinner. Chicken Marsella over rice looks good tonight and her three friends agree.  We start to talk about the job position filling them in with what she knows of Pam's job.  They all are so enthusiastic for her of course Mikey states you need a new wardrobe when you get the job.  She is like if, please don't jump the gun. Pete reminds her that she still works at Arnold's and wondering if she will keep working there if she gets full time?  Politely he tells her that all work and no play will make her a workaholic way too young to do that.  He's right, if she does get full time, she will have to quit working at Arnolds.  She will miss everyone doesn’t want to overdo herself.  While the food is cooking her cell rings, looking down she sees it’s Nathan.  Brandy Answers with a chirpy hello excitement in her voice.

“Well, it sounds like you have had a good day was it the flowers?” Nathan asks.

“Yes, your flowers brought me good luck!” she exclaim “They are home with me now so I can smell them every evening before I go to bed and mornings when I wake up.  This whole week they will remind me of you.” sighing and wishing he was here.

“Hmm, well I need to figure out what I can get from you that will remind me of the same happy thoughts when you’re not with me.” he chuckles, “So what kind of good luck did the flowers bring you?”

By this time my friends notice that her talking to Nathan and they all say in chorus “Hello Nathan” we all start chuckling and Nathan replies “Tell everyone hello back!”

Politely telling them he says “Hi” and shoo them away so she can cook and talk to Nathan in some kind of privacy.  They smile and go hang out on the couch and make small talk so she can finish.

“Well, you know I'm going to have to think of something for you to remember me by the next time I see you. Now the good luck is that Mr. Bradshaw has told me about a position that is opening at the bank that he thinks I'll be perfect for.  Its full time and this is the opportunity I have been waiting for!” excited again at telling Nathan, she just doesn't want to end up disappointed but living for the moment.

“That’s great news Brandy!  I’m sure you’ll be perfect for the job and I have confidence you will get it!” He sounds excited for her too, “So when will you find out?”

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