Man of Mystery (5 page)

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Authors: L.B. Wilde

BOOK: Man of Mystery
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When the subject comes up about what she does for fun, having to think about it because normally those opportunities to just have fun just don’t happen that often.
  The thought comes to her about when Tiffany’s brother Alex has free time to take us out on the river in his 25’ boat.  We really love seeing life from the river, it’s so different trying to recognize places and dock up to different spots to get a snack or drink.  Telling him how much we really enjoy that.  His eyes
Oh those beautiful eyes
light up. 

He gives her an adorable boyish smile asking “Can we head back to the car?”

” trying to gauge his intentions.

We head back to the coffee shop when she asks if they should take her car or his, he asks where she is parked.
  She points to her “lud” with a proud smile.

“Really Brandy, you drive that!
  Are you sure it’s safe?” He is shocked slightly offending her baby.

“She’s my baby and she purrs to me every morning when I start her up.
  She may be old but she is solid!” Frumping back at him acting offend with a scowl. 

He busts out laughing with hands up palms facing forward.
  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to offend your baby, but she looks like she has had better days, OK?”

“Apology accepted by myself and “lud” smiling back at him.

He just starts laughing,” You actually named the car lud, now that is a funny name!”  We both start laughing, never really thought of it being a strange name, but he’s right it is.

We finally collect ourselves and he suggests his car since it won’t be offended at him for laughing at it.

Giggling with slight tears “OK but where are we going? “

“To the marina, I have been there only once and I’m hoping you know it better so you can give me a better tour.  Is that alright with you?”  He is actually glowing with anticipation, he seems so excited and so am I
in more ways than one!

“Sure, lead the way to your car, if you don’t mind.“ sweetly with a girlish grin.
  This is so much fun; being so relaxed around any man, it feels absolutely wonderful!  He just seems to put her at ease, he’s gorgeous, smart and really, really adorable.  What amazes her is that he is with her and not some super model.  OK, for now live for the moment!

We walk around the block and stop.
  She can’t believe her eyes which are now staring at a sporty Jaguar, which having no idea on the model since never in her dreams could she buy a car like this but knowing Jags are expensive, her mouth drops open.  “You drive this?!  Is business that good for you?” blurting out. 

“Well, yes but it’s a rental for when I’m in town.
  She is pretty though.” He grins looking to see her reaction.  Shaking her head thinking OK it’s a rental; not needing to know the details yet, but it looks really fun to drive!

“OK, I promise not to scratch it” giggling with anticipation “I don’t think whoever you rented it from would appreciate that.
  It’s really cool as long as you didn’t rent it to impress me!” she smirks at him.

He laughs “That’s what I like about you Brandy, you are down to earth!
  You don’t expect anything and no it’s not rented to impress you.  I rented it because I can and it’s a fun car to drive. Come on lets have some fun!”  The smile on his face is like nothing I have ever experienced.  It is so playful and childish like he is really enjoying this for the first time. She is feeling the same way relishing in the excitement of the moment.

Popping into the car glancing at this fun loving gorgeous man, buckling up my seat belt “Safety first!” taking in his smile of enthusiasm.
  “Let’s take a ride!”

“OK, you asked for it!
  I’m taking the long way” he teases as we head towards the thruway.  He throws caution to wind accelerating when he can to pass everyone. 
Thank you for no cops today!
  We actually take the roundabout way by going around the city heading back towards the Marina.  That was so exciting her heart is racing.  She must be smiling from ear to ear as he is too.  We laugh out loud when we both look at each other with the same childish expression.

Finally we pull into the Marina, grinning at how foolishly fun that was and take in deep a breath.
  Her stomach is rumbling
how embarrassing
and he starts laughing again.

“Well, my fine lady, you sound like you are hungry?” he chuckles

“Well, sir you have had me going all morning it is now (glancing at my phone for the time) 1pm, do you think it’s past our mid day meal?” jokingly expressing my needs.

“You are right my fine lady, may I offer my apology from keeping you from that, shall we partake on getting you a bite to eat?” He says with a funny smile and bows with hand outstretched.

Laughing so hard, her eyes start to tear and Nathan joins in, that was so playful acting like proper people after such an adrenaline rush. Finally we are catching our breath suggesting the local vendor with hot dogs as a simple solution.  He smiles agreeing as we head towards the stand.  Not wanting to waste this day on a sit down lunch and obviously neither does he.

We grab our Texas Long Hot dogs with all the fixings, accompanied with a cool glass of iced tea.
  Walking out onto the pier they observe the boats in the harbor. There are so many out at this time of year but it is an early spring and people in this area really take in every moment they can. 

Nathan starts to tell her about all the different types of boats that he sees on the water just absorbing every word, her eyes keep wondering over him.
  He is the picture perfect male, muscular body but not too intense, dark silky hair with penetrating sky blue eyes.  His nose is perfect to match his straight jaw line. Her eyes linger on his hands for a second and see they look soft, not overworked like her dad who has rough callused hands from years of hard labor.  They are more delicate but strong just the same.  Why are you here, she is nothing compared to you?  Mesmerized by how he knows so much not completely listening just absorbing as he turns to look into her eyes.

Realizing she is staring him, blushing she turns her head down, her thoughts have completely wondered.
  He looks at her quizzically, “Did I bore you, I’m sorry!”

“No, you haven’t bored me since the first day I saw you, I’m sorry, my mind wondered a little.
  I do need to know one thing, why are you here with me?”  Did she really say that out loud, nothing like speaking her mind.  Hoping not to offend him but obviously her subconscious took over her mouth.

“Brandy, from the first day I saw you, I realized you are different meaning that in a good way.
  Once I recognized you seeing you at Denny’s place I felt compelled to actually meet you. At the bank your hair was up, that night at Denny’s you let your hair down.” he smirks, “That made me feel like”, he looks up to the sky,  “alive for the first time.”  I like how you just want to enjoy life for what is given to you.  It may sound weird but you appreciate it.”

“ well thank you I guess, I like to think that of myself but I don’t think anyone else has put it to me that way!” Surprised but exhilarated at the same time.

Just then both our cell phones ring rolling her eyes, bad timing damn cell phones.  He grins at her; she swears he is thinking the same thing.  She grabs her phone out of her purse as he grabs his to answer it.

“Hi Tiffany what’s up?” turning to glance at Nathan as he answers his.

“Just checking to see if you are still coming out with us, we headed out to lunch already and we are by the mall, do you want to meet us here?

“Well, let me check, I am at the marina with Nathan right now.”
Not wanting this day to ever end
I’ll call you back shortly OK?”

“OK, Cool, I’ll be waiting impatiently to hear how your ‘
date went!” she giggles, “Talk to you soon!”

Tiffany hangs up and Nathan is still on his phone with his back to her. Respecting his privacy she looks out towards the incoming boats.
  When he completes his conversation, he turns but looks irritated.  Puzzled by his looks she scowl slightly.

“Is everything OK?”

He shakes his head “No, there are things I need to take care of that I’m not happy about.  I really hate to cut this day short since I am really enjoying my time with you but I need to get back and make some phone calls.  I’m really sorry.”

“That’s OK, I was supposed to hook up with Tiffany and Mikey anyways she just called.” Also feeling like she doesn’t want this day to.

He looks relieved but saddened at the same time.  We start heading back to the car when suddenly, he brightens up; with a handsome grin he says “What are you doing tomorrow?”

”Well, I was planning on finishing my essay by tonight for my final paper on Monday, but I’m sure I can finish it tonight since it’s mostly done.” Being the practical one as Tiffany always says, always getting her work done.

“Great, can I steal you away for a couple of hours?  I have a really nice idea, what time are you free on Sunday?” He has that same boyish face wanting to show me something new.  It is absolutely adorable totally irresistible.

“How about 11am, does that work for you?” she asks

“Perfect, may I pick you up? I don’t want to upset lud.” We both laugh giving him her address.  He is so sweet but tells her he already put her cell number into his phone when she called him this morning so she won’t be shocked if he calls her.

He drops her off back at her car, but she notices a slight frown of concern, “You seem upset, is there something you want to talk about?”

He smiles but he shakes his head” No just things I need to take care of, just business, OK?  Hey by the way be prepared to go out on a boat tomorrow, it’s still a surprise but I don’t want to leave you unprepared! “Looking into his eyes melting away,
she is prepared for anything with you

He gently raises his hand stroking her cheek; “Brandy, I can’t believe you are real, I need that and want this so much” He pulls her into him kissing her lips oh so gently but passionately.
  His lips are so soft; her body instinctively reacts to his warm touch putting her hand into his hair embracing the moment of that long awaited first kiss.  Our tongues search each other’s mouth he tastes is divine. We both pull away breathlessly, as she gazes into his eyes; feeling a longing that she has never felt before right down to her inner soul. “Until tomorrow?” he whispers.

“Yes” trying to catch her breath, “I look forward to that, stay safe.”
  Instinctive reaction, but he smiles warmly at the nice suggestion.

“For you, I will be” the smile now reaching his eyes; again mesmerized by his beautiful smile.
  Stepping out of his fancy car her body glides into her car.  She doesn’t think her shoes have touched the pavement or so she thinks.

Her lud is comfy in a familiar sense of the word but her head is spinning as her fingers run around the steering wheel telling her she just needs to release some unknown pressure before she starts her up.
  She calls Tiffany to find out where to meet her and Mikey before she heads out.

Meeting up with Tiffany and Mikey telling them of her wonderful date, they are so excited for her.
  They can't believe how she has come out of her shell actually “dating” someone so sexy.  They make her laugh at herself, telling them that we are going out on a boat tomorrow. He told her it's kind of a surprise but he wanted her to be prepared.  Tiffany and Mikey take over; they are the pros when it comes to being prepared on boating excursions more than her.  Also they are better at dating issues more than she is too!

First Tiffany takes Brandy to the local spa, insists it's on her. We get pedicures, manicures and waxing done. Ouch on the waxing, never knowing it hurt so bad, hopefully not too swollen and red in the morning! Mikey got the pedicure and manicure, while he has been planning our shopping.
  It is spring; the perfect time to buy a new bathing suit along with some spring outfits.  We hit so many stores but they find the perfect outfit to wear tomorrow along with a new bathing suit. Spending some of her money in the hopes she can make it up; not liking Tiffany to keep paying for things because she is already so generous.  Brandy really owes her big time and someday she'll do something just as special for her, she deserves it for all she has done.

Tiffany has a dinner date with Denny tonight which Brandy is equally excited for her.
  She is telling her about their plans and that they will be heading back to his new bar tonight.  She wants her to come along but insisting that she needs to finish her paper before Monday.  She understands, with a slight pout so Mikey says he and Pete will join her later at Denny's Den.  She is comforted with having her backups.

Trying to get into her paper but her mind keeps drifting to the day’s events.
  Needing to clear her head but wanting to contact Nathan, so she decides to text him.  Grabbing her cell, just doing a tm:

“I had a wonderful day and I really look forward to my surprise tomorrow.
  See you soon :-)” she puts the phone down trying not to stare at it for a reply but her eyes keep drifting back to it. 
OK, Brandy, concentrate on your paper, you need a great final grade.

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