Man of Mystery (36 page)

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Authors: L.B. Wilde

BOOK: Man of Mystery
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Please call me or tm me that you got this

Why haven’t you called me or tm me, you need to know what is going on and I’m so sorry

This isn’t the end, please believe me

You have to talk to me! I really need you to hear me out.

I’m desperate Brandy, please call me

Nathan cannot believe his father has put him in this position.  He never wanted or expected him to do such an outrageous thing.  He is dumbfounded as he pulls his escape expressing he needs to get out for some fresh air to clear his thoughts. He takes the Mercedes as he drives away making his decision of where he is heading next and it isn’t home to his family’s estate!

These are just the tms; she hasn’t even listened to the voice mails.  Starting to cry what can he say that will change what has happened?  Strangely the tms ended she hasn’t received any tms from him today.  She doesn’t want to listen to the voice mails since already having tears streaking down her face.  She doesn’t think she can handle anymore right now.

All that she can think of was why? Why didn’t he tell her about his family, why did he not tell her about this other girl, why did he lead her on?  The real question is why he told her he loved her and then leave her for someone else.  Why did he say she was his soul mate and promise her he would come home, our home just to never be here again?  Tears stream down again as she sobs.  Pouring another glass of wine which she knows she shouldn’t do but needing something to comfort her emotions drowning her sorrows.

There is a knock on her door; she figures it is probably Mikey coming to check on her trying to dry her eyes not wanting to show she has lost control of her emotions.  Walking to the door without even looking to see who it is she opens it.

There before her is Nathan.  She is beyond shocked stumbling back with her hand on her chest like her heart will burst out.  He looks as awful as she feels like he hasn’t slept either.  Her mouth drops open as her tears flow down her checks again trying to comprehend this new reality.  It can’t be!

He steps into the apartment tired and worn, he must have traveled for the past 24 hours just to get here.  His eyes are pleading even through his weariness as he looks at her.

“I promised I would be back, please forgive me Brandy, I love you and only you.” He exclaims looking at her straight into her blurry eyes feeling more than seeing his sincerity through her broken heart.

She tears up “But I thought you left me, for someone else, this isn’t right, how can this be?” trying to understand what is happening feeling completely overwhelmed.

“No Brandy, I left to come back to you. You are what I want forever, not what they want.  Please forgive me for putting you through this, but I am here now and forever!” he takes her hand in his pleadingly looking at her hoping she will accept.

She takes her hand away from him staring into his eyes.  The sincerity of his words sinks deep into her soul.  Without another thought she runs into his arms, holding him as close as she can, sobbing into his shoulder as he cries into hers.  He is here!  He kept his promise, this is her man, her love, her soul there is no words that can ever express or ever be said.  Her Nathan has come home.



















Prologue to Mystery Revealed


Sylvia couldn’t believe what she was hearing.  Nathan left her for
a peasant?!  What has happened to his manners?  Damn she knew he was wound tight when he returned but seriously he needed a good slap on the head.  Not that she would do it, it wouldn’t look good in the public’s eye but obviously he has lost his family sense.

Money makes the world go around not stupid little people who mean nothing.  Well she obviously didn’t expect this from him but she will make him see he was wrong.  She didn’t love the man since love is nothing but a spoken word to appease people, but she wanted his influential family to make her life complete.  He was just a pawn to what she had planned for her future but he was the key element in those plans.

Well she will fix this like she always has in the past.  Her beauty and power go a long way when it comes to things of this nature and she knows just how to deal with it.  First off she will need to make sure her stupid father doesn’t screw up which is simple for her to do.  She has manipulated him all these years a tear or two and he will be eating out of her palm.

The next steps will take more planning but hell she is good at this game.  She will have Nathan eating out of her palm begging for forgiveness before he knows it.

Oh yes, this will work as she smirks to herself she is the best at this game.  She decides to get the ball rolling in the right direction as she heads to the study to visit her father.  Pinching her cheeks slightly to redden them and pinching herself to cause fake tears.  She strolls into the study with tissue in hand.

“Oh father, I heard Nathan has left!” acting out her surprise with a sniffle.

Her compassionate father drops everything and rushes to her side.  Anger is in his eyes seeing his daughter being emotionally hurt.  He hugs her close as she whimpers into his shoulder.

“My dear I will not let these people hurt you, I am so sorry!  How dare they do something so disrespectful to our friendship and business relationship for so many years!  I am getting Brent on the phone right now and dealing with him personally about how inappropriate it is to embarrass our family this way.  His name will be raked through the coals before I am done with him for hurting my beautiful daughter.  You never deserved such embarrassment.  They will rue the day they did such devastation to our family values!” He expresses with such hostility making Sylvia gleam inside even more.  She has the upper hand.

“Oh father,” Sylvia stifles a sniffle “I don’t want you to ruin a friendship over me.  I’m a grown women, I can handle this.  Nathan was just under a lot of pressure and he got scared.  He will come around.  Don’t make it bad daddy, I can fix this.  I know he truly loves me but is just confused over his uncle’s death.” Sylvia gives her dad a starry eyed performance which is simple to melt his heart to comply with his only daughter.

She gives him fake smile, “Let me talk to Mr. and Mrs. Porche.  I am sure they are still upset themselves about Nathan leaving.  It’s ok, let me fix.  I think it will work out fine and I don’t want to see you get upset.”

“Are you sure dear? You look so upset?” trying to be the strong father for his most adoring daughter.

“Oh father you are th
e best but it is time for me to take care of you.  I’ll be ok, you’ll see.” She plays him on.

“OK, sweetie, anything for you.  If your mother was her she would never have let this happen!” he states firmly.  It’s his usual statement which Sylvia politely endures.

“Well dad that’s why I am here, even though we both miss mom dearly you both have made me the strong person I am today.  Go, get some rest, I will talk to the Porches tomorrow.” She hugs him stiffly and directs him towards his room.

Sylvia knows her father is so easy to manipulate but now the game plan starts.


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