Man of Mystery (29 page)

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Authors: L.B. Wilde

BOOK: Man of Mystery
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Dinner becomes an event as Candy comes with her whole family to join us.  Brandy finally gets Nathan back just before dinner sure her dad quizzed him as well as gave him a tour.  He looks very happy so she knows things went well.  We have a good old fashion dinner with country fried chicken; Nathan gets to meet her sister’s husband Tim along with Tim Jr. aka TJ along with his little sisters Tracey and Tina.  We decide to take a walk after dinner to walk off all the heavy food as we stroll into town.  It’s small so we only have about 2 bars being a Monday night its quite which was somewhat different compared to our normal environment back home.  We stopped into one of the bars seeing some familiar faces from school.  They were not really friends just people she recognizes. She doesn’t acknowledge them too much but they did see her with Nathan as heads turned.  Not really comfortable with the stares at first but then she lifts her head up high thinking yes
I am proud of who I am!
Her life has changed from this small town abuse.  Stare if you must but she has made something of herself and a gorgeous man by her side.

We head to a table still not drinking so we both just order cokes.  After he excuses himself to go to the restroom, she gets a visit from the Prima Dona she likes to call her from high school.  She always thought she was going somewhere since she was the prom queen.  Now she is an overweight, make up caked on, want to be shocked she recognizes her.  “So Brandy” she slurs at her obviously she drinks way too much “I see you found yourself someone who doesn’t know your upbringing.” Daisy tries to intimate her even now.  Looking at her with distaste “Obviously, you haven’t made anything of yourself or you wouldn’t be a drunk at a local bar.  Really, I thought you had better expectations of yourself?” proclaiming back with venom.

She glares at her standing tall waiting for the onslaught from the other locals when Amy steps in to pull her away with Dave in tow.  Dave takes Daisy away as she staggers off grabbing his butt which he doesn’t look all that pleased about.  Amy who she does remember as being the one to always stop Daisy on her abuse to Brandy saying “Sorry you had to deal with that. You didn’t deserve that comment.” she politely turns to walk away.
Thinking to myself she was always the one who came in to pull Daisy off her I soften seeing her
“Neither do you Amy, why do you put up with this abuse, may I ask.” She turns with a smile, “That’s always what I have done; good for you to get out and see there is another life outside of ours.  You have a very handsome man and you deserve it.  Enjoy your life Brandy good luck!” she expresses so warmly seeing what has left behind s a good thing.  So simple but yes so true.

Nathan returns sees that she has a strange expression on her face.  “Is everything Ok?” He asks, nodding back, “Better than OK, let’s head back, nothing has changed around here and I don’t want to be around certain people anymore.” she glares in the direction of Daisy.  She is busy groping Dave who is tolerating it for now by his obvious expression.  Puzzled but willing to take her word for it we exit.  Once outside he asks her if that was some of the people who used to tease her when she was younger.  Telling him yes just let it be the past because some people will never change, he politely drops the subject.

Explaining when we get back to the house that we will have to sleep in different rooms for the night since her parents are a little strict on that being together under their roof.  He laughs saying his parents would be the same way.  He is offered her sister’s old bedroom as her mom has freshened the linens for him.  It’s getting late as we are both tired.  It was really nice of him to bring her home to see the family thinking her dad really likes him.  He asks him to go outside on the porch for a beer while she cleans up.  She’ll have to ask him about that tomorrow. 


They go home after breakfast with some small tears from her parent’s mom gives Nathan a warm hug telling him to take good care of her.  Her dad shakes his hand telling us both come back soon to visit again.  So she knows he is now welcomed into her family.  She can’t wait to hear what dad had to say to him.

Once we get on the thruway, she looks at him with a look of so, what did he say.  Glancing at her he turns back to driving with a grin.  “Are you trying to find out what your father and I talked about?”

“Well of course silly, you had most of the afternoon and part of the evening to talk to him!”

“We talked about a lot of things, especially when he was showing me around the vineyard.  I asked him if he ever thought of expanding his business outside of your little town.  He has but has no idea about how to go about it and since I know about investing into small business I told him how to get himself started.  He was thrilled at the idea giving him some people to contact to get any legal things he needs to sell out of state or just even start smaller keeping it in state.  He has things to look into so when he is really ready I can help him with his expansion. “He smiles smugly.   She glares at him pouting her lips knowing that was all he talks to dad about.

“Really, that is really nice of you but that was all he talked about?” knowing dad, he would want to know how his daughter is doing.  Wanting to know this man’s intentions are with her.  

“Oh yea, we did talk about you a little bit.” He is now teasing her as he looks sideways. Open her eyes wide with bring it on tell her, “He was very happy that you had me to look after you after the accident.  He was not pressing too much on what our relationship was just how long we have known each other;  those sort of questions.”

“Well, it’s nice to hear he is concerned about me.  Also, he is right I am glad you have been here for me; I don’t know what I would have done.  Thank you again Nathan.” wishing she had the guts to tell him how much she loves him but would rather do that when he isn’t driving. 

Trying to change the subject somewhat asking him about his family since now he has really seen hers completely.  “So how is your family doing back home?” wondering since she hasn’t ever met them feeling compelled to give him a chance to open up.

He grimaces seeming unwilling to talk about it right now.   Looking at him concerned now wondering what is going on that she should know about. Life seems to be coming back to normal but something in her gut is telling her that it is just beginning of something unknown.  He looks at her and sighs heavily. Just as he is about to speak his phone rings and he grabs it to answer.  It is Denny as she hears him exclaim his name then he starts to do the ok as obviously Denny is telling something regarding the business. Denny is doing all the talking.

When he finally hangs up he is excited because of the Atlantic City investment is going so well he and Denny have people interested in Las Vegas as well.  This is great news she is so excited for him.  We start talking about the possibilities and before you know it we are home. 
We are both tired from the long drive while still recuperating from her injuries deciding to take a hot shower to relax a little once we get home.  He goes into the study to do some work and make some calls.

Half asleep in front of the TV in the living room he comes in like a little boy with a new toy jumping on her to exclaim that he and Denny have booked with local agents to develop a night club in Vegas.  He is so excited she is so happy for him.  He is a man with a dream that is coming true for his career.  He starts to talk about how we are going to have a great time going to Vegas to set everything up when his phone rings again.  This time he slumps slightly when he sees who is calling getting up to talk on the phone as he goes to the outdoor patio to talk.  Understanding certain things are private respecting his space but sometimes she gets really curious as to what he is hiding from or who.

He comes in with his head held down and shoulder slumped, knowing something bad has happened to ruin his mood.  Cupping his chin in her hands when she stands up looking into his beautiful face seeing that his recent news is bad, “What’s wrong? “ she implores.

“My uncle has passed away, he had a heart attack and I have to go home.” He states blandly not happy about the situation. Obviously he is upset about one or the other or even both.

“I’m so sorry honey, were you close to your uncle?” She asks him with compassion trying to be supportive as she hugs him.  He leans into her embrace putting his head on her shoulder.

“I knew him but we weren’t really close, but it is the right thing to do so I have to go tomorrow. I need to book a flight home to be there for my mom, it was her brother.” He exclaims with a deep sigh.  Realizing the man she loves is leaving her tomorrow to go really far away shivering at the thought.  Without thinking about it she asks, “Do you want me to go with you to be there for support?’ hoping he would want it as much as she doesn’t want him to leave.

He looks at her with surprise and longing, “I would love more than anything else for you to be there with me, but I think it would not be the best time to meet my folks being a funeral situation.  I would rather you met them when it’s not a tragedy if you can understand that ok sweetie?” he looks lost but she needs to understand for his sake of the facts of why he is going home and not give him pressure about his family.  She already knows that they seem to always check up on him but he needs his space to explain his relationship just like she did the same with her family. Obviously her tragedy brought her folks to us which happens to be a very different situation.

She nods
with acknowledgement pulling him towards the bedroom to help him pack for his trip. Making small talk about good things like how he has a new adventure waiting for him when he comes back, Vegas will lie ahead making him smiles feeling that small relief.  He excuses himself to call Denny to fill him in to put the meeting on hold.  She only prays her gift shows up before he leaves tomorrow. She so much wants to tell him more she just can’t do it without knowing the right moment.  She is start thinking something is wrong with her that she just can’t say it outright wanting to savor the moment when she actually say the words.  She wants it to be a special moment.

How can this happen to him right now.  Just when he realized his true feelings for Brandy even though she hasn’t told him she loves him yet.  He wonders why
; but then again he knows he has been hiding things from her.  He just wants to make it on his own without his family always involved.  Now he has to go home and face the situation.  He was hoping to get more time with Brandy to finally see if she truly does love him as much as he loves her.  His thoughts are scrambled not wanting to go home and face his parents.

















That night we make love so sweetly and slowly as we enjoy our bodies being so connected.  It is so much like a soul mate on how we can be so hot and passionate but not the same this time, his body is her as her body is his.  It is such an overwhelming sensation she can never put into words taking a long look into his sky blue eyes wanting to hold them in her heart forever. Our heat builds as she envelops him inside her, she explodes around him with such passion she screams out his name.  He lies on top of her kissing her all over not wanting this night to end, slowly he rolls to the side but not disconnecting from her entirely which she relish snuggling up to his chest falling asleep still feeling his warmth inside her.  They are one right here, right now and forever

Brandy w
akes a few hours later feeling him growing back inside her which arouses her fully.  He had dozed off also but his body has become awake again with his arousal grown inside her.  She rolls him onto his back slowly start him up again wanting him more than anything to grow inside her more as he brings her to new sensations she has never felt before. He moans “Oh Brandy, how do you do this to me?” as he cups her butt to pull into him, she gasps again as he lunges into her with his hardness.  “You never left me baby!” She groans back as we have hot sex again as she pumps him hard with moans and cries as he excites her body.  He sucks her breasts which makes her want him fully harder and faster as she pumps him harder tightening around him. Arching her head back feeling his explosion in her she clasps him hard climaxing all around him.  He screams her name out as he feels her warmth complete him.

As she lays her body down upon him breathing heavily he holds her tight while his lasting throb releases itself inside her never wanting to let him go.  He finally rolls her off him kissing her with such lust and love she never wants this moment to end feeling he wants the same.

Looking into her big blue eyes “I want you forever Brandy, do you understand that?” thinking she does she smiles back “The feelings mutual, my soul mate.” replying with a smile.  He kisses her so sweetly as we cuddle back up spooning to get some much needed rest.

The next morning she wakes up earlier than Nathan making some coffee to start our day.  Knowing he booked a flight which he will be leaving on this afternoon.  The flights will make him lose a day from traveling as well as a whole day difference because of the time zones. They are a day ahead of use which seems weird in a way to understand but she tries to think that will mean he will be back sooner.  As she loads the dumbwaiter with their coffee there is a rap at the door.  Checking to see who it is as the UPS truck drives away.  Extremely excited because she knows what it is hoping he didn’t hear the door.  She wasn’t expecting him to be home today but
she is glad they didn’t ring the door bell.

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