Man of Mystery (32 page)

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Authors: L.B. Wilde

BOOK: Man of Mystery
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“When was this picture taken?” she asks Pete while he checks, “It was over a year ago so it’s not recent.”

She sighs with relief as she keeps reading. ‘Although nothing has been disclosed to the financial world yet, sources tell us he might be off the market soon.  If this merge completes within the next year or so they are bound to be together.’

She can’t read anymore.  This is news about Nathan before she even met him and if this happened over a year ago she can assume there past is just that.  It’s a past relationship
walking away from the computer, clicking on the TV to distract her thoughts.  Pete and Mikey can both see that she is not completely at ease with this new information shutting the computer down.  They decide it’s time to leave and let Tiffany talk to her alone obviously sensing Brandy is not in a mood to talk about this anymore.

Saying their goodbyes she does thank them both.  They didn’t do anything wrong but she is a little moody now knowing things maybe she shouldn’t have known yet without Nathan here to explain them.  She promises to make breakfast tomorrow before they have to head to work and she is still home. Not wanting them to feel bad for being the messengers so make plans to see them in the morning when everything has settled in.

Cuddling up to her BFF Tiffany she sighs as we sit on the couch.  Putting her head on Tif’s shoulder she smiles warmly at her.  “You need to relax, let it go for now, don’t forget the internet isn’t always the truth.  Plenty of rumors starts on the internet so don’t let it get to you ok?”

“Your right Tif, it would just be easier if Nathan was here to answer my questions.”

She nods and we just silently watch some TV before she grabs a snack and heads to bed afterward.  She was so concerned about the news just figuring out she hasn’t eaten anything since lunch.  She has a small bowl of cereal since she is really hungry trying to go to sleep afterwards.  She tosses and turns for several hours with the last time she looks at the clock it is 1 am.

Nathan received his tm from his girl and smiles knowing she is thinking of him.  It has been a whirlwind since he landed.   The limo driver was right there when he arrived and his brother was in the limo filling him in on the matters of business along with what he is expected to do for the next few days during the funeral.  His mum is busy with making all the other arrangements.  He is so exhausted with this travel he never gets a second to call Brandy, he just tm real quick to let her know he is safe.



Waking to her phone ringing, she
quickly answers it with a groggy ‘hello’.  “Hey sweetheart, did I wake you?” It’s Nathan she is trying to focus on his voice. It has only been a little over 24 hours since she has seen or talked to him but for some reason it feels like forever.

“Yea, but it’s ok, it’s really good to hear your voice.” she sighs “How is everything going back home.” 
trying to let him talk so she can wake up more.

“It’s been very busy since I have been home but I have been thinking about you every moment.  I finally had some private time to call you.  The wake continues today then the funeral will be tomorrow.  It’s been really hard on my mother.  That was her only brother and I am trying to be by her side as much as I can.”

“That’s really sweet of you; you should be there for your mom and the rest of your family.” she states as she bite her lip starting to think about last night.  “So, do you think you will be staying in Australia long after the funeral? I’m just thinking if your mom is really upset, you don’t want to leave right away.”  She is trying not to sound selfish wishing he says no not long.

“I’ll see how things go after the funeral.  Even though I’m home it isn’t the same anymore.  I have so much going on in the states and I miss you already.” He sighs

Her heart lurches at hearing that she knows she love him so much that no matter what they told her last night it doesn’t matter.

“I miss you too, but I understand, your family is important too. It’s really good to hear that you’re ok.  Is there anything I can do while you’re away?  Do you need me to take care of any phone calls or anything?”
thinking he might open up about anything at this point.

“No but thanks for asking, you just take care of yourself.  There is a lot of family here for the funeral and I have my hands full.  I will call you again after the funeral to give you an update as to when I’m flying home.”  He sighs “My bed here is cold without you.” He states.

“So is mine, I love you.” needing to say it now that she has finally told him with his words make her feel better.

“I love you so much Brandy, I’ll be back soon, I promise, I’m not sure I can handle not seeing you for so long.” His words warm her heart again knowing he means them.

“I’ll be here waiting for you.  Please call me anytime day or night if you need to talk.” trying not to sound desperate but she longs to hear his voice as much as she longs to have him near her right now.  She has questions but they can wait until he returns.  It’s not fair to judge him on things she just read on the internet without seeing him face to face to explain who his family really is.  He loves her and that is all that matters in her heart.

“You’re the best Brandy; you will be the first to know when I am heading back.” hearing him stifle a yawn wondering if he has had any decent sleep yet.

“You sound like you need some sleep, try to get some rest,   I don’t want you to get sick or anything.” cooing softly at him.

“You’re right; I haven’t slept much since I have been here so I should turn in now.  I love you see you at our home soon, I promise.”  She giggles because he is calling this home when in reality he is home. “I miss that the most, hearing you giggle and seeing that beautiful face.” He sighs, “Goodnight sweetheart.  If you need anything just call me ok?”  Promising him that she will and we hang up reluctantly to let go.  Glancing at the clock and it is 4am here thinking it is like a day ahead where he is and going on after 8pm.  I’m not 100% sure since he is half way across the world but she is wide awake now, cuddling her teddy bear wishing it was him.

Eventually doze off again but waking at 7 am to make breakfast.  She gets up feeling great since she talked to Nathan starting to make coffee for the boys.  Deciding it’s a day for her famous blueberry pancakes for breakfast.  By 7:30 she tm’s Pete telling him breakfast will be ready soon.  Giving her a smiley face back telling her he will be there in 10 minutes.  Just on time he is at her door rapping it softly just in case no one else is up yet.  Opening the door with a cup of hot coffee in her hand for him; his warm smile makes her feel even better about the day.

“So you seem really happy today and thanks for breakfast.  I really appreciate your food over a quick sandwich at some greasy fast food place!” he says with a smile as he drools over the smell coming from the kitchen.

“Anytime sweetie, it’s the least I can do for my best friends.” Smiling back as he sits at the counter, handing him a plate of pancakes.  He closes his eyes as he takes in the rich smell handing him some berry syrup.  He thanks her again as he pours it over them digging in.  Having made some for herself she joins him.  Between mouthfuls he asks about her good mood.  Telling him she spoke with Nathan this morning and he can’t wait to come ‘home’ emphasizing the fact that he means this home.

“That’s great to here!  So it sounds like he would rather be here with you than back in his true homeland.  I’m truly impressed.  So does that mean he is making this his permanent home?” he asks she suddenly realizes she never thought of that.

“He didn’t say but we didn’t talk to long.  He sounded exhausted but I will have to ask that question tactfully I guess.” frowning slightly trying to figure out how to broach that topic.

“Well, I’m sure you will have a lot of things to talk to him about once he comes ‘home’ and you have some time to think about it.  I’m really happy for you Brandy; he seems to be really good to you and not as extravagant as the internet news makes him out to be.  Sometimes you need to take what is written on the internet with a grain of salt if you know what I mean.  Just because it is on the internet doesn’t mean it’s all true.”  He points out.  Checking his watch he shakes his head.  Giving her a kiss on the cheek he takes his last mouthful of food and chews as slow as he can, trying to savor the taste.  “Sorry I have to go, I wish I can hang out here all day but I’ll have to leave that to Mikey and Tiffany.  I have to get to work.”

“No problem, which will be me next Monday and let’s do Chinese tonight.  It’s been a while since we did my favorite take out together ok?”

It’s a deal, my treat, see you around 6pm and be good.” and he heads out the door.

Sipping her coffee since Tiffany and Mikey are obviously not up yet.  It’s only 8:15 and she would love to call Nathan but he needs to get some rest.  Deciding she really needs to see what the time is there so she grabs the computer to check out the time scale to figure it out.  She wants to call him tonight at his time when she would think that the wake will be done and he has more time to talk after he has had some rest.  Ok, they are 17 hours ahead of use so she figures out the math, she was right it was like 8pm when he called.  So if she wants to call him at the same time tonight she would need to call him at 4am.  No biggy she is off until Monday so she will go to bed early and set her alarm. 

Deciding since she is still alone she might do some more research like who is this Sylvia Holton person.  Doing her Google search seeing that she has a lot more info than what she ever wanted to really know pops onto the screen.  It seems to Brandy that she doesn’t hide her fame like Nathans family does.  She seems to be at every big event all over the world and dressed to the hilt.  She is so glamorous in almost all of the pictures she almost feel sick like she is snooping into a famous movie star.  Sylvia is absolutely beautiful with such grace and style she can never compare herself to.  Her size is perfect being 5’8” with a figure anyone would die to have.  She has beautiful breast length blonde hair, full lips and emerald eyes.  She is so stunning; she can see why any man in their right mind would love to have her under their arm.  Only wearing the most expensive and exquisite outfits it is amazing.  She stops looking at her pictures because it just makes her feel homily compared to her deciding to just read some articles about her and her family in comparison to Nathans.

Of course her family is well to do, although they are only millionaires in comparison to Nathans family, having to laugh at that since she only knows so much.  She can’t ever imagine having that much money in her lifetime and then what she would ever do with it!  The father and brother are her only living family since her mother died many years ago.  There family business seems to be in the hotel industry and they own several large hotels mostly in Australia.  They have branched out but according to the records listed they are struggling because of poor management.  It sounds like dad hasn’t been able to get all his ducks in a row when he went into the rest of Europe in his developments.  There is talk about another larger company coming in to make the large chain work but it is only in the negotiation stage.  It doesn’t mention which company but that’s normal until deals are made when it comes to companies.

She stops reading for a little while still trying to understand why on earth Nathan is here when he has so much at home.  Seriously, if he is a billionaire or should she say his family is, why would he do his own business venture?  Maybe to them this is like a college adventure to see if he has what it takes to be successful.  She really has so many questions for him but since he isn’t here I can’t get the answers. 
She decides to write some down just in case she forgets as she pulls out a pen and paper hearing a sound behind her.

“Do I smell blueberry pancakes?” as Tiffany comes out of her room rubbing her eyes

“Yes you do and I’m ready to make you a batch, how many would you like?” watching her loving with her yawning face. 

“Oh, these are the kind of mornings I miss the most, do you really have to go back to work?  I could live with having breakfast ready every morning.” she stretches out her arms working out the night kinks.

“Do you think we should wake Mikey now so he can have some before he has to go to work?  Pete has already eaten and left.  Oh by the way we are doing Chinese tonight and Pete is treating.” she tells her.

She grabs her phone to tm Mikey telling him get his butt up for breakfast while she is getting a cup of coffee.  Making a batch for her to eat when tm Mikey saying he is up and will be over in 5 so she starts up a batch for him.

She does the same as she did for Pete answering the door with a hot cup of coffee to hand him. “Aaah, you are truly spoiling us boys since you are home.  I already got a tm from Pete telling me to get up about 20 min ago proclaiming you make the best coffee and pancakes in the world.  If I didn’t get up I would regret my day!’ he exclaims she giggles in return.  It is so nice to be appreciated from her favorite fans.

It is now almost 10am and Mikey has a short shift today from 12-5 so dinner will be a fun hanging out thing at 6pm.  She plans on trying not to think of the stuff she read on the internet but after Mikey leaves she can’t help herself by talk to Tiffany about it.  She never got a chance to write down any questions so talking to her might help her to ask the proper questions.

“Tif, when you were still sleeping I looked up some other stuff on the internet.  I checked out who this girl Sylvia Holton is and found some really interesting things on her.”  trying to sound casual.

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