Man of Mystery (34 page)

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Authors: L.B. Wilde

BOOK: Man of Mystery
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3pm comes and goes still no Nathan.  That is strange because he is almost always on time.  Thinking to herself, he got delayed trying to figure out what time it is in Australia.  Ok about 13 hours difference makes it 7am his time.  Maybe he slept in, she is sure he has been really busy so she kind of lets it go.  She checks her phone to see if he ever replied to the tm.  Nothing, so now she is wondering if he got it.  She decides to call him since now it is 3:30.  The phone rings and goes to voice mail so just leaves a message “Hey Babe, I sent you a tm earlier with my Skype address.  I wasn’t sure if you got it so call me when you can. Love you” Simple but to the point with the love you added on hoping he will contact her soon.

She doesn’t want to be anxious but she really needs to keep herself busy so she doesn’t get infatuated.  Deciding to make up the brownies we bought to keep her mind occupied.  Just when they are going into the oven her computer comes alive and it’s him.  Her whole body comes alive with excitement.

We hook up she finally sees his face after 4 days.  He looks tired but still so handsome. “Sorry sweetheart, I kind of slept in today, I must have slept right through the alarm.” He yawns but she is relieved to just see his face.

She is sure the last couple of nights have been exhausting, especially with the time change and all but it feels good to see his gorgeous face.

“Hi sweet heart, I’m just making dinner but I see you look exhausted.  I’m sorry” trying to understand his situation.

“No, I’ll be fine, how are you doing?” he asks stifling a yawn

“Well to be honest I miss you very much, this is kind of weird because I have gotten used to you being here.  I don’t know how to explain my emotions without you here.” She sighs not wanting to say all she knows yet.

“I know honey but this is only a temporary situation.  I miss you too very much.

Thinking now or never because she needs to know “Nathan I have something I need to ask you.”  Cringing inwardly but she can’t let her emotions take over her rational mind so answers are the only answers.

“Yea sweetie, I’m all ears.” He replies intuitively

“Well, I mentioned that we saw your uncle on the internet and then they went on about your family background.  I’m not sure how to say this but your family is huge and I don’t know where I fit in. It’s kind of awkward for me.  Obviously you come from a lot of money and I don’t know.” stumbling on this last sentence trying to find the words to express her true feelings.  “I don’t think I fit into your family’s type of life style.  I’m nobody and you are somebody.  I love you so much and I don’t know how I fit into your real life.”

“Oh sweetie, you fit in perfect, does my family’s wealth make you uncomfortable because they are wealthy?” sounding concerned looking at her intently on the video.

“No not really but I’m not sure if I can fit into your kind of society.  Why haven’t you ever told me about how wealthy your family is?” she replies curiously

“Does that really matter to you?” looking at her trying to read his emotions

“No it really doesn’t but it explains why you never want to have photos done at any of the functions.  I never fell in love with you for the money; I love you for who you are not for what your family is valued at.  I always thought that was how relationships should be.  I don’t want or need that kind of money and seriously I wouldn’t know what I would do with that kind of income.  I’m very happy the way I am, even though you may see it as a struggle to make ends meet it’s what I grew up with.”  She states matter of fact, “Is there a reason why you have hidden this from me, not that it really matters but I don’t like to be deceived.” trying so hard to understand his deception.

“Really, I felt that if you knew you might see me as the prize and concluded me as being the rich boy.   I thought you would have looked at me differently if you knew.  I wanted to know you without you thinking I was just a rich boy and you can ride the easy life.” He says blandly like he is used to people looking at him that way.

She is shocked at his words but understand what he is saying “I never need or want your family’s money, call it pride if you will but I always thought you saw me as a self sufficient person.  I like to earn everything I make.  My father always taught me that.  I want the respect of accomplishing it on my own; I never want to have things handed to me.” She frowns at his explanation wondering how he would think that of her.

“Oh Brandy, you are so very right in what you are saying.  I have always wanted that too, it’s like a sense of self fulfillment.  But I have a family who has plenty of money to spare and they just don’t see the world in our eyes.  It’s really difficult for them since they can have anything without ever wanting it.  You and I want to work for that dream not have it handed to them on a silver platter just because.” He expresses with such sincerity

“Your right I don’t want it if I didn’t earn it.” Sighing “But what of you, you can fail and still have success because of your family.  I can’t say the same.  What happens from here?  I am nobody compared to you.”

“No, you are somebody to me.  You have given me so much in the past few months that I have never known in my whole lifetime.  You really have opened my eyes to what reality is compared to what they have allowed me to see.  Don’t you ever think that our relationship hasn’t been more than just an eye opener into the real world!  You have become my world.” And even though we are only seeing each other through a Skype conversation she can see the truth in his eyes.

She starts to tear up, “So what happens now?”

“We go on, forget my back ground for now and we move forward as we have throughout this whole summer.  Let’s just be us like we have been ok?” with his pleading look

“I would like that so much.”
She states through tears.  “I miss you so much and I don’t want to be selfish but I really wish you were here right now so I can hug you.  I’m so sorry for letting this become an emotional conversation.”  As tears fall from her cheeks.

“Oh sweat heart I wish I was there to catch that tear and tell you everything will be ok.  I will be there soon, I promise and I don’t go back on my promises ok!” He exclaims.

“I know sweetie, you don’t, I’m sorry I must sound so selfish but obviously I have had you to myself for so long I’m not used to this space between us.  Please forgive me and I will try to be more understanding.  I love you and I’m not used to this new feeling you have brought upon me.  I’m truly so sorry to do this to you after such a bad situation you and your family have gone through.  I have no right to be so selfish.” feeling awful for putting more stress on him.

“Babe, I know this has been a trying time for our relationship and I am sorry too.  I should have told you about my family but I didn’t want you to be influenced because of them.  We will work this all out when I get home; our home.” He gives her a smile.

Adoring at his words, he really feels at home with her as she does with him.

“I miss you so much right now, when do you think you will be back?” wishing the answer was now.

“I want to leave as soon as I can.  I have a meeting with my father this afternoon and I want to be on a plane home soon after.  I can’t say for sure if it will work that way but I will let you know as soon as I do.” He implores.

“That sounds great.  I don’t want to be the one who puts pressure on you since you have enough pressure alone at home.  I’m glad we talked face to face in this new age internet way.”  trying to joke about it slightly.

“You’re right we should have talked about this sooner and not have to do this via Skype but it worked out ok.  Are you ok?”

“I’m fine; I just appreciate your honesty about everything.”

“So do I Brandy, I will try to explain more once I get home.”

Ok, she can live with that for now. “Well I have to finish making dinner, call or tm me when you would like to talk again.  By the way, your teddy bear has been getting a lot of hugs and bed time with me.” joking telling him to lighten up the subject.

“Well when I get home he gets to sleep in the chair!” he jokes back, “Goodbye babe, I love you and I will see you soon.”

“Ditto, and stay safe” and he signs off.  She stares at the now blank screen wishing she could touch him.  She is feeling some relief about him opening up about everything, letting out a deep breath.  She has some answers to some of her questions but more answers will be coming soon when she sees him again.

Brandy finishes making dinner when Tiffany comes home telling her about their conversation as she tells Brandy she did the right thing by talked to him about it.  Brandy needs to stop feeling she is not worthy of him and he should feel lucky for having her.  Tiffany is really convincing in her own way.

She makes her feel like gold which Brandy appreciates her confidence in her.  We eat our dinner but since she is not feeling up to going out even though it’s a Saturday night Tiffany decides to just hang out with her.  We watch our DVD together before going to bed.  Tiffany stays up a little longer planning on doing some work on the internet.  She has been checking out her classes as well and she needs to finalize her schedule for the upcoming fall classes.

Nathan knows somewhat of what she has found out about him.  He didn’t want to tell her about his family or as he considers his past this way.  She will not understand how much pressure they put on him to control his life.  Hoping he has the opportunity to tell her face to face about what they expect of him hoping she will understand.  He is not willing to let her go.


Waking up from a good night’s sleep feeling refreshed after talking to Nathan as she steps out into the kitchen.  Seeing Tiffany already up and brewing some coffee totally shocks her.  She has a worried look on her face that is puzzling.  She is normally so care free and this is strange that she is up before Brandy.

Thanking her for the coffee as she hands her a cup.  Tiffany looks at her with great concern.

“What is up Tif, cat got your tongue?  It doesn’t look like you slept last night” trying to lighten her up thinking something went wrong with Denny.

“You might say that.” She hesitates as she is biting her lip.  “I have news I need to tell you or rather show you and it’s not good.” She looks away as she says this.

Her heart sinks, did something happen to her brother? Did something happen to our friends?  So many possibilities are running through her head.

“OK, no you really have me in suspense, what can possibly be wrong?” she wonders

“Here, I’ll play this for you from last night’s news broadcast; it’s a news cast from Australia.” She states so she is completely baffled.  Did something happen to Nathan, oh my God, did he get hurt, did his plane crash; looking at her with pleading eyes.

“It’s not like someone got physically hurt,” she states reading her mind per say “but it is difficult to talk about.”

Without any more hesitation she turns the lap top toward Brandy to watch the news from Australia that happened last night while she was sleeping. She has it to start from where she needs to see it.

“Tonight we have some very exciting news to announce.  Our most eligible Bachelor Nathan Porche is engaged to the most prestigious women Sylvia Holton.  This announcement was made at tonight’s Children’s Hospital Benefit for which Mr. Porche’s family is a huge contributor too.  They flash a past picture which we have seen already on the internet on the screen of Nathan and Sylvia sitting together with smiles on both of their faces. With this new alliance we can see that the Holton families business will prosper tremendously and growth from the Holton hotel line will ensure more jobs as the industry grows.  People in Australia as well as European countries will benefit from this immensely.”  The news moves on to other updates and she sits there shocked beyond belief.

Looking up at Tiffany with tears forming in her eyes, “Can this be true?  Are you sure this isn’t a fake broadcast” searching her face for answers.

“Oh Brandy, I’m so sorry, I was up all night checking to make sure this wasn’t fake and the word has already spread.  All the tabloids have it listed.  I don’t know what to say!” and she starts to cry with her at this surreal announcement.

“How can this be? He promised me he was coming home, our home!” she exclaims letting go of her emotions as she starts to shake with the tears that are flooding through her.  Tiffany joins in and clutches her in a hug.  Trying desperately to sooth her she just keeps saying it will be ok.

How can this be ok?  This man stole her heart and stomped on it.  His promise is all that keeps going through her mind.  She can’t even think or breathe.  She starts to hyperventilate and Tiffany quickly releases her grabbing a brown lunch bag for her to breathe into so she can calm down.  She moves Brandy to the couch as she feels faint making her place her head between her legs.  She is robotic in what Tiffany is doing, feeling nothing, just an overwhelmed sensation of having no control of her senses.  Her phone rings and Tiffany grabs it to see who the caller is.  It is him.

Looking at her state realizing she doesn’t have it together to even speak to him Tiffany silences the phone.   She gives her some water which she drinks down with tear filled eyes. She can’t speak either this news is too much for use to handle.  Tiffany gets a look on her face as Brandy is trying to absorb what has happened.

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