Man of Mystery (14 page)

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Authors: L.B. Wilde

BOOK: Man of Mystery
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He has exploded into her pushing himself deeper into her so hard proclaiming her name.  His eyes lock with her feeling like his soul is with her proclaiming it needs.  She has never felt so complete and breathless.  Panting, exhausted he slowly turns her to the side as we are still locked so we can rest.

“Brandy, you complete me” he says between breaths, “This is how making love should be” he passionately kisses her responding in turn to breathless to speak.
They are exhausted from the love making along with the relaxing Jacuzzi bath.  She is feeling whole wanting to go to sleep holding this warmness beside her. Smiling whiling nuzzle her head into his chest absorbing the completeness she drifts into a comfortable slumber.

Brandy wakes
in the middle of the night felling arms wrapped around her; taking a minute to realize where she is.  Hearing Nathans soft breathing as he is asleep holding her tightly against his chest where she fell asleep.  Taking a deep breath and feeling comfort in his scent.  Adjusting slightly to get more comfortable and with his eyes still shut he mumbles in his sleep, “I love you” and her eyes open up in surprise.

Did he just say that or is she hearing things?  Lifting her head to look into his face and he is sound asleep with his arms wrapped around her still.   Not wanting to move to
o much so she doesn’t disturb him since it’s so sweet to see him comfortable next to her but she heard him speak something she wasn’t prepared to hear. 
Let it go Brandy, It was just a dream and enjoy the moment.  You have the most gorgeous guy on earth interested in you and take it for what it’s worth.  He is spending the night with you and don’t worry about tomorrow.
She cuddles back up into his chest and drifts back to sleep.  Obviously her body is exhausted from all the physical attention it has just endured with total pleasure.

Nathan’s sleep is so sound.  He hasn’t slept this well since he was young.  He is so comfortable having Brandy here next to him he has reached the rem sleep of dreaming.  His imagination takes over seeing himself running through a field holding her hand.  Can life be this simple and peaceful?












Waking with a start wondering where she is, than realizing it all in flash.  Nathan isn’t next to her anymore becoming a little concerned wondering where he has gone to.  It would have been better if she woke the first morning with him to actually be with him. 
This is kind of awkward.  Getting up finding his shirt is at the end of the bed so she tosses it on as she makes her way to the “her” bathroom.  She tries to fluff her hair which obviously doesn’t agree. She goes to find her purse going back towards the bedroom.  Still no Nathan, OK he showed her the house so she thinks she can find the way back to her clothes which was left in the living room next floor down along with her purse.

Suddenly the room doors pop open and there he is in his boxers with a warm smile on his face.  He is carrying in a tray with a coffee pot, cups, sugar, creamer and some pastries.  “Hey sweetie, I just thought I would brew us some coffee and you know having a three story condo really sucks sometimes to bring it to the bedroom.  I’ll have to make a note of that!” he chuckles.

Her anxiety melts thinking that was so sweet.  Here her head was going in the wrong direction and this man was making her coffee, she is such an ass.  She is laughing at him, “Well tell the designers of this glorious place to add on a coffee station in the bedroom additions and we would be just fine!”

“Well it’s a beautiful morning and I thought we can relax on the patio.” as he uses his head to show the direction.
“You know, that’s not a bad idea, not like we don’t have the space for a bar/kitchenette area here. I will mention it.” And he is serious like he designed the place.

Opening the patio doors for him noticing a small panel about 2 ft by 2 ft. with buttons next it.  Curious she places her hand on the panel then knocks on the door.  It sounds hollow behind it and one of the buttons says open so she presses it.  The panel slides open and inside is an open box area.  Realizing what it is but never saw one before.  With a grin point
ing it out to Nathan “You know if you would have used the dumbwaiter it would have been easier for you.” giggling that he didn't even know he had one.

He is definitely amused “So that's what it is, I never really took the time to notice it, maybe I'm just better at remotes.” chuckling back.

“Well, at least when we are done we can use it to send the dishes back downstairs, then we will have to figure out where the kitchen one is located.”  Smiling brightly back at him, opening the doors to let in the fresh air.  Stepping out, thrilled they have some privacy on these balconies since all she wearing is a long shirt and Nathan is in boxers.

He places the platter on the table pouring us some coffee.  He steps back inside for a moment and has a framed picture in his hands.  “Here, I want to show you something as he hands it to me.  This is my older brother Brent, my Mum Sophia and Father Brett.” he points out to her.

Gazing at the beautiful family picture which looks like it is somewhat recent.  Nathan definitely takes after his mother and his brother looks like his father.  They look very happy in their posing you can see Nathan and his mother have the brightest smiles while his father and brother just grin with a stern look but a happy one.  She would say from looking at the picture that his father and brother are more intense individuals. “What a nice picture of your family.  Your mother is an exquisite looking woman, you definitely have her looks.  Your brother and father are handsome also in a different way.  They seem like their smiles are very businesslike is the best way I can describe it.”  Hoping he isn't insulted with that comment.

He smiles rolling his eyes, “Oh you nailed that one on the head about my father and brother.  They are all business but that's what makes them happy.  This was taken during a business/family function and they don't like getting pulled away from business.  But when mum insists they better oblige or else.  Mum is the sweetest heart in the family but she has her way of making sure she gets things done her way when she wants it.”
Good for mum she thinks.

“So what is the business end of things if you don't mind me asking?
” She sincerely wants to know more about him.  “I know it’s really a work week for you and if I get full time at the bank it will be for me too.”

“Well, you’re right, I would normally be at the office right now but I told them I had a morning appointment last night when I knew you were coming over.” Smiling devilishly “But my work differs slightly from my father and brothers business.  I work to help people become entrepreneurs by investing into their ideas to get them started.  For the most part it is very gratifying when you see their ideas blossom and everything goes well.  Not saying all the investments have been fruitful but for the most part they have been.  That’s where my internet business works for me by finding the right clients to invest into.”
Interesting even the devilish smile.

“That sounds very interesting”, she says “But how is it different then your father’s business?”

“Well, my family’s business isn’t always about helping out the little guy, my father and brother goes for the bigger stuff I guess you can say.” He slightly frowns and shakes his head. ”So what are you going to school for exactly if you don’t mind me asking?” Obviously he doesn’t seem pleased about talking about them too much or is annoyed by them.

She takes
a small bite of pastry understanding his position since she is kind of in the same position with her family business.  Offering a way of saying she understands his dilemma “Well, I am going for business management but I don’t want to be part of my family’s business either.  My older sister Candy has a better chance of doing that more than me.  Don't mind that my parents made it easy for them to remember our names by my sister being Candy and me Brandy, it was easier for them to call out our names and we would both answer.” Telling him jokingly with a slight giggle, “My family owns a winery by the finger lakes which I told you about the other day and they run a store on the winery.  It wasn’t something I wanted to do for the rest of my life always being under my parent’s nose.  So I decided on going out on my own to find something I feel more satisfied in doing for myself.  It’s been interesting even though my parents were not thrilled about it either but they understand that what they do for a living doesn’t mean it’s not something I want to do.  Of course still always welcomed if I ever want to go back, but I think with the possibility of me getting the new position at the bank this should work out just fine.”

Nathans smiles with the brightest blue eyes on her, taking her hand kissing it gently she just soaks in his beauty.  “Oh Brandy, you are so sweet, this has been the best morning I have had in a long time.”

“Me too Nathan, I really appreciate you letting me stay so I can enjoy the view of the morning.” cooing back at him just wanting to melt into his arms.

“Listen, you finish your breakfast and enjoy the view.  I need to head into the shower because I do have a few other appointments this afternoon.  I’ll be back in about 20 min. OK?” with a boyish grin he asks.

“Of course, go clean up and leave me a toothbrush please, this bear claw pastry left some fur behind.” jokingly stating with a girlish grin.

“Will do sweet heart;
you can use the ‘hers’ shower if you like.” as he gingerly kisses her forehead walking back inside.

As she is watching people below go about their day either heading out for a cruise on one of the many boats or the maintenance crew working on the grounds upkeep below she is comforted in this surreal setting.  Part of her wishes she could just stay here forever soaking it in every day then the other half knows time doesn’t stand still.  Smiling to herself as she cleans up their light breakfast placing it on the tray to send it into the dumbwaiter.  Wondering where it will appear down below also curious to see if there is another one in the living room area. She would think so but saving her curiosity for another day.

Stepping inside to place the tray into the dumbwaiter; Nathan has stepped out of the showers with just a towel wrapped around his waist.  Soaking this view in is much better than the view outside thin king to herself.  He is lightly towel drying his thick dark curly hair watching the droplets of water slowly make their way down his chest and forearms.  Wanting to run over to him and lick them off because he looks so delicious.  Suppressing this strange urge that is running through her mind she glances down noticing that he has brought her clothes up, folded up on the cushioned bench that is at the end of the bed.

He notices her saying “I figured you were not planning on going home in my shirt alone, not that I would mind it if you did but I wouldn’t appreciate other men staring at you, your very sexy in it by the way!”
His statement makes her blush at her own dirty thoughts. She decides to take control walking up to him giving him a light kiss on the mouth, “Thank you that was very sweet of you, now I’ll excuse myself and clean up.” Smiling back warmly

“By all means feel free, I have to make some phone calls so I’ll be in the study which is off the living room.  Meet you there.” he brushes his hand down her cheek looking into her eyes.  He rubs his thumb across her bottom lip biting his own lip.  His thoughts are wondering in another direction but we have to play nice.  He needs to go to work and she has one last final today.

“See you in 20” telling him turning towards the shower to cool off before she jumps him right here and now.  The shower is refreshing and the bathroom has all the necessities.  Even a brush and dryer for my hair, she wonders if he had them brought in or this place comes supplied with everything.  Another day she’ll have to ask.  Getting dressed into the clothes she wore last night but that’s ok they were not on for very long.  Putting on some light makeup she had in her purse and pinning up some of her hair.  Not shabby for not having all the stuff she normally needs, she’ll have to remember to put more things in her purse for unexpected overnight stays giggling to herself.

Wondering down the stairs into the living room, she hears Nathan is talking on the phone.  Not sure exactly where the study is but she does find the panel for the dumb waiter again by the French doors.  So she was right they do have one for the room also, it only makes sense.  Walking around the fireplace seeing there is another full bathroom thinking that the study must be next to it.  The door is slightly ajar and she can hear Nathan talking.  His voice seems to be raised slightly in irritation so she just peaks in quickly to let him know that she is here.  He is sitting behind a massive solid cherry desk with a laptop in front of him.  As he glances up to her he smiles, then continues his conversation. “Yes Mum, I told you I will figure it out, but I really need to go now.  I will call you back this evening it will be afternoon for you in respect to the time zones.  Love you Mum, bye.”

“Hey, are you ready to head home?” he asks trying to distract himself from the conversation he just had on the phone. 

“Sure. I need to study for a final today and be ready to post my resume too.  How many hours different is Australia to here?” she asks out of curiosity.

“Oh it’s like 15 hours ahead of us.”  Glancing at a clock in study noticing it is like 11am which means it is 2am for them.  Gosh that sounds like an awful time to catch your mom on the phone.  My expression is a little confused and he chuckles. “My mum is in Hawaii right now so it’s not an early morning wake up for her exactly.  It is 6 am where she is right now.  It’s Ok we are used to this type of distant calls when we travel”

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