Man of Mystery (26 page)

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Authors: L.B. Wilde

BOOK: Man of Mystery
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Her surprised look tells all as she thinks of the fact he has taken her mother in and knows her first name she starts to laugh. “So my mother isn’t driving you crazy yet?” imploring between chuckles. 

He chuckles along with her “No actually she is very sweet, wanting to make herself useful she has stocked my cupboards and frig with food.  She even insists on doing my laundry and ironing.  I didn’t want to upset her since it seems to keep her busy when she isn’t here with you and I didn’t tell her I normally get my clothes done at the dry cleaners.  She has been preparing for you to come back to the apartment.” And he shakes his head “I think she wants you in the other spare room beside her since she freshened up the linens too.  I didn’t want to tell her that you normally sleep in my room.”  And he looks a little afraid to tell her.  He gives her a look of what do I do.

Starting to laugh again knowing her mom has to keep herself busy knowing she has meals prepared and everything.  “It’s OK I’ll tell my mother.  It would be better hearing it from me anyways.  Thank you for letting her stay at your place while I’m here and for letting me stay too until I can get back on my feet.” telling him sincerely “So where did all these flowers comes from?”

“Oh, you have plenty of admirers” he exclaims “Besides me of course, you have flowers from Mikey and Pete, they have been by but you have been asleep if you are wondering.  Also your parents, Tiffany and her family, your coworkers at the bank even a separate one from Mr. Bradshaw himself!” He exclaims then he frowns pointing at one of the arrangements, “Even the Jack Ass who hit you sent flowers with an apology.”  his scowl deepens.  “I’ve talked to my lawyer and you will have a strong case against him since you have a lot of eye witnesses who gave police reports.  If that is something you want to pursue.”

She never really thought about ever suing anyone for anything.  That is just not her.  She asks him for the card from him first.  He is puzzled and hands her the card.  It reads:

Dearest Ms. Whine,

I cannot tell you enough of how sorry I am for what has happened to you.  If I could take back the day and not have this awful accident happen I would.  If I could be the one suffering in the hospital bed instead of you I would.  You didn’t deserve this and even though I have been told not to openly admit to my error I am to you.  Please accept my sincerest apology and I want you to know that I see the error of what I have caused.  My insurance is paying for everything and I will always pay inside for the guilt of what happened that day.  Please find it in your heart to forgive me and if there is anything I can do to help you I will. I have given you my cell number if you need anything!


Mr. Brad Niles

She reads
the note over and over as she tears up.  Nathan watches her with concern. Finally she states to him, “No I don’t need a lawyer, if the hospitals stay and any missed time from work is covered along with a replacement for my precious lud, I am not suing.”

“What?  Why not?  He has admitted his guilt and look what he did to you!” looking at her totally surprised.

Looking into his eyes “You know Nathan, sometimes accidents happen, we are only human and we make mistakes.  Why does every person seem to think someone should “pay” for their errors “literally” if they really didn’t do it intentionally?  He never meant to hit me, he didn’t go out of his way to do it, it just happened.  I don’t need or want to ruin this man’s life just because he made a mistake.  Did you ever think that he might have a family at home and there whole life can be turned upside down by me suing him?” frowning at him as he absorbs what she is telling him. “Trust me if he was an ‘evil’ person who didn’t care do you really think he would have sent me an apology?  He would have a lawyer already and never sent this note.  Sometimes in life you need to forgive.” looking at him hoping he understands.

Shaking his head, “You totally amaze me Brandy; I have never seen anyone who didn’t want to be greedy for money when they want to point a finger at someone for things that happened.  Most people do want a scapegoat and they want to sue.  You are not a person about money but a person who has a soul and can forgive.  That is what I love about you; you actually have a heart.” As he looks at her with such sweet words she is about to tell him she loves him too when her mom shows up in the room.  Damn she keeps missing her chance!

“Hi Honey, you look great.  I see you have eaten.  I’m so happy I hear you can come home tomorrow!” Her enthusiasm warms her as her mom is always loving and caring.  “Hello Nathan, if you need to go and get work done I will stay with Brandy.  I have premade a dinner for tonight so you have something to eat when you get home.  I left the instructions on the kitchen counter if arrive back before me.” She smiles at him seeing she has the hint of admiring his good looks but she is her mom.

Nathan stands kissing me softly on the lips then turns to her mother “Thank you Grace, I do have to get to work.  I will stop and eat dinner before I come back here to check on our girl.” as he glances over at her.  “That was very nice of you to prepare a meal I hope you didn’t go through too much trouble?” He asks so sweetly of her mom.

“Oh, no trouble at all and thank you for letting me stay at you wonderful apartment. Now off to work with you, I am here to take over.” She smiles warmly as Nathan gives her a kiss on the cheek saying his goodbyes to both of us.  Well that’s a fine how do you do, her mother is smitten with him and he doesn’t mind her taking over his household.  Ok she can live with that for a little while at least as laughing inwardly.

Sitting next to her as he leaves, raising her eyebrows at her mom, “So, you seem to have become very friendly with my boyfriend.” stating it kindly “So, now that you have been living with him the past few days what do you think?” ask stifling a giggle.

“Well it was awfully nice that he let me stay there since we have never met before and he is really a darling.  Besides his good looks he has great manners.  I am really happy you found a nice boy to be with.” as she pats her hand.  “So how are you feeling today?”

“I feel much better and I really can’t wait to get out of here. Nathan is a very sweet man and I”  reaching to hold her necklace noticing it’s not on for the first time with a panic look on her face which her mom notices jumping up thinking something is wrong. “Mom where is my necklace?” a little shakily.  Sighing, she breaths again, “Its right here honey” as she opens the drawer beside the bed containing some of her personal things she had with her when the world went black.  Pulling the heart shape charm out to show her and looking at it more closely she sees the engraving, “Soul Mate” she asks?

Brandy is relieved that her charm is not lost smiling at her “Yes he is mom, my soul mate. He gave that to me and I always wear it.” Waiting to gauge her response as she looks at the necklace she nods with tears in her eyes as she looks at her little girl all grown up. “This is beautiful darling; you are a very luck women.” Warmth flowing over her tearing up, that is the first time her mother called her a women like she has grown up.  She gives her a hug putting the necklace around her neck.

“Mom, I need to tell you something else.  When I go back to Nathans tomorrow I want you to understand I stay in his room.” There she told her and just spit it out.  She looks her in the eyes cupping her cheeks, “Of course you do dear, you are a grown up now. Just don’t tell your father.” She chuckles, “You are still his baby girl” as we hug laughing together.

Nathan is totally amazed at how she reacted to the situation some stranger put her in.  Any other person would be out for blood never considering what hell they might raise in the process.  Not his Brandy, she forgave him, she is an angel.  She has the heart of an angel.  He really loves her and this new life she has given him.  She is his salvation, Brandy is his soul mate and much more.











Nathan and mom pick her up the next morning bringing her home or let’s say her home away from home since its Nathans apartment.  He heads to work knowing she is in good hands being with her mother finally getting a chance to talk to dad and her sister while she is relaxing in the living room as mom makes lunch.  Her dad and sister are so happy that she is recovering well and she almost has full use of her left arm again.  It’s still a little sore but it could have been worse.

Nathan was so sweet he brought all the flowers to his house so she can enjoy them here while she recovers.  She is told by the doctor she still needs at least another week off before going back to work with a follow up visit next week to make sure she can even drive. Thinking of her poor “lud” being gone it was her baby and a great car.  She never even imagined replacing her.  So after lunch she takes a short nap finally getting to take a shower.  Her mother insists on staying in the bathroom with her so she doesn’t slip and fall since she had such a bad concussion.  Embarrassed and rolling her eyes asking her to politely turn her back while she undresses, “I’m not a little girl anymore.”  She smiles “Of course you’re not but you will always be my little girl.”  She chats with her about how everything is going at home while she soaks in the hot shower for a long time.  She may have gotten sponge baths at the hospital but a hot shower is something she really missed.  The stitches have healed enough and the cut wasn’t really that large so they were able to remove them at the hospital before she left.  They really did a nice job and she doesn’t think I will have much of a scar.

After getting freshened up she feels so much better.  Deciding to text Nathan to see how his day is going.

“I was kind of lonely in the shower, missed you” she tm him

“Well, you don’t have to lonely anymore, I’m so glad you are feeling better and I have
you in home to banish your lonely feeling.”

“I told mom that I sleep in your bed so we are all set.  She said just don’t told tell dad. LOL” she giggles awaiting his response.

“Oh boy, I really like your mom, I’ll be home by 5, I have a surprise for you.”

“Really! Are you going to leave me in suspense until you get home, you’re so mean :-p” pouting back

“Now it wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you, see you soon and get some rest.”

Going into see what her mother is doing shocked to see she is ironing Nathan’s shirts, she is truly just a great mother.  “So mom, Nathan says he has a surprise for me and I have to wait till he gets home to find out.”

“I know dear, but that’s what surprises are all about right?” as she smiles over her shoulder at her.

“So you know?”

“If I do I wouldn’t tell you because then it wouldn’t be a surprise.  Why don’t you just relax for a little while?  I have some chores to catch up on here.  I have a really nice dinner planned for us tonight now that you are home.” And she shoos her away.

Mom has always been a great cook knowing all her favorite dishes.  She is the one who taught her how to cook.  Doing as she says lying down after drying her hair on the couch to watch a little TV she dozes off.

She awakens because she smells something delicious cooking seeing her mother preparing salt potatoes.  “Is that a prime rib roast you are making?” asking excitedly.

“Yes dear and you need to go get yourself dressed for dinner.  Nathan should be here soon so go on, fix yourself up so you look proper.”

Doing as she is told again because her mother is right since she has looked like hell for the past week really wanting to look and feel better.  Finding a nice outfit to wear, obviously the two of them have brought clothes for her to wear sure that Tiffany helped because she has make up and some jewelry.  Thinking of Tiffany it has been 2 days since she talked to her.  Really surprised she hasn’t heard from her but then again her life hasn’t been normal.  While getting dressed Brandy tries to call her.  She gets her voice mail asking her to call her letting her know that she is at Nathans.  A little disappointed that she didn’t answer knowing she will hear back from her soon.

Looking in the mirror pleased at how much better she look
s than when she was in the hospital going downstairs to check on thinks with her mother when Nathan walks in.  He looks at her like he is seeing her for the first time as his eyes light up. His smile stretches across his face going over to him to give him a hug and kiss.  He responds with such heartfelt warmth. “You look so good Brandy, I’m so happy you are looking and feeling better.” he kisses her forehead cupping her face looking deeply into her eyes.

“I feel even better now that I am in your arms again” really wanting to take this man into his room and lavish his body. 

“Ok you too love birds, dinner will be ready soon.” her mother smiles at us from across the room.  Almost forgetting she was here blushing knowing her mother saw her when she had dirty thoughts on her mind.

Nathan steps away
, going over to give Brandy’s mother a hug and kiss on the cheek. “Hmm something smells absolutely delicious, what did you make tonight?” he asks.

“I made Brandy’s favorite prime rib with salt potatoes since it’s her first night home.” she says with a smile looking at her with those mothering I love you eyes.

“You know your mother has been spoiling me by cooking such wonderful meals this week, I probably gained 10 pounds!” he jokingly tells her

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