Man of Mystery (22 page)

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Authors: L.B. Wilde

BOOK: Man of Mystery
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We arrive in plenty of time and it is a big to do.  They have white glove service going on with a plenty of well dressed people.  She is so glad Tiffany let her wear this dress because she would have felt under dressed in a simple black cocktail dress.  The waiter is walking by with glasses of champagne Nathan grabs two glasses for us while Denny does the same for Tiffany.  OK, just grab if offered and nod polite thank you, got it.  A waitress comes by with small hors d'oeuvres taking one politely. Taking a nibble her mouth waters, it’s really good whatever it is.

He leads her around introducing her to several people and they talk about business which she has no idea about but trying to absorb about stocks and investments which she’s not to keen on.  Nathan notices her boredom of the conversation as she is glancing around to see where Denny and Tiffany are.  Excusing himself from the couple we were talking to he leads her to the glassed balcony that overlooks the harbor.  We step out to catch a breath of fresh air amazed at how large some of the boats are that are docked. 
She thinks back about the first time yacht adventure leaning her head onto his shoulder.

“I’m sorry if I bored you in there, are you ok.” he kisses her forehead.

“I’m fine as long as I am with you.” Sighing “I was just thinking about the yacht we went on together for the first time.  Seeing all these boats out here got me thinking about our first date.”

“I’ll never forget that first date either. I think we will have to do that again.” He smiles at her nodding her head in agreement.

“You look so exquisite tonight Brandy, thank you for accompanying me to this dinner. I’m sorry the conversations can be dull at times when people always talk business.” He exhales

“Well, then let’s not talk business, there are more things to life than just business right?” she exclaim. “Like how about our fun filled day we are going to have tomorrow exploring what Atlantic City has to offer.  I only had a taste of it today with Tif and I’m sure some of these people know where we should go and see, don’t you think?” brightly smiling up at him.

“You’re not only pretty but really smart too! Let’s head back in for dinner and that is the exact direction our conversations will go for the rest of tonight.  Hey maybe if we get a chance to cut out early we can walk down by the harbor and see some of the boats?” he expresses with much more enthusiasm.

That is exactly how the night progresses when we meet Tim Bush and his wife Sue who have a catamaran docked in the harbor.  They invite us to go out with them tomorrow and although we would love to we don’t have enough time.  Nathan knows the man from other business dealings as we discuss at least to come by to see it with making plans on going out for a day when we have a chance.  Now this is definitely more exciting as she starts to talk to his wife about where they have gone to with the boat which has been all along the coast and down to the tropics.  She is very detailed which engrosses her into the conversation as we have to get seated for dinner, they join us.

Dinner is superb eating every last bite.  Sue laughs asking her where she puts all that food.  She is a few years older than her but keeps her figure quite well.  Telling her all about how she is still finishing school is working her now full time job which keeps her running.  Since her life isn’t as crazy as Brandy’s she just works out almost every day to stay in shape especially having to eat these meals as they taste great but load on the calories.  Brandy mentally makes note of that.

We are finishing up while Nathan exchanges business cards with Tim.  Looking around for her BFF seeing she is doing fine at another table with Denny talking to some other couples.  She fits right in here knowing how to stay focused on business and pleasure better than her.  Sue is gracious looking forward to us stopping by tomorrow which will be early since they are heading out afterwards to explore the ocean.  Lucky them she thinks inwardly.

We are ready to take our stroll letting Denny and Tiffany know we will see them back at the hotel.  She gives her a warm hug telling her to have fun with a wink.  Rolling her eyes and we will tm when we get back, promising this time and she will do the same.  Thank goodness she has a light sweater because the air is a little chilly since it is just getting into the summer weather the nights are not overly hot yet.  We walk hand in hand down to the harbor and see all the lights on in various yachts as people are out on them enjoying the night with their own dinner parties.  What a view when she glances back seeing all of Atlantic City lit up like a Christmas tree.  Never seeing so many lights she is amazed at how well everything just flows together in such splendor. 

Deciding to head back since it is getting late and we both would like to be up early to see the Bush’s catamaran, then we will have the whole day to ourselves before we head home.  Getting tired from the whole day, we catch a ride to the hotel in a cab so Denny and Tiffany can use the limo.  As we get into the cab resting her head on his shoulder feeling ready to cuddle up to him.  He relaxes feeling the pressure of the day and lays his head upon her.

Once we are in our room he draws us a bath to soak in as she tm Tif to let her know that we are back and heading out early tomorrow to see some sights.  They are heading back now and will check up with her tomorrow.  Brandy takes off her shoes rubbing her feet since they are sore from standing most of the evening.  Nathan pulls her into him as he has removed some of his garments as well, “Come let’s soak for a little while and I will rub those feet for you.”

“That sounds heavenly.” she replies as he helps her to unzip the dress caressing her skin so softly placing it on the bed.  As he removes her dress, he steps back looking at her lingerie.  “You look extremely sexy in this.” as he soaks her in biting his lip.

We finish the rest of our undressing in the bath and he helps her step into the tub, going on the opposite side he pulls her foot out of the water messaging it gently.  She groans with pleasure of the message. “Even just giving you a foot message I turn you on!” with raised eyebrows.  She giggles back “You have no idea how good that feels after standing in high heels for an evening, tomorrow will be a smart pair of sandals. And yes you turn me on every time I look at you” She states

“Good, because you do the same to me Brandy.  I am really glad things worked out well today and you girls had a nice time.”

“Nice time is putting it lightly, we had an awesome time and it will only be better again tomorrow since I will be spending it with you!  So Tim and Sue seem to be really nice people and she told me a lot about their adventures along the coast in their catamaran.  It sounds so exciting to do that kind of traveling.”

“Well maybe someday we can, you never know.” He smiles with a gleam in his eye.

“I like your optimism but I really enjoy this right now.  I don’t know why but I feel so at ease with you.” As she turns around to cuddle up her back to his chest having him embrace her in his arms.  “This is my favorite place, in your arms.” she whispers.

“This is the only place for me, with you close to my heart.” He whispers back kissing her cheek.  Loving his words smiling with her eyes half shut.  We stay like this for some time since the water is starting to turn cold with her fingers getting wrinkled.  We step out he wraps her in a towel, her body is so exhausted and even though she only has tonight with him before they go home she just wants to hold him.  Sensing he feels the same since his eye
s are half shut also.  We dry off going to bed naked just cuddling as he spoons his body into her and they are fast asleep.

His dreams start out as beautiful as the women he holds.  Then the nightmare starts that he is being chased down and haunted by someone. Someone from his past is not letting him go but he tries desperately to pull away.  He wants his freedom just let him go!








Brandy wakes up to feel Nathan still wrapped around her.  We both must have been exhausted because she doesn’t think they moved all night, trying to turn quietly to look at her beautiful sleeping man.  As she does, he moans softly but his eyes are still shut.  He looks so peaceful and so picture perfect even in his sleep. She is sure she has the serious case of bed head but she just watches him sleep.  “I hope you are enjoying the view” he smiles as he opens one eye slightly.  Ok that does it rolling him onto his back trying to find his tickle spot as he is finding mine way too easily.  He is laughing but not sure if it is because she is or because she actually did find out where he is ticklish.
Nathan grabs her down to him to give her a hug letting her tears of laughter slip away.

Her heart is racing from this morning tickle contest her breath starts to ease up when Nathan starts to kiss her neck sending sensations down her spine. 
She already feeling his erection growing against her belly, as her body responds to his affections.  Brandy wiggles against him wanting to drive him crazy with desire kissing his nipple biting them softly.  He starts to moan with his erection growing stronger.  She places a passionate kiss rolling her tongue inside his mouth as he complies with his.  He grabs her butt pulling her along his elongate hardness.  With her hands entwined in his hair she rubs her chest along his as he rolls her onto her back to suckle her aroused nibbles.  Now she is moaning needing him is increasing by the minute.  Slowly she trails her nails along his back arching her back wanting him to pleasure her.  Her fire has started inside as he cups her sex feeling how wet he is making her nipples harden wanting him inside of her.

As much as she wants to tease him he is enticing her further with his fingers playing inside her until she is begging for satisfaction from him.  Gazing into her eyes he plunges into her and she screams softly with excitement staring back into his warm blue eyes.  Grabbing his back pulling him close and going into rhythm with every trust he pushes into her.  Her body is trying to find release that is building up inside of me.  He pumps several times hard and slows to prolong the agony of her explosion that is building.  Looking at me intensely he whisper “Come with me and look at me I want to see you when it happens.”  begging “Yes, I will” as he speeds up she bites her lip knowing the feeling is just about now gasping out “Oh Nathan” exploding around him as he explodes into her “My Brandy” and we relish the sensation together as our bodies release with total ecstasy.   We kiss breathlessly as he wraps his arms around her to keep close still watching how our eyes are lit up with ecstasy.

Gazing at each other laying like this for several minutes then he slowly rolls to his side wincing slightly at losing his warmth in her.  Her body never wants to release it when it is there because it finds it so satisfyingly good.  “I could handle waking up to this every morning” She sighs and he nuzzles her with his nose “me too.” He whispers back.  Rubbing her arms as she plays with his hair we just gaze into each other’s eyes feeling like one.  He slowly takes her hand kisses it softly never taking his eyes off mine, “If we stay like this I will be up shortly for round two.”  He teases “or should we go have some more fun today?”

“I’ll take door number two but just for today since I am dying to go out and enjoy this day with you.  I’ll save door number one for a cold rainy day.  How is that for an answer?’

“Great, I like your rain checks.” giving her a slight slap on the butt which she squeals about as he gets up retrieving some bathrobes to lounge in.  “Why don’t you head into the shower while I order room service?  Is there anything you would like in particular for breakfast?” he asks.

“Yes, I would like some eggs benedicts if they have it” going to take a nice hot shower.  When she comes back into the room the food has arrived and Nathan is talking on his phone.  He excuses himself going back into the bedroom area to finish his conversation.  He looks a little miffed about the conversation so she turns on the news while digging into breakfast.  While watching the normal hubbub waiting to see what the weather will be like, hearing the announcer talking about the big dinner party they were at last night since it was some kind of benefit for local charity.  The plates were over $500 per person. 
Wow, Nathan never told her that, but then again she never thought to ask what it was for, taking a mental note to ask next time.
  The next thing she sees is video of people there she is standing next to Nathan talking to Tim and Sue.  He has his arm around her waist which he does very often when we are out loving the feeling of that security when he is next to her smiling inwardly.  She catches a glimpse of Denny and Tiffany while they are seated at a table.  He has his hand on hers as they are talking together smiling at each other.  The sensation she feels out of body watching a video of herself with her friends on TV. 

It’s really cool so she tm Tiffany right away to put on the news so she might catch it if they repeat it in the next news period.  They have a tendency to do back to back news in the morning just for late risers.  Tif tm’s back, “Still sleeping but she will have Denny put it on.  Have fun catch you later.”  Oh sounds like someone had a long night but she bounces back quickly.  Finish breakfast when they announce that the weather is going to be good again today.  Just taking her last bite Nathan comes out seeing he has taken his shower.  He hasn’t had a chance to eat yet so she freshens up his coffee.  He is still in his robe but his hair is wet.  Telling him it is going to be a beautiful day she can’t wait to go meet up with Tim and Sue. 
She asks politely if that is who he was talking to when she came out to eat.

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