Man of Mystery (21 page)

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Authors: L.B. Wilde

BOOK: Man of Mystery
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As we head to one of the top floors since Nathan has gotten us a suite.  Part with Tiffany and Denny at the rooms since we are across the hall we plan on meeting in about half hour to go get a bite to eat.  She just realized she hasn’t eaten anything as her stomach growls.  Nathan gives her a look with raised eyebrows.

“Should I call and tell them we need to go sooner?” he jokes

“I’ll survive another half hour, besides if I feel hungry I’ll just nibble on your ear a little!” teasing back

He opens the door to our elegant suite as she takes in the décor.  They really have a way of making it look so classy but comfortable at the same time.  We have a separate living room area with the bedroom off of it which looks so plush and comfortable.  Lots of pillows, then off the bedroom there is the bathroom with a huge shower and an extremely large tub that we can both fit into easily.  All she can think about is this is going to be the best weekend ever!

Nathan pulls in our luggage as we start to unpack items that need to be hung as he does the same.  Seeing her BFF has packed something she wasn’t expecting quickly hiding it in the drawer while Nathan’s back is to her.  She finishes before him helping him with his underwear drawer giggling like a school girl.  She is just so excited about seeing all the sights with Nathan.

We meet up for dinner talking with Tif about what her plans are for us during the day tomorrow which knowing her will involve shopping as the guys discuss their plans for the meeting tomorrow morning.  Since we are exhausted from the day we agree to call it an early evening besides the guys have an early meeting.  She is fine with that since she really could use some dessert as Nathan would put it smiling in his direction.  He catches her eyes on him winks like he has just read her mind. 
This boy is good!

Departing at our rooms, he closes the door coming up from behind her he scoops her up into his arms twirling her around. 
Brandy is giggling with delight as she gives him a kiss on his neck.  He pulls her in as he cups her face giving her a longing kiss as his body warms up to with his growing passion.  We break away breathless looking into his warm blue eyes.

“You will always be my dessert” he breaths into her ear which sends tingles down her spine as he nibbles on her neck. 
She groans with anticipation running her fingers through his hair.  She pulls him up to kiss him again while he brings her body closely into his.  She wants this man more than she has ever wanting anything.  Her body takes over the reaction as she pulls open his pants exposing his heated passion inside his pants.  Letting his pants drop to the ground, caressing him, as he breathes sharply through his teeth.  She sees the chair behind him pulling it out so she can make him sit upon it.  As she gently push him down unbuttoning his shirt exposing his muscular chest running her hands up from his erection to run her fingers along his chest.  He has slipped her shirt off unfastened her bra exposing erect nibbles. He starts to suckle them which makes her wet wanting more. Rolling her head back with the excitement that is building between them.

Pulling his head into her breast crying out for more as he takes his hands to swiftly undo her pants to feel how wet he is making her stroking her inner thighs.  Moaning with exhilaration
we both want this pleasure we both need and desire it.  Swiftly sitting on his lap rubbing up and down on him soaking him with her desire he moans even loader feeling how hot he has made her.  Her turn to tease him as she suckles his nibble making it hard caressing him as his hand now starts to message my clitoris in anticipation while his other hand pinches pulling at her hardened nibbles.  Pulling up to get her feet onto the rungs of the chair with a hard kiss she plunged into him as he fills her up. 

He exclaims at our extreme contact grabbing her hips to pull her deeper into him again as she arches her back feeling ever inch of him he has to offer. Moaning and grinding into him as she lifts up and thrust down again he is calling her name with such passion feeling him wanting to climax when he swells up more into her.  His climax sets her off exploding around him screaming out with her excitement not wanting this body shaking moment to end as he pumps out into her.  She squeezes him tight as he rolls his head back trying to catch his racing heart feeling him still vibrating inside me.

We hug trying to calm our racing hearts laying her head on his chest as he wraps his arms around her.  Pulling her out of my serene he cups her face with both hands looking into her eyes “That was totally amazing, you are amazing” and he pulls her back into his chest for a hug kissing her cheek appreciating this passionate moment.

We stay like this for several minutes before her legs start begging for release having to finally remove myself from him.  Pulling back slowly he cringes slight too missing the warmth he has found inside her.  Trying to step away, he scoops her up carrying her into the bed.  Pulling back the covers we cuddle together resting her head on his chest playing her fingers along his chest again.  She just can’t get enough of that feeling laying here with him.

“Thank you for coming here with me this weekend.  This means the world to me and I am so glad you are here.”  He says softly and pulls her in for a hug.

“I should be thanking you for bringing me here since obviously you are showing me the world!” giggling.  He laughs softly too as we drift off to sleep which we both needed with our busy day but it is definitely easier to do when she is with him.

Slightly awake to see he is standing before her with a towel wrapped around his waist.  Staring at his sexy body she just can’t get enough off, she could lay here and watch him all day.  He hasn’t noticed yet that she is watching him as he drops his towel off stifling the gasp at seeing him full form.  He is an Adonis and he is her guy.  He starts to go through his drawer to retrieve his undergarments turning slightly so she gets a partial of his front view.  Man he has a lot to offer in that department too smiling wickedly at her own thoughts.  As he is putting his boxers on he sees she is watching him raising an eyebrow.

“Are you enjoying the view” he asks devilishly turning her head into the pillow stifling a giggle. He sits beside her on the bed starting to tickle her as she wiggles around laughing whole heartedly.

“Yes I was enjoying the view!” bursting out “Now stop tickling me since tears are now running down my face.” He stops kissing her on the forehead since trying to catch her breath. “You know pay backs a bitch and I mean the tickling part.”

“Well, you are going to have to find my tickle spot first if you want a pay back!” he teases her again.  Looking into her eyes he smiles, “I’m sorry I have to head out early and I’ll keep in touch with you today.  Have fun with Tiffany, we will join you both as soon as we can.”
planting a sweet long kiss on her lips as he goes to finish dressing while she soaks in the morning bliss.

After he kisses again to say goodbye leave she pulls her phone out a tm Tif to see if she is up yet.  She tm back of course because she is not planning on wasting the day sleeping when she is on a mini vacation. She tm telling her I’m jumping in the shower she will meet up with her within an hour, she replies back that she is doing the same thing.

We head out together to explore our new surrounding in day light and get some breakfast.  The casino Brandy is not too keen on since she never really gambled that much before so we head out to check out the famous boardwalk.  Amazed at how many people are out and about on a Saturday but Tif explains that Atlantic City is like a mini Vegas and there is almost always something going on.  She can see they have a lot of hotels on this beach front area along with what looks like an amusement park that goes out over the water.  This is so cool and enlightening she wants to go there with Nathan tomorrow.  That looks like fun.  The weather is really warm here for this late spring now but it feels great, so we hit a few shops planning on heading back to get some sun on our winter pale bodies which we joke about.

We find a really nice outlet area and they have shops that sell the most gorgeous evening wear.  Tiffany is floored going through plenty of dresses finding some that she likes. Trying several on she finds one lavender color that makes her look like a model.  She buys it not really wanting to know the price since most of the dresses start out at over $300 which is way out of Brandy’s price range.  She does an accessory assessment having her outfit for tonight.  Thinking what was she wearing for tonight, knowing Tiffany packed but if we have a major dinner to go to tonight she probably packed her traditional black dress that goes with everything, hoping it’s enough.  Well, it will have to do, she can’t afford $300 plus right now.  We finish our shopping spree which is really her shopping spree since she only bought some cosmetic jewelry to dazzle slightly go back to hang out at the pool.

We grab lunch pool side and soak up the rays.  Tiffany orders us some refreshing daiquiris to sip on as we relax in the sun.

“So” she says, “How are things going with you and Nathan?” ok girl talk is in play.

“Extremely well in that department, how about you?” Brandy asks back.

Lowering her glasses to look her in the eye she blushes, “Great and seeing you blush I can see it is the same!” she giggles “Can you believe this, here we are with two guys that are best friends with me and you have the time of our lives.  It can’t get any better than this!” and we clink glasses.  “I’m glad you have overcome your shyness by the way and you finally found the women in you, I’m very proud of you Brandy.”  She smiles turning to put her face back into the sun.

“I am too, still why does he want me, I’m not anyone special.” she sighs

She smacks her hard on my arm and Brandy yells out slightly “What was that for!”

“To make you wake up and finally see that you are something special, stop putting yourself down.  You are beautiful in so many ways and you need to stop thinking less of yourself!” she tells her firmly.

Rubbing her sore arm warmly smiling at Tiffany, “Ok, but you don’t need to hit me so hard, my arm is now redder than my face right now!” jokingly tell her back.  “You’re the best Tiffany and I’m so glad we are here together.  Let’s have the best night ever ok?”

“Oh, I have already got that planned, just you wait.” She grins wondering what she is up to.  Just then both of us get a text retrieving our phones.  They got the job and we have a dinner party to attend to tonight at 5 pm.  We both look at up hugging each other in excitement for our guys.  It’s already 3pm, wow has the day flown.  We pack up our stuff going upstairs to our rooms letting the guys know we will be ready to leave by 4:45pm.  They are all set since they both left in suites and will be picking us up in the lobby by 4:45.

Tiffany tells her to come into her hotel room for a minute.  She has already laid out her new dress but in addition to her dress she brought her favorite sky blue dress which has a low cut v in the front and a scoop back.  It really is so sexy and beautifully designed; she always looks great in it.  She of course has matching shoes with a purse to go with it.  She hands me the blue dress with the accessories. “Here, you are wearing this tonight, surprise!” she exclaims.  knowing the dress is really expensive although we are somewhat close in size even though she is slightly taller she can’t believe she is giving this to her to wear.  Asking “Are you sure this is an expensive dress?” she complies “Just go get ready and try it on.  I’ll be over shortly to be the judge ok?”

Doing as she asked totally floored thanking her for helping again.  God she is surprised that she is not sick of her poor ways yet but she loves being giving which she loves her for it too!  Showers, shave again just to make sure she didn’t miss a spot trying to fix her really wavy hair today.  Sitting in her lingerie she packed for her doing her makeup, Tiffany comes over, she is mostly ready to have some wine with her to finish up together like we do back home.  Her new dress is stunning knowing she will rock Denny’s world when he sees her.  She plays with Brandy’s hair which she is so good at controlling it better than her making it look so sexy she tells her it’s time to see how she fits in the dress.  Putting it on along with the shoes standing back to see.  Tiffany gasps, “I think I just made you into a modern day Cinderella!”  Looking at herself in the mirror actually thinking she is right.  She doesn’t ever remember looking so good even for prom!

Looking at the time we have 5 minutes before our men will be here we hug knowing we have an exciting night ahead of us.  “Tiffany, you are the best, thank you again” trying to hold back a tear that wants to escape.

“So are you Brandy and don’t get to mushy we don’t want to ruin our mascara yet.  Let’s go have fun!” she exclaims as we head out for the night.  We take the elevator to the lobby area when we step out Denny and Nathan are facing each other having a conversation, Nathan glances over his shoulder doing a double take.  Denny notices he is in rapture turning in our direction also.  They both look like the proudest men around looking at the two of us dressed in our glory.

We saunter up as Nathan takes her in with his eyes admiring how she looks. 
He takes her hand kissing her softly on the cheek.  She whispers in his ear, “Are you enjoying the view?’ he breaths hotly back into hers. “I most certainly am, I must be the luckiest man alive.”  Kissing him on the lips softly since we are in public “Don’t worry; I plan on getting even from this morning.” As he chuckles, “I look forward to that!” biting his lip still keeping his eyes locked on her.

Turning slightly to escort her out to the limo, Denny and Tiffany are having their own private conversation.  Nathan puts his arm out for her to take it so we can head out and they follow behind still talking softly.  We both look like the perfect couples going out to the dinner party.

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