Man Of Steel (2 page)

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Authors: Jordan Silver

BOOK: Man Of Steel
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Chapter 3

Now almost
three years later, we have members in three states and the surrounding
counties. Some were cops and some were ex cons,
done time for petty shit when they were younger like my guys, but we all had the
same goals. It was humbling all these years later to realize that these guys
had more integrity in their gut than most of the assholes I’d served with on
the force. Here they were, the dregs of society; guys who’d been in some form
of trouble at one time or another in their lives, but they’d chosen to turn
their shit around instead of continuing down that road. The fact that they were
a scary looking bunch of fuckers was neither here nor there.

Some less
informed beings equate us with the hell’s angels, but we’re of a different ilk.
Our specialty is cross-country rides with a purpose; our focus is on women and
children in fucked up situations. Either abused kids or women who were trying
to get the hell away from some asshole who promised them forever and then
subjected them to a life of hell. I guess you can call us a relocation
organization since we’ve moved more women out of state and into protective
shelters across the country than anyone else I know of.

With all the
manpower we now have and the differing levels of professionals, from lawyers to
doctors and even CEOs and shit, our little enterprise had become something I
don’t think any of us had expected. That was one of the reasons the guys had
approached me, they were growing faster than expected and were in way over
their heads. Plus not the one of them had any people skills and though I was a
little rough around the edges or so I’ve been told, I still had a little more
decorum than my boys.

I was able to
talk people of the higher echelons of society into supporting our cause. Men
and women that I’d had reason to cross paths with in my former profession in
one-way or the other. Most of them were only too happy to help out, for some
people writing a check was just as fulfilling as being hands on.

It wasn’t just
the relocation thing we had going either, there were the ride-
, the security detail, the rebuilding project. A
whole fuck load of things that society needed that you never heard about on the
six o’clock news. My favorite and most rewarding though, was protecting the
little kids.

That’s how I
met my Lily. I’d run a kid whose dad had used her as an ashtray and a football
into the hospital where she worked. She’d taken one look at me in my leathers
and then looked at the kid and steam came out of her ears and nose. She was a
good foot or more shorter, but that hadn’t stopped her from lighting into me
and crowding me until she got me out of the room and away from her patient.

“I’m calling
the cops you overgrown jerk.” I just looked down at her in shock until I caught
on to what was going on in her head. Folding my arms I stared down at the
little ball of fire as she spat fury at me and threatened me with mayhem. When
she started poking me in the chest, that’s when the fun really begun.

I was hit in
the gut by the strangest sensation, something I had no name for because I’d
never experienced it before. I looked down past her finger to the rise in my
dick. Her eyes followed mine and snapped back up in a hurry, like she’d seen
something forbidden. “Seriously?” Now she was really flustered, her face pinked
up and she swallowed hard before stepping back. And right then I wished I knew
what she was thinking.

“Seems like we’ve got us a
situation here doc, so why don’t we do this? Why don’t you take care of my
charge here and then you can give me your number and we’ll go from there? Say
tonight at about seven.”

“Humph, you sure do have a high
opinion of yourself don’t you? Who says I’m interested?
besides maybe I already have a date.”

matter to me one way or the other, break it.” She had nothing to say to that
bold statement, but I noticed she hadn’t shot me down either. That wouldn’t
have mattered either if she had, a man like me who’d been around the block a
couple times before and after marriage, I knew what it meant when my body
reacted this way to a woman. It meant for one thing, the sex was going to be
hot. In the back of my mind I started wondering how
long she was going to make me do the dance before she’d let me take her.

“I’m not sure
that I like you very much hotshot, now stay out of my way and let me do my
job.” I held my hands up in surrender and grinned. The good doctor might not be
sure if she liked me but her body was sending off signals like a beacon at a
lighthouse. She sniffed at me and glared, then she’d turned to little Amy and
as fired up as she’d been with me, she was now just as gentle with the little

She spoke to the little girl as if
they were old her friends and I was pleasantly surprised by the way she had her
at ease in no time.

When little Amy had held out
her arms for me and refused to let go I guess Lily had finally accepted the
fact that maybe I wasn’t the culprit who’d messed the kid over; though she’d
still tried to keep her body between us.

“This wasn’t
my doing little one and shame on you for jumping to conclusions.” She’d pinked
up at my slight admonishment and bent her head to the job of mending Amy’s
broken arm.

I’d put my
first rush of interest aside then for the sake of the child. My mind once again
turned to the horror that she’d just endured at the hands of someone who was
supposed to care for and cherish her. I held onto her while the obviously
competent doc had taken care of all her other scrapes and bruises, which also
included a split lip and some minor bruises that covered the better part of her
little body.

The dad was in
much worse shape now though thanks to me, one of the perks of no longer being a
cop. I get to kick the shit out of any asshole the law seeks to protect while
they trample all over other people’s rights. I no longer had to toe the line
for fear of reprisals. The assholes I tangled with these days because of the
shit they were into, had no other recourse after I, or one of my guys had laid
their ass out, which was becoming a regular occurrence.

It’s shameful
to admit but it’s true, I get a shitload of pleasure out of putting my foot up
some asshole’s ass, and when I wasn’t there to do it one of my guys picked up
the slack. I’d seen enough shit on and off of the force to last me a lifetime,
and the one thing I knew was that bullies never stood up to anyone bigger or
stronger than them. With the manpower we had, we were bigger and meaner than a
whole lot of people out there. The difference is that we choose to use our
strength to protect those who are weaker.

Chapter 4

Now with her
assurance that she was going to be okay, and one last kiss and feel I headed
out the door. I know my visage had changed before I even hopped on my bike.
Gone was the easy go lucky husband to be and in his place was a man of steel.
This is how it is in my life these days; I’ve got too much to protect, too much
to lose to let myself be anything but hard. The world has shown itself to be a
danger to the innocent, a fucking death trap to the sweet and unassuming. I may
not be able to save them all, but I’m
do all I
can for the ones I can save.

I hadn’t just
gained the reputation as a hard ass, though I didn’t necessarily see myself
that way. I’ve always been told that I was one mean son of a bitch. That had
served me well in the interrogation room, now it serves its purpose in other
venues. My ex wife can bear testament to that shit too I guess, or so she likes
to claim. I know Lily steers clear of that shit, because from day one, day one
being the first time I took her out to dinner, I’d lain down the law.

After we’d met
in the hospital I’d shown up at her job the next day and hadn’t taken no for an
answer. I wouldn’t say I’d worn her down as much as I’d taken her over. Our
first date was at my first bar, thinking back now, that hadn’t been the best
idea. I knew my guys liked hanging out in my place and I also knew they were a
nosy bunch of fucks
never quit.

After the
ribbing and the catcalls along with some almost tame suggestions I’d
sequestered her in a back booth out of sight. I had made up my mind already
where I wanted this thing to go so I just laid it all out for her then and

“You want something to drink?”

“I’m on call tomorrow so maybe just
one glass of white.” If I didn’t know she was a doctor I might’ve asked her
little ass for some ID, she was that small. The server came over and took our
drink orders while I checked out the doc. She was put together really well out
from under that smock she’d been wearing the night before.

Her tits were
ripe and full under the stretchy top she wore. Her neat waist tapered off to
slightly rounded hips, not too wide but not nonexistent either, in soft jeans
that molded her ass just right. No wonder my guys had lost their damn minds.
I’ll have to talk to them about that shit later. I couldn’t go too hard though
because they weren’t accustomed to seeing me with a chick. Then again that
should tell them something, that maybe she was special if I was bringing her to
my place.

“How old did you say you were

“I didn’t say.” She was cheeky
as fuck that’s for sure. She played with the stem of her glass as she teased me
from across the table. “You do know it’s rude to ask a woman her age right?”

“Well since I plan for the two of
us to be together for a long time I think I have the right to know.”

“Are you always this forward with people you’ve only just

“Is there any other way to be?
Look I’m pretty sure by now you have a pretty good idea
I am and what I’m about. I don’t have time to fuck around and I especially
don’t have time to dick around with my personal life. I saw you, I want you,
I’m keeping you and before you ask, no you don’t have any say in the matter.”

That had
pretty much been the gist of our coming together. After that night it had taken
me another month give or take to move her into my place and we hadn’t even
fucked yet. I have a kid to protect for the rest of her life, so for me, any
woman I bring into my home has to fit a certain criteria. She has to be at
least better than my ex in the mothering stakes for one thing. I wasn’t about
to take any chances with my lil bit, no way no how. I’ve fucked plenty, because
let’s face it, every red blooded male needs that outlet, but from the get, I
knew she was going to be different.

It wasn’t easy
jumping back on that horse, I mean it hadn’t been that long since the divorce
and I hadn’t exactly been looking for
anything long
term. Some of my guys’ bad habits had been rubbing off on me and easy pussy was
high on the menu.

For some
reason women were attracted to the whole biker deal and they expected us to
live up to our reputations. For that reason, before Lily and after Deanna my
sex life had changed drastically. I have to say my life with Deanna had been
pretty vanilla, not that I’m complaining, it was good for what it was. But now
I had more threesomes than a man knew what to do with.

lie, I
was into that shit; why? Because my emotions were never involved, so it didn’t
matter to me if I nailed one or three at a time. Plus the shit I was dealing
with left me wound the fuck up and sex is the best decompression I know of, and
it seemed there was always a steady stream of pussy coming in and out of the

Now with Lily
on my dick, I had to put all that shit aside. I wasn’t the type to run around
on my old lady, not if she was the one. I expected loyalty and fidelity from
her and I wasn’t willing to give any less. She
had a hard time with my past, with the women I’d fucked and the fact that some
of them were still hanging around.

The hangers on
knew the deal, I couldn’t exactly get rid of them; they were part of the scene
after all. But they knew to respect my woman and my space. It only took one
time for me telling them to back the fuck off and it was done. I guess Lily
felt a little sore in the beginning because I’d refused to fuck her until after
I’d done what I needed to do to make sure she was a safe bet.

I didn’t try
explaining myself to her and maybe that added to her displeasure, but the
reality was I wanted in her in the worst way, but I also wanted something more.
If she’d turned out to be unsuitable I would’ve taken her to the clubhouse and
done her there for however long it would’ve taken for me to get her out of my system.

But feeling the way I did about her I
didn’t want to disrespect her in that way. That’s why the long wait before I
brought her under me. And boy was it worth the wait, she might be a little bit
of a thing but when it came to fucking she held her own. Fucking with me she
needed to.

These days
lovemaking for me is what other people call foreplay. That shit’s cool for the
first half an hour or so, but I like to fuck
pulling, nipple clamping, balls deep sex. Any female messing with me had better
be down with that shit or she’s in for a world of hurt. Lily had stood the

Chapter 5

It was on her
first night in my house that I’d taken her. By then the build-up was enough to
blow the roof off and we were both ready to climb the walls. All I’d done so
far was eat her pussy on a regular basis and taught her how to suck me off the
way I liked, but that was more to introduce her to my size than anything else.
Now that I had her where I wanted her it was time to get down to some serious

We’d both done
the testing thing, because like I said, I wasn’t about to risk my daughter’s
future and not having me around was a sure fired way to fuck that shit up. She
was on the pill which was good, because I was tired of rubber, but there was no
way in hell I was ever gonna dip my cock in one of the hangers on without one.
Now that I had a steady in my life I could go back to riding bareback.

That night
she’d been shy, nothing at all like the mouthy broad I’d come to know in the
last few weeks. I set about trying to put her at ease right off the bat. “Why
so jumpy?” I’d put her bags away in my closet for now and led her back out to
the living room. I didn’t want to just jump her as soon as she walked through
the door though my dick was about ready to revolt. He wasn’t accustomed to
going without for so long, not since I got my first taste of pussy at fourteen

“How about a
glass of wine? You said you were off tomorrow right.” She nodded her head and
followed me with her eyes as I walked over to the mini bar to get her a glass
of wine and me a beer. Sitting next to her I laid my arm along the back of the
couch and relaxed watching her out of the corner of my eye.

Maybe it was
the newness of the situation that was making her so jumpy. Before tonight there
had been no pressure, she knew I wasn’t going to try to fuck because I hadn’t
made any moves, but now being here in my home and obviously about to share my
bed, she knew the jig was up.

“Babe you’ve
seen my dick before, in fact you’ve had it in your mouth so you know it’s no
different from any other. Maybe it’s a little longer than most but it’s not a
mutation or some shit so chill.” I was trying to ease the situation but my
little spiel only seemed to make matters worst, because she looked down at the
bulge in my jeans and I swear she started to hyperventilate.

Before she
could freak the fuck out I took the glass away from her and pulled her into my
lap facing me. “Hey, it’s okay. We don’t have to do anything you don’t want
to.” Like fuck, but I had to put the girl at ease or at least try. As small as
she was there was no doubt that the pussy was going to be tight to begin with.
Having her all tense might give my dick more trouble than was necessary so the
best course of action was to get her to relax a little.

“It’s not
that, it’s just…” She broke off and buried her face in my neck and I decided
not to push her for answers. Might as well show rather than tell. I put my beer
on the side table and started by slowly running my hands up and down her back.
I started on the outside of her shirt since she was being so skittish.

When I felt
the tension ease a bit I nipped her neck with my teeth, before working my mouth
around to hers and sticking my tongue down her throat. She was wearing a flirty
little skirt that left her thighs bare so it was no problem for me to ease my
hands up and under until I reached her panties. Working my hand around I found
her clit with my thumb and stroked.

When I was sure
her mind was off of whatever the fuck was making her jumpy I upped the game.
Slipping my finger under the elastic leg of her panties I went after her heat,
pushing first one then two fingers inside. She cooed and bucked against my
hand. So far so good, we’d been here before so there was no fear. I took my
time, no rushed movements and by doing this, her anxiety eased more.

“Take these
off.” I helped her lift her ass so I could pull her silk panties down but they
got caught around her hips. Since I didn’t want her to move from her position
spread over my thighs I tore the shit in two and threw it aside. Now there was
nothing between me, and her pussy.

“Take me out
baby.” She fought with my zipper and shoved her hand down the front of my jeans
where my cock was already leaking. “Umm, play with him.” Her little thumb ran
back and forth over the tip of my cock while I fingered her to climax.

Pulling my
fingers out of her I sucked them dry before throwing her to her back on the
couch. A look at her eyes told me she still wasn’t ready for the bedroom, I
still had a lot of work to do to get her there. I barely took the time to push
the skirt up around her middle before lifting her to my mouth like an offering.

I teased
around her opening with my tongue first, all my attention concentrated on her
love button. I lifted my head long enough to order her to remove her top and
bra. “Play with your tits while I eat you babe.” I spent a good fifteen minutes
eating her out and bringing her off on my tongue before standing and lifting
her into my arms.

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