Man Of Steel (3 page)

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Authors: Jordan Silver

BOOK: Man Of Steel
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Chapter 6

With my jeans
unbuttoned and my cock peeping out through the top I carried her half naked
form into our room and placed her in the middle of the bed. She wrestled my
pants the rest of the way down and off before swallowing half of my length.
“Shit babe take it easy.” She was heated up from having her pussy eaten for so
long and now it seemed all her inhibitions
Thank fuck.

I combed my
fingers through her hair as she sucked my cock hard. She was a sight with her
skirt up around her
legs spread as she laid
back and let me fuck her mouth. “I don’t want to cum in your mouth babe. I want
this shot to go deep. You ready?” she nodded her head yes but I saw the hint of
fear return to her eyes.

“Don’t worry
baby I’ll go slow, you don’t have to take my whole length this first time
okay.” She nodded and held put her arms for me. After pulling the skirt all the
way off of her I dropped between her thighs and lifted her ass. We both watched
as my cock sought entrance into her. It took a few tries since I wasn’t using
my hands but eventually my boy hit the mark.

“You with me?”
Her breathing was choppy and she was biting the fuck out of her lip. I stopped
all movement and looked down at her. “Babe I’m not going to hurt you just relax
for me okay.” I held still while taking her lips once again, using soothing
motions of my hands to calm her.

When I felt
her give a little I eased a little more of my cock into her. She was a tight
fit just as I’d expected, but it was only as I pulled back and thrust forward
harder that I understood her hesitance. I had my eyes on the place where we
were connected so I saw the blood that surrounded my meat before my mind
registered what the barrier inside her meant. “What the fuck?” I stopped my
forward stroke and looked down at her in shock.

“I thought you
said you were twenty seven years old?” Her answer was a shrug and a twist of
her hips. “Don’t stop now, I was just getting into it.” She pulled my mouth
down to hers, I guess to put an end to the questions. It didn’t take me long to
shelve them for later and get back to the business at hand though my mind was
working overtime.

I remember
feeling like my heart would bust wide open from all the shit that was going on
inside. Things were obviously changed now with this new development. Though I’d
pretty much made up my mind about us already, this sealed the deal completely.
In my thirty-five years I’d never had a virgin, never expected at this late
date to find one. There was no way in hell I was ever letting her go.

I had to
change up then and there in the middle of my strokes. There was no way I could
feed her all of me this first time without doing some kind of damage. No wonder
she was scared, she’d had my length in her mouth and hands, she had to know
with her small stature that there might be a problem getting all of me in

I used my hand
to hold the last three and a half inches outside of her. She had a hard time
taking eight inches but she held on while I sweated it out over her, trying my
best not to pound into her the way I wanted to. I had to keep her body primed
and since I fucking hate artificial lubrication I had to use my hands and

Every time she
ran into trouble and her body seized up, I pulled out and tongue fucked her
until she was nice and wet again. I used my fingers to widen her and kept her
in a high state of arousal before easing my cock back into her. We were finally
able to get into a groove when I was sure I wasn’t hurting her and her sighs
and moans told me she was enjoying herself.

It wasn’t the
most comfortable thing in the world fucking with my hand between us and I
decided then and there to get a cock ring. That ought to do the job until I had
coached her body to take all of me.


I took her three times that night
and could’ve gone for more, but I knew I would do more damage than good if I
kept after her.

That night was the beginning of
our life together. It was sometimes good, sometimes trying but it was

We came from
two different worlds, she was a classy Vanderbilt grad with a family of wealth
behind her, I was an ex cop turned MC leader. Let’s just say her folks were not
amused. There was talk of disowning her in the beginning, which I couldn’t
really do anything about. Their money was theirs to do whatever the fuck they

What I did do
was call a meet with her father and the one brother who was being a hard ass. I
had one thing and one thing only to say to them that day and that was that if
anything they did brought her pain I would seriously fuck their shit up.
Needless to say the threats had stopped after that, and though there hadn’t
been a rush to acceptance, things had evened out eventually.

I guess when
you tell a woman’s family that she wasn’t going anywhere so they’d better
figure out how the fuck they were going to deal with the loss of their family
member it kinda put things in perspective for them. Our relationship has been
going gangbusters ever since then.

She played a
big part in what I did with the crew these days, which makes life easier. With
the hours I sometimes keep it would’ve been hard if she weren’t onboard,
something else I had no experience with. I’d learned my lesson from my first go
round and fair or not Lily bore the brunt of that shit. There were just some
things that I wasn’t willing to put up with in our relationship and she had to
figure out how the fuck to deal with my demands.

So far she’d
been keeping up so I guess it was
all good
. Though sometimes
she gave me shit for putting another female’s shit on her shoulders. She knew
that I took a hard line when it came to her because of the shit my ex had
pulled and that I was not willing to walk that path again. Not that I expected
her ass to cheat, but I was of the mindset that prevention was better than

I’d let her
know what was and wasn’t acceptable behavior, she had a list because I was
looking for any missteps. It might’ve seemed like overkill but like I’d warned
her when I gave her that list. It beat me strangling the fuck out of her at
some point in the future if she fucked up. Not for nothing but being cheated on
left a
bad fucking
taste in my mouth. Not that I
thought the lack was in me, I knew it was all on my ex, she chose to spread for
someone else. Still as a man it fucked with m head for a minute. Had I cared
one fuck about her at that point I probably would’ve done more than just walked

With Lily I
know shit would be different. When I first told her I’d kill her ass and bury
her in a field somewhere if she fucked me over she laughed it off. When I
didn’t join in she’d caught on real quick. “You wouldn’t really do that right?
You can’t be serious.”

“Babe, I told
you a little bit about my past with my ex, what makes you think that I’d put
myself through that shit a second time? You have no reason to fear unless you
plan on fucking around on me at which point you’ve already been warned of the

That had been
one of many conversations that I was sure made her want to run for the hills
but she stayed and eventually she got used to me, and my ways. She knew she was
safe with me, that I would protect her with my last breath. But she also knew
that there would be dire consequences if she fucked up.

The only other
issue we had
over money. She made good money at
her practice and had an independent streak a mile wide. That didn’t really fit
into my ideal so we butted heads there for a hot minute until she figured out
she could have more fun playing the market with her money than arguing with me
about it.

I liked
knowing that when my woman put on something new that it was my money that had
bought it. Or when she went out with her girls it was her man footing the bill.
She got around that shit by spoiling my kid but that was okay. As long as I got
my way we were cool.

I had to put
her out of my mind and focus on the shit I had to do tonight. It had been a few
weeks since we’d started on this particular job and things were coming to a
head soon. Shit had gone down that I wasn’t too pleased about
knew from
experience that coming into the stretch usually put assholes in a panic and
made them do stupid shit.

Chapter 7

The boys were
already mounted up and waiting when I rode up to our designated meeting place.
With just a slight nod of acknowledgment, I went to the head of the crew and
waited until they formed in line behind me and we headed out of town under
cover of night.

In the next
town over was a little nine year old girl who’d barely survived the barbaric
attentions of a two hundred and fifty pound pedophilic piece a shit who’d
raped, battered, slit her throat and left her for dead. As an ex-cop I
understood that the powers that be frowned on vigilante justice, as a father,
if I’d caught the motherfucker before the law did he would be dead already.

Stephanie was
now one of us; anyone who could survive that shit had to have steel running
under their skin with a healthy rod of it in their spine. Her mother had
sounded the alarm a few weeks ago when it was coming on time for the trial. Our
little warrior was having nightmares about her personal boogieman coming to get
her in the dark. Can’t have that shit, can’t let him take not so much as
another second away from that precious child, so every night for the past two weeks
we’ve been standing guard outside her home.

One crew took
up night duty and another relieves us in the morning to escort her to school.
Until the trial is over, she won’t be alone, and if she still needs us after
that, well that’s what the fuck we do, we don’t leave until the job’s done.

We pulled up
outside the ranch style house in the little
sac. Every light in the house was on and I could see someone peeping through
the curtains at the window. My heart hitched in my chest that one so young could
know such fear. There was no justice in that, nothing good at all about this
fucked up situation. No matter what anyone does or says from now on, this will
be a part of her. It’s my job and my crew’s job to see it doesn’t become what
defines her.

As a cop my
job would’ve already been done, unless the D.A. chose to call me to give
evidence or something, I wouldn’t be involved in this side of things. I
wouldn’t know of her fears in the night, or see her mom’s worry. I liked this
way better, this way I get to see the job through from beginning to end.

There were
twelve of us who alighted from our bikes and removed helmets before heading
towards the front door. We had a routine worked out by now. Each case is
different; each woman or child has his or her own unique needs. Whatever it
takes to make them feel secure is what we offer.

mother Donna opened the door just as we reached it and ushered us in. “How is
she tonight?” We stood around the living room, which is where we usually
started our nightly ritual. After getting a rundown of the day’s events from
Donna I headed back to the room where Stephanie slept with her mom these days,
too afraid to be in her own bed alone.

She was
sitting up in the middle of the bed, wide-eyed and alert. There were still some
faded bruises around her face and the sight of the dark ugly puckered flesh
around her neck where the monster had cut into her made me see red. The only
draw back to having a conscience is that it keeps me from exacting vengeance
the way I see fit.

I have no
qualms about bashing a motherfucker’s head in, but I won’t cross the line into
murder. That’s a stand that I’ve been battling with for the longest time.
Sometimes it seems that might be the only answer. But I know if I ever went
down that road that I would be fucking up a lot of people’s lives. So I won’t
be that selfish, no matter the satisfaction I might derive from ending one of
these fuckers.

“Good evening
Ms. Stephanie how’re we doing this evening?” I kept my distance so as not to
scare her. She was still a little skittish around men though she’d come a long
way with the guys and I in the last few weeks. Still I knew to wait for a sign
from her that it was okay to move closer. She must always feel like she’s in
control, that she was the one calling the shots. That was part of rebuilding
her confidence and her general sense of safety, something that was going to
take years to achieve.

Blade.” She gave me one of her shy smiles as she plucked at the comforter that
covered her tiny frame. Nothing chokes me up faster than seeing a female in
distress, especially one so young. I can’t help but to see my little Holly, my
lil bit, in her place. What would that do to me as a man? To see my little girl
so hurt and broken and damn near destroyed?

The sad part
about this particular situation is that Stephanie’s dad had passed not long
before she’d been attacked, adding insult to injury. She’d been struggling with
the loss of a man who by all accounts had done everything in his power to
shield and protect his little girl.

No sooner than
he’d been put in the ground than this asshole had struck. It was almost as if
the sick bastard had been waiting for just such an opportunity. From what I’d
learned Kevin, the father, had been a hands on dad. He took his kid to and from
school everyday and kept an eagle eye on her and her mom.

He was another
one that had understood what the world was really like and knew the need to go
that extra mile to protect the ones he loved. A drunk going the wrong way had
put an end to a decent man who’d been out getting balloons for his kid’s
birthday party. Two weeks later she was taken on her way home from school.

The mother was
wracked with guilt because she couldn’t pick up the slack from where her
husband had left off. But with the man of the house gone she’d had to go back
out to work and her hours didn’t allow her to be home until at least an hour
after Stephanie came home in the evenings.

It should’ve been
safe enough to walk the few blocks home from the schoolyard, but somewhere
between there and here the monster had struck, and their lives were changed
forever. Her little eyes scanned the room like a cornered rat and I could feel
the fear coming off her in waves. It was approaching full dark now, the time
when her fear became paramount. It would take a few minutes for her to quell
the fear the way we’d taught her to.

Soon she’d
climb down off the bed and take my hand and I’ll lead her out to the living
room where the others were waiting. After the hellos were exchanged we’d walk
her around the house to show her where everything was secure, then I’d point
out to her where each team was going to be. I’ll check her
to make sure
it was working as well as the panic button we’d gotten her.

When she was
assured that all was in order we’d take our places around the perimeter of the
house and settle in for the night. Tonight was no different than the ones that
came before and we went through our paces, each man patient and attentive to
the little girl that we’d sworn to protect.

When she was
breathing easy and laughing shyly at our silly attempts to make her smile we
knew it was time for her to call it a night. Donna said her goodnights and
walked her daughter into the bedroom they now shared and we turned to leave the
confines of the house as the little nightlight came on.

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