Read Master of My Mind BN Online

Authors: Jenna Jacob

Master of My Mind BN (18 page)

BOOK: Master of My Mind BN
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“We’ll be out to give you an update as soon as we find out
what’s going on.” Emile smiled as Drake ushered the pair through a set of
double doors.

A half hour later, Sarah rushed back into the room.

“It’s a boy!” she exclaimed on a breathless sigh. “Tristan
has arrived. He’s chubby and pink and,
oh my! He’s just perfect. The little slugger tipped the scales eight pounds,
six ounces, and has a set of lungs that rival Emile’s most thunderous orders.”

She giggled as tears filled her shimmering blue eyes. A roar
of cheers erupted through the waiting room, and Trevor wiped a tear as it slid
down his cheek.

“Is Julianna okay?” Drake asked expectantly.

Anything concerning Julianna turned the big Daddy Dom into a
giant marshmallow. Before she and Mika had found one another and fallen in
love, Drake had been her protector.

“Yes, Sir,” Sarah assured. “She did wonderfully. Neither she
nor Mika can stop grinning through their tears of joy. I can’t begin to explain
the wonder of it all, watching that little boy come into the world…well… it was
like I just witnessed a miracle.”

“Thank god,” Drake replied on a mighty exhale. His broad
shoulders slumped with relief.

Sarah swiped away her happy tears. “As soon as mom and baby
are cleaned up, they’ll let you go back, a few at a time, to meet Tristan.”
Sarah beamed as she hurried out of the room once again.

“They have a boy,” I sighed wistfully.

Tony squeezed my hand and drew it to his lips. “I’m sorry
you lost Nathan.”

Leaning to the side, I rested my head on his shoulder. “So
am I. He would have been nine years old now.”

“Nine?” Tony asked in a shocked whisper.

“Yes, I got pregnant when I was seventeen, and no… he wasn’t
planned,” I explained with a weak smile.

“And the father?”

A wave of dread swamped me. Peeking up at him, I shook my
head. “I paid a terrible price getting involved with Nathan’s father. And while
I’ll probably always feel regret, surviving all that came from it changed me. I
don’t want to talk about that today. It’s a day for happiness, Tony. Can we
leave it alone for now?”

“Every day should be a happy day for you, sweetheart.”

Lifting my head, I boldly gazed into his eyes. “Every day I
spend with you…

That broad smile of his, the one that melted me every time,
blossomed over his mouth. Sliding his hand in my hair, Tony drew me in close.
The intensity of his kiss spoke volumes, far more than words could convey. I
tasted his passion and adoration. And for the first time, there was no guilt
over George or fear I was making another stupid mistake, just an overwhelming
rightness I couldn’t deny.

Sinking deeper into his kiss, my lips parted in welcome.
Needing and wanting, I accepted his tongue. And he explored each soft crevice
of my mouth as I drowned in his heady scent, his intoxicating taste. And his
persuasive demand. The world around us ceased to exist. Fire spread from deep
in my womb, stretching out through my limbs, and I whimpered as Tony slowly
eased away.

,” he murmured in a deep and
ragged timbre.

Lifting my right hand, I tangled my fingers in his shirt as
I stared at his wet, swollen lips. Tony leaned in again. The soft stroke of his
tongue along the seam of my lips—his question silent but demanding—did I want
more? Want his passion and control, his pleasure and guidance, his power and
contentment? Little did he know I’d lost the battle to resist
Tony had crawled inside my soul deeper and more
thoroughly than any man had before. Touching me on such a primal level I
couldn’t turn back now if I wanted to. And god help me, I didn’t want to.

On a ragged moan, I surrendered to his kiss. Opened and gave
him the power to strip my defenses. Seize my vulnerabilities. And claim my
wounded soul.

,” The comedic sound of
someone clearing their throat interrupted our heated kiss.

Tony hesitantly pulled away, and as his focus settled past
the top of my head, one side of his erotic mouth curled in a smile. Twisting in
the wheel chair, I spied Mika’s father standing behind me.

“You two keep that up, and I predict you’ll be back here in
nine months,” Emile laughed as he leaned in and slapped Tony on the back.

Tony snorted. “I think Tristan would love a little brother
or sister, but you might check with Mika and Julianna to see if they’re up for
it that soon.”

“Smart ass, I was talking about you and
Emile chuckled with a shake of his head.

“Yeah, I don’t think Mika’s ready to re-live these last
couple months anytime soon,” Nick chortled.

“Hell, I doubt
could survive dealing with him like that again,” Drake drawled with a huge

“Mika wanted to know if you and
could come back first. He has a favor to ask you,” Emile announced, looking at


Before I could blink, Tony leapt from his chair and wheeled
me toward the double doors.

“We won’t stay long,” I promised our anxious friends as Tony
sped me away.

Tristan was as beautiful and as precious as Sarah had
boasted. Julianna looked exhausted, but she glowed with that new mother joy,
and Mika was nearly bursting with pride.

“Do you want to hold him?” The proud daddy asked Tony.

Me?” The color drained from
his face.
“No, man.
I’ll break him or something.”

I laughed and shook my head. “I’d love to hold him, if
that’s okay, Sir.”

“Of course,
,” Julianna
smiled. “He doesn’t feel nearly as heavy now as he did inside my belly.”

I giggled as Mika arranged the little bundle into the crook
of my arm. Tony crouched beside me. A sparkle of wonderment flickered in his
dark eyes as he stared at the tiny baby.”

“Can you help me support his little butt?” I asked
trying to take down the fear factor Tristan spiked in
Tony. I felt him reach beneath the baby and softly begin to rub his back.

“God, he’s so small,” Tony marveled.

“He’s so beautiful,” I cooed, leaning in close to inhale the
sweet scent of baby lotion.

Sitting in a wheel chair holding the little boy, memories
came flooding back. A whirlpool of emotion threatened to pull me under. His
perfect round face and dark lashes resting on his cheeks reminded me of my
No mourning allowed. Those days are done.
The gentle mental prod, coupled with the tuft of dark curly hair on Tristan’s
head, kept me from spiraling down into the murky depths of sadness. But it
didn’t stop the tears from spilling past my eyes.

“That’s exactly what happened when I looked at him,”
Julianna sniffed. “He’s so… beautiful.”

“He’s more than that,” Tony whispered. “He’s a precious gift
from god.”

Nuzzling Tristan close to my face one last time, I sucked in
a shaky breath and smiled. With a tiny nod, Mika lifted him from my arms.

“I should have these stupid casts off in about two more
weeks if you need a babysitter.”

“We’ll take you up on that,” Mika grinned as he settled
Tristan back into Julianna’s arms. “By then we should have the green light to
try for another.”

A low growl rumbled in Julianna’s throat as she sliced Mika
with an evil glare.
“Not likely, Sir.
Your toy box is
off limits for at least six weeks.”

“Six weeks?” Mika choked. Seconds later a wicked grin curled
his mouth. “That’s okay. We can improvise.”

“And on that note,” Tony laughed, “we should head out so the
others can come back.” Bending to give Julianna a kiss, he smiled. “You did
damn good, momma.”

Mika looked down on his family; joy, pride, contentment, and
love swam in his eyes. My heart warmed with happiness for both him and

“Don’t worry about a thing at the club,” Tony assured. “I’ll
snag James, and we’ll appoint some DM’s until Drake makes it in.”

“Thanks, man. I was going to ask if you might handle that
for me.”

“I’d be happy to. Give me a shout if you need anything
else,” Tony offered as the two men hugged, slapping each other in manly
fashion. “Congratulations, bro, or should I say Dad? Tristan’s an awesome
little dude.”

“Yeah, he is at that.” Mika beamed.

The minute we returned to the waiting room, Drake and Trevor
bolted past us, impatiently. After saying our good-byes, Tony and I headed back
to the club. Our conversation was light, focused mostly on the new baby. I
worried that since I’d opened the door to my past, Tony would take the
opportunity to shove a shoulder against the thing and splinter it to
smithereens. But, thankfully, he didn’t.

Swinging by a fast food drive-thru, we grabbed some burgers
before hurrying back to my room. Tony wolfed his dinner down, and I sat
nibbling on mine, watching him get ready. When he peeled off his dress shirt
and donned the requisite black,
Genesis Security
T-shirt, I couldn’t keep my gaze from his rippling muscles. My mouth watered,
and I wanted to moan. My attraction to the man had grown at a steady pace, but
over the past few days, it seemed as if it were taking off like a rocket ship.
The nights were becoming more frustrating, and I found myself lying awake with
a constant burning ache as I listened to him snore. Fighting the urge, more
than once, to wiggle my way beneath the covers and wake him with my mouth. I
was unsure how much longer I could behave.

As if sensing my stare, Tony turned and flashed a seductive
smile. The eager arousal in his eyes dismantled my control. Setting my burger
aside, I met his carnal stare with a seductive gaze of my own. It was like
waving a red flag in front of a bull. Tony ate up the distance between us in
three long strides. Cupping my chin, he forced my eyes to meet his while the
muscles in his jaw ticked.

“I’m trying to be an honorable Dominant here, but you’re
making that extremely difficult, angel.”

“Who said you needed to be,
Staring at his full lips, my voice dipped to an intimate whisper. Having
already memorized his taste, I craved to gorge myself on his heated breath,
soft lips, and slick tongue.

His chest expanded in quick labored movements. His nostrils
flared. “You’ve not given me the green light, yet. It’s up to you to decide if
and when you’re ready.”

Suffused in the untamed hunger vibrating off his rigid body,
I slid my tongue over my bottom lip with a slow, sensual glide. “Green,” I
replied in a kitten-like whisper.

“Fuck,” he whispered. Bending low, Tony gripped a fist in my
hair and slammed his mouth against mine.

There was no hint of finesse in his kiss, just raw,
animalistic, entitlement, jolting me straight to the core. Wired and more alive
than I’d ever felt before, I arched up to him.

Without breaking the kiss, Tony released my hair and knelt
down in front of me.
The soft stroke of
his tongue on mine nearly had me coming undone. Sliding his hands beneath my
cotton top, he framed my waist before skimming his palms up my torso to cup my
throbbing breasts. The air froze in my lungs as he dragged his thumbs across my
nipples. The tingling buds drew even tighter, stinging with an ache to be
tasted, toyed, and teased. My tunnel clenched in demand while Tony swallowed my
desperate whimper. Sliding my shirt up, he exposed my lacy peach bra.

Breaking the kiss, he eased back. His red, swollen lips
glistened. And his hooded gaze left a searing trail of heat as it drifted
across my flesh in a languid glide of approval. With nimble fingers he released
the clasp of my demi-bra. Brushing it aside, he palmed my breasts as they
spilled into his hands.

A tortured growl rumbled in his chest as he bent and flicked
his slick tongue over each taut bud. I cried out as a surge of electricity shot
south, but Tony didn’t relent. He opened his mouth and sucked in deep, first
one breast then the other, before dancing his talented tongue in tormenting
circles around the tightly drawn crests.

“Yes,” I moaned on a raspy sigh.

Deliberately avoiding the sensitive tips, he stirred the
dizzying current through me. The pulsating torture was maddening. Need swelled
and pounded incessantly beneath my clit. Tangling the fingers of my uncast hand
in his hair, I coaxed his hot mouth back to the aching tight tip of my breast
once again.

“Tony,” I breathlessly called out. “Please.”

Writhing on the chair, mindless by his visceral hunger, hot
nectar spilled from inside me.

“Please what, pet?” he murmured against my flesh.

“More. I need more. Stop teasing me. I can’t stand this game

Slowly easing back, his teeth scraped along the glistening
tissue until he held my nipple between his teeth. With a sharp bite, he
released it as I cried out on a whimper.

A feral glint danced across his eyes. “Tell me what you
need, angel.”

“I need you to fuck me, Tony. Please. I need to come,” I
panted. “Christ, it’s been weeks. I can’t take this anymore.”

The glimmer of sadistic delight vanished from his eyes, and
an almost arctic expression lined his face. It was as if he’d suddenly closed
the shutters and barred the door to lock me out.

“What? What’s wrong?” I gasped.

“Sorry, doll, but I have no interest in being a convenient
fuck buddy. If all you need is to have the edge taken off, well, you’ll have to
do that yourself.”

His scathing words sliced deep. My mouth gaped in utter
astonishment as Tony slid my shirt back in place, stood, and slowly backed away.

“What the fuck?”

“Language,” he barked.

“You rev me up only to shut me down like I’m a goddamn car.
What kind of sick, sadistic games are you trying to play here?”

BOOK: Master of My Mind BN
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