Read Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender Online

Authors: Opal Carew,Portia Da Costa,Madelynne Ellis,Marie Harte,Joey Hill,T. J. Michaels,Kate Pearce,Carrie Ann Ryan,Sasha White,Emily Ryan-Davis,Jennifer Leeland

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Anthologies, #Contemporary, #Collections & Anthologies

Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender (67 page)

BOOK: Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender
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Chapter Thirteen


Maggie couldn’t believe her brother had shown up on Christmas Eve. As if Santa himself had heard her wishes and made them come true, she was fortunate enough to spend the evening with her family and friends. And Mac, the man who’d come to mean so much to her.

She took Trevor home with her and spent the night on her couch, forcing his big body into her bed, where he’d fit. She hadn’t had more than a brief moment to wish Mac a merry Christmas before she and Trevor had left Mimi’s. With everyone seeming to watch her and Mac like a hawk, they’d had little interaction together.

But wow, when he’d grazed her hand or nudged her thigh with his on the couch, she’d thought she’d go up in flames. After being with him and making love, the days spent without him next to her felt like months. She felt stupid for such a reaction, especially since two days apart was nothing. Still, the sense of loss persisted. She fell asleep wondering if he missed her as much as she missed him.

Christmas came all too soon, and her brother woke her with a steaming mug of coffee.

“Oh, it truly is Christmas. I don’t have to make the stuff myself.”

He grinned and waved it under her nose. “Merry Christmas, Maggie. I missed you.”

Her eyes filled, and she sat up and hugged him tight.

“Easy. I don’t want to accidentally give you third degree burns and have to explain myself to your bruiser of a boss.” He watched her face and sighed. “So, short stuff, want to tell me about the guy with muscles on top of muscles who watched you like a kid eyeing a stick of candy all night long?”

She flushed, secretly pleased Mac had paid her the attention. “He’s, um, my boss.”

“I know. He said you’re mean.”

She frowned. “I am not. He said that?”

Trevor nodded. “Yep. Said you’re not easy to work around. I think he likes you. How do you feel about him?”

I’m afraid I love him.
She swallowed hard. “He’s okay, I guess. Now can I have that coffee?” He handed it to her, and she took it with thanks. “Just the way I like it, light and sweet.”

“Unlike your boyfriend,” Trevor muttered.

“Excuse me?”

“Oh hell. He watched you the way a hungry dog eyes a bone. He had to have made a move on you already. You’re cute, and he’s the type.”

“I know you’re not acting all protective over me within twenty-four hours of you being home. On Christmas.”

Trevor groaned and sat on the table across from her. “I love you, Maggie. I missed you a lot this last trip.” He paused. “I’ve decided I need a change. I’m moving back here.”

She froze, then put her coffee down slowly. “You mean it? You’re moving back to Seattle?”

“For good. Oomph.” He caught her before they both fell off the table and accepted the hug she forced on him. “Nice to know you’re no longer calling me names.”

“Like liar and secret government spy and hero for hire?”

“Yeah, like those,” he said drily.

She sat back on the couch. “Trevor, I know you do dangerous work. I love you, and I worried for you. I just want you to be safe and happy.”

A shadow crossed his face, but she knew better than to pry. Trevor was a lot like Mac in many ways. Stubborn, protective, and he’d only say what he wanted when he wanted, and not before.

“I’ll be happy here with you.” He smiled at her, and the lost look in his eyes vanished.

“So what will you do now that you’re back?”

He shrugged. “I have a few things in mind. A friend of mine is in charge of a big security firm in town. He needs some muscle.” At her look, he amended, “Brain muscle.”

She scoffed, “Yeah, right. Look, I give up with trying to nag you into being a boring desk man. I’m just glad to have you home, finally.”

“But too late to nab Shelby. Damn.” He winked. “I hear she’s engaged. It’s all Mimi would talk about last night, when she wasn’t cozying up to Ian. Poor bastard.”

Maggie laughed. “Yeah. Scary. But if anyone can handle her, I’m sure it’s Ian. He’s a tough one.”

“Like his nephew, hmm?”

“Oh be quiet. It’s Christmas. Now where’s my present?”


Later in the evening, after Maggie and Trevor left Shane’s Christmas party, they returned home. The party had been a blast. Everyone celebrated Shane and Shelby getting engaged, and Mac and Maggie could smile at each other and be close without setting off any alarm bells, or so she’d assumed. At home after a rousing six hours of extended family time, Trevor begged off, claiming jet lag, but Maggie knew he was giving her the easy way out. She left him alone and headed to Mac’s house, her gifts in tow.

She knocked on the door after double-checking the text he’d sent her. Eight on the dot, and she’d come alone. Funny guy.

He opened the door and dragged her inside. Before she could say anything, he shut the door, plucked the bag from her hand, and set it aside before kissing the breath out of her. He had her tight against him, pushing his erection into her belly with insistence.

After he broke the kiss, he continued to nibble at her mouth. “Oh man. I’ve been dying to do that all day.”

“Me too.” She circled her arms around his neck and toyed with his nape.

He closed his eyes and moaned. “I love when you do that.”

“I know.” She grinned at him and swore when he lifted her off her feet. “Hey!”

“You’re so little, but you have such a big mouth. Sometimes I forget how easy it is to move you around.” He pulled her waist in so that he rubbed against the juncture of her thighs. “Like when I’m moving you up and down over my cock.”

She shivered. “Mer-ry Christmas.”

He chuckled and kissed her again. “I got you something.”

“I know. I feel it.”

“No, you idiot. A present.”

She blinked at him. “I love presents. Really? For me?”

“Yes.” He sighed and let her slide down him to the floor. “But we’re getting back to this real soon.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Not yet.” He blew out a breath when she gripped him through his jeans. “You make me come in my pants, you won’t sit for a week.”

She grinned and reached for the bag holding his gifts.

“No, wait.” He left and came back with a small box wrapped in red paper. As he handed it to her, he seemed nervous, and she wondered what the heck he’d gotten her. The box looked to be the same size as the one that had held the nipple clamps. Had he bought her jewelry? More clamps? A ring?

Her heart stopped.

“Look. If you don’t like it, we can exchange it. It’s no big deal.”

She opened the delicate tissue paper and saw a black velvet jeweler’s box. She swallowed hard then opened it. Inside sat two sparkling sapphire earrings, encrusted with what looked like diamonds. No, had to be cubic zirconia and blue topaz or something. The things looked incredibly expensive.

She stared at them, loving the shape and design. They looked familiar, but she couldn’t place them. “They’re beautiful. Where did you get them?”

He seemed relieved. “Put them on.” He watched while she put them on and nodded. “She said you’d like them.”


“Kim. I wanted to get you something you’d like, but I knew if I asked Shelby, you’d find out. She’d tell Shane, and that big mouth can’t keep a secret to save his life.”

Maggie gaped. “You asked Kim what I’d like?” He’d gone to the trouble of asking a friend about her?

“She helped me out with a few ideas. So I called some guy and he made you these. I hope they’re okay.”

She touched the earrings, incredibly moved. “They’re amazing.” She stood, stunned, when she realized why she recognized the earrings. She’d seen a similar pair of amethyst earrings in the gallery. Steve Zeroi, a talented designer whose work had been on display at The Beholder, had crafted a pair that sold for over a thousand dollars. Maggie had loved the amethyst set but couldn’t afford even the thought of buying them. And Mac had gotten Steve to make her a pair?

“It’s no big deal.” Mac looked uncomfortable, and she couldn’t help falling in complete and utter love. The big braggart she’d once thought him to be flushed over spending serious cash on earrings for his kind-of girlfriend. He could have bragged about how much they’d cost, because Steve didn’t do costume jewelry. He only used real gems. Holy crap, this must have cost a fortune. And Mac had bought them, had them made, for her.

She kissed him for all she was worth, and they broke apart, panting.

“So I guess this means I’ll get a blowjob tonight after all?”

She poked him when he laughed. “Jerk. Now go and sit still for my present. It’s two parts, actually. Nothing as grand as this, but I hope you like it.”

“Maggie, I’ll like anything you got me.” He toyed with a strand of her hair, the look in his eyes almost loving. “You’re so beautiful.” He brought her in for a kiss. “The earrings look good on you.”

Because she thought she might cry, she broke contact and teased, “Of course they do. Everything looks good on me.”

“Nice ego.” He snorted and sat down on the couch. He leaned back and spread his legs wide, giving her ample view of the arousal he couldn’t hide.

She loved knowing she made him that way. It boosted her confidence and made her feel like a real woman. Mac’s woman.

She grabbed her bag and drew out the present she’d wrapped. She was saving her other present, namely herself, for last. “Okay. If you don’t like it, it’s fine. I can take it back. Or I can get you something else. Don’t feel like you have to take it or anything. I—”

“Jesus. Give me the thing already,” Mac growled. He took the box in his hands and felt along the wrapping. “Hmm. Feels like a picture. Like something framed.”

“Don’t ruin it by guessing. Just open it.”

He grinned. “So impatient.” Then he carefully opened the paper one end at a time, pulling the tape from the wrapping. God forbid Mac do something disorderly like rip open the package. He slid the frame out and said nothing for a moment.

On pins and needles, she waited for a reaction. It was the last piece she’d given Kim, but she’d changed her mind and swapped it with something else. It was her best, and she wanted Mac to have it. Stupid, but she’d decided to give her red piece to Kim instead. The one that used to hang above her fireplace now sat in The Beholder, waiting for Kim’s East Coast contact to swing by and take a look at it.

Mac studied the sculpture framed in glass. A fusion of warm colors with cool undertones at the edges came in to center on a spotlight of gnarled texture that captured the golden blaze of a setting sun. She’d thought of Mac, strong at his core, yet surrounded by facets of cooler temperament and caring selflessness. A charming mishmash of power and subtlety.

He still said nothing.

She felt stupid. “I’ll take it back.”

“Nope. It’s mine.” He placed it on the side table.

“That’s it? It’s mine?”

He cocked a brow. “I don’t know art, remember? A moron like me would never be able to adequately acknowledge the beauty and grace of a piece of art so exquisite it makes me want to cry.”

She blinked at him. “Who are you and what have you done with Mac Jameson?” What he’d said stole her breath away. “Did you mean it?”

“Mean what?” he said gruffly. “I told you I don’t know art. I just know what I like. I like it a lot.” He pulled her into his lap. “Almost as much as I like you.”

She let him draw her down and kiss her. But she didn’t know what to think. Though he continued to remain aroused beneath her, the kisses he gave her were tender, heartfelt. Nothing erotic, but genuinely warm. And then he hugged her, putting her face right up against her heart.

“I love it, okay? You gave it to me, and it’s mine. No takebacks.”

She chuckled, her laughter muffled against his chest. “Don’t you want the rest of your present?”

He pulled back to question her. “There’s more? I only got you the earrings. Don’t tell me I have to go out and buy


He leered at her. “Keep those insults coming, sweetheart…until we enter our zone. Then it’s all about, ‘Yes, Sir. No, Sir.’ I fucking

Then he was going to be ecstatic about her next present.

“Okay. Wait here. I’ll bring it to you.”


“No peeking. Turn down the lights and rev up that fire, will you? I want the mood to be just right.”

“Keep it up with the attitude and you’ll pay,” he taunted as he left the couch and turned to the fire.

She grabbed her bag and raced into the bathroom down the hall. There, she got naked and dug into the presents she’d wrapped to mask her gift. She pulled the silken corset out and put it on. The red material was laced in black. It barely covered her nipples and plumped her breasts to make them look fuller. Cinched at her waist, the flare that hit her hips ended at the sides but had a flap that narrowly covered her mons and buttoned behind her on her lower back, effectively shielding her crotch unless pulled aside or unbuttoned. The thin string between her ass cheeks could barely be called a thong. More like dental floss made of silk.

She hoped he’d like the outfit. She put on the shoes, then fiddled with her hair in the mirror. She decided to leave the earrings on and left her hair in the clip she wore. Then she donned the fuzzy heels and put a garter on her left thigh. After applying some eye liner, a hint of shadow, and deep red lipstick, she felt ready. Sexy. She fingered the velvet choker collar she’d bought but wondered if it would be too much.

Then she said to hell with it and attached it around her throat. To the small loop on the collar, she fixed a thin velvet lead. Symbolic of ownership if not practical for use, the collar and chain would give Mac a thrill and not make him laugh…she hoped.

Maggie pushed the door open. “You ready?”

“I’m falling asleep in here. Come on.”

“Grouch.” She left the bathroom and remembered to walk slowly. A sexy sway of her hips, the tiny steps meant to enhance the view of her calves while she subtly thrust her chest out, to give emphasis to her breasts.

She reached the living room to see Mac with his head back on the couch, his eyes closed. He’d lowered the lighting to a few candles and the fire, and the flickering light did him real justice. He’d unbuttoned his shirt, and the sight of his bare chest in shadow turned her on more than her sexy getup.

BOOK: Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender
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