Read Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender Online

Authors: Opal Carew,Portia Da Costa,Madelynne Ellis,Marie Harte,Joey Hill,T. J. Michaels,Kate Pearce,Carrie Ann Ryan,Sasha White,Emily Ryan-Davis,Jennifer Leeland

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Anthologies, #Contemporary, #Collections & Anthologies

Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender (69 page)

BOOK: Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender
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“Thanks, ever so much.”

“And I’d have to say you give better head than I do.”

She deliberately misunderstood. “You’ve blown guys? Really?”

He scowled. “No, blondie. I meant you get me off better than I do you, orally. Jesus.”

She started laughing at the look of disgust on his face and couldn’t stop.

He stepped around her and locked the door, then fixed the shades on the windows on either side of it. This late at night, not many were at the gym. So why would he…?

He had that look in his eye, the one that told her she was about to get fucked. Hard.

“Wait a minute.”

He shook his head.

“I work here,” she whispered harshly, worried someone might know what a locked door meant. But messing around in the office? So naughty.

“I work here too.” He glanced at his desk and calmly cleared it. He crooked his finger.

“No.” She crossed her arms over her chest.

“Oh?” Mac’s grin widened. “Look, Miss. If you don’t want to lose your job, you’ll come here.” He lowered his shorts and showcased a mouthwatering erection.

“You’ll fire me?”she asked in a husky voice, totally turned on despite her astonishment at his threat.

“I know how much you need this job, what with you looking after sixteen brothers and sisters. You’re so desperate, I can do whatever I want with you.”

She understood and had to smile. She liked his creativity. “But this is sexual harassment, Mr. Jameson,” she said, keeping her voice low.

“You’re damn right it is. Get over here.”

God, he looked so thick and hard. She scurried to his side, hoping no one would knock on the door. “But I’m so gross, and I—”

He turned her onto her belly over the desk and yanked down her shorts and underwear. Without giving her a chance to refuse, he angled between her legs and rested just inside her pussy.

“Wet for me. I like that. But not too wet. Hmm, this may hurt.” The bastard continued to push, grunting as he worked his way inside her.

Bent over with her legs pressed together, she felt too tight, too helpless to resist as his fat cock stretched her. At the thought of such vulnerability, she grew wetter.

“There we go. My naughty employee wants to keep her job, doesn’t she?” he growled.

“Yes, Sir.”

“That’s right,” he bit out as he sawed in and out of her, excitement taking its toll on his restraint. “Would you do anything to keep your job?”

“Yes, anything,” she breathed.

“Like what? Tell me.”

As she came up with all kinds of scenarios, he thrust faster. She liked his desperation, because too often he took his time while she writhed, caught up in his talented, beautiful body.

“Fuck, you’re so hot,” he said in a low voice. “God, Maggie. I can’t stop. Gotta fill you all up. Yes,” he hissed as he pumped again and stilled, coming while she groaned her frustration. “Hold on, damn it.”

He reached around her and played with her clit, and before she knew it, she’d spasmed around him, her orgasm powerful, the more so because she fought to keep silent.

When she’d climbed down from such pleasure, she felt him withdraw and return to her with something between her legs.

“Sorry, but consider your workout towel needing a good wash.”

“Whatever.” She moaned at the tingling in her limbs. Mac’s sexual prowess left her limp and sated, every time. She knew how rare that was, and how that track record would probably fade with time. Yet being near him, feeling so close, went beyond sex.

“Only thing better than this would be you wearing those earrings and that corset while I did you on the desk.” He chuckled. “Now that would be something to see.”

She turned in his arms and waited while he set her clothing to rights.

“You’re all sweaty,” she complained. “You should take off more clothes next time.”

“Hussy.” He grinned down at her, and she wanted to tell him how she felt, scared yet excited to confess her feelings. Except she’d want to spend more time with him after she confessed her love, and she had a plane to catch.

She swallowed hard, aware she should have told him before now. “Mac?”

“What’s up?” He sat back in his chair and laced his hands behind his head, keeping her caged between his knees.

If there was any good time to tell him, it was now, when he had that happy glow in his eyes.

“I have something to tell you.”


“In my defense, no one knows this yet. Not even Shelby.”

He sat straighter in his chair. “Spit it out.”

“A few days ago I got a call from Kim. That guy from Philly, Evan Stringer? The artsy guy who was interested in my stuff? Well, he flew out here early since he has family in the area, and he stopped by The Beholder.”


“He wants my art. All of it! I gave him the rest of my pieces, and I’m flying out to Philadelphia tomorrow to spend a few days going over details about a showing and what he thinks he can do for my career. Corporate sales, fancy businesses that have money, I mean. This could be my big break. My dream.”

Mac didn’t say anything for a moment. “So you’re going out to Philly with this guy?”

She couldn’t gauge his tone, but he sounded less than happy for her. “Mac?”

“Sorry, I just… It’s a surprise. I’m happy for you, Maggie.” He stood up and took her in his arms.

She hugged him back. “I’ve been dreaming about being a real artist forever. I mean, I know I’m real, but to make a living doing it would be fantastic. Kim says that Evan’s legitimate. But that I should have a lawyer look over contractual stipulations, which I will. She gave me a contact to talk to. But Mac, he wants to buy my work. To sell to other people!”

He stepped back and crossed his arms over his chest. “When did you get the news?”

Uh oh. “A few days ago.”

He frowned. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I don’t know. It didn’t feel real. I mean, the guy could renege. He could be some lecher who just wants to get in my pants.” When he opened his mouth to retort, she stopped him. “But he’s not. I didn’t just go off Kim’s word. I inquired online and spoke to a few friends in the art world, some prominent instructors who’ve heard of him. I mean, it’s commercial, but it’s my art. More than selling to galleries but to big firms who pay big money. I’m so excited.”

“Excited, yet you didn’t want to tell me because…? Tell the truth, Maggie.”

She sighed. “Because I didn’t want to be a failure if it turned out he was pulling my leg. Aren’t you happy for me?”

“Yeah, I guess. Hell, I’m sorry. I just… I’ll miss you when you go. That’s all.”

A huge admission, and his honesty eased the pain that he might not support her. “I’ll miss you too. I don’t think I’ll be back for New Years.” She took a leap. “But do you think you could fly out there to be with me? It would mean a lot. I know it’s last minute and won’t be cheap, but I’d like you to be there if you can come.”

Mac looked away and clenched his jaw. “It’s a busy time now. I’d like to go, but right after New Years is when we get our crush. All the idiots making resolutions show up like gangbusters. I’ll need to be here.”

She felt the tension between them but couldn’t help it. “Look, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before. I’m still scared this isn’t real, if you want the truth. I’ve worked so hard to get to this point.” She touched his shoulder, but he remained on edge.

He smiled at her, but he didn’t look that happy. “So are you thinking of moving out East?”

“Honestly, I’m not thinking beyond signing a contract. That’s if his original offer is still good.”
But Trevor is here, my life is here.
she wanted to add, but Mac’s attitude made her think twice. If she started spouting the idea of a more permanent relationship with Mac, she might scare him off. He was already annoyed she hadn’t told him her good news when she’d learned of it. She’d do better to wait until he was happy, then she’d confess how much she loved him.
, a part of her added,
you want to see how he reacts when you’re gone. Will he miss you? Does he care as much as you think he does?
“Who knows what the future will bring?”

“Yeah, who knows,” he muttered. He shrugged and grabbed his workout bag. “Well, I concede you beat me.” His grin made her feel worse, not better. “I’m tired, and I have some early work tomorrow. I’ll see you later then, okay?” He kissed her briefly before urging her toward the door.

Something had changed between them, and she didn’t like it but couldn’t help it. If Mac didn’t want her to pursue her dream, he couldn’t be the man she thought he was. But he’d always seemed to support her. She didn’t know what to think, Maybe he was still pissed she hadn’t confided in him before, and he might have a right to be annoyed. After their recent closeness, if something monumental had happened to him and he hadn’t told her about it, she’d be upset with him.

As they left the gym and walked to their cars together, she continued to study him. His face gave nothing away, but he seemed more distanced from her than they’d been in quite a while. They’d argued plenty of times before today, but this was the first time she’d felt true unrest between them.

She stopped him at her car before he could walk away to his. “Wait. Mac.”

He turned to face her.

“I’m truly sorry I didn’t tell you. I wanted to, but I didn’t want you to be disappointed in me if it all turned to crap.”

He frowned. “Why would I be disappointed in you?”

“Because you’re so successful. Shelby is a wonder in business. Shane’s some bigwig architect. Mimi and Ron are the cream of the crop in the design world, and Trevor has one success after another. I’m the only loser in the crowd, it seems.”

He sighed and cupped her cheek, and she wanted to sag in his arms and have him tell her it would all be okay. “Honey, you’re not a loser. You’re one of the hardest working people I know. You selflessly took a job with me to get dirt on Shane.”

“Which didn’t pan out.”

“Not exactly.” He smiled, a real grin that put her at ease. “In a convoluted way, you helped get them together. You help everyone else. It’s time you helped yourself, isn’t it?”

“So you’re not mad at me?”

“Mad? No.” He took his hand from her face. “I only want the best for you, Maggie. Sincerely. And you let me know if this art prick gets grabby. I’ll break his hands for you.” He kissed her, in full view of anyone watching. Then he caressed her cheek once more before turning away. “Break a leg and give ‘em hell.”

“Thanks.” She watched him leave, not sure why she felt as if he’d been saying goodbye instead of good luck.


Mac walked away and did his best not to break through his fucking window instead of opening his door and driving away. He’d finally found a woman he wanted to spend his tomorrows with, and she looked to be one foot out the door.

He drove home, feeling dejected and
jected. Not a great combination. After letting himself inside, he locked up behind him and grabbed a beer. He downed it and followed with several more, drowning his sorrows in alcohol. A cliché, but he felt entitled. It wasn’t every day he met a girl he wanted to collar and call his own. The perfect submissive for Mac. She liked him calling the shots in bed, hadn’t cheated on him or tried to empty his wallet, and was a genuinely nice person. And Maggie looked like a walking ad for condoms. So hell yeah, he’d fallen for her. Only to once again have someone he loved walk out the fucking door.

The ball of self-pity and anger with himself for being such a putz grew. He knew better than to open himself up to someone else. Every fucking time he did he got his heart trampled. But had he learned? No.

He stared at the artwork he’d hung in a prominent spot on the living room wall, where he’d be able to see it from just about anywhere in living, dining or kitchen area of his open downstairs floor space. He wanted to eat, breathe and sleep with Maggie Doran in mind. Except now he’d have to go back to daydreams and fantasies.

Reality sucked major ass.


Chapter Fifteen


A week had passed without Maggie, and Friday morning arrived. With it came the notion that Mac had lost the best thing that had ever happened to him. He couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep, and had barely functioned through Shane and Shelby’s New Year’s Eve party, which he’d left early. His uncle kept trying to counsel him, as if Mac needed another pep talk. The one he’d gotten when Julie had left had done nothing but make his uncle break down in useless tears.

Stupid to be thinking about shit that had gone down nearly twenty years ago, but old wounds lingered. He realized with some surprise that he’d never had a steady girlfriend in all that time. Lots of friends, some with benefits, some not. Much of his time in the Corps had been on the go, and he’d been happy to bond with male Marines in dangerous places, facing life or death situations. Sex on the side came in handy to relieve stress, but otherwise Mac had little time for softness in life.

Then his forced retirement had led him back to Seattle, where he’d figured on putting down roots. With Shane and his family, then Ian, now Shelby and her family, he’d found a new group, new connections. And Maggie.

He rubbed his chest, wishing like hell he could stop thinking about her. She’d called and texted a lot the first day she’d been gone, letting him know she’d extended her stay in Philly. More business meetings and some lawyer she had to talk to. He’d been too hung-over to answer her call, but he’d read her messages. He’d sent her one, telling her good luck, and to remember to knee that dickhead in the balls if he messed with her. They’d chatted via text about New Years, about the East Coast, what Shane and Shelby were up to. But as much as Mac wanted to let her know how much he missed her, he couldn’t say it.

A few days passed, and then she’d stopped sending him anything.

He’d heard a few of her phone messages since then, but it became too hard to hear her voice. He realized the mistake he’d made in thinking he might have a shot at normalcy. And he—

“Christ on a crutch, get your head out of your ass already.” Ian shoved past him and made a beeline for the coffee pot. “What’s this? Too depressed to even make coffee now? Fuck me.”

BOOK: Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender
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