Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender (33 page)

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Authors: Opal Carew,Portia Da Costa,Madelynne Ellis,Marie Harte,Joey Hill,T. J. Michaels,Kate Pearce,Carrie Ann Ryan,Sasha White,Emily Ryan-Davis,Jennifer Leeland

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Anthologies, #Contemporary, #Collections & Anthologies

BOOK: Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender
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"Hold on, sweetheart. I can wait." He stepped back and stripped off his shirt. "You’ve seen both of us naked, now how about you return the favor?"

She glanced down at her black wrap-around dress. "There’s no way I’m going to do a striptease in front of two professional strippers."

Don laughed.

"No problem." Cal stepped toward her, his hard cock bobbing up and down as he walked. "We can help you."

He reached for her hand and drew her to her feet. Don grabbed the tie on her dress and pulled until the small bow at her hip unfastened, then he undid the knot, the thin black strips gliding through his big fingers. Cal eased the dress from her shoulders and guided it down her arms. Now she stood before them in just her black lace bra, thong, garter belt and stockings.

Don’s gaze glided down her body, then back to her bosom. "Mmm. Hot lady."

Cal dragged her against his body and captured her lips. At the feel of his hard, hot body pressed against her naked skin, her blood boiled with need. His tongue drove into her mouth and she met it. Another pair of hands glided down her back, then over her bare ass. Don stepped closer and nuzzled her neck, sending tingles dancing along her spine. Her bra loosened and Cal slid the straps from her shoulders. He released her lips and eased back, drawing the bra from her body, his gaze locked on her breasts. The nipples hardened under his intense scrutiny.

"God, you have beautiful breasts." He cupped one reverently and her hard nipple pressed into his palm.

"Fuck, no kidding." Don covered the other one and kneaded it gently.

She drew in a deep breath, her hormones spiraling out of control.

Cal kissed her neck, then down her chest. As Don’s hand slipped away, Cal licked her nipple. She sucked in a breath, then gasped as he took the hard nub in his mouth and sucked. Don slid her thong over her hips and down her thighs. He slid them to the floor and she stepped out of them, now in just her garter belt and stockings. He kissed up the back of her calves, then her thighs. The feel of his lips caressing her skin heightened the sensation of Cal’s mouth moving on her nipple. As Cal licked, Don kissed her ass.

She sucked in a breath as his fingers glided between her legs and along her slippery slit. Cal’s mouth found her other nipple while he stroked the abandoned one with his fingertips. Then he grasped the hard nub between his fingers and squeezed. Don’s fingers slid inside her opening and her knees grew weak.




His To Possess

by Opal Carew




Jessica watched the busy traffic and streams of people passing by the window as she took a last sip of coffee, then set the empty mug on the table. One man crossing the street toward her caught her eye. There was something familiar about his face, but she couldn’t get a good look at him to figure out why.

She pulled her wallet from her purse and placed her credit card on the bill the waitress had left on a plastic tray on the table. Eating at this little restaurant a block from her hotel had definitely been a good idea. The food here was much cheaper than at the hotel restaurant and this trip to Philadelphia was already straining her budget. Coming here for the big career fair was worth the risk, though.

The waitress came by and picked up her card. As Jessica waited for her to return, she continued watching the men and women rushing by in business attire, trying to catch sight of the man again.

Self-consciously, she reached behind her head and checked her hair, which was held in a twist at the back of her head. She didn’t usually wear her long, black hair pinned up, but she felt it looked more professional this way. The same with her smart charcoal gray suit and white blouse. Not her usual attire, since the environment at her cousin’s Sally’s company, where Jessica had last worked, had been pretty casual and everyone who worked there normally wore jeans to the office. Thank heavens for credit cards.

She glanced at her watch, and her stomach churned. She had to get going. The waitress returned with her card and Jessica signed the slip and tucked the receipt into her wallet. As she slipped on her coat, she noticed the man again, this time buying a newspaper from a news stand just outside. She froze as she realized why this man had drawn her attention.

It was Storm.

This man, in his expensive-looking, tailored suit, his dark hair in a short and stylish cut, was the opposite of the Storm she knew. Her Storm had spiky hair and was typically in comfortable jeans and a skin-tight tank top that showed off his muscles and tattoos, with a black leather jacket at the ready for when he hopped on his big, sleek Harley. He was a guitarist in her brother’s rock band, and he wouldn’t be caught dead in business attire.

She watched this suited man as he tucked the paper under his arm and started walking down the street. That was definitely Storm’s face. She gathered her purse and briefcase from the chair beside her and stood up. What was Storm doing here? And dressed like that?




About Opal Carew


As a
New York Times
USA Today
bestselling author of erotic contemporary romance, Opal Carew writes about passion, love, and taking risks. Her heroines follow their hearts and push past the fear that stops them from realizing their dreams… to the excitement and love of happily-ever-after.


Opal loves crystals, dragons, feathers, cats, pink hair, the occult, Manga artwork, Zentangle, and all that glitters. She earned a degree in Mathematics from the University of Waterloo, and spent 15 years as a software analyst before turning to her passion as a writer. She grew up in Toronto, and now lives in Ottawa with her husband, and three cats. One of her sons is pursuing his Masters degree at Sussex University in the UK and the other is working on his undergraduate degree at Carleton University. Yes, mom is proud!


To learn more about Opal, visit her website at
, visit her nail polish blog at
or contact her at [email protected].


Connect With Opal Carew Online:



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Secret Pleasures #1


Portia Da Costa



2014 by Portia Da Costa


A version of this novella was previously published by Total-e-Bound as “The Retreat”


Portia Da Costa Mailing List



Chapter One



“Are you all right, Sarah?” he asked, his voice soft and powerful in her ear.

Was she all right?

She supposed she must be, but in the space of an instant she just couldn’t stop shaking.

Sarah’s heart fluttered and raced as she advanced into the spacious room. It was almost as if she’d just entered some kind of arena and was standing before a huge crowd, an ordeal ahead of her. Which was stupid, really, because this was the most luxurious and beautiful bedroom she was ever likely to stay in. The Retreat was an exclusive country-house hotel, a heritage-listed building and five stars to boot, so staying here was about as far from a horrible ordeal as it was possible to get.

But it wasn’t the original beams, the open fireplace, or even the huge bed with its brass head and foot rails and traditional English chintz bed linen that had caught her breath and made her pulse race… it was a simple, almost inconsequential thing that had just happened in passing that had made her gasp.

As they’d entered the room, Ben had tapped her oh so lightly on the bottom to encourage her forward.

It should have been nothing. It
nothing. Just a harmless, affectionate gesture from a man she really, really, really liked, and possibly more than liked. Something that by rights she should barely even have noticed.

But the tiny gesture, ever so fleeting, had almost poleaxed her. She was still trembling and she’d broken out into a sweat.

It was as if the world had just changed and she’d changed with it, irrevocably.

“How do you like it then?” Ben’s hand settled on her waist as she stood looking around, not really seeing or appreciating the lovely room or the breathtaking view from the window, of the early evening sunset gilding the park outside. The porter was waiting just behind them, and she fought for composure, hoping he couldn’t tell she’d suddenly gone slightly mad or work out why her face was suddenly bright pink and blushing furiously.

Get a grip, woman!

“It’s gorgeous… I really like it. I love the chintz and the furniture and the view… it’s all so… um… old English.”

I’m babbling
, she thought, trying to focus on the traditional furnishings and the gentle scent of cottage-garden potpourri that filled the air.

She turned, hardly daring to look at him. Had he felt the change too? It had been so huge it couldn’t just be restricted to her, surely?

Ben was studying her, as he so often did. His warm brown eyes were mild, yet intent and full of secrets. If he’d sensed the turmoil inside her, he wasn’t giving any indication. But then, he was the sort of man who gave very little away at the best of times. He was so composed, so contained, always in control.

“I’m glad you like it. I hoped you would. The Retreat is a very special place.” Favoring her with a slight smile, he turned away to deal with the porter and their luggage.

Don’t you feel anything?
she demanded silently, watching and admiring and wanting him, as she always did.

Ben Chambers was perfect. Dark, beautiful, intelligent, successful. A boyfriend… no, more than that… a
to die for. His thick brown hair was swept back from a broad, handsome brow, and his perfectly trimmed, somehow old-fashioned little goatee only emphasized the strong line of his jaw and his firm, passionate lips. And he had style too, distinct and quirky. She loved that he possessed the aura of an elegant yet bohemian Edwardian gentleman. He was always immaculately dressed and she very saw him in casuals. He was either dapper in a good suit, a waistcoat, pristine linen, and a crisply pressed tie… or he was naked. There didn’t seem to be an in between with him.

She watched his hands as he peeled off a banknote to tip the porter, smiling and cheerful with the man, almost as if they were old friends. Maybe they were? Ben’s fingers were long, narrow, and tapered, yet infinitely deft, like a magician’s. She knew their capabilities and her sex warmed and fluttered just thinking about them.

He was fabulous in bed too. A little controlling, but that seemed to work a treat for her. She’d always liked men who took charge, and Ben seemed to do it so effortlessly, and more than most.

In which case, their relationship should have been as perfect as Ben himself was. Especially as he was as wonderful out of bed as well as in. He was an interesting, humorous man, and kind too. Very kind. When she’d been ill one day at Freeman Brady—the company where they both worked—he’d taken her home, put her to bed in a completely platonic way, and taken care of her, even though she knew his own workload was immense. They’d spent an afternoon together, laughing at old movies that had turned out to be mutual favorites, drinking cup after cup of tea, and eating cookies.

He’d made her well with his thoughtfulness and she knew he enjoyed her company. In many ways, she was more relaxed with him than with any man she’d ever been with, and she shared more interests, more hopes and dreams…

So why had it seemed, in the past couple of weeks, that there was some giant piece missing in the jigsaw of their relationship? She couldn’t work it out… but still there was a curious absence. It wasn’t something she could discuss with even her closest girlfriends, somehow, and no matter how she racked her brain, she couldn’t work out on her own what it was.

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