Read Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender Online

Authors: Opal Carew,Portia Da Costa,Madelynne Ellis,Marie Harte,Joey Hill,T. J. Michaels,Kate Pearce,Carrie Ann Ryan,Sasha White,Emily Ryan-Davis,Jennifer Leeland

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Anthologies, #Contemporary, #Collections & Anthologies

Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender (32 page)

BOOK: Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender
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“So does this mean you’re okay with me being a Domme?”

“Are you kidding? I find it sexy as hell.” He grinned. “Especially the way you kept my brothers in line.”

She laughed as he sat up, pulling her onto his lap.

“By the way, meet Drake and Craig,” he said.

She held out her hand and each brother shook it with a warm squeeze. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.”

“I think pleasure is an understatement,” Craig said. “This whole thing was fucking hot.”

She giggled in total agreement. “I hope we can do it again.”

“Fuck yeah,” Craig said. “We’ll be at your beck and call.”

Happily, she rested her head against Abel’s chest. He kissed the top of her head, then cleared his throat.

“Uh, you do realize that if we continue to share that means… well…” He gazed at her uncertainly.

“What our brother is trying to point out is that Drake and I are married, and our wives like being shared, too.”

“Oh.” She gazed at Abel. “That means you’ll be having sex with their wives, too.”

Abel shrugged. “It’s only fair. Are you okay with that?”

She had hoped to have a long term, committed relationship with Abel. The thought of him having sex with other women was unsettling, but she couldn’t expect his brothers to share her—and after this evening, she knew she wanted the sharing to continue—if she wasn’t willing to share him in return.

He leaned in to murmur in her ear. “Because if you’re not, I’ll stop. Being with you is more important to me than anything. I love you.”

Her heart swelled with joy at hearing those words. She threw her arms around him and kissed him with all the passion burning inside her.

“As long as you love me, we’ll find a way to make it work.” She smiled. “I loved being with all three of you. I’m sure I can get used to you… uh… entertaining their wives.”

“You know, you don’t have to be left out of it,” Drake said. “The three of us have been with both Marie and Lori.”

She glanced at him in surprise. “So the sharing could be… broader?”

Craig smiled. “I think both our wives would love to learn a thing or two from you.”

“To keep you two in line, you mean?” she asked with a smile.

“Maybe, but I mean I think they’d love to be dominated by you, too. I know Lori has a thing for handcuffs.”

Heat swirled through her at the thought of two women under her control. Ideas started popping through her head about how she could command them to give and receive pleasure with the three men… and herself. That last thought surprised her, but now images of soft, feminine hands stroking her, female mouths licking and caressing her body… sent desire pulsing through her.

“You know,” she said, “I think I might be ready to do a little sharing again right now.”

Abel laughed. “Hold that thought, because I definitely like that idea, but first, I have one more secret.”

“Oh, no. After what we’ve already revealed, I’m afraid to ask what it is,” she said.

“Then don’t ask, just listen.” Then Abel sank to his knees in front of her.

“What’s going on?” she asked.

His brothers moved around the room, but her gaze remained locked on Abel’s dark, serious eyes.

“I’m not much for speeches or poetry,” he said. “All I want to say is that I love you deeply and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

Drake handed Abel something and he held it out. It was a brown velvet box, which he snapped open. Inside was a beautiful, shimmering solitaire diamond ring.

“Will you marry me?”

Joy soared within her and she threw her arms around him. “Yes! Of course, I will!”

He hugged her tight, crushing her against his muscular body, but she didn’t mind. She had dreamed of them being together and now that would be a reality.

As soon as he released her lips, Drake dragged her to her feet and into a bear hug. God, here she was in her soon-to-be brother-in-law’s arms and they were both naked, her soft breasts crushed against his hard chest. And from the feel of things, that’s not the only thing that was hard right now.

Craig spun her away from Drake and hugged her tight, too. “Welcome to the family.”

She laughed. “You are a friendly bunch.”

Abel laughed as he stood up and pulled her back into his arms again. “And we’re about to get a whole lot friendlier.”





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is the third story of the Three series. The first two stories are
followed by
, but if you'd like to have the whole series, it is available at a significant discount in the
boxed set.


If you enjoyed
, you'll love Opal's Red Hot Fantasies short erotica stories, two of which are


If you'd like something equally hot, but novel length, try Opal's erotic romance novel,
(an intoxicating tale of a woman torn between a dominant billionaire and a tattooed, bad boy rock musician).


Here are excerpts for each of the above…




Three Happy Endings Boxed Set

by Opal Carew

Three men are better than one...

Secrets, surprises, and surrender - three torrid tales of triple passion!



Hot steamy dreams... a sexy stranger... and his two brothers... all add up to a sexy adventure she'll never forget.

Lori's steamy dreams about a hot hard stranger are hitting fever pitch. She needs way more than eye contact and a smile across a crowded subway station. An instant connection sizzled between them and now Lori, who's never believed in love at first sight, is its helpless victim.

When Lori goes to her best friend's cabin for the weekend to spend time with Marie, her new husband and his brothers, she's surprised to wind up face-to-face with her fantasy stranger. But he's Marie's husband!

When she meets his brothers, however, she finds that there just might be a way to make her dream come true.

Now Lori is experiencing her wildest fantasy yet, three ultra-sexy men all focused on her. But she wants more than a steamy dream brought to life. Because she's in love. But can her sexy stranger return her love?

Note: This intriguing short story is scorching hot, with more than one handsome hunk to bring your wildest fantasies to life. Consider yourself warned!



What do you do when you can't stop lusting after your new husband's two gorgeous brothers?

Can Marie successfully suppress her fantasies of the three brothers making wild, luxuriant love to her, or will she have to endanger her happy marriage by admitting her feelings to her husband, Drake?

Although this is the second story in the erotic THREE series, this steamy read is the prequel to Three. You can enjoy THREE MEN AND A BRIDE on its own, or after you have read THREE.



Keeping one secret is intriguing. Two is naughty. Three... deserves to be punished. Sharing secrets has never been so exhilarating...

When they met in Paris, Nicole and Abel enjoyed a sensual, romantic two month fling. The last thing Nicole wanted was to fall head over heels for this sweet, loving man, because she knew he would never accept the truth about her. Unfortunately, the heart wants what it wants, and hers wanted Abel. But Nicole was not one to be controlled by anyone or anything, so once they returned home, she walked away.

When the pain of losing Abel became too much, Nicole finally decided to share her secret with him. Little did she know he had a secret of his own.

Will Abel's secret extinguish Nicole's craving for him once and for all? Will Nicole's revelation bring Abel to his knees?



The Office Slave (Excerpt)

by Opal Carew


Her ultimate sexual fantasy brought to life…

Sylvia loves to read erotica, and after her latest read, she's developed a sizzling fantasy about being forced to submit to the sexual whims of four incredibly hot business partners. Never in her wildest dreams did she think she'd have the opportunity to live out her fantasy... until her friend decides to make it happen. Now she's about to become an office slave… to four hunky men she's never even met. But faced with the reality, can she actually go through with it??

Volume 3 of the Red Hot Fantasies series.




Sylvia opened the office door and stepped inside.

A suited man sat behind a huge, mahogany desk, staring at a large, sleek laptop. His glossy hair, black as a raven’s wing, was cropped short. His face, with high cheekbones and angular jaw framing full lips, was striking. He glanced at her with piercing steel-blue eyes and her breath caught. He was intensely masculine. And incredibly sexy.

“Miss Reed.”


His gaze took in her face, then drifted down her neck and settled on her chest. Heat washed through her at his intense scrutiny. Her nipples puckered as he blatantly stared at her breasts. Then his gaze drifted downward again, slowing over her stomach, then settling a few inches below her navel. She felt as if he could see right through her skirt to the black lace panties beneath. Her vagina clenched.

Her breath held, and when his gaze slid back to her face, she was elated to see approval in his eyes.

“Are you ready to submit to me?”

Her throat suddenly went dry. This was her last chance to change her mind.

She drew in a deep breath, then nodded.

God, the man had barely spoken to her, and she had just agreed to do anything he wanted.

“You will call me Sir, or Mr. Grant.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Good. Now take off your panties.”




The Male Stripper

by Opal Carew


Her ultimate sexual fantasy brought to live…

Volume 1 of the Red Hot Fantasies series.




Becca wrapped her hand around him. The feel of his thick, hard,
shaft in her hand melted her insides. It seemed to pulse in her hand.

"Oh, God, it’s so…

She glanced at Cal, whose grin faded slightly as his brown eyes darkened with simmering desire.

"His cock’s looking a bit lonely over there," Cal said as he stood up and walked toward the chair. "Think it needs some company?"

She just nodded, anticipation flaring. She’d seen Cal’s cock at the party, but not up close and personal.

He stripped of his black pants, then his briefs. His big cock, a little longer than Don’s and definitely thicker, dropped in front of her. She wrapped her free hand around it. At the feel of two hot cocks, one in each hand, her vagina clenched in need.

"I’m starting to feel like this was a setup." Don glanced at Cal with a grin.

"Is that a problem?" Cal asked.

Don’s eyes glittered. "Not if it means what I think it means."

Cal winked. "It does."

Don sent Becca a devilish smile. "Excellent. So, pretty lady, let’s get on with the action."

She giggled and stroked both their cocks, gliding her hands up and down their big members. Don groaned and elation fluttered through her. Both he and Cal were hunky sex Gods, yet both wanted to be with her. She leaned forward and licked the tip of Don’s cock.

"Oh, yeah. I like that."

She opened her mouth and glided over his cockhead, taking the whole thing into her mouth. She swirled her tongue over his tip, then spiraled downward and teased the underside of his corona.

"Oh, pretty lady, that is fantastic."

With one hand wrapped around Cal’s cock while she stroked him, she had her other hand wrapped tight around the base of Don’s shaft as she licked and squeezed him in her mouth. She glided off Don and took Cal in her mouth. He was bigger and stretched her mouth wide. He was long and hard and she glided as deep as she could go, then squeezed him. His hand wrapped around her head, his fingers twining in her long hair. She dove down on him a couple more times, loving the feel of his big cock in her mouth, then she slid off and guided Don back into her mouth.

She sucked and squeezed, sucked and squeezed as she moved from one to the other.

"Damn, honey, you are really hot." Don groaned as she relaxed her throat and took him really deep.

His hand clamped around her head. "Fuck, that’s it. I’m going to come."

She released Cal and cradled Don’s balls in her hand as she continued to bob up and down on him. His balls tightened, then she felt hot liquid fill her mouth. She kept squeezing him inside, swallowing around him as he continued to spurt.

Once she was sure he was done, she leaned back and guided Cal’s cock toward her mouth.

BOOK: Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender
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