Read Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender Online

Authors: Opal Carew,Portia Da Costa,Madelynne Ellis,Marie Harte,Joey Hill,T. J. Michaels,Kate Pearce,Carrie Ann Ryan,Sasha White,Emily Ryan-Davis,Jennifer Leeland

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Anthologies, #Contemporary, #Collections & Anthologies

Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender (30 page)

BOOK: Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender
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She bobbed up and down, squeezing him in her mouth. She stroked his balls, feeling them harden, and as she moved faster, she felt him stiffen. Then he groaned and hot liquid erupted from his cock, filling her mouth and driving her need higher. She kept sucking him, until he had no more to give.

Slowly, she slid away, releasing his cock reluctantly, trying to ignore the intense ache inside her.

She gazed up at him, his face flushed, his breathing heavy, and smiled.

“So do you have a better idea of what I do?”

He nodded and zipped up his pants, looking a little dazed.

“I think I’d better go.” To her surprise, he grabbed his jacket and headed to the door. “Good night.”

The door closed after him and she just stared at it in shock.

* * *

Abel closed the door behind him, then strode down the hall to the elevator in a daze. Damn, that was the most intense sexual experience he’d ever had. She was so fucking hot!

She’d said they wouldn’t have sex tonight, but if he’d stayed, he wouldn’t have been able to help himself. The memory of her swollen nipple in his mouth, his tongue swirling over the hard bud, had him growing hard again. If he’d stayed another moment, his intense desire to see her lovely face glowing in orgasm would have driven him to try and seduce her into letting him enter her hot, sweet pussy. In order to respect her wishes, he’d needed to get out of there fast.

He hadn’t succeeded in finding out if she’d be open to a foursome with his brothers. Of course, he hadn’t. His focus had been totally blown.

Fuck, he couldn’t stop thinking of her hot lips around him, gliding up and down his cock. Damn, he was already hard as a rock again. He wanted to fly back to her room and beg her to let him fuck her.

But he wanted to play the game a little longer. Keep her wondering.

And he still had to figure out how to reveal his secret without scaring her away.

* * *

The next morning, when Nicole returned to her room after breakfast, there was a message waiting for her. She smiled. Maybe it was from Abel.

She picked up the receiver and dialed the number to retrieve her messages.

“Hello, Nicole. I think we should meet one more time. Please come to 25 Losagos Drive at 7 p.m. tonight. You’ve told me your secret and I must admit I have a secret of my own I’d like to share with you before you go.”

Her chest clenched. He wanted to see her
one more time
. That sounded like he wanted to say good-bye.

He also said he had a secret, too. That peaked her curiosity, but not enough to draw her attention from the fact she didn’t want to lose him. She would meet him this evening and do everything she could to convince him they should be together, even if it meant suppressing her need to take control. She cursed herself. Why had she taken the chance on losing him by admitting it in the first place? She could have kept her secret hidden.

She sighed. But, no. It was better that he knew. Maybe he would be willing to give a relationship with her a try if she promised to do her best to block her natural tendency to dominate.

* * *

What was Abel’s secret? The question had been swirling around Nicole’s mind all afternoon.

She left the hotel and flagged down a cab.

About twenty minutes later, the cab pulled up in front of a lovely inn on the outskirts of the city. It wasn’t what Nicole had expected. If he was going to break up with her, she would have thought he’d just pick a restaurant in the city to keep it simple.

She went inside and glanced around. She didn’t see him, so she walked to reception.

“I’m supposed to meet someone here. My name’s Nicole Justin. Is there a message?”

The young woman tapped at her computer screen, then smiled. “Yes, Ms. Justin. Mr. Carter is in room 512 and asked that we give you a key.” The woman handed her a key card, then directed her to the elevators.

He’d gotten a room? Her lips turned up in a smile as she got on the elevator and pushed the button for the fifth floor. The doors whooshed closed. Leaving him wanting more had definitely worked. Her heart thumped loudly in anticipation. She wanted to be with him again. To feel his hands skimming over her body, then explore her intimate places.

The doors opened and she walked down the hall. But maybe he just wanted to talk somewhere private. What was this secret of his?

She stopped in front of a double door. Room 512.

She slipped the keycard in the slot and opened the door, then stepped into a large tiled entrance lit by an elegant table-top lamp. To her left was what looked like a change room, with a counter and a huge mirror, attached to a bathroom. Beyond she could see a sitting area with a couch and chairs. He’d gotten a suite.

She stepped into the room and glanced around.

“Hello, Mistress.”

Her breath caught at the sight of Abel, wearing only tight, black briefs, standing against a stripper pole, his hands behind his back. She glanced to the ceiling and saw that it was one of the portable poles held in place with pressure rather than being bolted to the floor and ceiling.

“Hello. What’s this all about?”

“I told you I have a secret, and once I tell you what it is, I think you’ll want to punish me.”

Excitement skittered through her. Thoughts of punishing him in all kinds of ways raced through her brain. Did this mean he accepted her lifestyle?

She stepped into the room, wishing she’d worn something black and leather. She walked around behind him and excitement danced through her at the sight of his wrists fastened together around the pole with handcuffs.

She suppressed a smile.

“If I’m going to punish you, I’ll need tools. I don’t want to hurt my hand spanking that tight ass of yours.” She glanced around, wondering what she could make use of in the room. There was a dining room in the suite, but not a kitchen, which might have had a wooden spoon.

“Yes, Mistress. If you look in the drawer by the TV you’ll see I brought some things.”

She walked to the drawer and opened it. Inside was a selection of floggers, a wooden paddle, and a riding crop. She picked up the crop and ran her fingers over the heart-shaped leather on the tip. She would love to use this and leave red, heart shapes all over his sexy ass, but it would be too much for their first time. Instead, she picked up the soft, baby-blue suede flogger and placed it on top of the dresser. There were also garments in the drawer. She picked up one of the black leather straps and lifted it. It was a harness that would cover very little of her body, but had a triangle of leather over the crotch and a strip to cover each breast. There were also black spike heels. She checked and they were her size.

She grasped the harness and walked in front of him, then held it up. “Do you expect me to wear this?” she demanded sternly.

He bowed his head. “Only if it pleases you, Mistress.”

She allowed a slow smile to spread across her face. “It does.”

She went back to the drawer and grabbed the shoes and flogger, then strode from the room to the change room by the front door and flung off her clothes, then pulled on the sexy harness and high heels. She returned to the living area with the flogger in her hand, feeling every bit the Dominatrix.

His gaze locked on her and his dark blue eyes grew heated. She could see the black fabric of his briefs grow tight over his bulge.

She pretended to pay attention to the flogger, enjoying a few seconds of his admiration, then glanced at him.

“Eyes down,” she commanded.

He complied and she walked closer.

“Did you like what you saw?” she asked as she walked around him, taking in the sexy sight of his big, muscular body. Knowing he was ready to obey her every command sent heat simmering through her.

“Yes, Ma’am.”

“Good. You may raise your eyes again.”

He gazed at her, excitement glimmering in his eyes. She pressed the end of the flogger lightly against his stomach, then dragged it upward, the long strands dragging along his torso.

“You said you have a secret. What is it?”

He hesitated and she narrowed her eyes. “When I give you a command, I expect you to comply immediately. Understand?”

“Yes, Ma’am. It’s about my brothers. As you know, I’m a triplet.”

She nodded.

“The secret is that my brothers and I sometimes… uh… share women.”

“Share? In what way?” She knew in exactly what way, and excitement shot through her at the idea, but she wanted him to confirm it.

“Sexually. All three of us would make love to a woman at the same time.”

Abel was exceptionally hunky. The thought of two more men just like him touching her, sandwiching her between them… fucking her. God, that was hot.

“Tell me more.”

“Like what?” he asked.

“How do three of you have sex with a woman at the same time?"

“Sometimes we alternate… uh… penetrating her. Sometimes one of us is in front and the other behind.”

Her insides tightened in need.

“What about the third brother?”

“Well, one time, two of us… uh…”


His glance darted to her and he smiled. “Yes, two of us fucked one woman while another woman kept our third brother busy.”

“Really? Then that’s not really three men with one woman.”

But, God, it was so hot that they did it with more than one woman.

“Another time when two of us were inside a woman,” he continued, “she gave oral sex to our brother.” His smooth tone told her he knew this was turning her on. And, damn, was it ever.

She smiled. “Well, don’t expect that from me. If I have two, or three of you fucking me, I want to focus on enjoying it.”

His eyes lit up. “You mean, you’d consider—”

“Silence. I ask the questions, not you.”

His expression turned subdued. “Yes, Mistress.”

“Well, you’re right. You should definitely be punished.”

She dragged the flogger around his ribs as she walked behind him, then she drew it back and gazed at the black cotton covering him. To do this properly, she’d have to turn him around, or move him somewhere he could bend over, displaying his fine ass to her. And, of course, he’d have to get rid of those briefs. She wanted to see his naked buttocks clenching as she whipped them.

She drew in a deep breath.
Easy now.
She didn’t want to go too far.

To move him, she’d have to uncuff him and she rather liked having him restrained.

She pressed her finger to his back and dragged her long, burgundy painted nail down his skin to the top of his briefs, feeling his muscles tighten under her touch. She hooked her finger under the elastic of his briefs and pulled downward, revealing the hard curve of his ass. Using both hands, she tugged the black underwear down his muscular thighs to the floor. He lifted his feet, one at a time, as she pulled the garment free and tossed it aside.

She avoided looking at his cock, wanting her anticipation to build. Trying not to think about the fact it would be hard and pulsing. Right now, his sexy ass was enough to keep her hormones hopping. She picked up the flogger she’d dropped to the floor and swished it lightly over his bare ass. Then she quivered the strands in a rippling motion up his back, giving him time to get used to the feel of the soft suede against his skin. Right now it would be like a gentle massage.

She drew back the flogger and flicked her wrist. The strands danced against his skin. Then she flicked again, striking his ass a little harder. She was rewarded by the sight of his butt clenching.

Her cell phone blipped, but she ignored it, gliding the suede over his tight ass again.

“Mistress, did you hear your phone? You just got a text.”

She flicked the flogger again, striking him a slightly stinging blow.

“I’m not interested in texts right now.”

“But… it might be important.”

She pursed her lips. Had he planned something?

Reluctantly, she drew in a breath, then walked across the room and pulled her phone from her purse. Her gaze drifted to his cock. It stood tall and proud. Her heart thumped loudly. She had to will herself not to be distracted by her need to feel it inside her. She wanted to play out his punishment first, then she would allow herself to pay some attention to his stiff member.

She glanced at her phone.

Your safe word is Zebra. Say that word if you don’t like how this unfolds.

Then another text appeared.

Respond yes if you want to play.

Both messages were from Abel’s number.

What did he have planned? Anticipation quivered through her as she tapped in her response.


Given Abel was standing in this room, with his hands chained behind his back, she assumed he’d used an app to send her a timed message. She had no idea what he had planned or why he had asked her for a response. Would that response trigger something to happen?

Ordinarily, she wouldn’t allow a sub to take any kind of control like this, but this was outside their role playing, and she was delightfully curious.

She set down the phone and walked back to where Abel stood, gazing at his cock, which had deflated a little from its previous glory.

“Are you ready to continue your punishment?” she asked, her gaze lingering on his cock.

At her obvious attention, it stiffened again.

“Yes, Mistress.”

She stepped behind him and flicked the strands across his back. Then she snapped the flogger harder.

As she pulled it back for another strike, she heard a click and the door flung open. Her eyes widened as two identical copies of Abel burst into the room.

“What are you doing to our brother?” one demanded.

Thrown off balance by the sight of the two large, muscular men heading her way, she stepped back. It was an incredibly bizarre experience seeing two men who looked exactly like the man she loved, especially with them striding toward her, glowering expressions on their faces.

But she quickly recovered her wits and stood tall. They were play acting, she was sure. In fact, it had probably been one of them who had sent the text giving her a safe word. She stopped her lips from quirking up in a smile. So they wanted to play, too.

BOOK: Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender
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