Read Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender Online

Authors: Opal Carew,Portia Da Costa,Madelynne Ellis,Marie Harte,Joey Hill,T. J. Michaels,Kate Pearce,Carrie Ann Ryan,Sasha White,Emily Ryan-Davis,Jennifer Leeland

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Anthologies, #Contemporary, #Collections & Anthologies

Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender (29 page)

BOOK: Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender
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But even though he hadn’t told her his secret, she had seemed reluctant to continue their relationship once they returned home. When he hadn’t heard from her after so many months, he thought he’d lost her for good.

Then he’d gotten her email last week and hope had soared within him.

Now it seemed she had a secret, too.

She gazed at him, her blue eyes wide. “This might come as a shock to you but… I’m not what you think I am.”

He grinned and arched his eyebrows. “Are you a dude?”

But her expression remained serious. “This is really hard.” She stroked his cheek again, her gentle touch sending shimmers of heat through him. “I love the way you look at me and I’m afraid that after I tell you, that look will… change.”

He took her hand and squeezed. “I don’t think that’s possible, but go ahead and tell me.” At her continued hesitation, he said, “Just take a deep breath and do it.”

He watched her chest rise and fall as she took his advice, then she gazed down at their joined hands.

“You think of me as sweet and a little naïve, but that’s far from the truth. When you and I have sex it’s tender and passionate and lovely. Everything a woman would want.”

He smiled, delighting in her praise.

“At least, most women.”

Fuck, was she going to tell him he wasn’t good enough in bed?

“So what am I doing wrong?”

Her eyes widened. “No, it’s not you. It’s me.”

“Ah, classic break up line.”

“Abel, this is serious.”

“I know, sweetheart. Just tell me.”

“Okay. I’m into BDSM.”

He didn’t know what he’d expected, but it wasn’t that.

“So you want to be tied up? Or you want me to dominate you?”

“Well, no. Actually…”

* * *

“She’s a Domme.” Abel picked up the burger Marie, Drake’s wife, set in front of him and bit into it.

“A Domme?” Drake’s eyes twinkled. “So does she have whips and chains?”

Abel shrugged. “I don’t know.” He grinned. “But I’d sure like to find out.”

“I can’t help envisioning a full latex suit with spike heeled boots,” said Drake. “And a whip.”

Marie grinned at him. “Are you trying to tell me something? Does someone want to submit to the control of his woman?”

Across the table, their other brother, Craig, raised his hand. Drake also put his hand in the air.

Abel laughed. “Well, girls, maybe you can take lessons from Nicole.”

Lori smiled. “That could be fun.”

“So you and Nicole are together again?” Marie asked.


Marie’s eyes widened. “No?”

“Well, not yet. I told her I needed to think about things.”

“Why?” Lori asked.

“Well, she seemed so convinced that I might need time to get used to the idea that I didn’t want to disappoint her.”

Marie shook her head. “That just sounds mean.”

“Not at all. It gives her a chance to try and convince me. And more importantly, it gives me a chance to ask a few questions to find out if she’s okay with my secret. Not every woman is okay with a man sharing her with his two brothers.”

Lori giggled. “Though for the life of me, I can’t understand why.”

“When are you going to see her again?” Craig asked.

“I’ve arranged to meet her at her hotel tomorrow night.”

* * *

Nicole was worried.

She hadn’t known exactly what to expect when she told Abel about her being a Domme, and at least he hadn’t outright rejected her, but he hadn’t accepted the idea with open arms, either. He’d seemed cautiously curious and had suggested they talk about it when they had more time and could go somewhere private. So she’d invited him to her hotel.

A knock sounded on the door.

She stood up and approached the door. She loved him and she was determined to convince him they should be together, so she would do everything she could to persuade him. When she peered through the peephole, her heart swelled at the sight of his familiar, handsome face.

She opened the door. “Come in.”

She wanted to throw her arms around him and kiss him, to feel his hard body against hers, but instead she turned and walked into the room. She wore a black leather skirt and a silk shirt that fluttered as she walked. Although loose fitting, the shirt draped nicely and silhouetted her curves in a flattering manner. She could almost feel the heat of his gaze on her ass as he followed her. She sat down in the upholstered chair by the low table she’d pulled into the center of the room and gestured for him to sit in the desk chair she’d placed facing hers.

“Thank you for coming. I’ll answer any questions you want.”

He nodded. “Good.”

His expression was serious and she worried he’d already made up his mind and had just come here out of courtesy.

He leaned back in the chair. “So, you’re a Domme. I’m not really sure what that means, but I am curious about one thing. Do you do it with a lot of different men?”

Her stomach tightened. Did he think she did it professionally?

“I wouldn’t say a lot of men. Just the ones I’ve had a sexual relationship with.”

She realized that didn’t really answer the question, but he didn’t press it further.

“I’m curious if you’ve dominated more than one man at a time,” he said.

Her lips compressed. “That’s like me asking if you’ve had a threesome with two women.”

“That’s true. I guess I’m just curious how adventurous you are with sex.”

She raised an eyebrow. “How about we focus on the fact I’m a Domme, so I can address your concerns?”

He nodded. “Okay, why don’t you just explain to me what you do?”

“That’s a pretty broad question, but I’ll do my best.” Now was the time to put her skills to work. “But first, there’s a bottle of water in the fridge, and a clean glass and a bucket of ice on the counter. I’d like some ice water. Would you mind?”

“Sure.” He stood up and fetched the water, then set the tinkling glass on the table in front of her.

She took a sip and set it down again.

“So as a Domme, I take control of the situation. This can be only in the bedroom, or beyond that if that’s what my partner wants.”

“You never did that with us,” he said.

“No. I didn’t want to scare you away. Our romance started fast and because of circumstances, I knew we wouldn’t be together long. With previous lovers, I had the luxury of time to build a relationship and introduce the domination slowly.” She gazed into his blue eyes, willing him to understand. “You were so special and I wanted it to work between us so badly… I tried to ignore my usual tendency to take control. I did it, but it was a struggle, and I realized I was denying who I really am, and a relationship cannot continue if it requires that.”

He nodded. “I understand.”

She picked up the water, the ice cubes clinking against the side of the glass, and took another sip. “I don’t know about you, but I find it hot in here.” In fact, she’d turned up the heat so it was a little warm. “Would you turn down the thermostat?”

As he walked to the control box on the wall, she unfastened the sash on her shirt and released the two buttons holding it closed, then dropped the garment from her shoulders and laid it over the arm of the chair. Underneath she wore a snug, black leather top with a zipper down the front and a zipper slashing across each breast.

When he sat back down, his gaze dropped to the silver zipper over her left breast. She fanned herself with her hand and drew the front zipper down a little, revealing cleavage. His gaze followed her movement, his eyes glittering. She dragged her fingertips along her skin as she drew her hand away.

“That’s an interesting top. Are you planning to pull out the whips and chains and dominate me right now?”

She smiled. “I think you’d like me to chain you up so you’re helpless, then take advantage of you,” she said in a seductive voice. Actually, she had no idea and said it just to see his reaction. His expression remained closed, but she could see his cock getting hard beneath the denim.

So, he was interested.

“But to answer your question, I’m not planning anything so brute force. I do think it’s a good idea to give you a taste of what I do, though.”

He leaned back, crossing his arms over his chest. “All right. Go ahead.”

She smiled. “I’ve already started.”

He tipped his head. “What do you mean?”

“You’ve already performed two tasks for me. And I’ve found out that you are open to the idea of being chained up. At least, that’s what the bulge in your pants tells me.”

He compressed his lips. “Okay, so you’re going to give me a demonstration?”

“Will you be open to it?”

He nodded. “Sure. So what do you want me to do?”

“First, you ask no more questions. You just do as you’re told.” She’d added an authoritative edge to her voice, but not too much. She wanted to ease him into this. “Do you understand?”


“When you address me, call me Ma’am or Mistress.”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

She smiled. “Very good. Now first I want to make it clear that we will not be having sex tonight. I am just going to give you a taste of what it’s like to be dominated by me.”

She sipped her water, then leaned back in her chair, crossed her legs, which she knew gave him a great view of her thighs, and stared at him speculatively.

“That cock looks uncomfortable bound up in all that fabric. Unzip and take it out.”

Keeping a disinterested expression, she watched with hunger as he dragged down the zipper and reached under the denim. Her insides heated as he pulled his big, hard cock into view.

It was hard as rock and the veins along the sides pulsed in his hand.

“Move your hand away and don’t touch it again until I give you permission. I want to look at it.”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

He moved his hand away and she drank in the site of the big, bulbous tip, then slid her gaze downward to the base. It twitched under her scrutiny, growing even harder.

“I like it. It’s big and hard.” She uncrossed her legs, spreading her knees as much as her tight leather skirt would allow. This gave him a view up her skirt to the crotch of the tiny red lace panties underneath.

“Are you looking up my skirt?” she said with an edge to her voice, but bit back the word slave. It would be too much right now.

His gaze flicked from her crotch to her face.

“Ordinarily, I would punish you for that, but since this is new to you, I’ll let you off with a warning. You only look at my body if I give you permission. Understand?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Good. I think you deserve a reward.” She grasped the tag of the zipper on the front of her skirt at the hem, and drew it upward, revealing her naked thighs. As the leather parted, she widened her legs, knowing he’d be able to see her skimpy, red panties. She stopped a few inches below the waist. She stroked her inner thigh. “Do you like what you see?”He nodded, his eyes locked on the crotch of her panties.

“Good. I admit the sight of that big cock of yours, so hard from wanting me, is turning me on.” She slid her fingertip over the panties, feeling the wetness soaking the fabric. God, she wanted so badly to feel that big cock of his inside her again. But she had to be firm with herself and leave him wanting more.

She ran her hands up her torso, over the leather of her top, then cupped both her breasts. She undid one of the zippers, then parted the leather, revealing her naked breast.

His hand moved to his cock and wrapped around it.

“I said don’t touch your cock.”

Her commanding voice startled him and he released his shaft. He grasped the armrests on the chair, his fingers curling around them.

She stroked her nipple, which tightened immediately. “Come over here.”

He stood up and approached her, his gaze locked on her fingers as she caressed the hard bud. Tingles danced through her and she longed for his touch.

“Kneel down in front of me.” She waited while he complied. The feel of him so close… the heat of his big masculine body… sent her hormones dancing.

She dropped her hands to her sides. “Now touch me.”

His big hand moved toward her and he touched her hard nipple. Pleasure burst through her and she stifled a gasp. He stroked over the tip, then pinched it between his fingertips.

“The other one, too.” Try as she did to keep a flat tone, there was a roughness to her voice.

He touched her other nipple, then pinched it, too. First one, then the other. Then both at the same time. Heat washed through her.

“If you want to take one in your mouth, you may.”

Immediately, he leaned forward and she couldn’t stop her moan at the feel of his hot mouth surrounding her. Then he began to suck.

Oh, God, much more of this and she’d be begging him to fuck her.


He took another suck, then slowly released her from his mouth. If he’d been a more experienced sub, and she hadn’t been trying to woo him, she’d have punished him for that.

“Stand up.”

Once he stood up, his erection was right in front of her face. It was big, hard as steel, and in need of release. Her insides tightened and she longed to demand he thrust it inside her and satisfy her intense craving for him. She wanted to feel his hard body against her as he drove deep into her, then thrust again and again until she wept in pleasure.

Damn, she should just say the session was over and send him away right now, leaving him wanting more, but if she didn’t do something about that swollen cock immediately, her will power would surely slip. And she couldn’t quite bring herself to leave him like this.

“You’ve been very good, so I’m going to reward you.”

She wrapped her hand around his cock and stroked, then she brought it to her lips and licked him. Salty precum tingled across her tongue. She opened wide and drew him inside.

To her delight, he groaned. She glided down on him, taking his long shaft as deep as she could. Then she slid back. She dove down again and slid back, then off the tip.

“I give you permission to come,” she said, then took him deep again.

His hand cupped her head, his fingers coiling in her hair.

“Yes, Mistress.” The words, uttered with such need, thrilled her.

BOOK: Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender
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