Read Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender Online

Authors: Opal Carew,Portia Da Costa,Madelynne Ellis,Marie Harte,Joey Hill,T. J. Michaels,Kate Pearce,Carrie Ann Ryan,Sasha White,Emily Ryan-Davis,Jennifer Leeland

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Anthologies, #Contemporary, #Collections & Anthologies

Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender (31 page)

BOOK: Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender
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This was certainly a crazy way to meet Abel’s brothers for the first time.

“I’m giving him the punishment he deserves.” She sent them a challenging stare.

“No one hurts our brother if we can help it,” the left one said.

They each grabbed one of her arms and propelled her backwards. She found herself dumped onto one of the wooden dining room chairs. One brother held her arms behind her back while the other walked to the pole, then pulled a key from his pocket and unlocked the handcuffs. Abel and his brother strode toward her, Abel’s big cock still standing straight up.

“Should we spank her?” the brother behind her asked.

“I’d love to spank that sexy round ass of hers,” the brother beside Abel said, his eyes glittering.

She suddenly realized that the harness left her ass totally exposed. The thought of their big hands smacking her exposed flesh sent shivers of excitement through her.

“I don’t know,” Abel said, wrapping his hand around his cock. “I can think of other
we could inflict upon her.”

He stepped close to her, his big cockhead an inch from her mouth. The man behind her curved his fingers around her head and pressed her forward until her lips touched Abel’s cock.

“Open,” he commanded.

Part of her panicked at losing control so completely, but she enjoyed the switch. It was exciting to be overpowered by these three powerful men. Men whom she instantly trusted, because she trusted Abel.

And going along with this scenario showed Abel that she was flexible and would succumb to his wishes, as long as they found a balance between their needs.

She obeyed and opened her mouth. Abel eased forward, sliding his big cock into her. She had to stretch to accommodate the plum-sized head. Her tongue swirled around him. He pushed deeper while the man behind her held her head firmly. Abel drew back, then glided forward again.

“Man, that is hot,” the brother in front of her said. “I think we should all fill her sweet little mouth.”

“Craig, hand me the cuffs,” the brother behind her said as Abel drew back.

She immediately missed his hot, hard flesh in her mouth.

With Craig and Abel in front of her, she knew it was Drake behind her. He took the cuffs Craig handed him and she felt the cold bite of steel around one wrist, then the other. She tugged and found he’d fastened the cuffs around one of the slats on the back of the chair.

Drake stepped in front of her, too. Craig was already dropping his pants to the floor as Drake unfastened his belt. She watched him pull back the leather, then release the buckle. His jeans landed on the floor with a
Hungrily, she watched him bring out his big cock, then he stepped forward.

“Open,” Drake said again.

She opened and he pushed his cock against her lips. The feel of this stranger’s erection pushing into her mouth sent her insides fluttering. She’d never been with more than one man at a time and found it exhilarating. She wrapped her lips around him and squeezed as he slid further inside.

“She can take it deep,” Abel said, his gaze locked on her lips surrounding his brother’s cock.

Drake surged deeper and she relaxed her throat, allowing him access.

“Fuck, you’re right.” Then Drake drew back.

Craig stepped forward, his cock in his hand. “Don’t forget about me.”

He pressed his cock to her cheek and Drake pulled out. Craig immediately took his place, sliding inside her. God, she could feel the wetness pooling between her legs at being used by these three sexy men.

Craig thrust a couple of times, then pulled out and Abel slid inside. Each man thrust into her mouth several times, then pulled out to let the next brother fill her. They were all getting close and finally, when Craig pressed his cock to her lips, she turned her head, refusing to open her mouth. She did not want them to come yet.

“So you’ve decided to be uncooperative,” Abel said.

He reached for her breast, but rather than cupping it like she thought he’d do, he grasped the fabric and tugged. The fabric ripped away from the side with a tearing sound and she realized it was held on by Velcro. Craig reached for her other breast and tore away that strip of fabric, too.

Suddenly, both men leaned forward and their lips surrounded her nipples, which swelled inside their hot, moist mouths.

Abel’s hand slid around to her back, then he drew her forward. She arched toward them at the pressure, her breast thrusting deeper into their mouths. She heard another tearing sound and felt cool air against her slick, intimate folds, immediately followed by a hot mouth.

She arched her pelvis forward as Drake licked her wet slit. She moaned. The intense pleasure from the attention of three hot male mouths was overwhelming. She rocked her pelvis as Drake covered her clit and began to suck lightly. Her head fell back, draped over the back of the chair, as she rode the triple sensations of pure pleasure. As Drake’s tongue teased her sensitive bud, his big fingers stroked over her slick flesh, then one slid inside her. She stifled a whimper. Another slipped inside and he thrust rhythmically, driving her pleasure higher. Craig sucked on her nipple and a moan escaped her lips.

“She’s going to come,” Abel said.

She opened her eyes to see him gazing at her with a smile. Craig sucked hard on her nipple as Drake kept thrusting into her. She arched against Drake’s hand, wanting his fingers deeper, wishing it was a big, hard cock inside her. Then Drake drove deep at the same time as he sucked her clit and pleasure burst through her. While Abel watched her intently, she gasped, then wailed her release. She rode the wave of wild sensations, catapulting to sheer ecstasy.

Drake’s fingers stilled and all the mouths eased away from her. She collapsed in the chair, sucking in air. The wooden back dug into her neck, but she didn’t care.

Finally, she sat up straight. “Release me immediately,” she said in her most commanding tone.

Drake’s eyebrow quirked up. “And why should we do that?”

“Because I am in charge here.” She locked gazes with Drake. “And you want to be dominated by me.” She smiled. “You want to know what I will demand of you.”

She widened her legs, watching their gazes drop to her slick, naked pussy.

“And how I will reward you.”

Drake shifted his gaze back to hers, a glint of challenge in his blue eyes. But he stepped behind her and released the cuffs.

She stood up tall, a stern expression on her face, despite the fact she was basically naked.

“Now you all deserve to be punished.” She placed her hands on her hips. “Abel.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

She was intensely aware of all three hot male gazes on her body.

“Fetch the riding crop.”

“Yes, Ma’am.” Abel walked to the drawer, then returned and handed her the crop.

She took it and ran her fingers along the thin, black rod. “Now the three of you will finish stripping, then lean over the back of the couch so I can see your tight, naked asses.”

Abel, who was already naked walked to the back of the couch while the other two shed the rest of their clothes. A moment later, the three of them stood at the couch.

“Turn around and lean over,” she instructed.

In unison, they turned, then rested their hands on the back of the couch and leaned forward. Her heart stammered at the sight of three such fine pairs of buttocks lined up in front of her. Abel was on the far left, then Craig—she thought it was Craig—which put Drake on the far right.

She walked behind them and stroked Abel’s behind with the side of the crop, then she ran it along Craig’s ass, then Drake’s.

She felt mischievous and more bold than usual, given the fact they’d just taken charge of her. She lifted the crop and slapped it across Craig’s ass, resulting in a loud snapping sound. He flinched and a red heart—the shape of the leather tab on the end of the crop—formed on his skin. When she stroked the tip over Abel, he tensed. She drew back the crop, but smacked it across Drake’s butt. Rewarded with another red heart, she turned back to Abel and flicked the crop across his as yet unblemished skin.

She stood admiring her handiwork. A delightful red heart on all three tight asses.

“Now you may thank me for your punishment.”

“Thank you, Mistress,” they all murmured.

She smacked all three of them in quick succession.

“I want more enthusiasm.”

“Thank you, Mistress,” they said with more gusto.

“Good.” She stepped closer to their big bodies and stroked her fingertips over the red mark on Drake’s ass. “You have a delightful heart on your ass.”

She outlined it, then ran her fingers downward and cupped his balls. He widened his legs, giving her freer access. She fondled him, then shifted to Craig, running her hand over his mark. This time she stroked her hands around his hips to the front of him and found his cock. She leaned close to his body, pressing her bare breasts against his back and wrapped both hands around his swollen cock.

“Mmm. You’re so big.” She stroked him a couple of times, then turned to Abel. She especially longed to hold him in her hands. She cupped his butt and squeezed, as she reached around to grasp his cock with her other hand. She stroked his shaft, gliding her other hand down to caress his balls.

Reluctantly, she released him and stepped back. “You’re all so big and hard. I think it’s time to put those big tools of yours to work. All of you stand up.”

They stood and turned to face her. Their three long hard cocks stood at full attention.

“Drake, I’m sure there’s some lube around here somewhere. Go and get it.”

“Yes, Ma’am,” he responded, then walked toward the bedroom.

“Abel, you sit on the couch.”

As Abel sat down, Drake returned and handed her a tube. She opened it as she knelt in front of Abel, then she squeezed a generous amount of gel on his cock, then smoothed it over the head and shaft until it glistened. Then she stood and knelt on the couch beside him.

“Abel, I want you to push that big cock of yours into my ass.” The very thought of it sent heat washing through her.

“Yes, Mistress.” His words glowed with enthusiasm.

He stood up and moved behind her. Her breath caught when she felt his hot cockhead nudge against her back opening. She pushed her muscles as he pressed forward, sinking his cockhead into her tight channel. Oh, God, it felt so good as his big member slowly eased into her, stretching her wide.

She drew in a slow breath as he continued deeper until he finally filled her completely.

“Now sit,” she said.

He grasped her hips and turned them both around, then sank onto the couch, taking her with him. Now she sat on his lap, her legs spread wide, facing the other two men.

“Do you like seeing me here with your brother’s cock in my ass?” she asked.

They both affirmed, Drake addressing her as “Mistress” and Craig as “Ma’am.”

She rocked a little on Abel’s pelvis, shifting his cock inside her, sending heat thrumming through her. He moaned a little and his brothers watched avidly.

“I give you both permission to touch me however you want.”

Both men surged forward. Drake knelt down and stroked her breast, then licked her nipple before swallowing it into his hot mouth. Craig knelt between her knees and stroked her inner thighs. Quivers danced along her flesh at his light touch. Then he leaned forward and licked her slit.

“Oh, yes. I like that,” she murmured.

Craig nuzzled her clean-shaven pussy, then teased her clit with his tongue. Drake slid his hand under Craig’s mouth and pushed two big fingers inside her.

“Mistress, you’re really wet,” Drake said with a smile. “Would you like my hard cock inside your pussy?”

His fingers stroked her inner passage and she squeezed them inside her, longing for me.

“Oh, yes.”

Craig shifted out of the way, his hand moving to his hard shaft as Drake positioned himself between her legs and pressed his cock to her wet opening.

“Yes. Drive your big cock inside me.”

He thrust forward, filling her in one stroke. It was so tight with Abel’s cock in her ass and Drake’s in her pussy. She groaned, wanting more.

She grasped Drake’s shoulders. “Deeper,” she insisted.

He thrust forward, pushing further inside.

“Oh, God, yes. Now fuck me hard.”

Both men pivoted their hips, gliding their cocks in and out. She sucked in a breath as intense sensations blasted through her. Behind Drake, Craig pumped his cock. During the haze of pleasure, she reached for him and he stepped close. She grasped his cock and squeezed, then began to pump in rhythm with the pumping of the two cocks inside her. A surge of joy flared through her.

“Oh, God, I’m going to come,” she said.

Abel and Drake pumped faster, Drake pushing deeper and harder. She gasped as her insides swelled with bliss, then a mind-shattering orgasm exploded within her.

Still they pumped. Drake thrust deep and ground against her, then hot liquid filled her. Behind her, Abel groaned and twitched inside her.

Craig tapped Drake’s shoulder and Drake’s cock slipped from her as he moved aside. Immediately, Craig’s engorged cock thrust deep inside her. She groaned, as spectacular pleasure blasted through her again and he erupted inside her. The hardness of him, and the feel of his cock pulsing inside her catapulted her over the edge again. Her quiet moans turned to a wail as Craig continued to pump into her, until she finally collapsed against Abel, totally spent.

Abel’s cock had deflated after he’d come, but it twitched inside her with new life. She rested her head against his shoulder and gazed up at him.

“Really? You want to go again?”

He laughed. “Well, only if my Mistress allows it.”

She smiled. “Maybe later. Right now I need to catch my breath.”

Suddenly, she felt the world tilt around her as Abel lifted and rolled her onto her back on the couch, then prowled over her, trapping her beneath his big body. He smiled, then captured her lips. His mouth moved on hers passionately and she wrapped her arms around him, so glad to be in his embrace once more.

When he released her lips, she gazed up at him.

BOOK: Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender
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