Read Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender Online

Authors: Opal Carew,Portia Da Costa,Madelynne Ellis,Marie Harte,Joey Hill,T. J. Michaels,Kate Pearce,Carrie Ann Ryan,Sasha White,Emily Ryan-Davis,Jennifer Leeland

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Anthologies, #Contemporary, #Collections & Anthologies

Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender (94 page)

BOOK: Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender
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“His insistence that we need to cater to women’s sexual fantasies as well as men’s.”

“So you think he paid me to act like that to prove a point to you?” The outside door to the apartment opened and closed and I turned to see Alex coming through the door carrying a tray of coffee and pastries. His expression darkened as he saw his brother.

“What the fuck are you doing in here?”

“Talking to your actress friend.”

I directed my glare at Alex. “Apparently your brother is under the impression that I’m some kind of porn star you paid to pretend to enjoy having sex with lots of men, because
real women wouldn’t do that.”

Alex set down the two cups on the countertop. “Oh shit.”

“Exactly.” I smiled at the two men cataloguing their similarities along with their differences. “I’m
Julia Reed, by the way, Mr. Logan. I work at Silversmith ER in the gold country. You can check up on me if you like.”

He groaned. “Dr. Reed, I’m—”

I interrupted Kyle with an imperious wave of my hand. “Don’t bother to apologize. I just want to say this, and then I’m leaving.” I fixed him with my most intimidating stare. “Those fantasies of fucking lots of men? Your brother was right. Lots of women have them, including me. I loved every fucking minute. So you can stuff your antiquated notions about what nice girls do up your ass and swivel on it.”

Keeping my head high and powered by rage, I went back into the bedroom and found my dress and wrap. If I’d thought to bring any of my own clothes I would’ve put them on and left Alex’s gifts in the trash. Or maybe set fire to them. Or him and his twin,


Of course Alex had come after me and now leaned up against the door blocking my exit.

“Go away, Alex. Just because I said that you were right doesn’t mean I like you or your methods of getting what you want.”

“It’s not what you think.”

“Oh dear God, do people actually say that in real life? I get what happened. You wanted to prove a point to your brother, and you used me to do it.”

“No.” His expression cooled. “That’s not how it went at all.”

“Well, it sure looks like it.” I smiled into his cold blue eyes. “But it’s okay. I got what I wanted and so did you. We’re even. We’re done.” I gathered up my purse. “Now get out of my way.”

“We’re not done.”

I heaved an exaggerated sigh. “Oh please…let’s try and keep this civil. You have no right to detain me. If you keep it up I’m going to call 911 and scream blue murder until someone busts your ass and hopefully deports you.”

“If we’re done and we can both move on, why are you so angry, Julia?”

“No one likes being used.”

He raised that infuriating eyebrow again. “Liar.”

“You know what I mean.”

“I didn’t do anything you didn’t want.”

“Apart from lie to me about why you were so keen to go along with what I wanted in the first place?”

A muscle twitched in his cheek. “I didn’t lie. I also didn’t ask my interfering brother to come into my suite and watch something he wasn’t supposed to see.”

“It’s his club, Alex. He probably watched the live version last night.”

“Kyle wasn’t here. That’s why I arranged it for last night. He probably heard about what happened from the staff. I made damned sure I was the only one in that control room, and I removed the images and kept this copy for myself.”

I stared at him for a long moment and my cell buzzed. I checked the screen and fake sighed.

“I’d love to continue this conversation, but I have to get back. Three of my staff are out sick. I need to go in for an extra shift.”

He moved away from the door. “We’re not done, Julia. I’m sorry that my brother stuck his enormous foot in our relationship, but you don’t have to let that change anything.”

I reached the door and made myself look at him. “What relationship? As I already mentioned, I got what I wanted, and so did you.”

“Not in the way you’re determined to think,” His hand closed around my elbow. “I want you to tell me your next fantasy so I can fulfill that one too.”

“And keep me on retainer for your brother’s club?”

His eyes flashed ice. “Don’t do this.”


“Run away from me. Hide from what we have together.”

a good time, Alex. That’s it.”

He released me and took a step backward. “And what if I want more?” he asked softly. “What if I told you that you are the only woman I’ve ever met who’s made me want her? And who else is going to fulfill your needs and fucking
doing so?” He shook his head. “Don’t throw away all the amazing possibilities between us because of my brother.”

For the first time my gaze faltered. “So you’re saying you didn’t use me as an example to change your brother’s business model?”

“I did not.”

“And I’m supposed to believe you?”

He sighed. “Julia, you trusted me with your deepest sexual fantasies. Why the fuck would I ruin that?”

My cell buzzed again. “I have to go. Don’t come down with me.”

He nodded, his expression for the first time defeated. “I’ll call for my car.”

“Thank you.” I wrenched open the door and headed for the exit. There was no sign of Kyle in the apartment and the T.V. screen was mercifully blank. For the first time in our acquaintance, Alex didn’t walk me to the car. I assumed he realized I needed my space, but part of me wished he’d insisted. That he’d shoved me up against the wall and demanded I listen to him or…

God, now I sounded like some kind of dithering idiot…

I held it together until I was in the car and had texted the hospital and Holly. Then overcome with emotion and exhaustion, I fell asleep and only woke up when we arrived at my apartment block.


I struggled through the next few days, which were busy as hell due to lack of staff. Keeping busy stopped me from thinking about Alex and what I wanted to do about him. Because I wanted to do
. I’d never met a man who was willing to fulfill my fantasies before. If he hadn’t been involved in the entertainment business with his family, would he have understood me so well? The fact that he was trying to make his brother adapt his twentieth century morals to include what women
wanted at their private clubs was surely a good thing? I just didn’t want to be anyone’s guinea pig.

I wanted to be appreciated for
kink and all. I’d stupidly begun to believe that Alex Logan was the one man who understood me and would be willing to give me what I wanted. I groaned into my coffee and slowly banged my head against the tabletop. I was tired of the ceaseless argument going around and around in my mind. I was also tired of my slightly self-righteous rage.


I looked up to see Jose staring apprehensively at me from the other side of the table where he was eating a salad, his fork halfway to his mouth.


“You should go home. Your shift finished twenty minutes ago. McFarland’s taking over for the next seventy-two hours.”

I pushed myself up from the table. “You’re right. I’ll go.”

Not bothering to change out of my scrubs, I washed my hands and face, grabbed my purse, and trudged out into the sun-drenched staff parking lot behind the ER. I automatically put my hand to my head and then realized I’d forgotten to bring my sunglasses. Cursing a mumbled blue streak, I tried to remember where I’d parked my car.

My heart gave a little bump when I spotted a tall man leaning up against my vehicle, one hand shading his eyes, his blue gaze focused on me.

“Mr. Logan.” I pushed past him to unlock the door.

“Dr. Reed.” He took the car keys out of my hand and put them in his pocket. “There’s something I forgot to say.”

His mouth descended over mine, blotting out the sun. There was no hint of apology in his kiss, just a strength of purpose and pure wet-panty inducing lust that made it impossible to resist.

“I want to fuck you right here,” he muttered between kisses, “Right where you work, you naked from the waist down, my cock driving you wild and a huge fucking audience watching you come apart and scream my name. I can’t stop thinking about you. I don’t
to stop thinking about you.” His hand shifted down to my ass and drew me hard against him. “I want you down on your knees while I fuck your mouth until I come. I want you to tell me every dirty, filthy fantasy you’ve ever had so that I can spend my life making them a reality.”

“Oh,” I managed to breathe.

“That’s all you have to say?” he demanded. “Aren’t you going to forgive me?”

His normally calm expression was long gone. He looked as wild and desperate as I felt. I bit down hard on his lip and he shuddered.

like my job, Alex, so would you take me home so we can discuss my fantasies there?” I bit him again as a wave of thankfulness crashed over me. “I have an amazing desire to be fucked naked in front of a window…”


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Historical Romances

Eden’s Pleasure Antonia’s Bargain Lords Of Passion The Ties That Bind Educating Elizabeth Redeeming Jack

Simply Series

Simply Sexual Simply Sinful Simply Shameless Simply Wicked Simply Insatiable Simply Forbidden Simply Carnal Simply Voracious Simply Scandalous

The Sinners Club

The First Sinners The Sinners Club Tempting A Sinner

Contemporary Romance

Raw Desire
Some Like It Rough Branded, Dirty Sexy Cowboy Shorts

Turner Brother Series

Where Have All The Cowboys Gone? Roping the Wind
Riding The Line

Sci-fi/Futuristic Romance

The Power of Three

Valhalla Series

Planet Mail Secured Mail Captive Mail











A Midnight Ink and Montgomery Ink Novella


By Carrie Ann Ryan




Ink Reunited

A Midnight Ink and Montgomery Ink Novella

By: Carrie Ann Ryan

Published by Fated Desires Publishing, LLC.

© 2014 Carrie Ann Ryan

ISBN: 978-1-62322-116-4

Cover Art by Scott Carpenter

This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person or use proper retail channels to lend a copy. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return it and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. To obtain permission to excerpt portions of the text, please contact the publisher at
[email protected]

All characters in this book are fiction and figments of the author’s imagination.





Ink Reunited


From the streets of New Orleans and the heat of Midnight Ink, comes the happy ever after for a character whose story was begged to be told.


Sassy Bordeaux is the Midnight Ink receptionist, honorary godmother, best friend to many, and matchmaker expert. In the past two months, she's watched eight couples fall in love, make mistakes, and find their happy endings. Though she might have had hand in each of those, she's yet to find the peace she's desired. When the men from her past come into Midnight Ink, she's forced to face what she left behind and what could happen if she lets go of her pain and finds a future she deserves.

BOOK: Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender
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