Read Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender Online

Authors: Opal Carew,Portia Da Costa,Madelynne Ellis,Marie Harte,Joey Hill,T. J. Michaels,Kate Pearce,Carrie Ann Ryan,Sasha White,Emily Ryan-Davis,Jennifer Leeland

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Anthologies, #Contemporary, #Collections & Anthologies

Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender (89 page)

BOOK: Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender
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He settled his hand set on my ass and kissed me again, rubbing slow circles over the fabric of my panties encouraging me to move against his dick. I rubbed myself back and forth over his hardness until my clit was throbbing in time to my heartbeat and my uneven breathing. His fingers slid lower between my ass cheeks and toyed with the swollen fold of my sex making me even wetter.

I wasn’t thinking anymore, only about how he was making me feel and how soon I could help him reveal that big cock and have it inside me. He fingered my clit and then plunged two fingers deep, pushing them back and forth in time to his kisses and the thrust of his now moving hips.

His other hand trailed up my spine and released the hooks of my bra, drawing it away from my breasts. He murmured something and then his mouth moved south to capture one tight bud in his teeth.

I came then, right against his thrusting fingers and his clever mouth and the unseen temptation of his cock. And then I was flat on my back on the couch with him between my knees and his mouth…oh God; right there between my thighs, playing and teasing my needy sex while I begged him, begged him for anything, for everything.

I wailed my displeasure when he knelt up and slowly undid his tie and then his shirt and then his belt. But then I stopped because he unzipped his fly and I got my first sight of his wet cock tangled in the elastic of his boxers, and I forgave him everything.

He eased on a condom and then rose over me, one hand guiding his shaft deep inside me and, oh fuck, I screamed then, because he was everything I’d thought he’d be and more. He was so damn fit that he pistoned in and out of me with superb ease until I was just a come machine, my cunt taking every driving thrust and loving it. I held on to his shoulders my nails digging into his skin until he started to lose his smooth rhythm and just fucked me so hard the whole couch shook.

He climaxed and his whole body shuddered with the force of it. I was vaguely aware of him collapsing over me, and then I just lay still, my brain trying to catch up and process what had just happened.

With a sigh, he rolled over onto his back and lay next to me. After a few minutes, when he still hadn’t said anything, I levered myself on one elbow and stared down at his calm face. A sense of unease fisted in my chest.

“I assume that didn’t work for you, Alex?”

He stared back at me. “Why would you think that?”

“Because you look so…fricking bored.”

He put one hand behind his head and considered me. “How would you like me to look?”

“Like I’d screwed your brains out!” I pushed at his chest and disengaged myself from his warmth. “Did you say they were sending our dinner up? I’ll take mine to go, if that’s okay.”

I scrambled off the chair and started looking for my bra and panties.

“It was good sex.” His quiet voice came from behind me, but I’d found my panties and I was busy putting them on. “The question is, was it good enough for you? Is it what you want?”

I stopped with my panties halfway up my legs. “Why would you think I’d want anything else?”

“You told me you liked to be dominated.”

“Well you certainly didn’t do that.”

“Why are you getting so defensive?”

“Because I hate underperforming.”

“Such a perfectionist.” His quiet chuckle enraged me even further. “I bet you came first in everything you ever attempted.”

“Not everything, but I came pretty damn close.” I looked back at the chair where he was now sitting, hands planted on either side of him. “It’s okay if I’m not your type. I get it.”

“But I suspect you are my type, but you have to tell me exactly what you want.”

“You already said you wouldn’t tie me up or anything, so I guess we’re at an impasse.” I found my bra and wiggled into it. “As for what just happened. I just wanted sex.”

“Vanilla sex.”

, what’s wrong with that?”

“Because from what you said. I don’t think it excites you any more than it does me.”

“I was pretty damn excited. Or didn’t you notice?”

“That’s the interesting part. You were so ready to come, I wonder what you were really hoping for. Why you were so primed to get off.”

I put my hands on my hips. “What is this? Sex 101? Are we on T.V. or something?”

“I love a woman who comes fast and often.”

“Then I suppose I did one thing right.” I scanned the room. “Now where’s my dress?”

He got off the chair and advanced slowly toward me.

“I don’t think you should go yet.” I couldn’t move. I just stood there and let him come real close. He reached out a hand and squeezed my nipple hard. “We’ve only just begun.”

Something in his tone made me want to either run away as fast as I could, or get down on my knees and kiss his feet. Neither option appealed to me. He pinched my nipple again, harder this time jerking me toward him.

“Take your bra off.”

I did.

He guided me back onto the couch and knelt between my legs.

“Put your hands on the arms of the chair and keep them there.”

He cupped my breasts and played with them, his teeth nipping and his tongue stroking until my nipples were hard and so sensitive I almost wanted to ask him to stop.

But I couldn’t.

He licked and sucked and played until I was lifting my hips out of the chair, trying to latch onto some part of his body so that I could rub myself to a climax. I just couldn’t get close enough, and he damn well knew it. It didn’t occur to me to disobey him and move my hands and grab him by the hair and force him to do what I wanted.

He finally kissed his way up to my mouth and started exploring me there, his tongue plunging and wet, and his teeth sharp until my lips were as sensitive as my tits.

“Fuck me,” I murmured against his mouth.


He nuzzled my jaw and then dropped his head down to my breasts again. I stiffened as he tongued one of my nipples and then sucked it into his mouth making me nearly leap out of the seat. It felt like a hot wire led straight down from my nipple to my cunt. I was wet, my panties sticking to me, my clit swollen and needy from where he’d had me before.

I almost cried with relief when he peeled off my panties and dropped his head between my thighs. His tongue circled my clit sucking and licking until the sensations became too much. I tried to pull away, but he caught the delicate skin in his teeth and I went still. His thumb slid over my wet slit slicking the moisture down toward my ass and he penetrated me there, the thickness of his thumb a blunt reminder of his restraint.

“Please,” I whispered.

“What do you want?” He murmured the words against my thigh.

“Make me come.”


Keeping his thumb inside my ass, he tilted my hips and his tongue stroked over my opening and then he retreated to play with my plump lips with his teeth.

I was writhing in the chair now, desperate for something more and yet all too aware that he’d already given me something that I didn’t want to accept—something that made me sit there and just take what he was doling out. I shoved at his chest.


He immediately retreated and watched as I fumbled my way out of the chair. My legs were shaking and I was so wired I wanted to…

He smiled that calm smile. “Who needs to use restraints? You did exactly what I ordered you to do without me having to tie you up
beat you.” He shrugged. “I told you I would be too much for you.”

“You bastard!”

I went for him with my claws, my teeth ready to bite and nip and make him feel one hundredth of what he’d done to me.

He allowed me one slap and then held my wrists keeping me at arm’s length. I kicked and screeched and called him every foul name I could think of until there was nothing left in me, and I just stood there locked in his gaze, trembling like a trapped bird.

“Sit down.”

I stared at him in total incomprehension and then my legs folded of their own accord and I was suddenly looking up at those cold blue eyes which were so calm, so knowing, so… He dropped down to his knees again and cupped my breasts before lowering his head and starting on my nipple.

“Now let’s try this again.”

Pleasure receded and something else took its place, something hot and dark that drew me out of myself, made me want to float away and experience how close to the edge I’d come. Could I let go? Would I? What if I had no choice?

I lost touch with what was, and only experienced what he wanted me to feel, which was a red hot haze of
as he touched and licked and bit me everywhere, but where I wanted him. But then I forgot even that because other things became so important. The brush of his stubble on my thigh, the flick of his tongue against my clit and the tug of his teeth over my most intimate flesh.

I’m not sure how long it was after he stopped touching me before I could summon the energy to look at him and saw him watching me,
for me to pay attention.

“What do you want, Julia? A nice fuck?”

I managed to shake my head.

“Then tell me what you really want.”

And suddenly, it was simple.

“You. I want you.”

He considered me, his head angled to one side as he catalogued the effects of his mouth on me.

“Do you remember I told you that if I ever hurt a woman, I’d do it carefully?”

I nodded.

“Then where would you like me to start?”

I struggled to form words. “I haven’t asked you to do
to me.”

“You haven’t exactly objected so far, either.”


“So would you say that implied your consent? That you actually
what I did?” His blue gaze flicked over my tight sensitive nipples. “That you wanted it?”

A hot wave of shame crashed over me. I tried to turn my face away. He grabbed hold of my chin and made me look at him.

“Tell me what you want.”

I stared defiantly into his eyes. “I spend most of my life making life and death decisions for people, decisions that can affect
. I have to be the one in charge, I have to be fearless and perfect and…” I swallowed hard. “Sometimes I don’t want to be that person. Sometimes I just want to be told what to do.”

My face was hot with embarrassment and tears crowded my throat.

Alex continued to look at me.

“It’s wrong I know, a woman isn’t supposed to want that, especially a successful woman like me, but sometimes I just want—“ I looked beseechingly at him and he nodded.

“What, Julia?”

“This. You. To be owned.”

“Thank you.”

He kissed me very gently on the mouth and then bit me hard on the lower lip. At some point, he’d covered his cock in a condom and he impaled me with one strong thrust. I screamed and started to come as he fucked me with rigid precision like a machine. When he pulled out, I tried to keep hold of him, but he held me away.

“Go and lie on my bed. I’ll be there in a second.”

He pointed down the hallway, and I did what he’d told me to do without question. At some level I knew I wasn’t functioning correctly, but I didn’t care. All I wanted was him back inside me, his big hands holding my hips as he fucked me, his mouth locked over mine… I wanted to see what he would do next.

His bedroom was in darkness, but I left the door open and could see well enough to make out the big bed covered in blue sheets and a plain navy quilt. I climbed up and sat on the edge, my feet dangling, my arms wrapped around myself as if seeking comfort, or the press of his body.

He appeared in the doorway and paused to study me.

“Open your thighs so I can see your cunt and put your hands on the bed.”

When he stood in front of me, his cock was level with my sex. He cupped his balls and angled the tip of his dick against my clit and circled it, reigniting the fires I thought he’d already put out making me tremble with whatever it was my mind wanted, but my over sensitive body resisted.

I winced and he cupped my chin making me look into his serene blue eyes.

“Don’t think about it.”

“I’m sore.” I managed to whisper.

“So?” He pressed harder and I tried to scoot away from him. He slid his hand behind my back and held me still, his fingers splayed over my flesh, his cock jammed against my clit. “Let it go.”

“I can’t.”

“Then we’ll stop.”

He turned away from me and walked across the room.

I stared horror-struck at his back. “Wait! I—“

He pulled on a black silk robe and knotted the belt over the still prominent thrust of his cock. “Our dinner should be there by now. Are you ready to eat?”

Of course I stormed after him. I couldn’t stop myself. Borrowing a robe I found on the back on the bathroom door, I went to find him. He was sitting at the table where someone had laid out our dinner. He’d even poured the wine and lit a candle, the bastard.

“Are you hungry?”

“No, I’m—” I considered the fragrant smells wafting across from his uncovered plate and grumpily took the seat opposite him. He started to eat, his knife in his right hand, his fork in his left and carried on like that, manipulating the food around his plate and onto his fork with the aid of the knife. I cut a piece of steak and then transferred my fork into my other hand, speared the meat and brought it to my mouth.

“You can put the knife down, you know.” I said.

He raised an eyebrow. “Why? Transferring your fork from one hand to the other is an extremely inefficient way of eating.”

“Which works just fine.”

“In America.”

“Which is where we are, so you’re the one who looks like a fool.” I continued to carve off pieces of my steak and chewed thoroughly. “I notice you haven’t kept your British teeth, though.”

“I spent my early teens in New York so getting braces was de rigueur.”

“Luckily for you.”

He finished his meal and covered the plate. “Have I offended you in some way?”

“You know damn well why I’m offended.” I pointed my fork at him. “You fricking walked away from me.”

“You weren’t cooperating.” He shrugged. “It’s no big deal.”

BOOK: Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender
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