Read Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender Online

Authors: Opal Carew,Portia Da Costa,Madelynne Ellis,Marie Harte,Joey Hill,T. J. Michaels,Kate Pearce,Carrie Ann Ryan,Sasha White,Emily Ryan-Davis,Jennifer Leeland

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Anthologies, #Contemporary, #Collections & Anthologies

Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender (92 page)

BOOK: Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender
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Time stopped as I worked to reset bones, check for head injuries and listened to the CHIP’s officer who’d seen the teen’s speeding car slide off the road and hit a power line.

When I finally looked up again, it was long past the end of my shift and ten minutes after six. With a groan, I washed off as much blood as I could manage and after briefing my replacement, ran out the ER and made it home in about fifteen minutes.

A large box leaned up against the door of my apartment. I picked it up and took it in with me, my hands shaking as I realized I hadn’t eaten for hours. I fumbled for my phone and sent Alex a text.

Delayed by emergency at work, will aim to be ready for 7:30, will let you know if there is a problem. Julia

Within a second he had texted me back.

Thanks for the information. Let me know if you wish to cancel, A

Leaving my cell on the kitchen counter I went into my bathroom and took a long shower, washing away the day and some of my tiredness. When I emerged, wrapped in a towel, I considered all the things I needed to do to make myself look beautiful and realized I didn’t have time to do half of them. I’d have to go with the basics—good makeup, big hair, great cleavage and pray that he didn’t notice the rest.

My gaze came to rest on the box I’d put on the table. Alex had said something about providing clothes, which made my life a lot easier. Grabbing the kitchen scissors, I opened the box to find another fancier one within, tied up with dark red ribbon. I undid the bow and took off the lid to reveal a swathe of tissue paper and several folded garments.

The first item was a black dress with an A-line skirt, a V-neck and white buttons all down the front. It looked remarkably uninspiring to me—almost like a uniform, but I’d agreed to wear what Alex suggested and if he liked this look, well, then I’d wear it.

I hung the dress on the back of the bathroom door letting the steam work some instant magic. There was a set of lingerie in the box, too, a black lace bra, tiny thong panties and a black garter. I was glad he hadn’t gone for stockings and a garter belt, which would’ve been way too hot for the current California weather.

I ate two energy bars and drank a huge glass of milk and then wiggled into the lingerie and the dress. I almost never wore dresses. To my surprise, when I checked the mirror, I looked both expensive and flirty. The skirt was at the knee, which was shorter than I normally liked, but it had a little flare to it that made my waist and my ass look curvaceous.

Shoes… I checked in the box but there weren’t any in there. Thanking the lord he hadn’t picked out something impossibly high for me to wear, I went into the back of my closet and found my favorite pair of three-inch sling backs with pointed toes and prayed that my feet would last the night. The only things left to do were curling my hair and putting on my war paint. I wasn’t a big fan of makeup, but after my long day I definitely needed some help.

As I applied a last coat of deep pink lipstick, I heard a knock at the door. Grabbing my purse and my wrap, I opened the door to a uniformed chauffeur who inclined his head a respectful inch.

“Dr. Reed? I’m Benjamin. Mr Alex’s driver.”

“Good to meet you.” I smiled at the older man. “I’m ready to leave whenever you are.”

“Mr. Alex said you might need more time and that I was to tell you there was no need to rush.”

“I was slightly delayed getting home, but I’ve caught up.” I checked I had my keys and cell and closed the door behind me. “We can go right now.”

“As you wish, Dr. Reed.”

I followed Ben down to the gleaming black limo that was currently blocking all the exits to the parking lot in front of my apartment. He held the door open for me and I settled into the luxurious leather interior and sighed deeply. Inside the car, it was completely silent apart from the hum of electricity and the sigh of the air conditioner.

Ben’s voice came over the intercom. “There is wine, water and champagne in the bar, Dr. Reed, if you wish to enjoy a beverage.”

“Thanks, Ben.”

I located the door of the mini refrigerator and looked inside it just because I could. I took out a bottle of chilled water and set it beside me before relaxing once more into the butter soft leather of the seats. Despite my anticipation, my eyes started to close and the next thing I knew, the car was slowing and it was completely dark outside.

I blinked and tried to stop myself rubbing my eyes and scaring away all my carefully applied make up.

“We have arrived, Dr. Reed.”

“Where are we exactly?”

“On the Nevada side of Lake Tahoe.”

I blinked at that. I must have slept longer than I’d realized. He came round to open the door for me, and I stepped out into the warm fuzzy air. In front of me were steps leading up to a glass lobby that contained nothing except a bank of elevators and a receptionist sitting at a desk.

The doors opened with a swish ushering me into the stark surroundings. The man at the desk stood up and smiled.

“Dr. Reed? I was told to expect you. Take the first elevator to the top floor and Mr. Alex Logan will meet you there.”

“Thanks.” As I walked toward the elevator he indicated, I noticed another hallway that led through to the bright flashing lights of a casino floor. Not an unusual sight in Nevada, but not quite what I’d expected to find in this particular building. I’d assumed I was in an apartment complex or a set of private suites.

The elevator bore me upward and then the doors opened to reveal Alex leaning against the marbled wall opposite, one elegant hand in his pocket. He wore a suit that was so dark blue it was almost black, a white shirt and a patterned silver tie.



He came away from the wall with his usual grace and took my hand.
“Was everything all right at the hospital?”

“I had to stay and help out with casualties from a car wreck, but it worked out fine in the end. Both kids survived.”

He searched my face and then nodded. “Then shall we proceed? Have you eaten dinner?”

“Not really.” I allowed him to put his hand in the small of my back and lead me toward what appeared to be a bar.

“Then we’ll eat first. There is a restaurant in the back corner”

“What exactly is this place?”

“It’s a private club.” He glanced down at me and smiled. “Don’t worry. Everyone here is vetted and approved both financially and medically by the owners and they are very selective. Membership here is very much coveted and rarely extended.”

“How do you know so much about it?”

He shrugged, the motion flawless in his black suit. “Because my family owns the club.”

“This is part of the entertainment business you said your family were into?”

He pulled out a chair for me at one of the restaurant tables and waited until I sat down. “This is mainly my older brother Kyle’s baby. My interests lean toward other avenues of entertainment.”

“Like the casino downstairs?”

“Oh no, that would be my younger brother’s domain.” He looked up as a waiter appeared. “Manolo, how are you tonight?”

“I’m doing good, sir. Now what can I get you to eat?”


I ate something, I must have done, and I definitely drank at least one glass of red wine, but the details were blurred because Alex… Alex had his hands on me. Just subtle touches that made me aware of his strength and his possessive instincts and therefore of his restraint. It was like dealing with a sleek lap cat with a tiger inside, claws temporarily sheathed. My tiredness disappeared as he gradually increased my awareness and my need for him.

“Are you ready to come and sit in the bar?”

His voice was caressing and carried an undercurrent of command that made me want to squeeze my thighs together. I stood up so abruptly I almost knocked my empty glass over.

He took my hand and guided me out of the restaurant. I hadn’t seen any sign of a check, which indicated that Alex was indeed well known at the club. The view of the lake and surrounding town beyond the floor to ceiling glass windows was quite breathtaking. Alex beckoned to one of the waiters.

“I’ll have a brandy and the lady will have…?” He looked inquiringly at me.

“Nothing, thank you.”

He reclaimed my hand and drew me toward a pair of chairs that faced back toward the bar. There weren’t many people present yet, just us, two men and another woman who all appeared to be waiting for others to join them

“You don’t have to do this tonight, you know,” Alex murmured. “You’ve obviously had a trying day.”

I sat down and smiled up at him. “Which is exactly why this is the perfect way to end my evening. I can forget about work and simply concentrate on being myself.”

“As your purest most passionate self?”

“Well, I’m not sure about
. I’d rather think of myself as an amoral sexual being who doesn’t care what anyone thinks about her at all.”

He took the seat next to me and patted his knee. “Then sit on my lap and face the bar.”

After a deep breath, I did as he suggested and sat on his muscled thighs. My flared skirt spread out nicely as he wrapped one arm around my hips anchoring my ass against the already hard rod of his cock and pushing my knees wide with his own. He did nothing else for a long moment as I accustomed myself to the unusual sensation of spreading my legs in a public setting.

“Undo the top two buttons of your dress.”

I raised my hands and did as he asked, aware that my cleavage in the nice black push-up bra was now on display.

“How do you feel?” Alex asked.


He chuckled against the back of my neck and suddenly bit down on the exposed skin of my throat, making a bolt of pure lust shoot down to my sex. “We’ve hardly started.”

His free hand undid two more buttons meaning my dress was now open to the waist. He gently pushed the soft fabric aside and slid his fingers over my left breast cupping it and then pinching my nipple hard. I tried to roll my hips but he held me too tightly against him.

“Do you see the man at the end of the bar?”

“Yes,” I whispered.

“He’s watching us. Or I should say he’s watching you. Shall we give him more? Maybe he’ll want to come closer and see exactly what I’m doing to arouse you.”


“Pull back your skirt, Julia so that I can see those nice knickers I bought for you.”

I took hold of the hem and hesitated for one second, aware of how white my fingers looked against the black silk of the fabric.

I gasped as Alex pinched my nipple. “Do it, Julia. We both know you want to.”

I drew the skirt back and with a satisfied sound, Alex fitted his palm over my already wet and wanting sex. His long middle finger pressed against my clit and made circles on the damp satin.

“You’re wet. You like this don’t you? Being on display, your legs spread wide, tits out, and me rubbing your pussy.”

His deliberate crudeness made me shudder but not from disgust. I loved every dirty word. I delighted in every rough pinch and rub over my exposed and wanting sex. I arched my back, pressing my ass against his stiff cock and then rolled my hips forward to beg him to rub me harder. Of course he obliged, the thin barrier of my panties soon wet and harsh against the neediness of my desire.

“He’s coming closer, Julia.”

I looked up to see that Alex was correct. The man who’d been watching from the bar was advancing toward us, his gaze fixed on my crotch.

“Let’s give him more, shall we?”

He unbuttoned my dress completely leaving me almost naked apart from my bra, panties and garter belt. He shoved his hand inside my panties, through the slick warm welcome of my desire, and I moaned and bit my lip.

“Look at him while I finger fuck you, Julia. Let him see how much you love this.”

I held the unknown man’s gaze as he sank into the chair next to ours, one hand adjusting the fit of his pants where the swell of his cock was already visible. Alex slid one finger inside me and held it deep.

“When I’ve got you wet enough, I’m going to take you upstairs strip you naked and leave you in a room full of men just like Mr. Slone here.”

?” I went still.

“You’ll see.” He chuckled and bit my ear as a wave of shocked, forbidden anticipation thrilled through me. “Did you think this was it, Julia? Me finger fucking you in public?” His thumb circled my clit. “That’s not enough excitement for you, is it?”

I swallowed hard and he pinched my clit. “Is it Julia?”

“No,” I writhed on his lap.

What do you think the men will want from you?”

“Whatever I’m willing to give them.”

“Willing? And what if you aren’t willing?”

“I—” I tried to move on his finger, but he wouldn’t allow it.

“Tell me the truth and say it loudly so that Mr. Slone can hear you.”

“I want them to… to fuck me anyway, to make me kneel at their feet and take as much cock as they demand.”

He added another finger. “Why Julia?”

“Because I want to be used, to be taken.”

Out of the corner of my eye I saw another two men and a woman join the group around us. Alex unclipped the front of my bra and then cupped my breast, his thumb on my nipple.

“Who would like to suck Julia’s tits? She wants it, don’t you?” He squeezed my nipple. “Ask Mr. Slone nicely now.”

I met the other man’s intent gaze.

“Please,” I whispered “Will you suck me?”

He angled his head to consider me. “Isn’t this about what I want and not what you desire?”

A shudder ran through me. “Yes.”

“Then you can suck my dick, and then I’m going to come all over your breasts.”

Almost in a dream, I watched Mr. Slone’s capable fingers unzip his fly and unbutton his pants. I inhaled the scent of pine shower gel and aroused male as he uncovered himself. Everyone in the bar was watching us now, waiting to see what I would do…

Alex didn’t say a word keeping all four fingers deep in my cunt as I opened my lips and slowly took Mr. Slone’s nice fat cock in my mouth. As I sucked, Alex moved his hand, but never enough to let me come. I just got wetter, the sounds of my pleasure as loud as my sucking.

BOOK: Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender
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