Read Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender Online

Authors: Opal Carew,Portia Da Costa,Madelynne Ellis,Marie Harte,Joey Hill,T. J. Michaels,Kate Pearce,Carrie Ann Ryan,Sasha White,Emily Ryan-Davis,Jennifer Leeland

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Anthologies, #Contemporary, #Collections & Anthologies

Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender (93 page)

BOOK: Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender
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Mr. Slone groaned harshly and shoved a hand in my hair drawing me back from his shaft. I watched as he took control of his cock and climaxed, his come covering my breasts and running down my stomach.

“Stand up, Julia.” Alex lifted me from his lap and I had to clutch onto his arm for support. He carefully did up the buttons of my dress and walked me toward the stairs. The others all followed him as we moved through to a different part of the club.

I was trembling. The scent of my own arousal mixed with the come of the unknown Mr. Slone. I felt dirty, I felt sexy as hell. I felt

Alex took me through into what looked like the lounge bar of a sports club. There were T.V.’s high on the walls, a bar against the back corner and men…men everywhere lounging on the leather couches and chairs. I didn’t even try and count past five as my excitement level increased.

He walked me into the center of the room and unbuttoned my dress until it fell to the floor. At his command, I stepped out of my shoes and then my panties while he unhooked my bra. Some of the men glanced at me as I undressed, others ignored me completely. My nipples were two hard peaks and the wetness of Mr. Slone’s come had reached my sex the scent mingling with the rise of my own desire.

Alex nodded at one of the waiters to gather up my clothes.

“I’ll see you later, Julia.” He nodded at a camera in the top corner of the room. “I’ll keep an eye on you from the control room.”

I was torn between wanting him to stay close by and watch me, and my desire to show him that I could manage all these men and still satisfy him afterward.

“It’s your fantasy, love.” Alex lifted my chin and stared into my eyes, his own quietly amused. “If you don’t think you’re up for it, then tell me and I’ll end it now.”

I held his gaze. “I want this.”

He kissed my forehead. “Then enjoy. I can’t wait to watch you.”

I stood quietly within the circle of men as he walked away. Someone snapped their fingers and I turned toward the sound. Part of me couldn’t believe what I was about to do; the rest of me couldn’t wait to get on with it. It really was as if Alex had brought my favorite fantasy to life. A group of three men were seated on the leather couch directly behind me. I walked over to them and the man in the center pointed at the floor and then at his groin.

“Kneel down and suck my dick.”

I sank down to the carpet and carefully unzipped his belt and pants to gain access to the swell of his cock. As I bent my head and began sucking, a hand clamped over my ass cheek, fingers sliding inward to the lush heat between my legs. I moaned around the cock as fingers stretched me wide, pumping in and out, making me widen my stance to take every thrust.

More hands on my breasts, pinching and fondling until I sucked even faster, aware that those other hands would want more, would
more of me and that I couldn’t wait to give it. It was erotic, it was fascinating—all those different skin textures, tastes and shapes to feast on and to arouse…

I moaned as I was lifted onto the couch, my lips still sucking one shaft as another cock slid between my legs from behind and started to fuck me. Soon I forgot everything but the sensation of being filled and used by so many men that I gave up counting and just focused on making them climax and coming constantly myself. I was so turned on, so wet, so
that I begged for it, I demanded more and I gave each man everything I had.

Time stilled as they continued to pass me between them, each man blurring into the next as they fucked and fondled me until it hurt to climax and my cunt and ass were raw with repeated use.

“She’s so fucking open,” one of the men muttered as I sucked his shaft. “I bet she’d take two cocks or a fist now.”

“Let’s do it.”

I was rotated onto my back and realized I was lying on the couch again. All the men remained clothed, I was the only one naked. Mr. Slone lay down behind me, grasped me around the waist and brought me down over his cock and then drew me backward to lie on top of him. Another man, a blond I didn’t remember, kneeled between our splayed knees and lubed up his cock before carefully sliding it right alongside Mr. Slone’s.

I screamed as he eased inward, widening me beyond what I’d thought was possible and I came hard making both of the men growl.

“How many more?” Mr. Slone demanded. “What about her mouth? Can you take two men there as well, darlin’?”

I opened my mouth.

God, yes, I could cram two thick cockheads in there even if I couldn’t take them deep. My mouth and cunt were stretched so wide, pre-cum ran down my chin as I licked and sucked at the cocks and tightened my inner muscles as much as I could on the two buried lengths.

“More,” the blond begged hoarsely. “One more in her ass?”

“Complicated.” Mr. Slone grunted. “What about if I ease her hips forward? Could someone get in beside you?”

He grabbed my hips and changed the angle of his penetration lifting my ass clear from the cradle of his body. The blond groaned and shifted as well allowing another man to press his well-lubed cock to the pucker of my ass.

And then it was all too much, and I came so hard I yelled and writhed around all the cocks penetrating and impaling me., setting off a series of reactions that led to my body being held between all the men in a vise-like grip as they used me to come.

When they eventually disentangled themselves and all pulled out, I lay back on the couch gasping for breath, my heart racing my mind in a place I’d never been before, full of white-hot pleasure and a sense that I’d never feel the same again.

A door opened somewhere and several of the men who’d fucked me left the room. I stayed where I was, my mind detached, my body still suffering aftershocks from the overload of sensation.


I opened my eyes to see Alex sitting opposite me. He still wore his immaculate suit and looked as untouched and inscrutable as ever. His blue gaze traveled down over my hard nipples and come-covered skin to my still splayed legs.

“You look well used.” Alex said.

I managed to nod.

He undid his pants. “Suck me.”

It was an effort to roll over onto all fours and crawl the short distance to where he sat, but I was determined to manage it. My mouth was sore from sucking so much cock and my body shuddered and resisted every stroke of his fingers over my well-used ass and cunt.

He came down my throat and I swallowed frantically trying to keep my lips sealed around his shaft and failing miserably. I panted as he zipped himself up and held out his hand.


I was still naked but no one offered me my clothes. I had no choice but to stand up on my shaky legs and follow him. He took me through a different route that didn’t lead past the bar, and into a suite, which I knew was his because it smelled like lemon aftershave with a hint of bergamot.

Without a word, he led me through to the bathroom and put on the luxurious marble shower, watching through the glass as I obediently soaped and cleaned my well-used body. When I shut the water off, he opened the door and handed me a thick, white robe.

My hair was short and fine enough to dry by itself so I tied the sash of the robe and followed him back into the bedroom. He sat down on one of the two white leather chairs and patted the seat. He’d made tea for himself and a pitcher of iced water also sat on the coffee table.


I sank into the chair and he put his arm around my shoulders making me bury my face against the curve of his neck. He let me stay like that for a long while…

“Would you like to watch yourself? I have the security footage.”

I opened my eyes and risked a glance at him. “Only if you can swear you’re not going to make me a sex tape to say thank you.”

“I wouldn’t do that.” His mouth quirked up at one corner. “And I’m glad to hear that your unique sense of humor is still intact.”

I pulled a little away from him. “Why wouldn’t it be?”

He regarded me intently. “Because you just fucked a room full of men.”

“It was…” I shivered. “Incredible.”

“A lot of people hate it when they achieve their dreams.”

“Not me.” I returned his stare. “Are you waiting for me to feel ashamed of myself or something?”

“I’d hate it if you did.”

“Good, because I’m not ashamed of a single thing.”

He clicked on the remote, and an image of me standing naked appeared on the screen.

“My ass looks big.” I commented.

“Your arse is fine. Why are women so critical of themselves? I don’t think a single man in that room was thinking that.”

We both watched as I went down on my knees in front of the first group of men. It was interesting seeing myself like this, the way my body swayed toward the men, the intensity of their glances as I allowed them free use of my sex.

“I got so fucking hard watching you,” Alex murmured. “I had to jack myself off at one point.”

“Which point?”

“When there were five of them in you.” He shook his head. “Dear God, woman, it was the most erotic thing I’ve ever seen.”

I smiled against his shoulder as my body relaxed into his. I’d never imagined watching myself fuck before, let alone enjoying watching it with an aroused man by my side.

“This turns you on more than I do, doesn’t it?” I asked Alex.

“No.” He drew me carefully into his lap, my sore ass now pressed against the iron-hard length of his cock. “Giving you what you want turned me on.”

We watched in silence as, on screen, I made my way around the room being passed from man to man, my body slick with come, my mouth swollen from sucking cock and my nipples hard. When I saw myself surrounded and impaled by all five men I wiggled my ass against Alex’s cock and his grip around my waist tightened.

“Do you like this, Julia? Seeing yourself used by five cocks?”

I licked my lips and nodded, my gaze riveted on the frozen image of my face.

With a smooth motion, Alex stood up with me in his arms and strode toward the bedroom.

“And now I get to fuck you all by myself.”

He laid me on the black silk comforter and undid the sash of my robe, spreading it wide and releasing my arms from the sleeves. For a long moment he just stared down at my well-fucked body.

“Are you sore Julia?”


He pushed my knees wide and studied my swollen sex. “After all that cock, you’ll hardly feel me.”

I tentatively squeezed my internal muscles. “God, yes I will.”

“But you’ll take me anyway.” He stripped off with swift economical movements, his gaze never straying from my trembling body. “I want my come in you, so that you remember who you belong to.”

“Belong to?” I barely had the energy to speak.

“You’re mine and you know it.” He climbed onto the bed, one hand wrapped around his impressive erection. “You wouldn’t let any other man fuck you right now, would you?”

“No,” I moaned as he pressed the thick crown of his cock against my swollen pussy lips. “
, I can’t…”

“Yes you can.” He remained still over me, his cool blue gaze locked on mine. “Tell me to fuck you, Julia. Tell me you want it just how I want it.”

I licked my lips and stared into his eyes aware of both his detachment and his desire and equally turned on by both of them.

“Please fuck me, Alex,” I whispered. “Make me yours.”

With exquisite care he bent forward and kissed my swollen lips with his mouth while his cock parted my even more swollen pussy lips. I sucked in a breath as he slid inward and he soothed me with his kisses, his hands busy on my body, lifting me into the thrust of his slow penetration.

God, I didn’t want to come again, but I had no choice. His body
me no choice. He held himself deep and still as a climax rolled over me in long pulses that left me wrung out and gasping.

He touched my cheek. “Don’t cry.”

“I can’t help it,” I whispered. “You helped me achieve one of my ultimate fantasies tonight.”

“And mine. Watching you, knowing that I was going to have you afterward was…amazing.” He thrust one last time and came deep inside me before slowly pulling out. With a sigh, he rolled onto his back and drew me against his side. “Don’t shower yet, I like you full of my come.”

I barely managed a sound before sleep crashed over me and I gave myself up to the surprisingly secure feel of his arms around me.


Chapter Five


When I woke up, I was alone and for a moment, I struggled to remember exactly where I was. As soon as I tried to move, my body reminded me of the previous night’s excesses and it all came flooding back. I sat up and swung my legs over the side of the bed. Flooding was a good word. Alex’s come was sliding down the inside of my thigh…

With some care, I went into the large bathroom and had a long hot shower. I put the fluffy bathrobe on and roughly dried my hair before heading out into the kitchen and dining area of the apartment. I smiled as I noticed my image still on the T.V. screen and the back of Alex’s head as he watched the footage.

“I thought you’d have seen enough of that by now.” I joked and then went still as the man turned around. “Damn. You’re not Alex, are you?”

“No, I’m his twin brother, Kyle. I run this place.”

“And that gives you the right to walk into your brother’s private apartment without knocking?”

His eyebrow flew up in the same way his brother’s did. “I wasn’t expecting you to be here. I assumed Alex would’ve paid you for your awesome acting and sent you back to wherever he found you.”

?” I crossed my arms over my chest. “I
your pardon?”

“No offense, but that?” He gestured at the screen. “Is the kind of acting rarely seen outside a porno movie.”


Something about my tone must have registered because he shoved a hand through his black hair and grimaced. “I’m sorry, I’m coming across as incredibly rude. I don’t mean to be. I’m annoyed at Alex for dragging you into this.”

“Into what?”

BOOK: Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender
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