Read Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender Online

Authors: Opal Carew,Portia Da Costa,Madelynne Ellis,Marie Harte,Joey Hill,T. J. Michaels,Kate Pearce,Carrie Ann Ryan,Sasha White,Emily Ryan-Davis,Jennifer Leeland

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Anthologies, #Contemporary, #Collections & Anthologies

Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender (91 page)

BOOK: Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender
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I raised my chin. “Do you think I don’t know how to dress appropriately?”

“Quite frankly, yes. But I’d like to tell you what to wear, to imagine you getting dressed and how soon I’ll be taking you out of everything again.”

I raised my chin. “I do have other clothes, you know.”

He sat back. “And this is your call, so if you’d rather I didn’t interfere, just tell me.”

“I like the thought of you choosing my clothes.” I muttered.

“Then I’ll provide what you need.” He paused. “What else?”

“Isn’t that enough to be going on with?”

He shrugged his wide shoulders. “That depends on you.”

“I’d like you to come inside me without a condom.”

He nodded. “I’d like that too. I can send you my medical records if you want. What else do you dream of Dr. Reed?”

I smiled at him. “I think I’ll wait and see how things work out with this particular fantasy before I tell you anything else.”

“I’ll tell you something right now.” He glanced down at his lap. “I’m hard. I’ve got hard every time I thought about how I fucked you. It made for a most inconvenient three days.”


“Did you think of me? Did you finger fuck yourself even though I made you sore?” He smiled. “I had a fantasy of my own, you picking me up at the airport and me fucking you in the parking lot before we even made it back to the car.” His fingers curved around his mug. “You didn’t wear knickers under your skirt, so all I had to do was yank down my zipper, pull up your skirt and I was balls deep inside you.”

I licked my suddenly dry lips. “In the parking lot?”

“There were plenty of dark corners and I couldn’t wait another second.”

I contemplated his calm face aware that my cunt was throbbing in time to my heartbeat.

He smiled. “You’re wet aren’t you?”

I nodded.

“You like the thought of me taking control like that, of stuffing you full of cock somewhere we could be seen.”

He continued to study me, cataloguing every rapid breath and the heat rising from my skin. “I think you’d like it so much that you’d scream when you climaxed. I’d have to cover your mouth with my hand while I concentrated on coming. You’d be even wetter then, no knickers, my come trickling down your thighs.”

I put down my mug because my fingers were shaking so hard I thought I’d spill it.

“I’d drive and you could sit beside me, thighs spread wide so that I could play with your clit, maybe even make you come again.” His fingers flexed and I couldn’t take my eyes off them. “Maybe we wouldn’t make it home and I’d fuck you in the car or find a sleazy motel and fuck you there.”

I realized I was just nodding like a fricking dog and salivating like one too. How did he know? How did he know that I’d yearned for someone to forget all the pc crap and just

“I’d get sore.” I managed to whisper.

“Yes, you would. Then you’d have to take me in your mouth or arse until I’d fucked every one of your holes. And then I’d fuck your cunt again and you’d still come.”

I tried to make a joke of it. “I might have run out the door by then.”

“No you wouldn’t. You’d take everything I had to give you and beg for more.” He pushed to his feet. “Are you finished with your coffee?”

“Yes…” I looked up at his beautiful face and then down to the huge bulge in his pants. “Are you leaving?”

“Aren’t you?” He held out his hand. “I’ll walk you to your car.”

Anticipation leeched away from me like a deflated balloon. “You don’t need to do that.”

“We’ve had this conversation before. Let me escort you. I’d prefer to know you got safely home.”

I was going home

Ignoring his outstretched hand, I rose to my feet and slid out of the booth. One good thing about my baggy scrubs was that he couldn’t see how hard my nipples were or smell my arousal. I turned toward the door, but he was quicker, holding it open for me, making certain that I had to brush up against him to get out. Damn, I wanted to whimper. At least with Holly being away I could watch porn and spend some quality time with my vibrator without being disturbed.

I marched off into the mall, out through the first exit and headed for my car. Alex easily kept pace with me, which annoyed me even more. Retrieving my car keys from my pocket, I turned to wish him a good night to find him smiling down at me.

“How much do you want it, Julia?” he asked.

“I don’t know what you mean.”

He glanced around the half-deserted parking lot. “For me to fuck you stupid right now?”

“I don’t.”

His gaze remained on the mall and surrounding area. “I can do it right here against the side of your car, or you can come and sit in my truck, which is parked over by the trees.”

“I’m going home.”

“Not yet.”

“I’m tired.”

“And now you are making excuses.”

“I don’t have to—” I gasped as he cupped my breast and unerringly pinched my nipple. “Don’t—”

He crowded me back against the side of my car but instead of screaming and pushing him away, I put my arms around his neck and pulled him even closer.

“That’s better,” he murmured. “You don’t have to pretend with me.” His hand slid beneath the elastic waist of my scrubs to cup my ass and rub me against the hard rod of his shaft. Holding me up against the side of the car, he slowly unbuttoned his long coat.

“Undo my belt and my zipper and take out my cock.”

I couldn’t see anything past his body and the folds of his coat. I didn’t even care.

“Take out my cock, Julia. I’m going to fuck you right here and you’re going to come all around my big hard dick until I tell you to stop.”

While I obeyed his instructions, loosening his belt and starting on the straining fastening of his pants, he lifted my right leg, pushed down my pants and underwear and made me step out of them. Keeping my right foot balanced on his hip and concealed by the skirt of his coat he fitted himself against my soaking wet hole and shoved deep.

I screamed as I came, biting down on his coat sleeve to stifle the sound as he started thrusting. It didn’t take him long to join me and jet hot spasms of come deep inside me.

He pulled out almost instantly and before I had time to blink was settling me back in my clothes and zipping up.

“Go home, Julia. Leave the door unlocked for me. When I get there I want you naked and on all fours on your bed.”

He opened the door of my car. I somehow slid inside and started the engine. I’m not sure how I got home, but suddenly I was there. I heard a black truck that I assumed was Alex’s pull into one of the visitor spots behind me. How had he known where I lived? Had he googled me as avidly as I’d googled him?

Not that there had been much about him at all.

Ignoring the elevator, I ran up four flights of stairs to my apartment, unlocked the door and went inside. Luckily, as Holly wasn’t home, the place was pristine. I was the one who kept it like that. Leaving the front door unlatched, I went through to my bedroom, stripping off my filthy scrubs as I went and dumping them in the laundry basket. My skin was blush red and quivering with anticipation as I climbed onto the bed facing the wall and assumed the position.

I heard the apartment door lock and then nothing else for a while until warm breath tickled the back of my neck.

“You’re so fucking wet.”

His accent sharpened as he pushed both hands between my legs and rubbed his palms against my already swollen and needy cunt. He brought one hand up to my breasts and smoothed our combined scents on my nipples, the other he brought to my mouth shoving his fingers in for me to suck.

I closed my eyes as I felt the press of his cock against my pussy lips again, arching my back to invite him deeper. He stayed shallow, just the crown teasing my senses while his hands returned to my hips.

“What if someone had seen us fucking in the parking lot, Julia? Would you even have noticed? You were so desperate for cock you didn’t care did you? Perhaps there was someone, did you think of that? Some man with a massive hard-on right now because he watched you being fucked.”

I moaned and he pushed an inch deeper. “Have you ever had two men, Julia?”


“Would you like it? Two cocks to penetrate you and to pleasure?”

I pictured it and shivered.

“More than two? A whole roomful of cock to satisfy?”

I closed my eyes but it was already too late. He’d seen the shiver I couldn’t conceal. He was the most observant man I’d ever met. Within a second, he’d pulled out and flipped me onto my back.

His icy blue eyes glinted as he looked down at me. “How many cocks would you like?”

I stared at his perfection, my legs spread wide, my cunt a wet aching needy mess.

“How many, Julia?” He arched an eyebrow, one hand soothing and touching his shaft as if considering what to do with it next.

I licked my lips. “Too many for me to control.”

“To push you beyond your boundaries, to make you sore and want them to stop, but you can’t, can you? You have to take everything that is given to you. God, I’d pay to see that. You crawling from man to man being taken, being…used.”

He planted one hand beside me on the bed and pushed his cock inside me setting up a fast rhythm that had me coming almost constantly. He held himself deep and smiled at me through his harsh breathing. “And after you’d satisfied all those men, do you know what I’ll make you do? Crawl over to me and do it all again.”

This time my climax was so powerful I groaned as he started to move on me, extending the pleasure and making me grab his shoulders and hang on. Eventually he climaxed, too, and slowly pulled out of me.

I pointed weakly at the door. “Bathroom’s down the hall.”

“Thank you, but we haven’t finished yet.”


“I’m not done and neither are you. I like the way you look and you smell covered in my come.”

“That’s so un-American.”

“I don’t give a fuck. I’d like you wet from me all the time.” He slid his fingers through the cream between my thighs. “Dripping and ready to fuck again.” He eased one finger further back. “I want your arse now.”

I waved a weak hand at my bedside table. “Condoms and lube in the drawer.”

As he sheathed his cock in the condom and added extra lube, I just lay there like a fool watching him. He really was like a force of nature, a smothering battering storm that wouldn’t let up. And God, I liked it, I never wanted him to stop.

“Sit up.” I did as he requested, my body already quivering with anticipation. “Oh good, you have a mirror.” He angled me toward it, setting me astride his lap, my legs spread wide over his giving both of us the perfect view of my wet swollen cunt.

I watched in fascination as he settled one hand on my breast and the other between my legs, his fingers teasing and playing with my plump pussy lips until I was lifting my hips into each stroke.

“I can’t wait to show you off like this,” he murmured against my neck. “Let all the men see what they’re going to get from you.”

He eased his hand further back to rim the tight hole of my ass, easing one lubed finger inside as I rocked against his palm. Soon he added a second finger and then a third as he played with my clit and pinched my nipples.

Wrapping one hand around my waist, he lifted me up until the tip of his lubed cock pressed for entrance against my ass.

“Look in the mirror, Julia, watch me take you. Imagine me watching you with someone else. Do you think I’ll get hard? Do you think I’ll be waiting for my turn when you think you’ve taken enough cock to satisfy you?”

I nodded, my throat tight as I watched his sheathed cock disappear inside me.

“I’d…like you to make me take you.”

He purred against my neck and thumbed my clit as his cock filled me completely. “Even if you were sore and fucked out?”


“Good.” He reached behind him and produced my vibrator, which he’d obviously spotted in my bedside drawer. “I’m going to fuck you with this, too, so get ready to scream.”


Chapter Four


“Dr. Reed?”

“What’s up?”

I jumped up from the table where I’d been daydreaming and faced the door where one of the hospital admins stood.

“There’s a message for you at the front desk.”

“Thanks, I’ll come and get it.”

I took my time straightening up. It had been almost five days since I’d last seen Alex, and the stiffness and soreness I’d experienced after so much sex had finally disappeared. I walked through the hallways to the desk and found a big bunch of roses in a vase almost obscuring the greeter’s face.

“You obviously have an admirer, Dr. Reed.”

She gave me a tight-lipped smile as if she couldn’t imagine such a scenario for me,
the terror of Silversmith ER.

“You might say that,” I smiled as I inhaled the heavenly scent of the roses and read the instructions in the accompanying card.

Clothes will be delivered to your apartment at six. A limo will collect you at seven-thirty. I will meet you at your destination, Alex

I picked up the hefty vase and lugged it back into the ER, setting it out on the desk for everyone to enjoy, but kept the card to myself. I’d known Alex for only a couple of weeks. Was I a fool to trust him now? All I had to do was say no. I already knew that he’d simply walk away without a single regret. But would I regret the opportunity to share my deepest, darkest fantasies with him? He was the only man I’d ever met who seemed to understand me without considering me either a weirdo or a whore.

I tucked the card in my pocket. Remembering that he’d respect a no made me feel better. Even if Holly weren’t around, I’d make sure some of my friends knew I was going out and asked them to check in on me the next day. I’d make sure Alex knew that, too.

My shift was due to end in less than an hour. Just as I turned toward the doors, they flew open revealing two gurneys and a team of paramedics barking orders at the staff. I ran toward the first patient and listened as the paramedic detailed what had happened and what had already been done to stabilize the teenager and his unfortunate girlfriend.

BOOK: Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender
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