Read Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender Online

Authors: Opal Carew,Portia Da Costa,Madelynne Ellis,Marie Harte,Joey Hill,T. J. Michaels,Kate Pearce,Carrie Ann Ryan,Sasha White,Emily Ryan-Davis,Jennifer Leeland

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Anthologies, #Contemporary, #Collections & Anthologies

Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender (85 page)

BOOK: Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender
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He’d told her when he’d picked her up for lunch today that she would focus on nothing but the two of them. No work. No clients. The man had been so right—her concentration was on him,
. No one and nothing else. Not her past. Nor her future. Hell, not even the present, with the exception of where this elevator was headed.

Burton broke the kiss, but Solie kept her eyes closed and waited to see,
, what was next.

Her man flipped her around, grabbed her by the hair and pulled her head sideways. Then he bit her on
spot—the one that made her unsteady and her entire body quiver. He bit her again, then sucked the skin just there. Solie’s knees buckled. Burton caught her and lifted her into his strong, brawny arms with no effort. Barely a moment later, the elevator dinged.

God help her, they’d reached the fourth floor already?

Doors slid open and she felt Burton move. Head buried in his chest, she listened to the solid thump of a strong heart, heard him speak briefly to someone, and then they were off again.

A traditional Japanese bath meant scrubbing down in the shower, and then soaking in a deep tub for relaxation. Images floated through her head of Burton’s lean and muscular body as she’d washed him in her own bath at home. All that deeply tanned skin, sprinkled with dark hair on ropey defined arms. The sculpted chest as she’d it over with ginger soap and played with the single nipple ring that graced his left pectoral. Solie almost smiled against his shirt just now as she remembered how the thick beautiful cock had tapped her forehead as she’d scrubbed his quads thoroughly. His groans of pleasure as her fingers glided over his perfect ass.

Women would kill for an ass like Burton Khrys. Just…

“Thank you,” Burt said with a hearty laugh.


“You complimented my ass. Glad you like it.”

“Wait, what? Oh, never mind. You must be the only man on Earth that makes me say things out loud when I don’t mean to.” Solie tried to sound grumpy, she really did. But his fingers were teasing the underside of her breast and she tried to bury her face even deeper into his chest as he hurried along.

“Like I said earlier, adorably goofy.”

Smart ass.

“Really?” Burt snorted. “I think you’ve just earned yourself a spanking with your orgasms.”

Yep. I’m definitely gone in the brain.

Only she made sure to keep that particular thought to herself.


* * * * *


Solie found herself carried into an immaculate cream and lapis blue shower that was big enough for at least ten people. A little wooden stool sat in the middle of the space.

Just as Burton set her on her feet an attendant came in.

“I’ll see you in the soaking tub shortly, okay Solie?”

She must have looked disappointed because then he said, “I told you this was a treat for you. Not service for me. Not right now. Enjoy your shower and the attendant will bring you to me. Oh, and the bathroom is over there. Go and take care of things, but no touching yourself. That’s all mine.”

He gave her a quick kiss, and left. After a quick trip to the bathroom, the evil bullet vibrator was washed and tucked away in her clothing. The attendant already had the water at the perfect temperature when she came out of the restroom. The woman washed her sugar scrub until she was sure her skin glowed.

Ten minutes later, her entire body felt as solid as a wet noodle as she was led to the soaking room.

Her breath lodged in her throat as she caught sight of her man standing there waiting for her. He wore a traditional blue robe and stood next to a bank of windows that looked out over the city. She caught the glint of sun off the deep blue water of the Sound and swore it was close enough to dive into from here.

The tub was huge, more like a big sunken pool rather than a soaking tub. Burt motioned her into the water, shed his robe and stepped down onto the first step. He wore not a stitch. And that was just the way Solie liked him.

“Come over here, Solie.”

She eased into the pool with a sigh. The temperature was perfect—not too hot, not too cool. Solie waded over to him and sat down in a spot that caused the water to level out just below her breasts.

“No, right here.”

He pointed to his lap and the dusky pole of a cock that was almost purple at the head.

Oh my goodness. She’d been turned on high for a good part of the day and even though the shower attendant washed her with not a single indication of horniness, Solie was still on a medium simmer.

If she sat on his lap she wouldn’t last long.

Wait a minute, what in the world was she thinking? Who said she had to last at all? This man wasn’t going to play games with her. He wasn’t going to offer her a lollipop and then snatch it away when she reached for it.

No. That was another life. One that didn’t deserve her emotional attention.

This was her and Burton’s time, and that’s where she would keep her thoughts. Period.

So she eased over to him and sat on his lap. With a gasp, she found herself face down over this lovely thighs, with his cock pressing into her stomach.

“First, let’s get this out of the way, courtesy of your favorite smart ass.”

His palm landed on her ass with a loud
. Holy fuck! Her skin was wet from both the shower and the quick trip across the tub, and it caused the mother of all stings when his hand connected with the damp flesh.

By the third whack Solie was ready to float away.



She was moaning, gasping his name.



Begging was imminent.




“Oh please. Please, Burton…”

She was so boneless her legs just fell open as she panted in an attempt to catch her breath.

“Mmm, look at that. That pussy is so wet and pretty. You’re ready aren’t you?”

A nod was all she could manage as all the stimulation of the day swirled together and crashed down over her libido like a thunderstorm that had been building in the summer heat.

Just before thick fingers slid into her swelling folds, he stopped. “I’m going to do a wet check, all right?”

“Yes,” she breathed.

And then he was stroking her, slipping the pad of his index finger against the resisting ring of muscle at her entrance. The other hand explored the blushing skin of her ass. Solie found herself quickly moving past want into pure, unmistakable need.

With each dip, her hips wound in a larger and larger circle until she was practically humping his hands.

It didn’t matter that the silken heat of his cock scalded the skin of her stomach. It didn’t matter that he obviously wanted her as much as she wanted him. Burton wouldn’t give her what she craved until she asked for it. Nicely.

“P…Please fuck me. Please.”

“And why should I do that, Solie?”

“Because I need it.”

“And why else?” He pressed two fingers deep into her sex. She almost came on the spot.

“Because I deserve it.”

“Deserve what?”

She knew what he was after. It was a conversation that they’d had on more than one occasion throughout their friendship. And Solie knew it to be true, so she didn’t hesitate.

“I deserve to be loved without conditions. I deserve to be treated like the queen that I am. I deserve to have what I desire. And in a D/s dynamic, I deserve to be rewarded when I have earned it.”

“Good girl. And today, you have definitely earned a reward. You were amazing, kept your sanity long beyond what I expected. And you didn’t come. Not once. So let’s fix that.”

Without another word, Solie found herself in the tub with her chest flat against the cool tiles where Burton had been sitting only moment before.

With an ass cheek in each hand, the man spread her wide, then worked himself inside until he was slick with her juices. Then he was inside, the entire length of him stretched and filled her, until she swore that if she were looking in a mirror she’d see his cock reflected in her eyes.

One hand buried in her hair and the other stroking every inch of flesh he could reach. And it was so good. Each stroke was better than the last, better than every dream she’d ever had about this man. Better than a new pair of sexy strappy high heeled shoes!

And then she was coming, and coming and coming. Making up for each orgasm she’d denied herself earlier. And when she thought she was all wrung out, Burton proved her wrong twice more.

By the time he found his own pleasure deep inside her pussy, Solie was damn near cross eyed and beyond noddle-boned.

It was the best lunch-date-turned-dinner-date EVAH!


* * * * *


Later on that night, Solie woke abruptly. She rolled over and took in the sight of the man next to her. She seldom used the fireplace in her bedroom, but the sunny day had turned into a fog-filled chilly night. The embers glowed just enough to cast the most beautiful light on her best friend.

And grabbed her journal, flipped on a small reading light so as not to wake Burt, and she began to write.

Eight weeks ago she’d been beyond heartbroken, the pain so tangible that when she looked in the mirror it seemed etched into her very skin.

Eight weeks ago, a confidence that had never been in question before had teetered on the ledge of her surety. Why? Because the person that was supposed to love her, treasure her, care for and keep her, had been on the wrong side of everything.

He’d spoken to and about her in a manner that was far beyond unkind.

Had yelled and screamed at her, pushed into her space, gotten in her face. When she’d finally had enough and asked why he treated her in such a manner his response had been, “Because I can.”

If she’d been honest, that was the day she knew it was over. Her heart had known what her mind didn’t want to accept.

Eight weeks ago she’d learned that the man that had lived in her house, slept in her bed, spent time with her family and friends, had also done those same things with countless other women…all at the same time.

She’d given and given and given—her mind, body, soul, money, food, her trust and her time. All he had to do was ask for it, and it had been his.

It was in her nature to give. It was a part of herself that she couldn’t simply turn off, and had no desire to, although at that time she’d wished otherwise, if only to keep some part of herself from being emotionally stomped into the carpet.

Eight weeks ago, she’d tallied up what he’d given her and it amounted to nothing more than a lovely spanking or two, a broken heart…and an STD.

But that was eight weeks ago. And this was now.

Was she still healing? Sure. But the hurt was barely there. The heartache almost completely healed until the cracks in her heart were now full of love for herself and the man whose arm was thrown over her waist. Gone was the fire-driven anger that had been a companion of sorts. Now, there was only pity and compassion for someone who would never truly know love.

Solie was free. In every way that she needed to be, she was free.

And not so free.

She was in service to Burton Khrys, his companion and lover. And this bondage was a sort that she welcomed any day of the week.

With that, she tucked away her journal, clicked off the reading light and decided to dream of what she would look like in the new red and white bamboo and silk rope Burton had given her after he’d brought her home from a most wondrous and playful afternoon that faded seamlessly into an equally wondrous night.

Chapter Seven


In the early darkness of the morning, Burton woke her up with tender lovemaking that quickly morphed into the rough-and-tumble loving she craved.

After coming three times, they landed in a hot and deliciously sweaty heap with the sheets a tangle around their feet.

Out of the blue, a final remaining dam Solie hadn’t been aware of, broke inside of her.

Burton gathered her into his arms and squeezed tight. “What’s wrong, Solie? What is it?”

“Nothing is wrong. It’s perfect actually. You’ve given me back to myself,” she sobbed.

“No, darlin’, you did that all on your own.”

Her mouth dropped open when he eased her away from his body so he could look into her eyes. A single tear slid down his cheek. His words were solid without a single waver. If she hadn’t been looking at him just now she wouldn’t have believed it.

“Here’s what he didn’t understand, Solie. A Dom isn’t just someone that tells you to strip, bends you over the sofa or his knee and gives you forty whacks. The man was obviously never taught to take care of his things. He didn’t know the difference between rough sex and being a Dominant, baby. Anyone can Dom a doormat, just like anyone can tie up a woman and then tell her not to move. Me, I’d rather place your arm where I want, tell you not to move knowing that you can move it—but won’t.

Anyone can declaw a cat and then feel high and mighty because it can no longer scratch. But honestly, darlin’, I’d rather have you just the way you are, claws and all, knowing that you keep them sheathed just for me.

God, I adore you. You’re strong and I respect that. That guy’s issue had more to do with his character, not yours. I guess for some fucked up reasons he felt that if he could convince you that you were ‘less than’, then it would make him feel ‘more than’.

Solie, you’re an amazing woman. And that fact that you submit to me because you choose to makes me the luckiest bastard alive.

“Thank you, Burt. Thank you so much for that.” Watery smile and all, she leaned up and kissed him. And Burt being Burt, she soon found herself underneath him moaning out her pleasure before slipping back into a peaceful sleep.


* * * * *


Something jerked Solie awake. Suddenly her heart was pumping and a chill traveled up the back of her neck. She felt…watched. Like something or someone was in the room with her. Rather than rolling over and jerking herself out of bed to fight, she stretched, rolled over slowly keeping her eyes in mere slits.

BOOK: Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender
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