Read Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender Online

Authors: Opal Carew,Portia Da Costa,Madelynne Ellis,Marie Harte,Joey Hill,T. J. Michaels,Kate Pearce,Carrie Ann Ryan,Sasha White,Emily Ryan-Davis,Jennifer Leeland

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Anthologies, #Contemporary, #Collections & Anthologies

Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender (102 page)

BOOK: Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender
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“I’m surprised they haven’t come out yet,” Sassy said as she tangled her fingers with his.

He gripped her hand, thankful for the anchor. She’d always been his anchor even when she’d been the one on the run. Without her…well, he hadn’t been whole.

They walked inside and were greeted by his family, smiles and hugs bringing Sassy—and Rafe—into the fold. As much as Sassy had left them, he never forgot he’d done the same. Oh, he’d come back for holidays and births, but he’d made a home somewhere else.

Now he was back and he had to learn to blend with his family like he had before.

“Rafe,” his father’s deep voice pulled him out of his thoughts. The man had his arm around Sassy’s shoulder and a grin on his face. “Good to see you could make it,

“Dad,” he said and hugged the man hard, bringing Sassy into it like he had with his mom.

His dad grinned but there was tension in his eyes like there had been at work—something Rafe had hoped would fade with time. “When you get time, we need to talk about the shop. There are things
, you know that I trust you with everything, but some things do not need to change.”

When his father said everything, it didn’t mean what it should, but this was neither the time nor place. His family might agree with his lifestyle—which was a surprise in itself—but having a father and son run a business together didn’t always go smoothly.

“We can talk about it later,” Rafe said with a smile, not wanting to cause an issue when today needed to be about Sassy—and later Ian. “For now, let’s eat good food and show my girl off.” He kissed Sassy’s brow and she laughed.

“I can usually show myself off, sugar, but if you want to do the honors, I’m all yours.”

He smiled and nodded at his father who got the message, then walked to the backyard where his family was partying.

It was odd how much he wanted Ian to be there with them, celebrating their time together as a triad. He knew Ian had planned on going public with the three of them and with the fact that Rafe’s family accepted him. This just might work.

He looked down at the woman in his arms and sighed.

It better work because he’d do anything for her, anything for Ian. He just needed to make sure that it wouldn’t be for nothing because if they ran away from him again…well…

He didn’t know what he’d do then.

He’d been broken once before and if it happened again, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to put himself to rights. Sassy and Ian had quickly become his whole world and that scared him.

Rafe would just have to prove to them that they could make it work. With the scent of his mother’s cooking, the sounds of laughter and happiness, and the feel of acceptance surrounding them, it just might be possible.





Once dinner was over, they made their way to her place in record time. He barely had the engine off before Sassy was out of the car with him following. He chased her up the stairs, a grin on his face.

When she opened the door, he pushed her through it, held on to her wrist, and slammed her against it as it shut.

Her eyes widened and she grinned. “Eager, are we?”

He cupped her face. “Did I hurt you?” He hadn’t meant to slam her into the door that hard, but damn, after hours of being with others and unable to be near enough to her, he couldn’t hold back.

She squeezed his ass and rocked against him, the hard ridge of his cock digging into her belly. “I liked it. You held my wrist and used the other hand to hold the door so I wouldn’t hit too hard. The door just made a loud sound, that’s why it made it look like you were rough.” She grinned. “Well, you were rough, but in the sexy-alpha-way. Now, go on and finish your plan. I hope you’re going to fuck me against it.”

He shook his head. This woman understood him so fucking well it scared him. “I’m going to eat you out against the door and then I’ll make love to you in your bed because I promised.”

Her eyes darkened and she gave him that little smile that always went straight to his cock. He tugged off his shirt and watched the way her gaze followed the lines of his abs and chest. He’d work out even more if he could keep getting her to look at him like that. He wrapped his hand around the back of her neck and brought her in for a kiss. He loved the way she tasted, all sweet and spicy at the same time.

He pulled back and tugged up her shirt. She lifted her arms and he took it off her then gazed down at her in her bra and sexy jeans. He’d told her that he loved the way they molded to her thighs and ass and he’d meant it.

God, he fucking loved her curves.

He undid the front clasp of her bra so her breasts were bare. Her rose colored nipples were hard and begged for his mouth. He lowered his head and sucked one into his mouth, using his hand to plump her breast as he nibbled and licked. He moved to her other breast and knelt down. She was just short enough that he could suck on her nipples and get a face full of breasts.

Seriously, he loved this part.

He moved down her body, leaving kisses and bites down her stomach until he came to the top of her jeans. He undid the button and zipper and pulled her pants down over her ass, bringing her panties with them.

“Rafe,” she moaned as she wiggled out of her jeans and he threw them to the side.

“God, I love your taste,” he said before he pulled one leg over his shoulder and licked her slit. She put one hand on his shoulders to steady herself and he lapped her up. He spread her and fucked her with his tongue and then two fingers. Each moan she made coincided with the sexy flutter of her pussy and he knew she was close.

He reached around with his free hand and probed her hole, knowing they hadn’t done anal play yet, but it would be coming.


“Yes, Rafe, just like that. My vibrator with the attachment doesn’t do it like your fingers do.”

He about came in his pants at her admission but kept his mouth on her clit, wanting her to come. His Sassy liked to play with herself all kinky like?

He was one lucky man.

He hummed against her clit as his fingers passed the tight ring of muscles. He only had her own juices as lube so he only put the tip in, not wanting to hurt her.

“Rafe!” She came on his tongue and he kept the pressure on her clit, knowing she liked it best that way.

With her eyes still closed, he stood up, keeping his hand on her hip so she wouldn’t fall, then picked her up. He carried her to the bedroom like he’d promised before, her head on his shoulder, her body still shaking.

“How do you want it, Sass?”

“Fuck me on all fours. I love it when you go deep like that.”

He grinned. “You’re a dirty girl.”

She rolled her eyes and he put her on her feet. “You’re such a dude for saying that.”

He slapped her ass as she turned and moaned even as she looked over her shoulder to raise a brow at him.

“Get on all fours in the middle of the bed,
. That way when you get weak-kneed, you won’t fall on your face.”

She laughed, exactly as he’d wanted her to, and he pulled off his pants after he took the condom from his wallet. He rolled it on his length, his cock beyond ready to sink in to that pretty pink pussy.

He slid into her in one thrust, and they both sighed at the same time. He pumped into her, his fingers digging into her hips as he fucked her. He leaned over her so his front was to her back, even as her hips lifted to meet his thrusts.

“Kiss me, my Sassy,” he whispered.

“Mine,” she said as she turned her head.

“Yours.” He took her lips and came hard within her. He swiveled his hips so his groin slid along her clit and she shuddered. Her inner walls clenched around him as she came with him.

“Mine,” he said back.

“Yours,” she whispered, her voice heavy.

They both sank down to the bed, his cock still inside her yet he wasn’t ready to move. He cupped her cheek and she looked over her shoulder at him once more so he could take her lips. Their sweat-slick bodies lay in a pile as their breathing finally evened and he swallowed hard, too overcome with the past and their future to speak.

This was what he’d wanted all those years and yet hadn’t known he craved it. Sassy was his and Ian’s. He just prayed to God they didn’t leave him.



Chapter Seven


Ian ran his hand down his chest, smoothing out his tie. He had no idea why he felt so stiff and uncomfortable right then but it bothered him. He closed his eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath. If he didn’t get his act together, he’d scare the other patrons of the restaurant. With his dark looks and even darker scowl, most people knew to comply to his demands.

That’s how he’d made his way up the ladder of high-end real estate.

That and the Steele name.

Tonight he would use that name to get the table he desired but would do his best to lose the scowl. After all, he didn’t want to scare away Sassy on their date.

“Ian? Are you coming?”

He blinked away the doubts that seemed to creep in when he least wanted them, and turned to his date, his Sassy.

It didn’t matter to him if she wore cutoff jeans, a flowing hippy dress, or nothing at all—he loved the way his woman looked.

Right then though, her beauty made him so lightheaded he thought he’d pass out.

They were dining out at one of the nicer restaurants in New Orleans that night, and she’d apparently decided to go formal. Her long black dress hugged her curves in all the right places. The heart neckline accentuated her breasts but didn’t make her look cheap. No, there was nothing cheap about Sassy and he loved that about her.

She’d left her hair down. Rafe told him she’d tried to put her hair up when they visited his parents and he’d taken it down. Ian sensed she left it down this time for him, something that not only surprised him, but made him fall for her all over again.

Her wild hair had one simple streak of black in it to match her dress, understated for what she normally did with it, but he still liked it. Rafe had mentioned how sexy she looked when he’d taken down her hair though, and Ian knew that they’d have to play with that sometime.

Right now, however, it was all about Ian and Sassy. They might have been a triad, but they were also comprised of three coupled relationships. That made it imperative that they not only spend time as the three of them, but on their own as well.

It wasn’t that he liked one more than the other, he just knew that he needed both. He needed time alone with Sassy as much as he needed time alone with Rafe. When the three of them were together it was like they’d put all those pieces together forming a finished puzzle only they understood.

Complicated didn’t even begin to cover it, but he didn’t care.

He loved the two of them, and he’d be damned if he’d walk away again and lose it all.

“Ian, what is wrong with you tonight?”

He shook his head, then tucked her hand in his, bringing it to his lips. He brushed a soft kiss against her fingers and smiled.

“I’m sorry, love. I can’t seem to get out of my own head tonight.” They were standing in front of his car as the valet stood by them, his hand outstretched. Ian gave a cool smile and a nod to the younger man, as well as his keys, before taking Sassy’s arm in his. “Now let me get you inside before I stand here all night woolgathering.”

She frowned at him but followed, her arm tucked beneath his. “You can woolgather all you want Ian, but if you’d rather stay at home tonight, we can leave.”

There was something in her tone that sparked a memory and he cursed himself. Before, when he’d pulled away emotionally, he’d acted aloof, locked inside his own head. If he wasn’t careful, Sassy and Rafe would think he was doing the same now.

It wasn’t even close to being the same mindset for him, but he understood their fears. It might have grated that they didn’t trust him not to walk away, but he couldn’t blame them.

The hostess sat them at a table in one of the secluded corners as requested. With a nod to the woman, he pulled Sassy’s chair back and helped her sit.

“You know, I could have done that on my own, but I kind of like it when you act all old world manners on me.”

Ian grinned, enjoying the fact that no matter what she wore, she was still Sassy.

“You might like it a little when I act old fashioned, but if I were to do anything more than what I just did, you’d have my balls in a vice in no time.”

She winked, her eyes full of laughter. “Damn straight.”

Their waiter brought the wine list and told them about the specials. Ian didn’t care what he ate that night since he knew everything tasted great, and as long as Sassy was his dinner companion, he’d have the night he wanted.

He raised a brow in Sassy’s direction. “Would you like to get one of each of the specials and call it a day?”

Sassy’s eyes widened a bit before she smiled. “Sure. That makes things easy.”

The waiter nodded and left while Ian took a sip of his water. “Why did it look like I surprised you with our order?”

Her brows furrowed as she thought about her words then licked her lips. “I don’t want you to get the wrong impression of what I’m going to say.”

He frowned. “You never have to hold anything back from me.”

“I know that. Or at least I think I do now. Back when we were first dating, you used to take a while to pick your food. Like you needed it to be just right or something. And when we walked in here, I saw a few suits look in your direction for some kind of acknowledgment of their presence, but you didn’t respond. You just looked at me the whole time. Don’t get me wrong, I freaking love that you don’t seem to care about what others think, but it’s different than how you used to be.”

Ian frowned, knowing she was right, but not liking who he’d used to be if that’s what she thought. “Have I been that way in the past weeks?”

He hadn’t thought he’d changed that dramatically since he’d seen her again. Yes, he
grown up in the past ten years, but this wasn’t the first time they’d been out on a date alone together.

BOOK: Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender
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