Masters of the Planet (43 page)

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Authors: Ian Tattersall

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Gunz, P., S. Neubauer, B. Maureille, J.-J. Hublin. 2010. Brain development after birth differs between Neanderthals and modern humans.
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Lalueza-Fox, C., H. Rompler, D. Caramelli, C. Staubert, G. Catalano, D. Hughes, N. Rohland and 10 others. 2007. A melanocortin 1 receptor allele suggests varying pigmentation among Neanderthals.
318: 1453–1455.

Patou-Mathis, M. 2006. Comportements de subsistance des Néandertaliens d'Europe. In B. Demarsin and M. Otte (eds.).
Neanderthals in Europe.
Liege, ERAUL, 117: 9–14.

Pearson, O. M., R. M. Cordero, A. M. Busby. 2006. How different were the Neanderthals' habitual activities? A comparative analysis with diverse groups of recent humans. In K. Harvati and T. Harrison (eds.).
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Ponce de León, M. S. and C. P. E. Zollikofer. 2001. Neanderthal cranial ontogeny and its implications for late hominid diversity.
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Schulz, H.-P. 2000/2001. The lithic industry from layers IV-V, Susiluola Cave, Western Finland.
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Schwartz, J. H., I. Tattersall. 2002.
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Slimak, L, J. I. Svendsen, J. Mangerud, H. Plisson, H. P. Heggen, A Brugère, P. Y. Pavlov. 2011. Late Mousterian persistence near the Arctic Circle.
332: 841–845.

Stiner, M., S. Kuhn. 1992. Subsistence, technology, and adaptive variation in Middle Paleolithic Italy.
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Tattersall, I., Schwartz, J. H. 2006. The distinctiveness and systematic context of
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For an excellent general account of the Mousterian, see Klein (2009). Soressi and D'Errico (2007) present an overview of putatively symbolic objects and materials
in the Mousterian. Finlayson (2009) provides a fascinating perspective on Neanderthal populations and environments. For the presence of Neanderthals at Arcy, see Hublin et al. (1996), and for recent views on the Châtelperronian at Arcy and St.-Césaire, see Bar-Yosef and Bordes (2010) and Higham et al. (2010). Evidence for early and brief replacement of Neanderthals by moderns was presented by Pinhasi et al. (2011).

Bar-Yosef, O., J.-G. Bordes. 2010. Who were the makers of the Châtelperronian culture?
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Higham, T., R. Jacobi, M. Julien, F. David, L. Basell, R. Wood, W. Davies, C. B. Ramsey. 2010. Chronology of the Grotte du Renne (France) and implications for the context of ornaments and human remains within the Châtelperronian.
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Hublin, J.-J., F. Spoor, M. Braun, F. Zonneveld, and S. Condemi. 1996. A late Neanderthal associated with Upper Palaeolithic artefacts.
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Klein, R. 2009.
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Pinhasi, R., T. F. G. Higham, L. V. Golubova, V. B. Doronichev. 2011. Revised age of late Neanderthal occupation and the end of the Middle Paleolithic in the northern Caucasus.
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Soressi, M., F. D'Errico. 2007. Pigments, gravures, parures: Les comportements symboliques controversés des Néandertaliens. In B. Vandermeersch, B. Maureille (eds.).
Les Néandertaliens: Biologie et Cultures.
Paris: Editions du CTHS, 297–309.


For the very earliest
Homo sapiens
fossils in Africa, see MacDougall et al. (2005), White et al. (2003) and Clark et al. (2003). For the Middle Stone Age see the review in Klein (2009), and for the Aterian and associated hominids see Balter (2011) and contributions in Garcea (2010) and Hublin and McPherron (2011). Drake et al. (2010) discuss the “green Sahara.” For dating of the Levantine sites see Bar-Yosef (1998) and Grün et al. (2005), and Coppa et al. (2005); for the Levantine hominids see Schwartz and Tattersall (2003, 2010).

Tishkoff et al. (2009) provide the most comprehensive recent discussion of African genetic diversity. Campbell and Tishkoff (2010) provide an overview and excellent bibliography. See also commentary in Gibbons (2009), and Scheinfeldt et al. (2010) for synthesis with linguistics and archaeology. For bottlenecking, see Jorde et al. (1998) and Harpending and Rogers (2000); specifically in connection with Mount Toba, see Ambrose (1998); further commentary on the Mount Toba scenario is by Ambrose (2003) and Gathorne-Hardy and Harcourt-Smith (2003). See DeSalle and Tattersall (2008) for molecular techniques and a detailed summary of the molecular evidence for human spread. Liu et al. (2010) describe the alleged ancient
Homo sapiens
jaw from China, and Pitulko et al. (2004) the earliest occupation north of the Arctic Circle.

Ambrose, S. H. 1998. Late Pleistocene human population bottlenecks, volcanic winter, and differentiation of modern humans.
Jour. Hum. Evol.
34: 623–651.

S. H. 2003. Did the super-eruption of Toba cause a human population bottleneck? Reply to Gathorne-Hardy and Harcourt-Smith.
Jour. Hum. Evol.
45: 231–237.

Balter, M. 2011. Was North Africa the launch pad for modern human migrations?
331: 20–23.

Bar-Yosef, Y. 1998. The chronology of the Middle Paleolithic of the Levant. In T. Akazawa, K. Aoki, O. Bar-Yosef (eds.).
Neandertals and Modern Humans in Western Asia.
New York: Plenum Press, 39–56.

Campbell, M., S. A. Tishkoff. 2010. The evolution of human genetic and phenotypic variation in Africa.
Curr. Biol.
20: R166–R173.

Clark, J. D., Y. Beyene, G. WoldeGabriel, W. K. Hart, P. R. Renne, H. Gilbert, A. Defleur, G. Suwa, S. Katoh, K. R. Ludwig, J.-R. Boisserie, B. Asfaw, T. D. White. 2003. Stratigraphic, chronological and behavioural contexts of Pleistocene
Homo sapiens
from Middle Awash, Ethiopia.
423: 747–752.

Coppa, A., R. Grün, C. Stringer, S. Eggins, R. Vargiu. 2005. Newly recognized Pleistocene human teeth from Tab
n Cave, Israel.
Jour. Hum. Evol.
49: 301–315.

DeSalle, R., I. Tattersall. 2008.
Human Origins: What Bones and Genomes Tell Us about Ourselves.
College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press.

Drake, N. A., R. M. Blench, S. J. Armitage, C. S. Bristow, K. H. White. 2010. Ancient watercourses and biogeography of the Sahara explain the peopling of the desert.
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA
108: 458–462.

Garcea, E. A. A. (ed.). 2010.
South-Eastern Mediterranean Peoples between 130,000 and 10,000 Years Ago.
Oxford, UK: Oxbow Books.

Gathorne-Hardy, F. J., W. E. H. Harcourt-Smith. 2003. The super-eruption of Toba, did it cause a human bottleneck?
Jour. Hum. Evol.
45: 227–230.

Gibbons, A. 2009. Africans' deep genetic roots reveal their evolutionary story.
324: 575.

Grün, R., C. Stringer, F. McDermott, R. Nathan, N. Porat, S. Robertson, L. Taylor, G. Mortimer, S. Eggins, M. McCulloch. 2005. U-series and ESR analyses of bones and teeth relating to the human burials from Skh
Jour. Hum. Evol.
49: 316–334.

Harpending, H., A. R. Rogers. 2000. Genetic perspectives on human origins and differentiation.
Ann. Rev. Genom. Hum. Genet.
1: 361–385.

Hublin, J. J., S. McPherron. 2011.
Modern Origins: A North African Perspective.
New York: Springer.

Klein, R. 2009.
The Human Career,
3rd ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Liu, W., C.-Z. Jin, Y.-Q. Zhang, Y.-J. Cai, S. Zing, X.-J. Wu, H. Cheng and 6 others. 2010. Human remains from Zhirendong, South China, and modern human emergence in East Asia.
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA
107: 19201– 19206.

McDougall, I., F. H. Brown, J. G. Fleagle. 2005. Stratigraphic placement and age of modern humans from Kibish, Ethiopia.
433: 733–736.

Pitulko, V. V., P. A. Nikolsky, E. Y. Girya, A. E. Basilyan, V. E. Tumskoy, S. A. Koulakov, S. N. Astakhov, E. Y. Pavlova, M. A. Anisimov. 2004. The Yana RHS site: Humans in the Arctic before the Last Glacial Maximum.
303: 52–56.

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