MC: Brighton (11 page)

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Authors: L. Ann Marie

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Action & Adventure, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: MC: Brighton
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Danny comes in and immediately spins around, looking at the door. “Colby said someone dropped this for Penny.” He holds a bag out to me.

“Thanks. The doctor will be done soon.” He nods and walks out. I take the bag and pull out a silky thing that looks like half a shirt. I put it back in and drop it on the chair, taking Penny’s hand while the nurse puts the stuff on her burns. The doctor is watching, but I don’t know what his deal is. He didn’t stay the last time. She’s not squeezing my hand, but she’s watching everything the nurse does and answers her questions in her normal voice. She tells the nurse about Mitch’s doctor. The nurse smiles, saying she knows a woman that had it done and she’s happy with the outcome. When she’s done she pats Penny’s arm and gives me a smile. The doctor is still here. I look at him, wondering why the hell he’s still looking at her. She’s not dressed and he’s staring. Since I’ve lost my fuckin mind, I want to hit him. “Everything okay, Doc?” I growl at him.

He looks at me but then right back at her. Fuckin’ guy! “She’s healing quickly.”

I relax. Jeremy. “That’s a good sign.” I throw out because I’m not about to explain Jeremy to him. I wouldn’t even know where to begin.

He looks at me again. “At this rate she’ll be home in a couple of days.”

I smile, seeing her face light up. “Good, my girl likes that idea.”

“I do,” she says, then blushes. I don’t get the blush, then I do. Thank God the doctor leaves.

“How do you feel, pretty Penny?” I bend and kiss her head, then move to the other side to tape the sheet back up.

“Can you wait? I have to go to the bathroom.” She’s looking at me and said it in her regular voice, but she’s embarrassed.

“Do I need to get the nurse?”

“No, but I need help getting up so it doesn’t hurt the dickens on my...the burns.” It takes everything in me not to laugh. I wait for her to take the thing off her finger, then pull the IV stand around the bed. I lift her up and put her on her feet. She steadies herself, then nods. I step aside and walk with her, pulling the stand.

“There are bars that she can use. The room is set up for her type of injuries. The bars will help keep her steady when she stands. Sometimes the skin stretching can make patients dizzy or light-headed,” the nurse says from behind me making

“Fuck, can you give her something for the pain?”

“I’m okay, Digs, the pain isn’t too bad,” she says, stopping in front of the toilet. She uses the bar to turn around and looks at the nurse.

“Why don’t you wait outside and I’ll call you when we’re ready to go back?” the nurse says with a smile.
I don’t fuckin’ think so
. I look at Penny but her head is down.

“Do you want me to go?” I ask, trying to keep my voice gentle. This is the first time she hasn’t looked at me while answering. She nods her head. “Look at me, Penny.” She lifts her head. “You fought to be here. You can look at me to answer, yeah?”

She smiles. Fuckin girl has me from pissed to happy in seconds. “If you don’t go soon I’m going to wet all over the darn floor and get to see your reaction to that too.”

The nurse laughs. I spin around and leave laughing because she’s fuckin’ cute. So far today I’ve heard dickens, darn and fiddlesticks, whatever the fuck that means.

The door opens and she comes out, followed by the nurse. “I want to sit up for a while.”

I nod and move the bag and my cut off the chair. “You won’t be covered in the chair,” the nurse tells her. I give her a look.

“Nancy sent something for you to get transported with.” I pull the thing out of the bag and show her.

“That is sweet and my favorite colors.” She sits on the edge of the chair and I help her get it on without hitting the bandage on her arm. It covers her top half perfect, hanging just below her tits. I take the sheet and cover from her waist down. “Thank you.” She slides back and looks comfortable. The nurse looks satisfied and leaves.

I tell her about Jake so she won’t be pissed I kept it from her. She looks sad but smiles when I tell her Tess is here with the twins. “I always wanted to see them do that healing thing.”

“You were sleeping when they were here.” I’m surprised she knows but with Tess as her best friend I guess she would. “I’d like to see Jake before we go. I won’t stay long, but he’s a Brother.”

“He’s waiting until he gets home to see everyone,” Danny says from the door. “Glad to see you up, Penny.”

“Is Jake okay?” she asks and I’m not sure if I should be pissed or not.

“He’s going to be fine. Half his face and the side of his head is covered in stitches and he has a broken arm and ribs, but he’s already up and moving like you.”

“Oh good.” That seems to satisfy her and I feel like a dick for being jealous.

I look at Danny. He’s smiling at me. Fuckin’ Brother sees too much. “Transport is on its way.” I throw him chin and sit at the edge of the bed.


Chapter Eight






I don’t want to be here anymore. I’m sick of the hospital, the nurses and the people coming in and out. “I want to go home.”

He looks up from his computer. “The doctor said possibly tomorrow.” He starts typing again.

Fiddlesticks! I don’t want to wait until tomorrow. “Will you help put the stuff on?”

He closes the computer. “What’s up, babe?”

“I want to go home. I never went to the hospital last time. I don’t want to be here anymore.” He smiles like I’m a little kid. Darn it all!

“If I take you home, will you rest?” He’s moving closer to me. I sit back and nod. “Will you stay in bed and only get up to use the bathroom?” He puts his hands on the chair’s arms and moves closer.

“No. I won’t do too much, though,” I say softly.

He kisses my nose and stands up. “I’ll get the nurse.” He starts walking to the door.

He stops and looks at me. “Babe, Danny called and said he could go up and make it good in case you wanted more than one kid. I said okay and he hung up. Since you were sleeping when he called I wasn’t about to wake you up to ask. It wasn’t and isn’t a big thing unless you make it one. You already knew he was putting an addition on. Does it matter how?”

Jiminy! “Not when you put it like that.”

“Good, let’s get your spunky little ass inside then.” He gets out and walks around the truck. Spunky little butt?

When he opens my door I ask him, “I’m spunky?”

He laughs, lifting me up. “Fuckin’ cute as hell when you’re pissed.”

He thinks I’m cute when I’m angry? I wonder if that’s weird but decide since I’m cute it’s a good thing. So far when I’ve been angry it’s been for stupid reasons and I’m not pointing that out.

When he opens the door I’m stunned. The living room is huge and I can see the dining room and part of the kitchen. Digs walks me all the way through to the kitchen. “He does nice work.”

Oh. My. Gosh. Is he serious? This is unbelievable. “It’s beautiful.” He carries me back to the living room that I can see the kitchen from and puts me on the couch so gently I smile. “I love it.”

“Good. I’m getting the stuff out of the truck. Do you need to change first?” He’s so darn sweet.

“No, I’m okay.” I don’t ask to help because I’m afraid if I do he’ll put me to bed. Not that I know where it is, but I know I’ll end up there.

I get up and look around. The computer room is still here, but it’s longer than it was before and there are shelves with books, pictures, and a couch. It’s a nice room. I look at the pictures with the MC and the kids as they’ve grown over the years. I look at the bathroom. It’s still the same. It looks different because there’s no hallway anymore. I like it. At the back door is where they’re working right now. I watch through the window. It’s a patio. On the left is the water and straight back is the garage. I thought it would be bigger. I’m glad they left my shed up. It looks cute with the garage next to it.

“They’ll pour the driveway so it goes up to the garage but that comes last,” he says from behind me.

“I like your computer room,” I tell him, leaning back. I like that he’s right here.

“Our computer room. Didn’t you notice the second computer? They put your program on it so you can work from here if you need to. Just so you know, I have a real graphics program you can use. I’ll load it on your computer.”

“No, you won’t! Mine has everything I need and it’s all where I need it. I did notice the computer, but I didn’t know it was for me.” That is such a nice thing to do.

He laughs and grabs my hand. “I have a purple bike but that light purple just isn’t me, babe. You said light purple and gray are your favorite colors.”

“Oh, they are.” I’m so happy he remembered.

He walks us back to the computer room and I look closer at the two computers. “I get to work in here with you?” He’s a computer genius and I can barely run my program.

“Yeah, babe, it’s for both of us.” He takes my hand and leads me out. “I haven’t seen upstairs. Let’s go see what they’ve done in three days.” He lifts me up and I feel it. I suck in a breath and wait for it to pass. When I open my eyes I notice he’s not moving. “We good?” I nod and he climbs the stairs. He puts me down gently and waits for me to be ready to move. I can’t believe how caring he is about these little things. We walk down the hall seeing the first room is empty and doesn’t even have walls. The second room is the same and I’m wondering where we will sleep. The bathroom has walls but nothing else. This isn’t a good sign. At the last room the door is closed. “I’m hoping for walls and a toilet. How about you?”

I smile. “Walls would be good.” He pushes the door open and I laugh. It’s our old room but bigger and it has dark purple pillows and a blanket on the chair. There’s a picture with dark purple, lavender, and gray right above the bed. It’s a perfect mix of both of us. “It’s perfect.”

He walks to the door across the room and opens it, then whistles. “Come look at this, Penny.” I try to see everything as I walk to him. Some is new and some is my old stuff. They did so much putting it all together and I think of making them thank you cards until I see the bathroom. My brain stops thinking about anything but how beautiful the bathroom is. It looks like it’s out of a book. It has the same colors but it’s all shiny. It’s absolutely beautiful. I walk to the center and look around at everything. There’s a huge shower with a ledge sticking out of the wall and a big tub that would fit three people. It has jets in it! “It’s a whirlpool tub.” I nod because I don’t think I can talk. There are candles, plants and flowers, a big cabinet with two sinks!

One wall has the same colors as the picture above the bed. I look at the bottom but can’t see it, so I walk closer. “There it is! Amanda painted the wall too! We have the best friends!”

“She did this? That’s sick. I had no idea she did stuff like this,” he says, walking closer. “Yup, that’s Bob’s web.” He laughs.

“Sick is the word for pretty, right? Bad, sick and bad...badass.”

His head whips around and he smiles huge. “Did you say Badass?” I feel my face heat. Darn it all, he had to notice that? “My girl just used a bad word?” He laughs, coming closer to me. “I want to bury my dick balls deep and pound into you until you say it again. Fuckin’ spunky.” He’s moving slow but still toward me.

Oh dear. I step back. “Shouldn’t we wait until the men leave?”

He smiles. “Don’t really give a fuck if they’re here or not.”

“Umm, I do. I don’t want me while they are here.” Jiminy! I feel my face burning and know I must be as red as an apple.

“I think you want me as much as I want you, but you’ll have to be on top. You’ll have to control how fast or slow we go.” Oh my gosh! I want to be on top. I liked that. “Tell me you don’t give a fuck if the men are here. I’ll lock the door and sit you on my dick right now.” He’s right in front of me and I feel the heat from his body.

“I don’t care if they’re here,” I say softly.

“You don’t give a fuck if they’re here?”

It is so hot in here I’m having trouble breathing. I shake my head no. He pulls me to the room and let’s go of my hand while he locks the door. When he comes back to me I’m still having trouble breathing. He unbuttons my shirt and let’s it fall. “You take what you need and stop when you need to. This is about you and your need. Yeah?”

“What about you?” My voice cracks. Fiddlesticks!

“I got a hand and this awesome fuckin’ shower that can fix my need. Right now is Penny’s need.” He flicks my nipple and I moan. “Yeah?” I nod because I just know the next sound out of my mouth will be a squeak. He’s on his knees, taking my shoes off. I hold his shoulder to get my pants off. By the time he’s standing I’m ready to have an orgasm. Holy Moses! He brings me to the other side of the bed. There’s a lounge chair here, but he doesn’t put me on it. He stands in front of it and drops his pants. I pull his shirt off and he bends so I don’t have to stretch.


*  *  *




I’m not going to make it. Three fuckin’ days with her almost bare assed and I’m ready to lose it because she’s breathing heavy. I’ve done more push-ups in the hospital than two full weeks of training. Shit! She pulls at my shirt and I help her get it off. There is no way I’m going to let her feel pain right now, so I think of the best way to do this. My brain is throwing out everything but this seat, so I grab the condom I dropped on it and roll it on. She’s got her hands on my chest, killing me while I’m covering. I sit and move her to sit on me. “On your knees, babe.” She moves and I help her, holding her at her hips. She reaches down and I see her wince. “No, I got it.” She relaxes. “Nothing that hurts. You move only where you can.”

“Please.” She’s ready. Holy shit, she’s ready.

I hold my dick and guide her on. She slides down some then lifts up, moaning the whole time. “Hold my shoulders ,baby.” She does and keeps her rhythm. “That’s it, pretty Penny, take what you want.”

“Please, Digs.” She’s taking almost all of me. I don’t know what she’s wanting.

I move my hands to her ass and help her. “Please what, babe?” She arches her back and hisses. “No! Tell me what you need. I’ll do the work.” I roll my hips up into her and she yells.

“More, with your mouth. Please,” she begs.

Not a problem. I put my mouth on her nipple and flip the stud. I’ve wanted to do this every fuckin’ day. I’m a sadistical bastard, but she’s looking happy about that right now, so I keep going and take her sensitive nipple in my mouth, getting her yelling my name. “Is this where you want my mouth?”

“Yes! Please, Digs.” Her hand goes to my hair. She’s holding on to it and it sends a jolt to my balls. Fuck, I’m not going to last.

“Say it, babe. Say it and I’ll put my mouth right back on your nipple.” Fuck, what the hell am I thinking? I move a hand to her clit and roll it every time she hits down. “One more time, babe. You want my mouth on that nipple, say it one more time for me.”

“Please!” She’s starting to shake. I’m going with her. I feel my balls draw up. Every time her pussy clenches it’s rolling my studs.

“Tell me again, babe.” I flick her nipple with my tongue.

“Badass!” she yells. I suck her nipple, flicking my tongue over it and she screams. Holy fuck!

I moan and all but swallow her tit as I’m shooting my load and holding her down on me. Her pussy is milking my dick and I’m fuckin’ happy to be right here for the rest of my life. Shit! Where the hell did that come from? I move my mouth to her neck then ear. “Love you, babe.”

She puts her head on my shoulder. “Love you too, Digs.” She sounds tired. I look down and her eyes are closed, but she’s keeping her body off mine. Shit. I didn’t think about after.

“I need your help to move you, babe, then I can clean you up.” She moans. Damn, I didn’t think. “Can you kneel up for me?” She does, pushing against my chest, hissing again. Fuck. I pull out and slide my arm under her, turning her so her good side is leaning on me. I don’t waste time getting her on the bed. She turns to her side, moaning. I kiss her head. “I’m just going to get a towel to clean you up.” She makes a noise sounding like yeah. I get her then the clothes cleaned up and cover her to her waist with the sheet. She’s sound asleep, so I flip the switch on the baby monitor Danny told me about and head downstairs.

The work crew is still at it, so I go into the computer room and flip this monitor on. I leave the iPod in the drawer so I don’t miss hearing her if she gets up or has a nightmare. I’m hoping for a dreamless sleep. She hasn’t been bothered too much during the day, but her nights are rough.



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