Mila (Heartbreaker #3) (7 page)

BOOK: Mila (Heartbreaker #3)
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“Hi! How was class?” I ask as I walk to him.

He wraps his arms around me. I love the feel of his body against mine. See, I’m totally messed up. He tells me it went well, and I admit I hold the hug a little bit longer than I need to. That is, until Gabe and Nico come outside.

The men all start talking sports, so I take my leave and find Jasmine and Jill in the living room with the kids.

“Mila, guess what? Jasmine and Gabe are having another baby. Isn’t that great?” She smiles widely while looking at her best friend. A little piece of me dies.

“That’s wonderful.” I hug Jasmine and kiss both of her cheeks. “How far along are you?”

“I’m eight weeks, so this little one will be born at the end of March.” Jasmine picks up little Gabe. “Are you going to be a big brother?”

He smiles and his little dimples show. “Yesh!” he shouts with both fists up in the air.

The kids start playing again, so I take my leave and quickly head into the bathroom. I sit down on the side of the bathtub as the single tear I allow begins to make its way down my cheek and drips onto my hand, which is resting in my lap.

I’m never going to experience finding out I’m pregnant. I’ll never hear my baby’s heartbeat, or see their picture on an ultrasound. What sucks the most is that I’ll never know what it feels like to feel my baby move inside of me.

Standing up, I take a deep breath. It’s time to shut down this pity party. It’s not going to do me any good, and it’ll just ruin my night with family and friends. Looking in the mirror, I wipe any evidence of my pity party off of my face, take a deep breath, and paste on my smile. I can’t hide in here forever.









Chapter Seven





Mila’s been quiet most of the night. Oh sure, she smiled when appropriate and laughed at Gabe’s jokes, but I can tell it’s forced. Her smiles haven’t been reaching her eyes. Every time I’ve tried to talk to her about what’s going on, someone interrupts us. Nicola is asleep on my lap, her little thumb firmly placed in her mouth. I can’t wait to be a dad. I’ve always imagined having a house full of kids.

Ever since I turned twenty-five, my mom has been on me to settle down, get married, and have babies. If I can manage to get Mila to see me as more than a friend, I think we could really have something.

Mila looks at me with the little girl asleep in my lap and whatever crosses her face causes me to hand Nicola to Nico and follow her into the kitchen from the back patio. She won’t look me in the eye.

“Are you okay?”

, I’m fine. Just tired.”

I turn her to me and grab her chin to tip up her face so she’s looking me in the eye. There’s a sadness there that I’ve never noticed before. I stroke her cheek with my thumb. The sigh that escapes her lips makes me want to kiss her, but not in her brother’s house. There is no telling how he’d feel about Mila and me together, in whatever capacity this is.

“Come over tonight. We can watch a movie or just hang out.”


I stop her from talking.

“I know, Mila. It’s just us hanging out as friends. You just look like you could really use one tonight.” She looks like she’s thinking about it. She’s biting her lip, her brow furrowed.

“Yeah, that sounds nice. I’ll bring the wine.” She smiles and I return it. I follow her back outside.




Mila follows me out into my living room. She’s carrying the wine and I’m carrying the bowl of popcorn. We decided, or I decided, to put in a comedy. She looks like she could use a good laugh. She sits on one end of the sofa and I sit on the other. The bowl of popcorn is between us.

“What movie is this?” she asks.

, with the talking toy bear.” I’m not sure if she’ll find it crude, but I love it.

“Oh yes, I’ve wanted to see that one.”

She grabs a handful of popcorn and starts popping kernels into her mouth. After I shut off the lamp next to me off, we both sit with our feet propped up on my coffee table, waiting for the movie to start.

When we’re a few minutes into the movie, Mila picks up the popcorn bowl and slides over so she’s right next to me. I know I should keep my hands to myself, but I don’t. I wrap my arm around her shoulders and pull her into my side. She snuggles into my side as we drink wine, eat popcorn, and laugh.

When the movie ends and the credits start to run, I set the empty bowl on the coffee table and drink that last swallow of wine. As I slide to the edge to stand up, Mila stays me with a hand on my arm. When I turn to look at her, she lunges at me. Her lips connect with mine, and I immediately open my mouth to grant her tongue entrance. They duel and our teeth gnash together.

She pushes me back and straddles my lap. I grab her face, kissing her with an urgent need that has my cock aching. With small thrusts, I push my cock up against the apex of her thighs as she emits little moans into my mouth that make the pre-cum leak from my dick. I grab her hair at the base of her skull, pull her head back, and start kissing down her neck, nipping and licking at her sweet flesh.

This woman makes me feel so much, I’m amazed she can’t feel it or see it. Mila pushes on my chest until she’s sitting up, looking down at me. She gets off of my lap and I assume our makeout session is over until she lowers herself to her knees in front of me. My cock loves the idea of her taking it in her hot, sweet mouth and is trying to bust through the fabric of my jeans.

With rapt attention, I watch as Mila slowly undoes the button and then very slowly lowers the zipper of my jeans. She licks her lips slowly as she fishes my hardened flesh out.

“Lift up,” she whispers. I do what she asks, and I help her get my jeans and boxer briefs off.

Before I can even do anything, her luscious mouth devours my cock, sucking it to the root. Her mouth is everything I hoped it would be. She definitely has some amazing oral skills. I watch her head bob up and down. Sometimes she looks at me and sometimes her eyes are closed. Her hand is wrapped around the base, and every so often I feel her squeeze it or my balls. She reaches down and presumably starts playing with her pussy because she begins to moan around my flesh.

The telltale sign that I’m going to come soon begins at the base of my spine. “Fuck, you need to stop or I’m going to come in your mouth,” I moan.

Her answering moan tells me she’s not going to stop. Reaching down, I grab the hand the she was using to play with herself with and suck her wet fingers into my mouth. Her flavor explodes on my tongue, causing a moan to rip from my chest as my balls tighten and I begin to come. With a strong grip, I grab Mila’s hair and, in jerky movements, thrust up into her mouth. Her moans and my heavy breathing are the only sounds I hear when I finally stop.

I gently stroke the top of her head as she licks the head of my softening dick. Without even thinking, I grab Mila under her arms and move her so she’s lying on the coffee table. The sound of one of my wine glasses hitting the floor and shattering is all that can be heard. With both hands, I grab her jeans that are already undone and pull them down and off her body.

She watches me with a heavy-lidded look and keeps watching as I spread her legs with my hands, licking her lips as I get closer and closer to her glistening folds. At the first swipe of my tongue, we moan in unison. Her juices are sweet, sticky, and spicy against my tongue. She grips my head and it hurts, but I’m getting off on that pain and my cock is again hard as a rock. With my thumbs, I spread her open, fucking her with my tongue.

I move my tongue up to her clit, flicking it in and then sucking it into my mouth. “
Dio mio,
Brian. You’re going to make me come.”

The last bit of her sentence comes out as a moan. Her hands leave my head. She pulls up her shirt and starts squeezing her nipples. My fingers find their way inside of her and I begin to tap that rigged spot. Her moans turn to cries.

Mila comes with a shout and her pussy contracts, trying to suck my fingers in deeper. She’s so beautiful when she comes. I could watch her do it over and over again.

When she finally comes down, I stand up, grab her, and throw her over my shoulder.

“Brian! What are you doing?” she squeals.

I choose not to answer her and just carry her back to my bedroom, where I toss her on the bed and pounce.




Before my eyes even open, I know she’s gone. Sure enough, when I slide my hand over to the other side of the bed, I find her spot cold. Overwhelming sadness hits me. I thought, after last night, we were getting somewhere, but apparently not.

We made love twice last night—once, hard and fast, and then sweet and slow. When we finally crashed, she was wrapped around my body so tightly that I actually was smiling when I went to bed.

Now? Now I don’t want to get out of bed and face the facts. I’m just not what she wants, and that hurts. Maybe it’s best that I just cut ties with her now. She’ll break my heart, and I honestly don’t think I could handle it. Why do I have to feel like there is something between us? Is it a crime to know what you want? I wear my heart on my sleeve and my friends have always given me shit about it since I was younger. Maybe it’s because I lost my parents so young. I’m sure a psychologist would have a heyday with me.

There is no sense lying in bed, sulking all day. Instead of pouting, I climb out of bed and take a quick shower. When I’m done, I throw on a pair of jogging pants and a t-shirt. After making myself a quick breakfast, I mix up a protein shake to take to the studio with me. I need to spar in the worst way.

Ten minutes later, I pull into the parking lot of my martial arts studio. I grab my bag out of the backseat and make my way inside. Javier gives me a chin lift as I walk by the women’s self-defense class he teaches. Since I’m going to spar, I throw on shorts and a muscle shirt instead of my ghee. Once I finish changing, I grab my gloves out of the bag and slam the door shut behind me.

When I step out, I don’t see Tim by the sparring ring. I was really hoping that he and I could spar again. He certainly gave me a run for my money last time. Instead, I find Mike, a guy who I’ve trained with for the past couple of years. He’s a total douche bag and thinks he’s tough shit, so I’m sure it’ll feel good to knock him around a bit.

“Hey, Mike. Do you want to spar?”

He stops punching the bag and turns to me. “Yeah, sure.”

Javier comes over and helps me get my gloves on.

Mike and I slap gloves and begin circling each other. Physically, he’s bigger, but he’s not very good at floor work, so all I need to do is get him down on the floor.

He swings and connects a jab with my side. I channel the pain and do a leg sweep, knocking him off balance. I jab him right in the side and then go for the leg.

After that, we tussle around on the floor. Admittedly, I’m being a lot more aggressive than usual. I get him in a leg lock and manage to hold it as he tries to fight me off of him. I don’t give up until he slaps the mat and I know he’s tapped out. Hopping up, I hold out a hand to Mike.

“Sorry, man.”

“What’s got you pissed off?” he says as he takes his gloves off.

“I just had kind of a shitty night.”

He nods his head and then walks toward the locker room. I feel like an asshole. The guy may be a douche, but he didn’t deserve that shit. Maybe I better stick to solo stuff. I grab my
and stand in the middle of the mat, getting centered before I start moving.

By the time I’m done, I’m a sweaty mess, but my mind is clear. I’ve even got an audience, I notice. A couple of the women are good looking, but I just nod and make my way into the locker room to shower. I open my locker, grab my shower caddy, and pick up my phone. I have two missed texts.


Where did you go? I went to get coffee and donuts and when I came back you weren’t here.


Brian? Are you mad? Did you think I left you?


Well, shit. I pick up my phone and call her. She answers on the first ring.

“Brian, what happened to you? You scared me, and you left your house unlocked. Did you think I would leave and not say good-bye?” She doesn’t sound mad, just scared, so of course I feel like an asshole.

“Sorry. I woke up and you were gone and there was no note. I just assumed you left. I should’ve called. Where are you now?” I’m sure she’s already gone.

“Um, I’m still at your place. Is that okay?”

“Yeah, I’m leaving now. I’ll be there in a few.” I’ll shower when I get home.

When I get home, I step inside and find Mila sitting on my kitchen counter. Her hair is up in a ponytail and her face is free of makeup, but she’s never looked more beautiful. She holds out a cup of coffee. I hop up on the counter, sit next to her, and take the offered cup. We sit in silence while we drink. She hands me a donut.

“I’m sorry I left without waking you. I know our first time together I snuck out during the night, but I wouldn’t do that to you again. I promise.”

She rests her head on my shoulder and we finish off the donuts in companionable silence. This feels too good, too nice, but I can’t let myself enjoy it too much because I don’t want to get my heart broken. Yeah, I know I sound like a girl, but I don’t give a shit. I was never into “playing the field.” I’ve always looked for something long lasting. I guess I’m a big believer in quality over quantity.

Because of the way I am, I’ve been accused of being gay or bi. I’m just a man who prefers romance instead of meaningless flings.

“I’m going to jump in the shower. Are you going to stick around?” I ask.

“Yeah. I thought maybe I’d take you to lunch and I don’t know, maybe spend the day together?”

With a quick kiss to her forehead, I hop off the counter.

“Let me take a quick shower and we can do whatever you want.” She grabs me by my shirt and pulls me to her, kissing my lips softly.

I grab some clean clothes out of my room and set them on my bed. I strip off my shirt and make my way across the hall to my bathroom, where I turn the shower on and step under the spray. With my hands on the wall, I let the water beat down on my sore muscles.

The feeling of hands sliding around my waist startles me, but the feel of her lips against my back quickly heats me up. I turn around and push her against the wall. It looks like getting clean is going to take a while.

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