Monroe, Melody S. - Deception Fantasy [Fantasy Resort 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (13 page)

BOOK: Monroe, Melody S. - Deception Fantasy [Fantasy Resort 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“I, ah, only live about a mile from here.”

He grinned. “Works for me.”

She stopped. “To talk only. Trace, we can never be. You do realize that?”

His gut exploded. No, he didn’t know that since he didn’t believe she understood herself like he did. Just because she was a psychologist didn’t mean she had her act together when it came to her own needs. She was hiding from something, and he was determined to find out what.

“Trace Turner never quits. I want you, Diana, and always will.”

Chapter Nine

Once Trace got Diana alone, he’d show her she needed him as much as he needed her.

“Hop in.” His car was parked in front of her shop.

“No, I’ll drive.”

She stuck her head in her shop and let the other girl know she might not be back before closing. He wanted to grab her by the waist and make love to her in the front seat of her car, but she deserved to be loved slow and easy, at least the first time.

She pulled into traffic and headed west. “Did you get my letter?” From the way she sucked in her bottom lip, she had no idea how they took her deception.

“Yes, but you jumped to all the wrong conclusions. You thought it mattered who you were. It doesn’t, though we both wished you’d told the truth from the beginning.”

She rolled her eyes as if he and Jack were the clueless ones. “That’s not the only reason I left.”

She turned right onto a residential street. “Then tell me. I don’t understand.”

“You two might be in lust with me, but that’s all. I’ve fantasized about you two for years. I even followed your career, at least the first year in college. To you, I’m someone you just met. You know nothing about me.”

That was not true, but he couldn’t find the words to tell her.

She pulled into her driveway. The elegant, two-story, wood-framed house was landscaped impeccably. He had the money to live as nicely but chose to use his money in other ways, to give to those who needed it more.

He rushed to her side to open the driver-side door, but she stepped out before he had the chance to help. Instead of threading her arm through his, she strode to the front door and let herself in. She might not have welcomed him with open arms, but she hadn’t thrown her coffee in his face or slammed the door either. He followed her inside. Light poured in from the large picture window showing off what looked like local artwork on the walls.

Too bad he couldn’t enjoy her house when he realized how pissed she was. It made no sense. Jack and he hadn’t done anything wrong. Yes, they’d broken the rules by making love to her, but she’d initiated it as much as they had.

He stood in the middle of the living room, not sure how to explain what was in his heart. “You got a beer or something?” He sounded like a fifteen-year-old, not even sophisticated enough to have a smooth move in his arsenal.


The fridge door opened, and bottles clanked. She returned with one beer. Not what he had in mind. “You won’t join me?”

“No.” Ouch. She motioned he take a seat on the chair. Instead he sat on the sofa next to her.

“Talk to me, sugar.”

She glanced away and inhaled before turning back to him. “That’s part of the problem. It’s all the sugar talk, the darlin’ speak Jack uses. It’s fake. You two don’t have an accent. How do you expect me to be able to tell what’s coming from you and what’s been scripted by the resort?”

Jeez. Didn’t see that one coming. He never expected her to doubt his motives. He tapped his chest. “Other than the endearments, everything we said to you came from my heart, and I know it came from Jack’s too. Diana, I want you and need you. Can’t you see that?” Saying he loved her would be too big of a leap for him, even though he knew he did.

“You loved
me.” Her face didn’t light up like it usually did when she talked dirty.

He grinned. “You got that right.” Then he sobered, not wanting her to think he treated what they had as a joke. “Don’t get me wrong. For me, what we had between us was a lot more than sex.”

His usual MO would be to pull her to him and kiss her until she gave in. With Diana, he didn’t want to mess things up any more, so he waited for her to respond.

Go slow

She wrapped her long, sexy legs under her. She smelled of sunshine with a hint of lavender perfume. “How was it more than just sex? What is there?”

Love. A life connection
. “A comfortable sense of well-being when we’re together.” He took her hand in his and lightly rubbed his thumb over her palm. “Look, my life wasn’t the best growing up. We didn’t have much money.” He wanted to say more, but he had to think how to tell her about his dad.

“You dressed like everyone else. I never guessed.” She didn’t seem surprised by his admittance that he didn’t have much money. Maybe she’d heard about his circumstance.

“I was on full scholarship at Prep. I also got a job at the Dairy Queen over the summer and saved every penny. I bought my own gas, clothes, and lunch, but that’s all. Jack always paid for everything else we did.” He dragged a hand down his chin. “Maybe that’s why I always hung with him. He allowed me to have the façade of belonging.”

“I didn’t know that.”

With his other hand, he fingered the blonde strands of her ponytail. “I know I looked happy, looked like I had it all, but I was really lonely, too. I went through high school pretending everything was good. I think I’ve lived with my head in the sand ever since, telling myself I’m happy. But I wasn’t, only I didn’t know what I wanted until I met you.”

She pressed her lips together, and he wanted to kiss her, to smooth out the disbelief.

“You had it all in high school. You were the star athlete and had at least ten girls hanging on you all the time.”

“Didn’t mean I wasn’t lonely, that I didn’t want someone to see me for me, to care for me and know what I wanted in life. Most of the girls wanted the status of dating a football star.”

She glanced down at her hand. “I always thought you were hiding something.”

“I was. Maybe you were the only one to see through the façade. I wish we’d talked back then.” She leaned closer, and her delicate scent curled around his heart. If he couldn’t come clean with her, there was no chance of them being together. “The real truth was that my father beat my mother and hit me more times than I can remember.”

She sucked in a breath. “Oh, my God. I never knew. I’m so sorry.”

When she ran a hand down his arm, he wanted to press her to his chest and hold her forever. “I didn’t tell you that so you’d feel sorry for me. I told you because I want you to understand why I ended up pushing people away my whole life. I knew you liked me, that you went to every game, and that you risked losing a scholarship to college when you agreed to write my Shakespeare paper.”

Her brows rose. “You did?” Understanding seemed to dawn on her. “You never could show you cared about anyone for fear they’d hurt you, right?”

He dropped his head back. Her conclusion was a good, but wrong. “Close, but no. It was because I feared I’d hurt them. For years I thought I’d be like my dad and grow up to be an abuser.”

She cupped his cheek. “You never would hurt anyone.”

Her strong conviction bolstered his heart. “I’d like to think so. It’s taken me years to give myself permission to believe I could be a good guy, but when you close your heart for so long, it’s really hard to open it up again.” He shifted position on the sofa to face her. “When you came into our lives, that release of fear happened. Maybe you reminded me of the good in the world, I don’t know.” He looked down at her and his gaze traveled from her dreamy hazel eyes to the tits he wanted to suckle.

“Trace, don’t do this to me. I want you so bad my pussy is wet, but if we make love and you leave, I’ll crack. I’ve been alone my whole life. Until I found you two, I was a little lost, and I never want to be there again.”

The desperation in her voice tore at him, but at the same time, joy spread through him. She hadn’t left because she didn’t want them. She’d left because she wanted them maybe too much. “I promise. I’m here for the long haul.”

Without asking permission, he captured her lips and pressed her soft, wonderful body to his chest. He wanted to slow down, to touch her warm, soft skin for hours, but he couldn’t seem to control himself. He lifted her shirt over her head and pulled down the straps of her bra.

He buried his face in her hair. “Since our time in the tent, I’ve dreamed of tasting you.”

She laughed. “You see? All you want is my wet pussy strangling your hard cock.”

Her words undid him. He flipped her on her back and tugged off her shoes and pants. “I love your body.”

He stood for a moment and tore off his clothes. Naked, he dropped on top of her.

She dragged her nails lightly over his back. “I can say the same for you.”

He jumped up and pulled her to his chest, wanting to be able to touch all of her. He walked her backwards until she bumped into the wall. Dropping to his knees, he pulled down her panties and pressed his cheek against her wonderful, bare mound.

“I could stay here forever, inhaling your scent, feeling your softness against me.”

“But your cock would take over and tell you to do something more.”

She did understand him. “Yeah.”

“Smart cock.”

He laughed at the thought of a whole new world opening before him. He separated her pussy lips and licked her gently. When she moaned, his cock grew more rigid. To satisfy her and further excite him, he dipped one finger into her wetness. “You want me.” That wasn’t just an opinion but a clear fact.


There was no maybe about it. Now wasn’t the time to be gentle. He stood and lifted her up. “Wrap your legs around me so I can fuck you proper.”

“You want it with sugar on top?”

“Sugar, I want to fuck you. Better?”

With her thighs wide, he sank into her, and his mind went blank. This is where he needed to be. He loved her and had to have her. Forever, if she’d have him. Diana seemed to need to be in control of the rhythm, so he let her set the tempo. She pressed her feet against his thighs and pumped up and down, her beautiful tits coming close enough to capture.

His breath lodged in his throat as he gently bit the hardened crest of her nipples. She moaned and he increased the pressure of the assault. He’d nip then suckle. His hands grabbed her ass and stretched her cheeks wide. Every inch of this woman turned him on.

Her breaths turned rapid and her eyes squeezed shut. He knew the look. She was close to exploding.

“You need to slow down.” He didn’t want her to, but if she milked him once more with her pussy, he’d come.


Her plea sent him spiraling out of control and he let go, sending his seed into her. Her pussy walls clenched and clenched as she reached her peak.

Spent, their breaths mingled as she bent down to kiss him. “I love being with you.”

“Me too.” He patted her back, incapable of speech. He lifted her up and set her down. “Uh-oh. I didn’t use a condom. I’m so sorry.”

“That’s okay.”

He didn’t want to ask if she was on the pill. “We need to clean you up. What do you think about a warm shower?”

“You have the energy?”

In truth, he wondered if he’d make it back to the couch. “You’re right. Not yet.” Taking her hand, he managed to move back to the sofa. With her discarded top, he sopped up the cum dribbling down her leg.

BOOK: Monroe, Melody S. - Deception Fantasy [Fantasy Resort 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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