Monroe, Melody S. - Deception Fantasy [Fantasy Resort 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (14 page)

BOOK: Monroe, Melody S. - Deception Fantasy [Fantasy Resort 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“That was my good shirt.”

“Now every time you wear it, you can think of me.”

* * * *

Diana had never been more sated, but something was missing in her life, and that something was Jack. She thought one man would be enough, should be enough, but she so enjoyed the added joy Jack brought to their three-way relationship. She loved his laughter and his lighthearted attitude toward life. Maybe she shouldn’t want two men, but she did.

Trace leaned over and kissed her ever so lightly. Her nipples hardened. No way could she be excited again when they’d just made wonderful love.

He tapped her nose. “Something wrong?”

“How could anything be wrong?”

“You looked dreamy as if you were thinking of Jack.”

How had he guessed? Dare she tell him? Would he think what they had together wasn’t enough? If she couldn’t be honest with the man she loved, then what kind of relationship could they have?

Love? Was that what this was?


“A little.”

“I’m thinking of him too. I know how much joy I see in your eyes when we both pleasure you.”

“It’s true, so why isn’t he here with you? Didn’t he want to come? And don’t tell me he needs to take care of family business.”

Trace’s mouth firmed. “He doesn’t think he’s worthy.”

“Worthy of me? That sounds so old-fashioned.”

“I think he doesn’t think he’s good enough for you. He doesn’t like who he is.”

She leaned back against the sofa. “He’s Jack, a man who’s fun loving and carefree. How could anyone not like that?”

“Because once he left the Peace Corps, he’s had no goals in life. I think he, too, was hiding from something or someone. He’s back at the family ranch to straighten things out.”

“Family ranch?”

“Yeah. You didn’t know his father owns the Double-D ranch south of here?”

That ranch was known throughout the state. It must be worth millions. “No. He never acted like he had a lot of money.”

“He never considered it his money since he didn’t earn it.” Trace slipped his hands under her and drew her onto his lap. His cock nudged her opening.

“What should we do?”

“I think if we really want Jack in our lives, you should drive down there and show him what he means to you.”

“Me? Why not you?”

“He knows I think the three of us would be perfect together. What he needs is to hear it from you. It’s the only way to make him believe.”

She leaned over and tasted his lips. “Do I have to go right now?”

“That would be a no. I have other plans for you.”

* * * *

She wasn’t sure what she was going to say when she saw Jack. Trace told her Jack hadn’t seen his family in over two years and that the split hadn’t been a good one. Jack claimed the responsibility of running such a big empire had never appealed to him. That is, until he met her.

Really? He wanted to change his life because of her? That was a lot to take in.

But she wanted him. That was no lie.

She sucked in a large breath and turned onto Double-D land. Acres upon acres of pastureland appeared before her, dotted with cows and horses. She’d passed this stretch of land while driving south many times but never had been on the property. The ranch was truly magnificent. No surprise, the home was large and sprawling, but there was something about the style that made it cozy looking. Maybe it was the fact it could use another coat of white paint, but the small disrepair didn’t diminish the grandeur of the home.

Several cars were parked in front, including Jack’s truck. She got out and stretched. The smell of sage filled her nose, which was one of her favorite smells, but today it didn’t take away the nerves racing up her spine.

She rang the bell, tugged on her skirt, and waited, her palms already sweaty.

A willowy woman in her fifties wearing a worn apron answered. “Yes?”

“Hi, I’m a friend of Jack’s. Is he here?”

The woman smiled and dragged her gaze from Diana’s windblown hair to her sandals. “He’s in the barn.”

Diana looked around, trying to figure out which building was the barn.

After she could see the confusion on her face, the woman pointed to the large structure slightly behind the house. About two acres separated the two buildings.


“Are you one of Jack’s girls?”

Tension shot through her shoulders. Was she one of his girls? She bet he’d had hundreds of girls or women show up at the house begging to be with him, especially during his years at Flagstaff Prep.

She cleared her throat wondering how she was supposed to answer that question. “Yes. We’re friends.” No way could she say
I got reacquainted four days ago and fucked him silly last night in a tent while sharing my body with another man.

“Sure, dear.”

Clearly this woman had heard that line before. Her cheeks heated, and she took off to find Jack, not sure if she wouldn’t be better off jumping back in her car and leaving. Trace claimed his friend had changed, but had he really? Was she diving into something that wouldn’t end well?

When she got there, the barn door was wide open. The rich smell of hay, horse manure, and leather hit her at once. Not an unpleasant odor, but something to get used to. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been surrounded by so many animals.

She glanced around. A well-built cowboy was hunched over a saddle, polishing the leather. She didn’t see Jack anywhere.

“Excuse me?”

The man stopped his work and looked up. A broad smile lit his face. He looked to be in his midtwenties with a strong jaw and intense blue eyes. “Hello, back.” He stood, wiped his hands on his well-worn jeans, and held out his hands. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”

“I’m looking for Jack.”

Something flicked across his eyes, but she couldn’t tell the emotion. “He’s in the back, but be careful. He’s in a foul mood, though I’d bet you could lighten it for him.”

Jeez. Did everyone take one look at her and think she was an easy lay or something? Maybe only loose women came here.

“I’m not sure, but I’ll try.”
God, that hadn’t come out right.

She carefully walked to where the young man directed. Sounds of equipment jingling came from behind a closed door. Believing she’d found Jack, she eased open the door, and her heart soared at the sight of him. His back was damp with sweat and his hands dirty. Clearly, he’d spent the day working hard. Good for him.


He jerked around and practically glared at her. “Diana? What do you want?”

Well, that wasn’t the reaction she expected. “I want to talk to you.”

He turned his back and continued working on the task, doing what, she couldn’t tell.

“Got nothing to talk about,” he mumbled.

All of her training ignited. “I think we do. According to Trace, you quit your job and came home after being away for a few years.” She stepped closer. “I think that could be a topic of conversation.”

“You got the gist. Don’t need to discuss it further.”

She had a few options. Walk out now and tell Trace it was just the two of them, or she could try to put Jack in a more talkative mood. She had several ideas how to do that.

“I missed you.”

“You missed my cock.” He spun around. “If you recall, you walked out on us, not the other way around.”

His statement was harsh but true. “Trace came to back to Flagstaff. He’s going to stay around, so I don’t need
cock, as you nicely put it.” His shoulders stiffened. “But I want you back in my life.”

His hands loosened their grip on the hammer. “Then why did you leave without a word?”

She thought she’d explained well enough in her letter. “Because I knew you’d both be pissed that I’d deceived you, that I let you make love to Laurel Diana Bowman. I thought you’d be so disgusted that you wouldn’t want to see me again. Ever. So I left to avoid the disappointment on your faces.”

“Wasn’t like that.”

“I know that now. Trace told me.” Maybe if she got him jealous, he’d want to claim her. But even if he tried, would he be comfortable with the three of them together? She wasn’t willing to give up Trace for Jack any more than she was willing to give up Jack for Trace.

“So, it’s Trace and you now?”

He might be jealous. “Don’t do this to yourself. I came to tell you we both want you back.”

“Is that so?”

Clearly the man was fighting demons. If her words meant little, she’d show him what he meant to her. She grabbed the hem of her thick shirt and lifted it over her head. Wouldn’t he be pleasantly surprised to see her naked tits?

Chapter Ten

Jack swallowed hard and squeezed his eyes for a moment. The sexy vixen was going to make him lose his cool. Didn’t she know he was no good for her, and that she and Trace would be perfect for each other? He was just the third wheel.

“Stop right there.” Those were the hardest three words he’d ever had to speak.

“Not on your life.”

The rest of the words stuck to the roof of his mouth as he watched her lower her skirt. The lace panties he expected weren’t there. Instead she stood in front of him with her bare pussy aimed straight at his heart. She even had the nerve to widen her legs and drag a finger over her slit. It was an open invitation for sure.

“My brother’s in the other room.” That never would have stopped him from fucking anyone, until she walked out on him. He’d allowed someone into his heart, and she trampled him.

“I have no intention of sharing you with your brother.”

He held up a hand. “I didn’t mean that. It’s just that he might hear us and come in. You are noisy.” Boy, was she ever. It was one of the things he loved about her.

She lifted her lips in a way that turned his heart inside out. “Noisy, huh. You’ve never heard my real noisy lovemaking. Care to try me out?”

She was tormenting him on purpose. “You shouldn’t be here.” Could he come up with any more lame excuses?

“I don’t care if you think I should be here or not. I want you.” She walked toward him, swaying her hips so provocatively that his cock nearly shot out of his pants.

He had to have her, but his heart had already shattered. Aw, hell, what was one more experience with this amazing woman? “Let me wipe off my hands.” He grabbed a wipe and cleaned up the best he could.

Don’t do this. Once she starts, you’ll lose it and do what she asks.

She kept coming, her gaze on him.

“I need to fuck some sense into you, cowboy.”

“Shh. Tim’ll hear.” Like he cared what his brother thought.

“I don’t care who hears. I want the world to know that I love you. I love Trace, too, and I want both of you.”

Love, huh. No one loved him. And they had every good reason not to. “You don’t know what you’re saying. I have nothing to show for my life. I’m trying to help out my family by staying here, by working the ranch.”

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