Monroe, Melody S. - Deception Fantasy [Fantasy Resort 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (15 page)

BOOK: Monroe, Melody S. - Deception Fantasy [Fantasy Resort 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“I’m good with that. It’ll take hard work and dedication to keep this place running.”

She finally reached him and wrapped her arms around his neck. Her sweet cheek pressed against his sweaty chest. He was sure his cock leaked cum. He licked his lips, which were inches from hers.

“Don’t I know it.”

“So why do you still hate yourself so much?”

Was he that transparent? “Because…” He couldn’t come up with a good answer for her. He was taking responsibility, willing to give up the life of luxury and work hard. That should be enough, but it wasn’t. Except for Trace, who he practically considered his brother, he’d pushed people away his whole life, pretending to care. And then he found Diana and realized he more than cared for her, and that scared the shit out of him.

He wiped the sweat from his brow. Diana pressed her hips against his covered cock, and the pressure nearly undid him.

“What’s a girl got to do to get laid around here?”

“We can’t.”

Every muscle on her face stilled. “Why not?”

“I’m telling you, I’m not reliable.”

“I think you are.”

He wanted her sweet pussy more than anything and wished Trace was here to share her, but he knew she’d get tired of him, especially if he had to spend all day in the field. Eventually, she’d wonder what she saw in him.

He needed her to see reason. “Look. If you want to be just another lay, fine. I’ll stick my cock in you and fuck you hard and fast. But don’t expect anything else from me.” He kept his gaze on her, hoping she wouldn’t see that every word was a lie.

“You don’t mean that.” Her jaw slackened and she moved away.

His fingers itched to take her in his arms and tell her it wasn’t true, that he did love her and would cherish her for the rest of his miserable life, but she deserved better.

“Hey, Jack.”

Shit. “Tim, get the hell out of here.”

“Not on your life. I heard you turn down her offer. I’ll be happy to oblige this sweet thing. A real man would never turn her down.”

She jerked around and drew her hands over her chest. Before he could respond, she rushed back the few feet to the pile of clothes and scooped them into her arms. She turned her back to Tim, pulled her shirt over her head, and stepped into her skirt as if she was a scared little rabbit and brother Tim had a large shotgun aimed at her.

She sprinted past Tim and raced out the barn.

“See what the fuck you did?”

“What? Just wanted to take her up on her offer. You didn’t seem interested.”

“Fuck you.” He wanted to stop her, to explain everything, but even he didn’t understand just how messed-up he really was.

* * * *

She’d never been more humiliated in her life. For the first time ever, she’d aggressively gone after a man, and look what happened. Jack had shown his true colors. He couldn’t have been more clear. He didn’t want her, just like he hadn’t wanted her in high school. So much for Jack DeMarco being a changed man.

Through a veil of tears, she tore down the rutted entrance, bouncing so hard she hit her head on the roof of the Jeep. It didn’t matter. She needed the pain, even relished it, to block out the ache attacking her heart.

She never should have come, but failure never entered her mind. She had a Ph-fucking-D in psychology for God’s sake. She should have seen this rejection coming and should have been able to see through Jack’s façade. He was a player, always had been and always would be. He never really cared for her. She was a client, a good-looking piece of ass and nothing more.

And Trace? Had his story been a lie too? No, she refused to believe that. He did care for her, but would he want her without his best bud? Did he draw his excitement from watching and sharing? Hell if she knew.

By the time she got home, her tears had dried, but her stomach had knotted up into a tight ball that might never unwind. Trace would be so disappointed she’d failed to convince Jack to join them, or at least she hoped he would be.

She unlocked the front door and stepped into the cool foyer. “Trace?”

She’d driven him from town, so he had to be here. Maybe he’d grabbed another beer and was sitting out back on the terrace. She plopped her keys on the counter and went outside. Darn, he wasn’t there either.


She pulled out her phone to call him, only to realize she didn’t have his number. Now what did that say about how tight they were?
Don’t freak
. There was a reason for everything. Her office was only a mile away, so he could have walked to pick up his vehicle. But why would he? Had he decided to go back to Tucson?

When he didn’t return by dinner, she feared she’d break into pieces. She couldn’t lose both men. Life couldn’t be that cruel. He must have decided that he didn’t want the three of them to be together after all.

Sherry would know what to do. After all, her best friend had learned a lot about life dealing with four toddlers and pouring drinks for half the town. Diana put on a pair of jeans, a bra, and a more conservative top, trying to convince herself she was overreacting, that he’d connected with an old high school buddy and was shooting the breeze until she came home.

She hopped back in the car and headed straight to Luke’s Sports Bar. Thank goodness, the bar area was mostly empty and only a few customers were seated for an early dinner. The screens above bar were on, but the sound was at a reasonable level to allow conversation. She slid onto a stool in front of Sherry.

“What’s wrong, sweetie? You look like death.”

A tear leaked out, and she swiped it off her cheek. “I don’t know where to turn.”

Sherry waved to Luke, the owner. “We have an emergency.” She nodded at Diana.

He shuffled over. “Use the back room. I’ll take over. It’s not like I have a lot of customers.”

Sherry tossed him a half smile. “I owe you.”


Diana followed her best friend into a quiet room filled with boxes and sat on a small stack of liquor boxes.

Sherry did the same. “Spill. Don’t leave out any of the details. It was that resort you went to, wasn’t it? If they hurt you, I’m going to sic Danny on those sons of bitches.”

She forgot she hadn’t spoken with Sherry since she left for her adventure. “No. Nothing like that happened, at least not in the way you think.”

Even though her thoughts were totally jumbled, she managed to paint a picture of two wonderful men, including the rescue of the young girl and time they spent in the tent. Some details she purposefully left out.

“That was you who saved the girl?”

“Yes.” She’d almost forgotten about her. “I can’t believe you heard about her.”

“It made the headlines of the paper. Why, you’re a hero.”

That didn’t matter. “She okay?”

“Other than a broken leg and some dehydration, she’ll fully recover, thanks to you and your superheroes.”

Superheroes? Not anymore, they weren’t. While she was happy she’d saved the girl and still wanted to know how the girl ended up in the valley by herself, that story would have to wait. “I’m happy everything worked out.”

“So why the sad face?”

“Because the two men turned out to be none other than Trace Turner and Jack DeMarco.”

Sherry’s face paled. “You’re shitting me, right?”

“I wish I were.”

“What did they do when they found out who you really were?”

She told her about the note and how she’d turned chicken and ran. “Then Trace drove all the way to Flagstaff to tell me he wanted me.”

Sherry clapped her hands. “That’s wonderful. My God, who would have thought you’d end up with that heartthrob.”

“That’s one of my problems. I went to convince Jack that I loved him too, but he tossed me out.”

“And you’re surprised, why?”

“I thought he’d changed.”

“From a womanizer to a real lover?”

Okay, coming from Sherry, that did sound a little ridiculous. “I guess you’re right. So, what should I do?”

“Move on with your life. If they want you, they’ll find you.”

Those were sage words from a sage woman. Sherry handed her a bar napkin to blow her nose. “You’re right.”

“Come back to the bar. I think you could use a drink.”


Sherry laughed and her spirits rose. “However many it takes to forget those two.”

“There isn’t enough booze in the bar for that.”

“Oh, sweetie. You do have it bad.”

“You have no idea.”

* * * *

When Trace made it back to Diana’s house around nine, no lights were on. Worry crept into his step as he approached the front door and knocked. She wouldn’t be in bed this early.

“Diana? It’s Trace.” He rang the bell a few times, thinking she might be in the shower.

After he called Emily at the women’s shelter to let her know he was in town, she’d asked him to stop by to see the improvements they’d made since he was there last. He figured Diana would take hours with Jack, so he’d locked the door. Now he couldn’t get into her house even if he wanted to.

He walked to the side of the house and looked in, hoping to see her asleep on the sofa. She wasn’t there. She was probably fucking Jack for a third time today, which was why she wasn’t home. His cock tightened, thinking of doing the same. He ought to be there to join in the fun.

Since Jack’s farm was only twenty minutes south of here, he decided to head on down and surprise them. The thought of having a threesome again put fire back in his blood.

Though he’d only driven to Jack’s farm a time or two on his own, he’d been there plenty of times when Jack brought him to play video games or shoot the breeze after football practice, or if Trace’s dad was in one of his rages. Jack’s farmhouse had been his only place of solace.

His whole life he’d lived in fear of the beatings until he was big enough to fight back. Anger had infused every cell in his body during those formative years. He’d missed out on getting the love he thought he deserved. Now he knew he wanted a loving family with as many children as he could have. There’d been no time to broach the topic with Diana and Jack, but he bet they’d both be in favor of the idea. If not, he’d spend his days trying to convince them.

When he got to the farm, he went to the back door where Jack had always brought him. Mrs. DeMarco answered.

“Trace, that you?”

How she recognized him after all this time, he didn’t know. “Yes, ma’am, it sure is. Long time.” He stepped inside and gave her a hug. God, he loved this woman. “Is Jack around?”

“He came in to eat dinner but said nothing before heading back out to the barn.”

“Was a pretty blonde with him?” He grinned, thinking about Diana’s sweet pussy.

“For a while. She came, but I saw her hightail it out of here a few minutes later. When I asked Jack about her, he wouldn’t answer. All he would say was that it was none of my business. Maybe you can find out what’s up with him. He came here so nice and wanting to help. As soon as that woman came, he turned into a bear.”

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