Monroe, Melody S. - Deception Fantasy [Fantasy Resort 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (16 page)

BOOK: Monroe, Melody S. - Deception Fantasy [Fantasy Resort 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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What the hell had he said to her, or she to him? If she left a while ago, why wasn’t she home? Too many thoughts collided with each other.

“Don’t worry about Jack, Mrs. DeMarco. He just needs an attitude adjustment.” And maybe a knock in the head.

“You going to give it to him?” She smiled.

“Hell yes.” He leaned over and kissed her cheek. “Wish me luck.”

He jogged to the barn. Pounding metal on metal reached his ears. He followed the sound to a back room.

Jack’s back faced him when he stepped into the tack room. “Jack?”

His friend turned around. Trace didn’t expect to be met with lowered lids and a clenched fist. “What the fuck do you want? Did your girlfriend send you?”

He made no sense. “She was with you, last I heard.”

“She left hours ago.”

Same story his mom had told him. “Did everything go okay?” He could guess the answer but wanted to hear it from Jack’s mouth.

“She said she wanted me.” He shot him the finger. “Like I believe that. I sent her home.”

Without thinking, he closed the gap between them and grabbed Jack by the shirt. “Did you fuck her?”

Jack pushed him back. “Hell no. She only wants you. I told her to enjoy her life. We can’t be together, don’t you get it?”

His heart pounded in his chest, anger so close to the surface he feared he would become his father. “No. Explain it to me.”

“I’m no good for her. She has a PhD, owns her own business, and was valedictorian in high school and college. Why would she want me? Or you, for that matter?”

He’d wondered the same thing. “Because she loves us? And we love her, or at least I do. You’d realize it, too, if you’d take the time to drag your head out of your sorry ass.”

The steam seemed to go out of Jack’s body. He tossed the tools on the counter and his shoulders sagged. He sat his butt on the edge of the table.

“I’ve never wanted anything more in my life. I’m trying to be realistic. I have to stay here to help the family. The day-in and day-out workload is intense. I’m not sure she’d be happy with the amount of time I could devote to her. I know she only lives twenty minutes from here, but with travel time and a job that requires her to be in the field, what if she becomes unhappy? I couldn’t survive if I got a longer taste of her and she split. Hell, I’m a mess after a few days.”

Trace paced the small room. “I’ve had the same doubts, but I think we can make it work. My mom always preached that life didn’t come with guarantees. If we work hard enough, we can make sure to keep her happy.”

“You really think so?” He sounded like he was back in high school.

“I’m not sure we’re the ones who should be making this decision. How did Diana act when she came here?”

He blew out a breath. “I was in a piss-poor mood. She sensed it, I suppose. She stood there and stripped for me. Didn’t have any underwear on either. She came ready for fucking.”

Trace tried to re-create the scene in his mind and got hard. “And you tossed her out?”

“Fucking A, I did. It wouldn’t have been fair to her if I hadn’t.”

His friend was an idiot. Didn’t he see the love in her eyes? “I’ve decided I’m not going back to the resort. I couldn’t touch another woman without thinking of Diana. She’s basically ruined me for life.”

“Me too.”

“So? I want to be with Diana, but it’s better with the three of us.”

Jack’s eyes lightened. “You sure?”

“Yes.” Did he have to bang Jack’s head in with the hammer to make him see reason?

Light sparked across his face. “You could always work here. At least you’d be near her.”

He didn’t need the money, at least for a few years anyway, but he wanted to make something of himself too. “How about you give me, say, five acres of this monstrous spread, and I’ll work for you at minimum wage. You know I’m good around the animals. I want to be outside, working with my hands. It’s what I love.”

He smiled. “I’ll have to consult the powers that be, but I think we can work out a deal. In fact, that just gave me a great idea.”


“Let me gather a few tools of the trade and visit Diana. We need to have a heart-to-heart.”

Chapter Eleven

Even after talking with Sherry about the dilemma, they never did resolve whether it had been a good idea to confront Jack or not. At least she’d told him how she felt, for which she was glad. Bottling up one’s emotions never worked well in the end.

Now, it was up to Jack to either live in self-pity or be a man and accept her love.

Trace had every reason to be leery of relationships. My God. His life had been full of rejection and disappointment, but not Jack’s, though maybe she didn’t have all the facts.

She pulled into her drive and cut the engine. Sometimes life sucked, and you had to move on.

She got out of the car and stopped, finally coming to a conclusion that she was going to fight for her men.

Lights from two car interiors shone off to the side. She swiveled around. Two tall men silhouetted by the moon strode toward her. She’d recognize them anywhere.

“Jack? Trace? What are you doing here?” Her body thrummed. Her pussy exploded with joy, her heart beat erratically, and her stomach soured. She wasn’t sure she could handle an intense confrontation. If they were here just to hug her good-bye, she’d break down and make a fool of herself.

Both came near, and the porch light reflected off their smiles. They were happy? The unexpected change weakened every muscle.

“We’ve reconsidered your offer,” Jack said.

She didn’t want to jump to any conclusions, but acting flip was easier to deal with. “If you plan of having a three-way on the lawn, I’ve got to tell you, a cop lives next door and we’ll all be arrested before anyone of us can climax.” She laughed, but from their hooded eyes, they had something else in mind.

“We’d like to come in.” Trace stood an inch from her face.

She was tempted to kiss him, take off his clothes right there and do him, but for the neighbors’ sake, she’d ask them in.


When they followed her in, something jingled inside the bags they were carrying.

Let them talk

“Beer?” she asked, wanting to stay on safe grounds.

“No. We have something better.”

Jake approached. “I think you offered something this afternoon that I stupidly turned down. Trace talked some sense into me. Does the deal still stand?”

He acted confident, but from the small tremor in those last few words, he was holding his breath, waiting for a yes. Given what he’d put her through tonight, she should make him suffer.

“I’m not sure anymore.” His chest caved. Good. He cared, which is all she really wanted to know.

Trace moved in closer. “What about me?”

“You left without a word. I think both of you should be punished.”

Jack held up his hands. “Don’t even think it.”

“Why not? I loved getting spanked. While I can’t exactly bend you over my knee, I can come up with creative ways to punish you. A spanking would be the most pleasant, let me assure you.” She planted a hand on her hip. “You game?”

Both men exchanged glances and dropped trou. Their cocks were already erect. They took off their boots and socks, too.

“Might as well go all the way.” She’d gotten this far with her demands.

In a flash, they both stood before her, naked and wanting. Her pussy melted, causing juices to drip onto her panties. Her tits tingled, remembering what they did to her.

Jack cupped his balls. “I’ve thought about you ever since I read your note. Hell, ever since I first saw you again. I was a fool. I’ll take anything you’re willing to give me.”

His sad eyes made her want to throw herself at him, but she had to refrain until after the punishment.

Trace picked up both paper bags. “I think we’d be more comfortable in the bedroom.”

Conventional was not their usual style, but she’d go with it. “You know the way.”

He didn’t blink but strode down the hall with Jack following. She loved how their tight asses barely moved as they glided away from her. She followed, the sexy movements making her throat go dry.

When she walked into the room, she laughed. Hands on the bed, they had their asses facing her. “I’m glad to see you’re going to take your punishment like men.”

Jack craned his neck and looked back at her, a big grin on his face. “Oh, darlin’, you have no idea how much we’re going to enjoy punishment day.”

Day? She edged next to them and slapped Jack on the ass. Her palm stung, but he didn’t move an inch.

“That all you got, darlin’?”

He was inciting her. She raised her hand higher and came down harder. The slap barely made a sound.

“Ooh. That hurt so much. Do it again.”

His cocky attitude pissed her off. She let it loose and was rewarded with an “Ooof.”

She stepped to the other side of Jack. “Move over so I can get between you.” She doubted her left hand would give much of a wallop to Trace’s cute ass.

Three strikes later, she was convinced she suffered more than they did. Their butts were only slightly pink.

“I thought you were going to spank us, sugar.”

“Fuck you.” Yes, he was teasing her, but it got her juices going. This time she slammed her hand against his ass the best she could. His rear turned a bit redder. “Does that feel good?”

Trace rolled over and she could have sworn his cock was more rigid. “Real good. I can see why you liked to be punished. The heat and the throbbing is all good.”

The glint in their eyes told her this was going to be an evening to remember. Jack approached her from one side, Trace the other. They took her shoes off first, then her jeans. Surprisingly, they left her lace panties on. After they divested her of her shirt, Jack lowered the straps of her bra so that her nipples were almost exposed. The new look made her feel sexy.

“We know how much you loved being tied up before, so we brought some rope. It’s not velvet, but it’s still soft.” Jack dangled a rope in front of her. It looked new, but not as soft as cloth.

She’d been about to say no until she remembered how amazing it felt to have these men do wicked things to her body. They’d be gentle too. “Wait. How will be able to get my panties off if you tie my legs wide open. I just bought these.” She stuck out her bottom lip. No way did she want them to rip them off her.

Trace moved to within an inch of her body. “If you want us to see your wet pussy so soon, we’ll oblige. He dragged his thumbs down her hips and caught the material. When her panties were halfway down her thighs, he knelt in front of her and separated her pussy lips with his tongue.

She grabbed his shoulders and huffed out a breath. “God, that is so good. Don’t stop.”

He didn’t, but he seemed to go out of his way to avoid touching her in her most sensitive spot. This experience was going to be one of need and desire. They both had a knack of knowing just when she was about to come then stopping at the absolute wrong time.

Trace squeezed her ass under her panties before pulling away. He looked up and smiled. “I wanted to let you know you are in for a long night of incredible stimulation.”

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