Nazi Propaganda for the Arab World (54 page)

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Authors: Jeffrey Herf

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33. Ibid., 2-3.

34. See Wasserstein, Britain and the Jews ofEurope.

35. Kirk to Secretary of State, Telegram 340, "General Summary of Tendencies in Axis Broadcasts in Arabic," Cairo (April 18, 1942), NACP RG 59, U.S. Dept. of State, Central Decimal File, 1940 - 44, 740.oo11/European War 1939, Microfilm Records M982, roll 114, doc. P. 21414; text pp. 8-9. On Soviet policy toward Muslims, see Shoshana Keller, To Moscow, Not Mecca: The Soviet Campaign against Islam in CentralAsia, 1917-1941 (Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 2001).

36. Kirk to Secretary of State, Telegram 340, "General Summary of Tendencies in Axis Broadcasts in Arabic;" Cairo (April 18,1942), NACP RG 59, U.S. Dept. of State, Central Decimal File, 1940 - 44, 740.oo11/European War 1939, Microfilm Records M982, roll 114, doc. P. 21414; text pp. 9-10.

37. Ibid., to-11.

38. Ibid., 11-13.

39. Ibid.,13-14.

40. Ibid., 16.

41. Herf, Jewish Enemy.

42. Kirk to Secretary of State, Telegram 340, "General Summary of Tendencies in Axis Broadcasts in Arabic," Cairo (April 18,1942),15.

43. From Germany in Arabic, April 10, 7:30 p.m., "The British, the Jews and the Communists Are the Common Enemies of the Arabs;" Enclosure No. i in Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 339, Broadcasts in Arabic for the Period April 10-April16, inclusive, Cairo (April 18,1942), NACP RG 59, U.S. Dept. of State, Central Decimal File, 1940-44, 740.oo11/European War 1939, microcopy no. M982, roll 114, 21407.

44. Germany in Arabic, April 12, 7:30 p.m, "Bolshevik Threat," Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 339 (April 18,1942), 6.

45. Italy in Arabic, April 12,8:00p.m.,"The Arabs Are One Front with One Leader," Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 339 (April 18,1942), 13-14.

46. VFA, April 29,1942,8:15 p.m., "The Mufti;" Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 366, Axis Broadcasts in Arabic, Cairo (May5,1942), NACP RG 59, U. S. Dept. of State, Central Decimal File, 1940-44, 740.oo11/European War 1939, microcopy no. M982, roll 116, 21731, text p. 20. The German title was Stimme desfreien Arabiens. Though the Americans in Cairo translated it as "The Voice of Free Arabism," it can also be rendered as "The Voice of Free Arabia." See Werner Schwipps, Wortschlacht im Ather: Der Deutsche Auslandsrunkfunk im Zweiten Weltkrieg (Berlin: Haude and Spenersche, 1971), 24.

47. Germany in Arabic, April 14, 7:30 p.m., "Egypt and Bolshevism," in Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 339 (April 18,1942),16.

48. VFA, April 14,8:15 p.m., "Britain and the Jews," in Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 339 (April 18,1942), 20.

49. VIA, April 25,1942,9a5p.m.,"Britain and the Arab Volunteers," "Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 366 (May 5,1942), 7-8.

50. Germany in Arabic, April 24,7:30 p.m., "Arab Unity," Kirk to Secretary of State, Enclosure No.1, No. 366. (May 5,1942),1-2.

51. Athens in Arabic, April 25, 8:0o p.m., "Jews in America," Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 366 (May 5,1942), 6.

52. Arab Nation, April 25, 9:00 p.m., "Japan and the U.S.;" Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 366 (May5,1942), 6-7.

53. Athens in Arabic, May 27,1942, 8:00 p.m., "Roosevelt and the Jews," Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 405, Broadcasts in Arabic ... May 22 to May 28,1942, Cairo (May 30,1942),12.

54. VFA, April 27,1942,8:15 p.m., "Egypt," Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 366 (May 5,1942),15.

55. The Arab Nation, April 29,1942, 9:00 p.m., "Roosevelt's Speech," Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 366 (May 5,1942),18-19.

56. VFA, April 29,1942,8a5p.m.,"The Interview between Nahas and Kirk," Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 366 (May 5,1942), 20.

57. From Athens in Arabic, April 30,1942,8:00 p.m., "Churchill and Roosevelt;" Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 366 (May 5,1952), 22.

58. VFA, April 30,1942,9:15 p.m., "Makram Ebeid and the Jews," Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 366 (May 5,1942), 22-23.

59• VFA, 8:00, p.m., J. E. Jacobs to Secretary of State, No. 367, Axis Broadcasts in Arabic ... May 1 to May 7,1942, Cairo (May 9,1942), 9.

60. VFA, May 12,1942, 8:15 p.m., Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 384, Broadcasts in Arabic ... May 8 to May 14,1942, Cairo (May 12,1942),14, NACP RG 59, U.S. Dept. of State, Central Decimal File, 1940-44, 740.oo11/European War 1939, microcopy no. M982, roll 118, 22047.

61. Athens in Arabic, May 1o, 1942, 8:0o p.m., Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 384 (May 12, 1942), 7.

62. VFA, May 10,1942, 8a5 p.m., Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 384 (May 12,1942),8 -9.

63. Bari in Arabic, June 1,1942, 8:0o p.m., "Islam and Anglo-Saxon Democracy," Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 422, Broadcasts in Arabic ... May 29 to June 4,1942, Cairo (June 8,1942), 9-10, NACP RG 59, U.S. Dept. of State, Central Decimal File, 1940-44, 740.oo11/European War 1939, microcopy no. M982, roll 120, 22412.

64. Klaus-Michael Mallmann and Martin Cuppers, Halbmond and Hakenkreuz: Das Dritte Reich, DieAraber and Palastina (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2006), 84.

65. Adolf Hitler, "Fuhrerweisung, Weisung Nr. 30, Mittlerer Orient" (May 23, 1941), ADAP, 1918-1945, SerieD: 1937-1941, Bd. 12, 2, Die Kriegsjahre, Funfter Band, ZweiterHalbband, 6April bis 22 Juni 1941 (Gottingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht,1969), 718.

66. Grobba, "253, Aufzeichnung des Gesandten Grobba," Berlin (May 30,1942), ADAP, 19181945, Serie E: 1941-1945, Bd. 1,1 Marz his 15 Juni 1942, 434-36.

67. Woermann to German Embassy in Rome, "Nr. 2263, Reichsaussenminister. ... " Berlin (June 1,1942), PAAA, Rom, Bd. 163

68. VFA, June 13, 1942,8a5p.m.,"Libya;' Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 476, Axis Broadcasts for Period June 11-18, 1942, Cairo (July 4, 1942), 4-5, NACP RG 84, Egypt: Cairo Embassy General Records 1936-55, entry 2410,815.4-820.02, box 77; and VFA, June 13,1942,8:15 p.m., "Jewish Propaganda;' Kirk, No. 476 (July 4,1942), 6.

69. VFA, June 15,1942,8:15 p.m., "The Jews," Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 476 (July 4,1942), 910.

70. Berlin in Arabic, June 16,1942,7:30 p.m., "The Grand Mufti;' Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 476 ( July 4,1942),14-16.

71. VFA, June 18,1942, 9:15 p.m., "The British Defeat in Libya," Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 476 (July 4, 1942),18.

72. VFA, June 19,1942, 9:15 p.m., "Jews in Egypt," Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 479 (July 6, 1942), Axis Broadcasts in Arabic ... June 19 to 25,1942, 5, NACP RG 84, Egypt: Cairo Embassy General Records 1936-55, entry 2410,1942: 815.4-820.02, box 77.

73. VFA, June 23, 1942, 7:45 p.m., "Egypt Today," Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 479 (July 6, 1942), 12-14.

74. From Berlin in Arabic, June 24,1942, 7:30 p.m., "Rommel, the Hero;" Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 479 (July 6,1942), 14.

75. VFA, June 25,1942,9:15 p.m., "Egypt;" Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 479 (July 6,1942),18- 19.

76. The Arab Nation, June 26,1942, 9:00 p.m., "The Jews in Egypt;" Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 492 (July 13,1942), Axis Broadcasts in Arabic ... June 26 to July 2,1942, 2, NACP RG 84, Egypt: Cairo Embassy General Records, entry 2410,1942: 815.4-820.02, box 77.

77. VFA, June 28,1942,9:15 p.m., Untitled, Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 492 (July 13,1942), 7.

78. VFA, June 29,1942,9:15 p.m., "The British and the Jews;" Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 492 (July 13,1942), 11.

79. Bari in Arabic, June 30,1942, 8:00 p.m., "Palestine," Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 492 (July 13,1942), 13.

80. VFA, "Egypt and the British," June 30,1942, 8:15 p.m., Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 492 (July 13,1942),14.

81. On the assessment of German intelligence agencies, see Mallmann and Cuppers, Halbmond and Hakenkreuz, 41-57.

82. Ernst von Weizsacker to von Neurath, Afrikakorps, Berlin "Pol VIII 6444g" (June 25,1942), 4 pages, PAAA R6o748, Kult Pol, Propagandaoffiziere G. R. v. Neurath, 1942-43, Bd. 2.

83. Auswartiges Amt, Inf. 7374;' to German Embassy in Rome, Berlin (May 21,1942), PAAA, Rom, Bd. 161. Unfortunately, "Islam and die Juden" (Islam and the Jews) did not survive in the archives though its themes are evident in some of Husseini's radio broadcasts.

84. "Der Bolschewismsus, die Pest der Menscheit," in Auswartiges Amt, Inf. 7374" (May 21, 1942), PAAA, Rom, Bd. 161.

85. "Die Geschichte des Konige George and seiner Minister," in "Auswartiges Amt, Inf. 7374" (May 21,1942), PAAA, Rom, Bd. 161.

86. Kapp, "Ref. Inf II d;" Berlin (June 26,1942), PAAA R6o748.

87. Wuster to Neurath, "Flugblatter fur Agypten" (June 25,1942), PAAA R6o748.

88. Waster to Neurath, "Nr. 60, Im Anschlu4 an Drahterlal v. 25.8," Berlin (June 29,1942), PAAA R6o748.

89. Wuster to Neurath, "Im Anschlui3 an Drahterla4 Nr. 61 vom 30.6.42," Berlin (July15,1942), PAAA R6o748.

90. "Entwurf zu einem agyptischen Flugblatt Rommel, der Lowe des Sandes," Berlin (June to, 1942), PAAA, Rom, Bd. 163

91. Mackensen to AA, Berlin, "Nr. 2404," German Embassy in Rome (June 30,1942), PAAA, Rom, Bd. 163; and Mackensen, "Nr. 2439," German Embassy in Rome (July 1,1942), PAAA, Rom, Bd. 163.

92. Mackensen,"Nr.2439."

93. Hans Alexander Winkler to Informationsabteilung, AA, Berlin (April 3,1942) Panzerarmee Afrika, "Flugblattentwurfe zur Agyptenpropaganda," PAAA R6o77o, Kult Pol, Winkler, Panzerarmee Afrika, 1942-43, Bd. 1.

94. Neurath to AA, Ref. Inf., "Flugblattenentwurfe zur Agyptenpropaganda," VAA Panzerarmee Afrika (received May 22,1942, in Berlin), PAAA R6o65o, Kult Pol, Inf. Deutsche Flugblatter, 1939-43, Bd. 2.

95. Gerhard Roble (1909-75) joined the Nazi university student organization in 1929 and the Nazi Party in 1930. He studied journalism at the University of Heidelberg and received a doctorate in 1934. In 1935 he took a position in the press office of the Sicherheitsdienst (SD). He pursued an academic career as well and became a professor of political science at the University of Konigsberg in 1938. From 1939 to 1942 he had a staff position in the SS Reichsichherheitshauptamt. In 1940 he became a professor of international affairs (Auslandswissenschaften) at the University of Berlin. In 1941 and 1942 he was a commander of Einsatzgruppe. In 1948 he was convicted of war crimes in the Einsatzgruppen trial and sentenced to twenty years in prison. He served four years of the sentence and was released in 1952. See Hans-Jurgen Doscher, DasAuswartigeAmtim Dritten Reich: Diplomatic im Schatten der `Endlosung' (Berlin: Siedler Verlag, 1987); and Berlin Document Center, SS-Peronal Akete; Fall 9, Das Urtel im SS Einsatzgruppenprozess, Berlin 1963,159-64.

96. Josiah von Rantzau to Winkler, Berlin (July 21,1942), PAAA R6o77o.

97. Winkler to Rantzau, Vienna (August 3,1942), PAAA R6o77o.

98. Winkler, "Durchschlag fur Auswartiges Amt: Flugblatt zur Sabotageverhinderung in Agypten," Panzerarmee Afrika (May 1o,1942), PAAA R6o65o.

99. Winkler, "Flugblatten entwurfe zur Agyptenpropaganda;" Panzerarmee Afrika (April 14, 1942),1-6, PAAA R6o65o.

loo. Winkler, "Flugblatten entwurfe zur Agyptenpropaganda," Panzerarmee Afrika (April 8, 1942), PAAA R6o65o.

101. Kapp, AA Informations-Abteilung to the German Embassy in Rome, "Abschrift, Inf. Nr. 5075" Berlin (May 14,1942), Gerhard Hopp Collection, "Arabische Begnungen mit dem Nationalsozialismus;' 13, Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin.

102. "Die Oase: Feldzeitung der Deutschen Truppen in Afrika," Bundesarchiv Militararchiv (BA-MA), Amstdrucksachen, RHD 54/3.

103. "Afrika als Rohstoff-Resevoir: Der Siege der Achsenmachte wird eine Generalrevision bringen," Die Oase (16 April 1941),17, BA-MA, Amstdrucksachen, RHD 54/3,

104. "Die Mohammedaner and ihre Lehre: 200 Millionen Menschen bekennen sich heute zum Islam;" Die Oase (July 6,1941), 7, BA-MA, Amstdrucksachen, RHD 54/3.

105. Ibid.

106. Joachim von Ribbentrop, "Nr. 2722 vom 2.7;" Berlin (July 3,1942), PAAA, Rom, Bd. 163; Mackensen to AA; "Nr. 2502," German Embassy in Rome (July 4,1942), PAAA, Rom, Bd. 163.

107. See Gerhard Weinberg, A World at Arms: A Global History of World War II (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994), 350-52.

108. VFA, July 1, 1942, 8:15 p.m., "The Middle East Is Preparing to Rise," Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 492 (July 13,1942),16-17.

109. Berlin in Arabic, July 3,1942,7:30 p.m., "Egypt: Official Declaration," Kirk to Secreatary of State, No. 502, Cairo (July 21, 1942), Axis Broadcasts in Arabic ... July 3 to 9,1942, 1, NACP RG 84, Egypt: Cairo Embassy General Records 1936-55, entry 2410,1942, 815.4-820.02, box 77.

110. Ibid., 1-2.

111. Berlin in Arabic, July 3,1942,7:30 p.m., "Second Declaration," Kirk, No. 502,1-2; and same text in "Statement by El Hag (Haj) Amin El Husseini in respect of Egypt;" in Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 497 (July 17,1942), "Enclosure No. 1," 1-2, NACP RG 84, Cairo Embassy, General Records 1936-55, entry 2410, 815.4-820.02, box 77.

112. Free Voice of Egypt, July 3, 1942, 7:45 p.m., "Official Declaration by German and Italian Governments," Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 502 (July 21,1942), 2-3.

113. Bari in Arabic, July 5,1942, 8:00 p.m., "Appeal to the Egyptians;" Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 502 (July 21,1942), 7-8. A similar message of liberation of the Middle East was broadcast on Ankara in Arabic, July 5,1942, 6:30 p.m., "North Africa," Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 502 (July 21, 1942), 8-9.

114. Berlin in Arabic, July 6,1942,7:30 p.m., "A Declaration by Rashid Aly," Kirk, No. 502, 9-10.

115. Bari in Arabic, July 6,1942,8:00p.m.,"The Hour of Action Has Come;' Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 502 (July 21,1942), Axis Broadcasts in Arabic ... July 3 to 9,1942,10-11.

116. VFA, July 7,1942,8:15 p.m., "Kill the Jews before They Kill You," Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 502 (July 21,1942),13-14.

117. The Arab Nation, July 10, 1942, 9:00 p.m., "Palestine," in Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 514 Cairo (July 27,1942), Axis Broadcasts in Arabic ... July 1o to 16,1942,1, NACP RG 84, Egypt: Cairo Embassy, General Records 1936-55, entry 2410, 815.4-820.02, box 77.

118. Berlin Radio in Arabic, "Joint German-Italian Declaration in Respect of Egypt" (broadcast July 3,1942), Kirk, No. 497, July 17,1942,2- 3; The Voice of Free Egypt, Untitled, July", 1942,7:45 p.m Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 514, Cairo (July 27,1942),4; and Bari in Arabic, July 17,1942, 8:00 p.m., "Note," Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 529, August 4,1942, Axis Broadcasts in Arabic ... July 17 to 23, 1942, Cairo, 1, NACP RG 84, Egypt: Cairo Embassy, General Records 1936-55, entry 2410,1942,815.4- 820.02, box 77.

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