Nazi Propaganda for the Arab World (58 page)

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Authors: Jeffrey Herf

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17. On the Bosnian SS Handschar Division, see "Appeals to the Italians and the Germans;" in Jozo Tomasevich, War and Revolution in Yugoslavia, 1941-1945: Occupation and Collaboration (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2001), 495-501; "Muslime fur das Dritte Reich: Der islamische Sek- tor von Wehrmacht, Sicherheitspolizei and Waffen-SS," in Klaus-Michael Mallmann and Martin Cuppers, Halbmond and Hakenkreuz: Dos Dritte Reich, die Araber and Palastina (Darmstadt: Wis senschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2006), 221-36; and also see George Lepre, Himmler's Bosnian Division: The Waffen-SS Handschar Division, 1943-1945 (Atglen, Pa.: Schiffer Military History, 1997).

18. See Tomasevich, War and Revolution in Yugoslavia, 497. The term "handschar" derives from the word Handizar (from the Turkish "scimitar"), a Bosnian version of a fighting knife.

19. Heinrich Himmler, "Rede des Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler vor den Fuhren der 13. SS-Frchw. B.h. Goerings-Division (Kroatien) im Fuhrerheim Westlager, Truppenubungsplatz Neuhammer am 11. January 1944" BAB NS19/4012, 6-16; also available at NACP RG 242, T175, roll 94, frames 4877-87,13.

20. Cited by Mallmann and Cuppers, Halbmond and Hakenkreuz, 231-32.

21. Amin al-Hussainis, "Nr. 104: Rede vor den Imamen der bosnischen SS-Division, 410.1944," in Gerhard Hopp, Mufti-Papiere: Briefe, Memoranden, Reden undAufrufeAmin al-Husainis aus dem Exil, 1940-1945 (Berlin: Klaus Schwarz Verlag, 2001), 219-22. Also see Jeffrey Herf, The Jewish Enemy: Nazi Propaganda During World War II and the Holocaust (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2006), 243-44.

22. See Tomasevich, War and Revolution in Yugoslavia, 499-5oi; and Mallmann and Cuppers, Halbmond and Hakenkreuz, 232-35. Though small in number, some of the Muslims who fought with the Nazis during World War II played a role in establishing radical Islam in post-1945 Europe. On this fascinating and little-known story, see Ian Johnson's A Mosque in Munich: Nazis, the CIA and the Muslim Brotherhood in the West (NewYork: Harcourt, 2009).

23. On the courier network, see "Enemy Courier Systems in Turkey and Syria," NACP RG 226, Records of the Office of Strategic Services, Cairo SI/X-2, entry 172, box 4.

24. The Forschungsstelle Orient at the University of Tubingen was directed by Walter Lorch. Otto Rossler, Lorch's most important colleague, was also affiliated with Amt VI C of the SS's Reich Security Main Office. On this, see Horst Junginger, Von der philologischen zur volkischen Religionswissenschaft: Das Fach Religionswissenschaft an der Universitat Tubingen von der Mitte des 19. jahrhunderts his zum Ende des Dritten Reiches (Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1999), 242-43. SS Sturmbannfuhrer Wilhelm Beisner was also a staff member. Rossler had been a member of the Nazi Party since 1932. After completing his doctorate in Berlin in 1937, he came to the university in Tubingen to write his habilitation, which he completed in 1941. There he also worked for the Aryan Institute associated with the SS Ahnenerbe, and for the Reich Security Main Office, for the Berlin Institut zum Studium der Judenfrage, and then with Amt VI, the Orient Research Center located at the University of Tubingen. On Amt VI, see Michael Fahlbusch, "Reichssicherheitshauptamt Abteilung VI G (Reichsstiftung fuer Laenderkunde)," in Michael Fahlbusch and Ingo Haar, eds., Handbuch der voelkischen Wissenschaften (Munich: Saur, 2008), 545-55. On German Orientalists in the Nazi era, see Ekkehard Ellinger's examination of the networks between scholars and various regime offices in Deutsche Orientlistik zur Zeit des Nationalsozialismus, 1933-1945 (Edingen-Neckarhausen: deux mondes, 20o6). On the war years and connections with the Wehrmacht, intelligence services, the Foreign Office, and the SS, see pages 231-76. Also see Ludmila Hanisch, Die Nachfolger der Exegeten: Deutschsprachige Erforschung des Vorderen Orients in der ersten Halfte des 20. Jahrhunderts (Wiesbaden: Harrassowtiz Verlag, 2003).

25. Zeischka, VI-Promi A, "Druck and Verbreitung von Flugblattern in arabischen Landern," Berlin (January 26,1944), BAB R55/20712.

26. Dr. Schmidt-Dumont, "Druck and Verbreitung von Flugblattern in arabischen Landern," Berlin (February 7,1944), BAB R55/2o712, RMVP.

27. Zeischka, "Druck und Verbreitung von Flugblattern in arabischen Landern,"Berlin (March 17, 1944), BAB R55/2o712.

28. Dr. Schmidt-Dumont, Antijudische Flugzettel for den arabischen Raum," Berlin (April 6, 1944), BAB R55/2o712.

29. Dr.Schmidt-Dumont,AbteilungAusland,toKlemm,AbteilungHaushalt,"Mittelfureine Flugblatt-Propaganda in arabischen Raum," Berlin (June 29,1944), BAB R55/20712.

30. Zeischka, "Druck and Verbreitung von Flugblattern in arabischen Landern, Anlage 2, Ubersetzung aus dem Arabischen," Berlin (January 26,1944), BAB R55/20712. The German text read as follows: "And look, truly it is wisdom for the hour" (Koran, XLIII 61). "We are taught that the Dadjdjal, a monster who deceives and cheats human beings will appear at the end of days. This will be a time of hard oppression for the believers. The famous Arabic historian, Abu Djacfar Muhammad b. Dja bfr at-Tabari said that the Dadjdjal was a monster and king of the Jews who will dominate the whole world. Muhammad b. Ismacll Abu c Abdallah al-Djucff al-Bukhari, [said that] the Dadjdjal was fat and curly haired.

"Oh Arabs, do you see that the time of the Dadjdjal has arrived. Do you recognize him again, the fat, curly-haired Jew who deceives and dominates the whole world and steals the Arab's land? Truly, he is a monster and his allies are satanic! We have been taught that the rule of the Dadjdjal will not last. Abdallah b. cUmar al-Baydawi said that God would send his servant to kill the Dadjdjal with his spear and will destroy his palaces.

"Oh Arabs, do you recognize God's servant? He has already appeared in the world, turned his spear against the Dadjdjal and his allies and inflicted severe wounds on him. He will kill the Dadjdjal and as it is written, will destroy his palaces and send his allies to hell.

" ... and see, truly, this is wisdom of the hour."

31. Zeischka, "Druck and Verbreitung von Flugblattern in arabischen Landern, Anlage 2, Ubersetzung aus dem Arabischen;" Berlin (January 26, 1944), BAB R55/2o712. Translation by Andrew Masloski.

32. Zeischka, VI-Promi A, "Propaganda in arabischen Landern," Berlin (January 27, 1944), BAB R55/2o712.

33. "Flugblatter in arabischen Sprache,"BAB, R55/2o712,104. Translation byAndrew Masloski.

34. Berlin in Arabic, January 31,1944,6:30p.m.,"Hitler's Speech," Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 1609, Cairo (February 22, 1944), Axis Broadcasts in Arabic ... January 29 to February 4, 1944, 5, NACP RG 84, entry 2410, Cairo Embassy General Records, 1936-55, 820.02-822, box 112.

35. Berlin in Arabic, February 3,1944,8:30 p.m., "Palestine and the Jews," Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 16o9 (February 22,1944), 9.

36. Berlin in Arabic, February 4, 1944, 6:30 p.m., "German Press on Jews in Palestine," Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 1609 (February 22,1944), 12-13.

37. Berlin in Arabic, February 6,1944, 6:30 p.m., "Rosenberg Speaks on Arabism;" Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 1617, Cairo (February 26,1944), Axis Broadcasts in Arabic ... February 5 to 11, 1944, 1-3, NACP RG 84, Egypt: Cairo Embassy General Records, 1936-55:1944,820.02-822, entry 2410, box 112.

38. Berlin in Arabic, February 7,1944,9:30 p.m., "American Labor Wants to Reward the Jews," Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 1617, Cairo (February 26,1944), 5. The attack on Britain did not, however, cease. See Berlin in Arabic, February 8,1944,6:30 p.m., "The Jews," No. 1617, 5.

39. VFA, February 14,1944, "Jews Dominate Anglo-Saxons," Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 1629, Cairo (March 1, 1944), Axis Broadcasts in Arabic ... February 12 to 18, 1944, 8, NACP RG 84, Egypt: Cairo Embassy General Records, 1936-55, 820.02-822, entry 2410, box 112.

40. SeeFouadAjami,TheArabPerdicament:ArabPoliticalThoughtsince1967(NewYork:Cam- bridge University Press, 1981, 1992), and Basam Tibi, Die Verschworung: Das Trauma arabischer Politik (Hamburg: Hoffmann and Campe,1993)•

41. VFA, February 12,1944, 8:15 p.m., "Bolshevism and Islamic Countries," Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 1629 (March 1,1944), 1-2.

42. Berlin in Arabic, February 27,1944, 9:30 p.m., "The Danger of Bolshevism Threatens the Moslem Countries via Egypt," Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 1642, Cairo (March 7, 1944), Axis Broadcasts in Arabic ... February 26 to March 3,1944,1-2, NACP RG 84, Egypt: Cairo Embassy General Records, 1936-55, 820.02-822, entry 2410, box 112.

43. Berlin in Arabic, May 12,1944,7:30 p.m., "Agreement between Bolshevism and Zionism," J. E. Jacobs to Secretary of State, No.1858, Cairo (May 20,44), Axis Broadcasts in Arabic ... May 6 to 12, 1944, 11-12, NACP RG 84, Egypt: Cairo Embassy General Records, 1936-55, 820.02-822, entry 2410, box 112.

44. For this and the subsequent State Department response, see "Palestine: Attitude of the United States toward the Arab-Zionist Controversy Concerning the Future Status of Palestine and the Question of Jewish Immigration into Palestine," FRUS, Diplomatic Papers 1944, v01.5, The Near East, South Asia andAfrica, The Far East (Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1965), 560 - 657.

45. "Ask U.S. Aid Jews in Palestine Entry, Wagner and Taft Offer Senate Resolution Seeking to Abrogate Terms of White Paper," New York Times (February 1, 1944), 25.

46. "Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson to Chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations (Connally)" (February 7,1944), FRUS 1944, vol. 5,563.

47. "Secretary of State (Cordell Hull) to Chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations (Connally)" (February 9, 1944), FRUS 1944, vol. 5, 563-64.

48. "The Minister in Iraq (Henderson) to the Secretary of State" (Baghdad, February 14,1944), FRUS 1944, vol. 5,566-74.

49. "Meeting, February 23, 1944," U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), RG 46, Records of the United States Senate, U.S. Senate, 78th Congress, Committee on Foreign Relations, Committee Minutes (March 2,1943-August 24,1944), box 4.

50. "The Assistant Secretary of War (John J. McCloy) to the Assistant Secretary of State (Long)" (Washington, February 26,1944), FRUS 1944, vol. 5, 574.

51. "Memorandum by the Assistant Secretary of War (McCloy) to the Chief of Staff (George Marshall)" (Washington, February 22,1944), FRUS 1944, vol. 5,574-77.

52. Berlin in Arabic, March 1,1944, 6:30 p.m., "Criminal American Senators, by an Arab Struggler,"' Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 1642 (March 7,1944), S.

53. Ibid.

54. Berlin in Arabic, March 3,1944, "Palestine Revolts against Decision of the Americans," Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 1642 (March 7,1944),15, 16.

55. On the theme of the "English-Jewish alliance" in Nazi propaganda, see Herf, Jewish Enemy, 71-74.

56. On the pogrom and Jews in wartime and postwar Iraq, see Esther Meir Glitzenstein, Zionism in an Arab Country: Jews in an Arab Country (London: Routledge, 2004).

57. Berlin in Arabic, February 27, 1944, "Talk: The British Secret Information Bureau Is the Foundation Stone of the Friendship between the British and the Jews," Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 1642, Cairo (March 7,1944), 1-2.

58. "Wagner Rebuffs Iraq on Palestine: Senator Tells Parliament Chiefs Congress Will Reach Own Decision on Jews," New York Times (March 2,1944), 4.

59. "Marshall Opposes Vote on Palestine, Nye Says General Urged Delay in Senate of Resolution for Jewish Immigration," New York Times (March 4, 1944), 1•

60. "Roosevelt Backs Palestine Plan as Homeland for Refugee Jews," New York Times (March 10,1944),1. Also see David Schoenbaum, The United States and the State of Israel (NewYork: Oxford University Press, 1993).

61. VFA, March 21,1944, "The U.S. Congress and Palestine," Kirk to Secretary of State, No.1711, Cairo (March 30,1944), Axis Broadcasts in Arabic ... March 18 to 24,1944,12-13, NACP RG 84, entry 2410, Cairo Embassy General Records, 1936-55, 820.02-822, box 112.

62. "Weekly Review of Foreign Broadcasts, F.C.C [Federal Communications Commission], No. 118, 3/4/44, Near and Middle East," NACP RG 165, MID, Regional File, 1922-44, Palestine, entry 77, box 2719, folder 2930.

63. Berlin in Arabic, March 7,1944, 6:30 p.m., "A Speech by the Grand Mufti of Palestine," Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 1642 (March 7,1944), 7-10.

64. Ibid.

65. Ibid., 7-10,9, 10.

66. Berlin in Arabic, March 17, 7:30 p.m., "Moslem India and Palestine;" Kirk to Secretary of State, No.1685, Cairo (March 20,1944), Axis Broadcasts in Arabic ... March 11 to 17,1944,1o, NACP RG 84, entry 2410, Cairo Embassy General Records, 1936-55, 820.02-822, box 112.

67. Berlin in Arabic, March 18,1944,6:30p.m.,"The Jews Are Armed," Kirk to Secretary of State, No.1711 (March 30,1944),1•

68. See Benny Morris, 1948: The First Arab-Israeli War (New York: Yale University Press, 2008), 28; Ronald Zweig, Britain and Palestine during the Second World War (London: Boydell Press for the Historical Society, 1986).

69. Berlin in Arabic, March 18, 1944, 6:30 p.m., "The Jews Are Armed," Kirk to Secretary of State, No.1711 (March 30,1944),1, 2.

70. See Berlin in Arabic, March 25,1944,6:30 p.m., "Daily Commentary," Kirk to Secretary of State, No.1726, Cairo (April 5,1944), Axis Broadcasts in Arabic ... March 25 to 31,1944, 1, NACP RG 84, Egypt: Cairo Embassy General Records, 1936-55, 820.02-822, entry 2410, box 112; Athens in Arabic, March 26,1944,7:40 p.m., "Palestine," Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 1726, 2-3; VFA, March 26, 1944,9:15 p.m., "British Politicians Support the Jews," Kirk to Secretary of State, No.1726, 3; Berlin in Arabic, April 1, 1944, 7:30 p.m., "The Day of Palestine," Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 1741, Cairo (April 12,1944), Axis Broadcasts in Arabic ... April 1 to 7,1944, 1, NACP RG 84, Egypt: Cairo Embassy General Records, 1936-55, 820.02-822, entry 241o box 112; Berlin in Arabic, March 12,1944, 6:30 p.m., "The Jews, U.S.A. and Palestine;" Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 1685, Cairo (March 20, 1944), Axis Broadcasts in Arabic ... March 11 to 17,1944, 3, NACP RG 84, Egypt: Cairo Embassy General Records, 1936-55, 820.02-822, entry 2410, box 112.

71. Berlin in Arabic, April 14,1944, "Daily Commentary," Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 1755, Cairo (April 17,1944), Axis Broadcasts in Arabic ... April 8 to 14,1944,11-12, NACP RG 84, Egypt: Cairo Embassy General Records, 1936-55,820.02-822, entry 2410, box 112.

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