Nazi Propaganda for the Arab World (57 page)

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Authors: Jeffrey Herf

Tags: #History, #Middle East, #General, #Modern, #20th Century, #Holocaust

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55• Berlin in Arabic, May 31,1943, "The Jewish Heroes Day," Kirk to Secretary of State, No.1095 (June 10, 1943), 10.

56. Joachim von Ribbentrop, "Grundsatzliche Weisungen fur alle Stellen, die in Auslands-In- formations-Dienst tatig sind," Fuschl (June 19,1943), 4, PAAA R102974.

57. Berlin in Arabic, June 8,1943,7:30 p.m., "The Arab Countries Area Jewish Colony," Kirk to Secretary of State, No.1116, Cairo (June 10,1943), Axis Broadcasts in Arabic ... June 4 to 10,1943, NACP RG 84, Egypt: Cairo Embassy General Records, 1936-55, 820.00-822.00, entry 2410, box 93.

58. Berlin in Arabic, June 11, 1943,730 p.m., American Propaganda," Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 1118, Cairo (June 24, 1943), Axis Broadcasts in Arabic ... June 11 to 16,1943, 1, NACP RG 84, Egypt: Cairo Embassy General Records, 1936-55, 820.00-822.00, entry 2410, box 93.

59. The Arab Nation, June", 1943,9:00 p.m., "A Word to Weizmann;" Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 1118 (June 24,1943), 3-5.

60. The Arab Nation, June 26,1943, 9:0o p.m., "The Jews;" Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 1151, Cairo (July 6,1943), Axis Broadcasts in Arabic ... June 24 to 30,1943, 8-9, NACP RG 84, Egypt: Cairo Embassy General Records, 1936-55, 820.00-822.00, entry 2410, box 93.

61. VFA, June 17,1943,8:15 p.m., "Palestine," Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 1143, Cairo (July 3, 1943), Axis Broadcasts in Arabic ... June 17 to 23,1943, 2-3, NACP RG 84, Egypt: Cairo Embassy General Records, 1936-55, 820.00-822.00, entry 2410, box 93.

62. The Arab Nation, June 20,1943, "Weekly Talk: Jewish Preparations for the Future," Kirk to Secretary of State, No.1143 (July 3,1943), 12. For other denunciations of the Jews and the Americans in June 1943, see Berlin in Arabic, June 21,1943,7:30 p.m., "America and the Near East," Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 1143,15; and Berlin in Arabic, July 4,1943,7:30 p.m., "Roosevelt's Designs on the Near East," Kirk to Secretary of State, No.1157, Cairo (July 6,1943), Axis Broadcasts in Arabic ... July 1 to 7,1943,13-14, NACP RG 84, Egypt: Cairo Embassy General Records, 1936-55, 820.00-822.00, entry 2410, box 93. On June 30, VFA again presented bogus statistics about Jewish influence in America. VFA, June 30,1943,9:15 p.m., "The London Jewish Broadcasting Station in Arabic," Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 1151, Cairo (July 6,1943), 13-14, NACP RG 84, Egypt: Cairo Embassy General Records, 1936-55, 820.00-822.00, entry 2410, box 93.

63. On Christianity and National Socialism, see Susannah Heschel and Robert P. Erickson, eds., Betrayal: German Churches and the Holocaust (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1999); RobertP. Erickson, Theologians under Hitler (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1985).

64. See Laurel Leff, Buried by the Times: The Holocaust and America's Most Important Newspaper (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005); and Deborah E. Lipstadt, Beyond Belief The American Press and the Coming of the Holocaust, 1933 -1945 (New York: Free Press, 1986); and Peter Novick, The Holocaust in American Life (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1999).

65. Bari in Arabic, June 27,1943, 8:00 p.m., "The Jews and Their Ravings," Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 1151 (July 6,1943), 10-11.

66. "Subject Matter of Axis Broadcasts to the Middle East through June 1943," 3, Evaluation Branch, CIG, MID 350.092 Middle East, NACP RG 165, MID, Regional File, 1922-44, Palestine, entry 77, box 2719, folder 2930.

67. The Arab Nation, July 10, 6:00 p.m., "Saturday Talk about the Jews: Arab Unity Is Our Great Objective, and It Must Remain Intact;" Kirk to Secretary of State, No.1172, Cairo (July 6,1943), Axis Broadcasts in Arabic ... July 8 to 14,1943, 7-8, NACP RG 84, Egypt: Cairo Embassy General Records, 1936-55, 820.00-822.00, entry 2410, box 93.

68. Berlin in Arabic, July11,1943, 7:30 p.m., "America Is Trying to Gain Arab Sympathy," Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 1172 (July 19,1943),9-10.

69. VFA, July 15,1943, 9:15 p.m., "The Arab Countries," Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 1184, Cairo (July 24,1943), Axis Broadcasts in Arabic ... July 15 to 21,1943, NACP RG 84, Egypt: Cairo Embassy General Records, 1936-55, 820.00-822.00, entry 2410, box 93.

70. Berlin in Arabic, July 26,1943,10:30 p.m., "The U.S.A. and the Arabs," Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 1214, Cairo (August 9, 1943), Axis Broadcasts in Arabic ... July 22 to 28,1943, NACP RG 84, Egypt: Cairo Embassy General Records, 1936-55, 820.00-822.00, entry 2410, box 93.

71. Berlin in Arabic, July30,1943, 7:30 p.m., "The Celebration of El Israa in Berlin," Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 1216, Cairo (August 10, 1943), Axis Broadcasts in Arabic ... July 29 to August 4, 1943, NACP RG 84, Egypt: Cairo Embassy General Records, 1936-55,820.00-822.00, entry 2410, box 93.

72. VFA, August 5, 8:15 p.m., "America Is Trying to Dominate the World," Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 1258, Cairo (August 20,1943), Axis Broadcasts in Arabic ... August 5 to 11, 1943, 2, NACP RG 84, Egypt: Cairo Embassy General Records, 1936-55, 820.00-822.00, entry 2410, box 93. On August to, a clandestine, rarely heard station repeated the theme of Jewish control over the United States. See Independent Egypt, August 10, 1943, 9 p.m., "Talk: The Allies and the War," Kirk to Secretary of State, No.1258, Cairo (August 20,1943); Voice of Free Arabism, September 15,1943, "Roosevelt and the Jews;' Kirk to Secretary of State, No.1313, Cairo (September 23,1943), Axis Broadcasts in Arabic ... September 2 to 8,1943, 7-8, NACP RG 84, Egypt: Cairo Embassy General Records, 1936-55, 820.00-822.00, entry 2410, box 93.

73. VFA, August 11, 9:15 p.m., "Why Did the Jews Increase Their Activities Recently," Kirk to Secretary of State, No.1258 (August 20,1943),17-18.

74. Independent Egypt, August 14,1943, 9:0o p.m., "Talk: The American Mission Is Jewish;" Kirk to Secretary of State, No.1280, Cairo (September 10,1943), Axis Broadcasts in Arabic ... August 12 to 18,1943, NACP RG 84, Egypt: Cairo Embassy General Records, 1936-55, 820.00-822.00, entry 2410, box 93.

75. Berlin in Arabic, September 8,1943, "Talk: The Ambitions of the Jews;" Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 1313, Cairo (September 23, 1943), Axis Broadcasts in Arabic ... September 2 to 8, 1943, NACP RG 84, Egypt: Cairo Embassy General Records, 1936-55, 820.00-822.00, entry 2410, box 93. On Goebbels "Do You Want Total War?" speech, see Herf, Jewish Enemy, 192-96.

76. VFA, September 24,1943,8:15 p.m., "What Are the Aims of International Zionism;" Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 1325, Cairo (October 5, 1943), Axis Broadcasts in Arabic ... September 23 to 29,1943, NACP RG 84, Egypt: Cairo Embassy General Records, 1936-55, 820.00-822.00, entry 2410, box 93.

77. VFA, September 26,9:15 p.m., "Jewish Aims in Arab Countries," Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 1325, Cairo (October 5, 1943), Axis Broadcasts in Arabic ... September 23 to 29,1943, NACP RG 84, Egypt: Cairo Embassy General Records, 1936-55,820.00 -822.oo, entry 2410, box, 93.

78. For the following, see Martin Gilbert, The Second World War: A Complete History (New York: Hold, 1989), 437-70; and Weinberg, World atArms, 596-601.

79. Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 1325 (October 5, 1943)

80. Berlin in Arabic, October 1,1943, 7:30 p.m., "Speech by the Mufti of Palestine, Sayed Amin El Husseini, on the Occasion of the Bairam Celebrations at the Berlin Mosque;" Kirk to Secretary of State, No.1325, Cairo (October 5, 1943), 2-4.

81. Berlin in Arabic, October 2,1943,7:30 p.m., "Talk by Rashid Aly Kilani, Ex-Premier of Iraq, on Bairam," Kirk to Secretary of State, No.1325, Cairo (October 5,1943),4-5, Axis Broadcasts in Arabic ... September 30 to October 5,1943, NACP RG 84, Egypt: Cairo Embassy General Records, 1936- 55,820.00-822.00, entry 2410, box 93.

82. "Anglo-Soviet-American Communique on the Conference in Moscow of the Three For eign Secretaries," FRUS, Diplomatic Papers, 1943, vol. i. General (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1963),743-44. Also see Herf, Jewish Enemy, 234-35.

83. "Annex io: Declaration on German Atrocities," FRUS, Diplomatic Papers, 1943, vol. i, 768 - 69.

84. For excellent and substantial summaries of this extensive scholarship, see Richard Breitman, "American Policy," and Michael Cohen, "British Policy," in Walter Laqueur, ed., Judith Tydor Baumel, assoc. ed., The Holocaust Encyclopedia (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2001), 7-16 and 90-97.

85. VFA, November 3, 1943, 8:15 p.m., "Palestine between the Bolsheviks and the Jews;" Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 1410, Cairo (November 19,1943), 6-7, Axis Broadcasts in Arabic ... November 3 to 9,1943,1-2, NACP RG 84, Egypt: Cairo Embassy General Records, 1936-55, 820.00-822.00, entry 2410, box 93.

86. VFA, November 5,1943,6:30 P.M., "The Protests of the Moslems of Europe against the Balfour Declaration;' Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 1410, Cairo (November 19, 1943), 3-4.

87. Haj Amin el-Husseini, Rede S. Em. [Sein Eminenz] Des Grossmufti anlasslich der Pro- testkundgebunggegen die Balfour-Erklarung am 2. November 1943 (Berlin: Islamische Zentral-Insti- tut, 1943), PAAA R27327, Grossmufti,1942-44, 297878-86.

88. Ibid., 297878-79.

89. Ibid., 297880.

90. Ibid., 297880-82.

91. Ibid., 297883.

92. Ibid., 297885.

93. Ibid., 297886.

94. Berlin in Arabic, November 7,1943, 6:40 p.m., "Arab Leaders Thank Reich Minister for Foreign Affairs, Herr von Ribbentrop," Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 1410, Cairo (November 19, 1943),8-9.

95. Berlin in Arabic, November 17,1943, 6:30 p.m., "The Arab Cause in a New Guise;" Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 1437, Cairo (December 2,1943)1-2.

96. VFA, December 5, 1943, "The Allied Conferences," Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 1475, Cairo (December 23,1943), 8-9.

97. Berlin in Arabic, December 8,1943, "The Jews," Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 1506, Cairo (January 6,1944), Axis Broadcasts in Arabic ... December 8 to 13,1943,1, NACP RG 84, Egypt: Cairo Embassy General Records, 1936-55, 820.o0-822.00, entry 2410, box 112.

98. Berlin in Arabic, December 9, 1943, "Excerpt from a Speech by the Grand Mufti of Palestine at Berlin on the Occasion of the Qurban Bairam;" Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 1506, Cairo (January 6,1944), 3-4.

99. Berlin in Arabic, December 22,1943, 6:30 p.m., "World Bolshevik Danger," Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 1517, Cairo (January 10,1944), Axis Broadcasts in Arabic ... December 22 to 31, 1943, NACP RG 84, Egypt: Cairo Embassy General Records, 1936-55, 820.00-822.00, entry 2410, box 112. Also see Berlin in Arabic, December 29,1943,6:30 p.m., "Bolshevism in Egypt;"Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 1517, Cairo (January 1o,1944), 9.

loo. VFA, December 29, 1943, "Bolshevism in the Near East;" Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 1517, Cairo (January to, 1944), 11•

101. VFA, December 25,1943, 8:15 p.m., Kirk to Secretary of State, No.1517 (January to, 1944), 5.

102. VFA, December 28,1943,8:15 p.m., "The Moslem NewYear;" Kirk to Secretary of State No. 1517 (January 1o,1944),5.

103. Athens in Arabic, December 29,1943, 8:15 p.m., "The Jews and theArabs," Kirk to Secretary of State, No.1517 (January 1o, 1944), 5•

104. VFA, December 29,1943, "The Jews Have Their Religion and the Moslems Have Theirs," Kirk to Secretary of State, No.1517 (January to, 1944), H.

Chapter 7. "The Americans, the British, and the Jews Are All Conspiring against Arab interests"

1. Berlin in Arabic, January 1, 1944, 6:30 p.m., "Commentary on the Events of 1943," Kirk to Secretary of State, No.1525, Cairo (January 14,1944), Axis Broadcasts in Arabic ... January i to 7, 1944, 1, NACP RG 84, entry 2410, Cairo Embassy General Records, 1936-55, 820.02-822, box 112,1.

2. VFA, January 1, 1944, 8:15 p.m., "The Arab Countries during the Last Year," Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 1525 (January 14,1944),1-2.

3. Berlin in Arabic, January 4,1944, 6:30 p.m., "`These Are the Allies,"' Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 1525 (January 14,1944), 4-5.

4. Berlin in Arabic, January 7,1944, "Mufti of Palestine on Pan-Arab Talks;" Kirk to Secretary of State, No.1525 (January 14,1944), 10-11.

5. Berlin in Arabic, January 8,1944, 6:30 p.m., "Britain the Treacherous," Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 1546 Cairo (January 24,1944), Enclosure No. 1, Axis Broadcasts in Arabic ... January 8 to 14, 1944, NACP RG 84, entry 2410, Cairo Embassy General Records 1936-55,820.22-822, box 112.

6. VFA, January 9, 1944, 8:15 p.m., "Bolshevik Ambitions;" Kirk to Secretary of State, No.1546 (January 24,1944),3-5.

7. Berlin in Arabic, January 11,1944,8:30p.m.,"God Forbid Any Compromise," Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 1546 (January 24,1944), 10.

8. Berlin in Arabic, January 12,1944,9:30 p.m., "Talk: Forgiveness in Islam," Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 1546 (January 24,1944),12-13.

9. Berlin in Arabic, January 16,1944,6:30 p.m., "An Open letter to H. E. Nahas Pasha from an Arab Struggler," Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 1561 Cairo (January 31,1944), Axis Broadcasts in Arabic ... January 15 to 21,1944, 2-4, NACP RG 84, entry 2410, Cairo Embassy General Records, 193655, 820.02-822, box 112.

to. Berlin in Arabic, January 28,1944, "Arabs and Moslems at War with Jewry," Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 1581 Cairo (February 6,1944), Axis Broadcasts in Arabic ... January 22 to 28,1944, 8,NACP RG 84, entry 2410, Cairo Embassy General Records, 1936-55,820.02-822, box 112.

it. Ibid.

12. "An Standartenfuhrer Dr. [Rudi] Brandt, Personlicher Stab Reichsfuhrer-SS: Hem- mungen der antijudischen Aktion in der deutschen Auslandsorganisation," Berlin (November 20, 1944), BAB NS19/1497.

13. Heinrich Himmler "An das Reichssicherheitshauptamt, Berlin" (May 14,1943), BAB (microfiche) N519/3544, 29.

14. "Der Reichsfuhrer SS, Personlicher Stab an den SS-Obergruppenfuhrer Berger, "Betr.: Koranstellen, die sich auf den Fuhrer beziehen sollen" (September 11, 1943), BAB (microfiche) NS19 / 3544, 25. See "Gottlobb Berger" and "Rudolf Brandt," in Klee, Das Personenlexikon zum Dritten Reich, 41 and 71.

15. Sturmbannhuhrer v. Kielpinksi, "An den Reichsfuhrer SS: Betr.: Koranstellen, die sich auf den Fuhrer beziehen sollen" (September 13,1943), BAB (microfiche) N519/3544, 23.

16. Der Chef der Sicherheitspolizei and des SD, VI C 13 AZ: Forschungstelle Orient, "An den Reichsfuhrer SS, Feldkommandostelle, Betrifft: Koranstellen, die sich auf den Fuhrer beziehen sollen," BAB (microfiche) NS19/3544,13-14. The office was staffed by SS Sturmbannf ihrer Wilhelm Beisner and experts "Dr. Rossler" and "Dr. Lorch." See "Beisner, Wilhelm" in Klee, Das Personenlexikon zum Dritten Reich, 37. After 1945, Beisner fled to Tunis.

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