Never Say Goodbye (26 page)

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Authors: T. Renee Fike

BOOK: Never Say Goodbye
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My body is about to explode into a million different pieces.

His fingers start to move in a rhythm with his tongue and before I know it, h
e has me yelling out his name.

His lips attack mine again, allowing me to taste myself, turning me on even more.

“My turn,” I say, pushing him down towards the mattress, but he stops me.

“Not right now it’s not,”
he states.

“I want to taste you,” I plead in a sexy voice.

“The first time I’m going to be inside of you will not be in your mouth,” he says giving me no option to argue.

He places himself between my legs and runs his pierced erection along my wet folds
, causing me to moan some more.

Damn that thing feels good.

“You like that?” he asks confidently.

Mmm hmm,” I murmur.

“Just wait until
you feel it inside of you,” he says eagerly.

“No condom,” I say quickly, “I want to feel all of you inside of me.”

He nods his head. He positions himself at my entrance as he takes my nipples in his fingers and starts to tweak them while pushing slowing inside of me.

He slows down
, allowing me to adjust to his size, before pushing further in.

And damn
, does that piercing feel fucking amazing.

Nathan comes to a sudden stop.

“What’s wrong?” I ask quickly.

“You feel fucking amazing. I don’t usually go bare, so you
gotta give me a minute,” he says through labored breaths.

I lean up and grab his face and
press my lips to his, not getting enough, never close enough.

After a few seconds
he starts to move inside of me. I’m feeling things I’ve never experienced before. Him being skin to skin with me, being this close to him, feeling like he completes me.

He continues to thrust inside of me causing me to scream his name as I shatter into oblivion, with him following shortly after.

He falls beside me on his bed looking like he could pass out at any second.

“You’re on the pill right?” he asks shocking me.

“Yeah, why?”

“Just wanted to make sure because I did just go inside of you,” he says staring at me.

“Oh what…you don’t want any babies running around?” I ask with a laugh.

“With you I’d take a dozen, just not yet. Let’s get out of college first,” he says as he kisses my head.

“You would seriously want to have kids with me one day?” I ask stunned.

O, I told you once we were together you’re mine. You.Are.Mine. I’m not letting you get away again,” he says as he pulls me tightly to his body, holding me.

“I’m not going anywhere,” I tell him as I kiss him on the lips.

He looks like he’s just about asleep before I ask, “You ready for round two?” I say with a giggle.

His eyes snap open, “As much as I would love to, I’m exhausted. Practice was a bitch today,” he says with sad eyes.

“Oh yeah, Chad mentioned that earlier. Another time then,” I say as I snuggle into his side.

“Babe, if you really want to, I will make it happen,” he says piercing me with his blue eyes.

“Maybe tomorrow, let’s get some sleep,” I say as I give him a kiss on the lips.

“Well, don’t be surprised if you wake up with me inside you.”

“That sounds like a great way to wake up,” I say with a smile.

“Mmm,” I moan in my sleep.

“Wake up sleepy head,” Nathan says with a laugh.

“Don’t tease,” I say through sleepy eyes.

I can feel his piercing rub along my wet folds.

“Not teasing, but I’m not giving you any until you wake up,” he says sounding serious.

“I’m awake, I promise, put him in,” I beg.

“Open your eyes beautiful,” he says sweetly.

“Not yet, but mmmm yeah keep doing that,” I plead.

“O, if you want any more
, you have to open your beautiful green eyes,” he says sexily.

I slowly pry my sleep ridden eyes to see this gorgeous man smiling at me.

“That’s much better,” he says as he slowly enters me.

I need to brush my teeth quick,” I tell him trying to move from underneath him.

He st
arts laughing, leans down and stops me from going anywhere. “Babe, you aren’t brushing anything right now. You might as well get used to it, because I’m going to be waking you up like this pretty often,” he says as he kisses my lips with pure enjoyment.

I can’t help but give into him. My body melts to him.

He kisses me passionately and possessively until we are both crying out in pleasure.

The next month and a half goes by and times were tough.
Going home for Thanksgiving and Christmas break and not having Brynn was really hard.

Chad was having
a hard time also, so we talked daily, multiple times even. Nathan has been nothing but supportive of me and his best friend. Trying to do whatever he could to make things not as painful.

It was sweet, but there’s nothi
ng he can do, my best friend, Chad’s girlfriend is gone.

Our sorority house built a garden in remembrance of Brynn and also a collage of pictures of her and everyone important to her. It’s hung up for everyone to see. I smile every time I walk past, being surprised of all the different pictures and how they all show a happy, life of the party, laughing Brynn.

“Hey, you going to the game tonight?” Sophie asks from the closet.

Between school and attending all the home basketball games, life is busy. I have to attend all the home basketball games, because I don’t have a choice. If Nathan didn’t kill me for not showing up, Chad would.

“What do you think?” I say laughing.

“Oh duh, like you have a choice,” she says through a laugh, “we can head over together then.”

“You’re going to the game…who are you going to see?” I ask surprised. Sophie doesn’t usually attend basketball games.

“The team, silly,” she says avoiding the question.

“Nice try, who?”

“No one,” she says again.

“Is Caden going?” I ask.

“Nope, that’s over. I don’t want him anymore,” she says with a smile.

“Really? You were really into him, is everything okay?” I ask questioningly.

“Great actually.
Now get ready so we can go,” she says hurrying me along.

I get ready because I’m already running late. I can drill her later.

Nathan’s team kicked ass, not surprised, they are really talented. They ended up winning the championship this year and I couldn’t be more excited for them. The guys worked their asses off to get to the championship and bringing home the win was amazing.


Two and a half years later

“Are you ready?” Sophie asks excitedly.

“Absolutely,” I tell her as I stare at myself in the mirror.

“Aww sweetie
, you look beautiful,” mom says as she enters the room.

“Thanks mom.”

“And I must say your groom looks very handsome, and a little nervous,” she says with a giggle.

“Why would he be nervous?” I ask suddenly worried.

“Because you could always choose to run out instead of walking down the aisle,” Sophie laughs.

“True,” I say with a laugh, “But I would never do that.”

“Oh, I think we all know that sweetie. He’s had your heart since you were a little girl,” my mom says sweetly.

“That he has,” I say, admiring how I look in my wedding dress.

“Time to go honey,” dad says walking up behind me, “You sure do look beautiful.”

“Thanks dad,” I say giving him the bigge
st smile ever.

We head down the church hall and wait our turn to walk down the aisle, towards my future.

Megan walks down the aisle first, followed by Sophie, who is my maid of honor. I just wanted something small and intimate for today.

The music starts, which is my cue. My dad gives my h
and a gentle squeeze before making the long walk down the aisle.

I smile and look at our families on both sides of the alter feeling happy and exc
ited. I can feel his eyes on me, but I keep waiting to look at him, knowing when I do I may tear up.

I look at my bridesmaids and see the picture of Brynn with a white rose lying in front, even though she may not be here in form, she is with me in spirit.

And then I turn my focus on him, my groom, my happily ever after. He’s standing tall in his black suit with crisp white dress shirt, with a clover green tie, matching my girls’ dresses.

I wanted to go with blue so it could make his eyes stand out even more, he wanted gree
n so they could go with my eyes; you hear who won that discussion.

Along-side my handsome gr
oom, is his brother Nevin, who has been in remission for almost three years now, and then you have Chad beside him. All three of the boys look amazing.

When my dad finally passes my hand to Nathan
, I can’t help but stare at his beautiful face. This man who was once my best friend, then who almost hated me for a misunderstanding, is now about to be my husband.

I always knew he was my soul mate, I’m just glad he realized it to.

At the reception, I can’t help but giggle with the girls on how the guys all look on the dance floor.

“Oh wife of mine, it’s time we dance,” Nathan says, grabbing my hands and
pulling me to the dance floor.

“I love the sound of that,” I tell him excitedly.

“Sound of what?” he asks confused.

“You calling me your wife,” I say with a giggle.

“You are my wife, now and forever,” he says before he firmly plants his lips on mine.

“You two can
save that for later,” Chad says making us break up to watch as he’s twirls Casey around the dance floor.

Chad’s been seeing Casey for about six months now and though he still has rough
times with having a relationship, it’s getting easier every day. Casey is really good for him and I think Brynn would approve.

He’s got a point bro,” Nevin says, as he holds Sophie close.

“What’s up with you two?” I ask, calling them out. They’ve been hanging out constantly and they get along great. I think Sophie would be great with

“We’re dancing,
what’s it look like?” Nevin asks, being a punk. Sophie just laughs and shakes her head.

“You know that’s not what she meant,” Nathan says
staring at his brother.

“You might as well tell us, because if not
, Sophie will and then I’ll tell my husband anyway, so spill,” I tell him.

He looks at
Sophie and then back to me and his brother before opening his mouth.

“Damn this family is so nosey, we’re dating, not that it’s any of your business,” he says with a smile, showing he’s only kidding.

Then I watch as he leans down and kisses Sophie on the mouth for everyone to see. Now, that’s a way to tell the rest of the family.

“That looks like an excellent idea,” Nathan says before he swoop
s down and takes my lips to his, “and later we can start on the baby making process.”

“We just got married, you want a baby already,” I ask, pulling back surprised.

“Well, I mean the baby won’t be here for nine or ten months, so yeah, I’m good with that. Plus, we can practice all the time,” he says with a wink.

“I’m pretty sure we already practice all the time,” I say smugly.

“That’s different, you’re my wife now,” he says piercing me with his beautiful blues.

“Oh, so being in a relationship and having sex is different than being married and having sex?” I state.

“Absolfuckinglutely, and you are about to find out how different it can be,” he says followed by a kiss.

“You better not disappoint husband of mine,” I tell him.

“Trust me baby, I’ll never disappoint.”

“Then let’s go,” I say eagerly.

“I thought you’d never ask,” he says as he pulls my hand towards the nearest exit.

The End


T. Renee
is a born and raised country girl from Pennsylvania. When T. Renee isn’t writing, she’s working her full-time day job, or pursuing her Master’s degree. Aside from work and school, she enjoys hanging out with friends, reading a good book, watching football, (GO EAGLES) or hanging out with her niece and nephew.

You can fo
llow T. Renee Fike on Twitter



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