Never Say Goodbye (10 page)

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Authors: T. Renee Fike

BOOK: Never Say Goodbye
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, I do trust me. So Liv, when can I take you out?” he asks out of nowhere.

“Excuse me?” I ask shocked
by his boldness.

He starts laughing.
“I would like to take you out on a date, get to know you better. Can you fit me into your schedule sometime this week?” he says looking too sexy for his own good.

“Umm,” I stutter, “I’m not
sure that’s such a good idea.”

“Why not?” he asks confused.

“Levi, you seem like a nice guy, but I’m not like the girls you’re probably used to. So it’s probably better if we don’t hang out,” I state feeling my cheeks turn a light shade of red.

He starts laughing again, “Liv, I’m not asking you to sleep with me, I’
m just asking you to hang out.”

“Why do you want to hang out with me?” I ask curiously.

“Why not? You’re hot, definitely my type, and you seem like a cool chick,” he states, looking intently at me.

“You only t
alked to me like one other time.”

“I’ve hung out with Chad and he always talks about his girl, which obviously is Brynn and her best frien
d which I’m assuming is you,” he states with a smile.

“Oh,” is all I can say. What on earth do you say back to that?

“She absolutely is my best friend and she’s cool as shit,” Brynn pipes up.

“So what do you say, will
you hang out with me?” he asks sincerely.

guess so,” I state giving in.

“Finally,” he says with a laugh. “How about on Thursday?” he asks with a grin.

“Thursday works, where would you like to meet?”

He starts to laugh, “Liv, I asked you on a date that means I will pick you up and drop you off. It would probably be smart f
or me to get your number though,” he says with a sexy smirk.

Alright,” I say still unsure, but then proceed to give him my phone number anyway.

, now we are all set,” he says with a smile. Brynn has the biggest smile on her face showing she approves.

We all make small talk and I realize that Levi is actually pretty interesting and really smart. Not that I thought he was dumb or anything before
, but I’m starting to see a better side to him. After what feels like hours later Brynn and I say our goodbyes and walk our drunken asses’ home to pass out.

Chapter Ten

Sunday comes way too fast and damn I’m feeling the hangover.

“Wake up sleepy head
,” Brynn states way too enthusiastically.

“Ugh, how are you so
chipper right now?” I ask bitterly.

“Well let’s see...I took some aspirin and drank water and now I
’m good to go. Here take these,” she says as she hands me aspirin and water.

“Thank you,
” I say as I take the pills and down the water.

“What are your plans today?” she asks.

“Probably homework and relaxing all day,” I state.

“You sure about that?” she says surprising me.

“Yeah, I don’t have anything planned. Why?” I ask curiously.

, your phone’s been going off like crazy. I’m thinking you may have a date tonight,” she says with a smirk.

“What? No B, I don’t have a date. You were there last night, I’m going out with Levi on Thursday, remember?” I state.

“Your phone woke me up because it kept going off so call it wishful thinking on my part,” she says with a smile.

“Sorry to burst your bubble,
” I say grabbing my phone to see what I’ve missed.

“What the hell?” I say.

“What’s wrong?” Brynn asks nervously.

“Well you are right, Levi did text asking if I want to hang out today
, but Ryan also sent me a text.”

“What the hell does that asshole want?” Brynn states in an irritated tone.

“He wants to talk. Seriously? What’s left to say? He broke up with me to fool around with other girls, that pretty much ends shit,” I say as I throw my phone towards the end of my bed.

“Let me talk to the asshole, I
’ll make sure he gets the point,” Brynn states all serious.

“Its fine B, I’m not going to respond to him. He
’ll get the picture soon enough,” I say hopeful.

if he doesn’t, I’ll handle him,” she states angrily.

“Got it, no worries, now what are your plans for today?” I ask trying to change the subject.

“Hanging out with Chad,” she says with the biggest smile.

I just start laughing, “B, you act like you haven’t seen him in weeks when it’s only been hours.”

“So what, I miss him,” she says with a pout.

“Have fun,” I say as she heads toward the bathroom.

“Text Levi back and let me know what your plans are when I get out of the shower,” she says with a smile before she closes the door.

I reread the text from Levi, which just says “It was great seeing you last night. If you don’t have plans today maybe we can m
eet up for a bit. Let me know.”

I can feel the smile on my face because he was fun to hang out with last night. I just hope he isn’t the playboy type of guy I originally thought. I guess the only way to find out is to hang out with him.
So I quickly text him back, “Last night was fun. We can hang out around 4:00 p.m. if that works.”

I plop back down on the bed patiently waiting for a response. Luckily
, I don’t have to wait too long. I check the message and he says, “Great, I’ll swing by and pick you up at your dorm at four.”

“How do you know which dorm to come to?” I ask surprised that he already knows where I live.

I get a quick response, “You live in Cobb with Brynn right?”

“Yes, I do but how d
id you know that?” I text back and am slightly freaked out. Before I have time to think about it anymore his text comes through, “Chad told me, don’t worry I’m not stalking you Liv.”

Phew, that makes sense. Why didn’t I think of that? I respond back, “I’m not
. Iwas just curious, that’s all
” I send back hoping he believes me.

He sends a response back, “Okay good, I will see you at
4:00 p.m. then.”

I check the time and it’s only eleven-thirty so I have plenty of time to get some homework done and shower before Levi gets here.

“So bitch, spill,” Brynn says with a grin on her face as she comes out of the bathroom.

“Spill what?” I ask nonchalantly.

“Your poker face sucks and clearly Ryan isn’t the one to put that silly smile on your face. So spill,” she states knowing me way too well.

“I’m hanging out with Levi at
4:00 p.m.,” I say still smiling.

“Nice, what are you guys doing?” she asks curiously.

“Umm…I have no idea,” I say with a laugh.

, well I’m sure he will have something up his sleeve,” she states with a mischievous grin.

, do you know something I don’t?” I ask knowing my best friend.

, I don’t. I just figure since he’s obviously trying to impress you that he will do something you won’t forget,” she states with a serious look.

“What? He doesn’t have to impress me; I just need him to be himsel
f,” I tell her truthfully.

“I know Liv, but it’s what guys do. So just go along and enjoy
,” she says with a smile.

I head into the bathroom to get a shower and dressed
, so then I can dive into homework. I don’t want to think any more about Levi right now. I can’t let a man consume my mind like Ryan did. Look how that turned out.

After I’m showered and dressed I start right into my studies while Brynn gets ready to head over to Chad’s.

“Are you walking over to Chad’s?” I ask curiously, because she has high heeled boots on.

“Oh G
od no, he’s picking me up. I wouldn’t dare walk over in these bitches,” she says as she lifts her foot in the air to show me her heeled boot.

“Okay good, that was my concern,”
I say with a laugh.

“He should be here any minute so I’m
gonna head down and wait for him,” she says as she puts her coat on.

“Have fun,
” I say with a smile.

“I will.
I want to hear all about your evening with Levi so call me,” she states as she pulls her coat on.

’re not coming back tonight?” I ask, not surprised, she hasn’t seen her boyfriend in over twelve hours.

tonight, I’m staying at Chad’s,” she says with a knowing look.

“Alright, well then
I’ll just fill you in tomorrow,” I tell her with a smug grin.

“Like hell you will
bitch. I want details tonight,” she says with a devious look.

I start laughing, “Okay
, I will call you when I get back.”

“You better or I’l
l be blowing up your damn phone,” she states deadpanned.

“Don’t worry I’ll call you,
” I say with a smile.

” she says as she heads out the door.

I get lost in my work and lose track of time until I hear a knock at my door. I answer it and am surprised to see Levi standing there looking all sweet and sexy at the same time.

“Hey, you ready to go?” he says looking a little confused at my expression.

“Sorry, I lost track of
time. Let me just grab my coat,” I say.

your time we aren’t in a hurry,” he says sweetly.

I grab my coat and slip my feet into my
Uggs and grab my wristlet and keys and am ready in no time.

“Okay let’s go,
” I say with a smile as I head towards the door. I lock the door and we make our way down the hall and stairs to the bitter coldness that awaits us outside.

“I’m parked over here,
” he says pointing in the direction of his car.

We walk over to his car and I can’t say I’m surprised he drives a freaking Corvette. Why not have a hot car for a hot guy.

“Nice car, is it a 67?” I say as we walk up to the sleek black car.

“Wow, a girl who knows som
ething about cars…I’m surprised,” he says with a wink.

“I know a little bit,
” I say smugly as he opens the door for me. Nice to see chivalry isn’t dead yet. I check his car out as he makes his way around to the driver’s side and climbs in. It’s clean and smells nice. A cross between a new car scent and a leather smell, but the combination is nice almost calming.

“Ready to go?” he asks as he starts the car.

“Sure, where are we going?” I ask curiously.

“I figured we could grab something to eat and then
decide where next,” he states.

“Okay sounds good to me,
” I say with a smile.

“Do you like Italian food?” he asks as he drives.

“Sure do,” I say with a smile. I actually love Italian food.

” he says with a smile and continues to drive.

It doesn’t take long to get to the restaurant
, which looks busy. I’ve never eaten here but have heard great reviews on it.

“Have you eaten here Liv?” he asks with a smile.

“I have not, but definitely looking forward to it,” I say with a smile.

their food is delicious,” he states as he gets out of the car. I open my door and meet him in the front of the car and we walk to the front door of Trilussa’s.

Mmm…it smells so good in here,” I say upon entering the establishment. The scene is quiet, but beautiful and it looks romantic as well. I wonder if he brings all of his dates here. Ugh, why on earth am I thinking that way?

Just wait till you try the food,” he says with a sexy smirk.

We get
seated pretty quickly because we apparently have a reservation. He really did put thought into this. As I’m looking at the menu I can’t decide, the food all looks mouth-watering.

“Do you want wine with your food?
They have some great wine here,” he says with a smile.

“I don
’t really drink wine, but thanks,” I say solemnly.

You don’t like wine, so you only like beer?” he asks with a curious look.

“Yeah, is that so bad?” I say with a shy smile.

He laughs, “No Liv, there’s nothing wrong with only liking beer. I’m just surprised that’s all,” he says with a comforting smile.

, I don’t have to say anything more because our waitress comes up to the table. “Hey Levi, long time no see, where have you been?” she says to my date. Obviously, I’m missing something here. Levi must sense my confusion because he looks at my response before saying anything.

“Haven’t really
had the time to stop in Rachel,” he says to our waitress with a small smile.

, well maybe you could change your schedule around. We miss you around here,” she says in a sexy tone. Okay so yeah, I’m definitely missing something here.

He smiles at her, “We’ll see
Rach. Can we place our order please?” he says as he nods in my direction. The look on the waitresses face shows she’s surprised I’m sitting here with Levi.

Her blush says it all. “I’m so
sorry, I didn’t see you sitting there.”

“It’s fine,” I say with a smile.

“Ca..Can I take your drink order,” she stutters.

“I’ll just
take a water with lemon please,” I state.

“Sure,” she says and then looks to Levi, “Your normal?” she says.

“No, actually I’ll just take water with lemon too,” he says looking at me.

“Oh okay, I’ll go get them,
” she says and then quickly leaves.

“You could h
ave ordered your “normal” drink,” I say with a slight irritation in my voice.

“I know I could have
, but that’s not what I want right now,” he says staring at me.

I just look at him unsure of what else to say. This date is starting to feel awkward and I’m starting to think I was r
ight about him being a player.

Before I think I blurt out, “Maybe you shouldn’t have brought me here
, you’re messing your game up.”

“My game?
What are you talking about?” he says looking confused.

“Really Levi?
Obviously the waitress is something to you; she didn’t even see me sitting here for heaven’s sake,” I state irritated.

it’s really not what you think,” he states.

“Then what is it?” I retort.

“I used to come here all the time so they know me, that’s all,” he says with a guilty look.

I can’t help but laugh out loud while looking straight at him. “Seriously, that’s the best you got?” I say calling him out on his shit, “You can do better than that.”

“Better than what?” he says looking confused.

, if you’re going to lie to a girl you need to come up with a better excuse than that,” I state smugly. The look on his face is like a deer in headlights.

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