Never Say Goodbye (9 page)

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Authors: T. Renee Fike

BOOK: Never Say Goodbye
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“Oh yeah…
Wolffe. I don’t think he’s coming back. Chad said something about a family situation so he’s out on leave,” she states.

“Can he just take a leave in the middle
of a semester?” I ask confused, “Wait, Wolffe is the hot guy? The guy whose room I slept in?”

Wolffe is the hottie McHottie whose bed you slept in, you slut. And yes, he can leave he’s on the freaking basketball team. Chad mentioned he was probably going to do an independent study and maybe summer classes to get caught up. I guess it just depends on how serious the family situation is,” she states sadly.

“I hope it’s nothing too serious. You only really get
to experience college life once,” I state.

“It appears pretty serious. Enough so, he up and left during basketball seas
on and missed the playoff games,” she states. “But enough about a guy who isn’t here, let’s focus on the men who are,” she says smiling.

“Only you, you better be damn proud that Chad isn’t the jealous type. If he saw or heard half the things that come out of your mouth yo
u two would be fighting nonstop,” I choke out with a laugh.

“Please, if that were the case then we wouldn’t be toge
ther, it’s as simple as that,” she huffs matter of fact.

“That makes sense,” I
say smiling at my best friend.

The rest of the evening goes by quickly. We joke, laugh, make fun of the silliest things and doing what best friends do best, just hang out. When we get back to the dorm I’m slightly buzzed
, but laughing nonstop with my best friend. Finally, we give in to the sleep temptation because Monday morning classes come way too soon.

Chapter Nine

“Have I ever told you I hate Monday mornings?” I complain to Brynn.

“I know they suck ass,” s
he whines.

“Back to school we go,
” I say as we head out to our first classes after spring break.

The day goes by fast and before I know it I am walking out of my last class. As fun as spring break was, I’m excited that the semester is soon over.
Then summer break here I come.

“Hey you,
” I hear from behind me. I turn and find a sexy looking Levi standing there.

I state back.

“I’m surprised I
ran into you already,” he states with a laugh.

“Yeah I would say so, especially considering we n
ever ran into each other before,” I state with a confused look.

“Do you have any more classes today?” he asks.

“No, that was my last class. How about you?” I ask curiously. I’m still wondering how he found me so fast.

“Nope I’m done too. Would you like to go grab a bite to eat?” He asks confidently.

“I’m not hungry right now, but maybe another time.”

“Oh alright,
” he says as he looks surprised that I just turned him down.

enjoy the rest of your day Levi,” I say as I start walking in the direction of my dorm.

“Wait Liv, maybe we could han
g out later, if you’re not busy,” he states with a shy smile.

“Honestly, I’m not sure what my plans are later. I have some homework I need to
work on; but maybe another time,” I state looking intently at him. I try not to stare, but damn this boy is fine.

“Umm okay, another tim
e then. Enjoy your evening Liv,” he says sweetly.

“Thanks you too,
” I state and then leave, heading back to my dorm. Weird, how on earth did he find me so soon? I figured it would take him at least a few days if he decided to find me at all.

Back in the dorm I start getting to work while it’s still fresh in my mind and get a paper done before Brynn walks in the door.

“Hey bitch, whatcha doing?” she asks with a smile.

“Homework, what else?”
I say with a laugh.

“Gosh thi
s week is going to take forever,” she mumbles.

“We only have
another month and a half and we are officially done with our first year of college,” I state with enthusiasm.

“Shit your right. I need to look at it that way. Wow, can you believe we are about to be sophomores living in a sorority house?” she says as she’s practically jumping up and down.

“I can’t believe it, but I’m excited!” I state happily.

“So off topic, what are we going to do for your birthday bitch?” Brynn states matter of fact.

“We can just keep it low key and go out somewhere,” I tell her like it’s not a big deal because it isn’t.

“Low key?
Hell no, this is your birthday woman. We are going to have a party!” she states with exuberance.

“A party?
Brynn its fine, something low key is fine with me. We can do dinner and whatever else,” I state hoping she agrees.

“NO, we need to have fun. You only turn nineteen once and you are going to live it li
ke it’s your last year on Earth,” she states leaving little room for debate.

“Brynn, my birthday isn’t for like two months, so we have time. N
othing to worry about right now,” I say stating the obvious.

“Ha, now is the perfect time to start planning, that way everything is taken care of. Don’t you worry your pretty little
head. I will take care of everything,” she states.

I laugh, “I don’t doubt that for one second. But s
eriously, low key is good Brynn,” I state hoping she’s listening to me though I feel she’s not.

let you know what I come up with,” Brynn states. “So what’s the plan for tonight?” she asks changing the subject.

” I state. “Oh guess who I ran into today.”

“Who?” she asks looking curious.

“Levi,” Is all I say.

“Shit al
ready? Damn that man works fast,” she says with a laugh.

“I know tell me about it. He wanted to
grab a bite to eat and hang out,” I say.

“So what are you doing here then?” she asks looking more confused.

“I told him maybe another time,” I say stating the obvious.

You told him another time? You do realize he could have any chick he wants and yet you still turned him down?” she asks looking shocked.

“What? If that’s the case then let him go find someone else. I told you
I’m not looking for a boyfriend,” I state, defending my actions.


“No but’s Brynn. I was serious when I told you I want to be single. I’m not going to be another notch on his bed or anything else. He seems like
a player and I’m not interested,” I state trying to end the conversation.

“You don’t know that he’s a playe
r Liv. He could be a great guy,” she says looking hopeful.

“Brynn, have you looked at him? The
re is no way he is not a player,” I state matter of fact.

“I guess you could be right.
Maybe you should hang out with him at least once to find out,” she states.

“Maybe, we’ll see,
” I say.

“Good. Maybe we could double date s
o it’s not weird or anything,” she says looking at me with a gleam in her eye.

“We’ll see B. Now can we discuss something else?” I ask hoping to end the conversation of all Levi related

The rest of the evening goes by uneventful which I’m thankful for. I have homework that needs to be done so the sooner I get
back to it the faster I can get done.

As for the rest of the week it goes by quickly and luck
ily for me I didn’t run into Levi again. Something just feels weird, but I can’t put my finger on it with him.

“What are your plans tonight
biatch?” Brynn states with a hopeful look in her eye.

g to the sorority house tonight,” I state bursting her bubble.

“Oh god, please tell me you aren’t seriously going to that girls night movie-a-thon thing?” she states.

“Actually I am. I told Sophie I would hang out,” I tell her.

“Well sorry
, but your plans have now changed. You can thank me later,” Brynn states with a knowing look.

“And what have my plans changed to?” I ask out of curiosity.

“Well, my best friend, we are going to a frat party,” she says with a smile.

“Umm, no I’ll pass tonig
ht,” I try to tell her.

“Oh come on Liv, I need someone to go with me and who better than you, my best friend
,” she says with a pout.

“Where’s Chad?” I ask.

“He’s got some poker thing with the guys tonight. Please Liv, it will be fun I promise,” she begs.

“B seriously
, I just want a laid back quiet kind of night,” I try to reason with her.

“You can have all the laid back nights you want when you’re dead. Come on, we’re
in college which means par-tay,” she states while waving her hands in the air.

I start laughing beca
use she looks beyond ridiculous; then again that’s Brynn for you.

“Please say you’ll come with me?”
she says with pleading eyes.

“I guess. Damn it, I really
need to start saying no to you,” I state while she’s jumping up and down excitedly.

“This is going to be so
much fun, just wait and see,” she says still bouncing up and down.

Soon we are getting ready to head out for the frat party. Sophie is coming along with us since I can’t attend the sorority function because of Brynn’s persistence.

“Where’s this party at again?” I ask curiously.

“One of the frat houses,
I forget which fraternity it is,” Brynn states like it’s no big deal.

“Well there better be some
hotties tonight because I need to get laid,” states Sophie.

Since when do you sleep around?” I ask confused. Sophie isn’t really one to talk so openly about getting laid.

We are in college. I’m not a nun Liv. I may not broadcast my conquests, but I definitely get my fill,” she says with a smirk.

“See Liv?
Now if we could just get you to live on the wild side things would be so much better,” she states throwing her arm around my shoulders, causing Sophie to laugh.

“That’s okay. I’m not r
eally into the one night stands.” I tell the two of them.

“Oh trust me
Liv, there are some that get repeats. It all depends on their performance,” Sophie says out of nowhere.

my gosh I cannot believe you are saying this,” I state slightly flushed.

“Liv, come on, I’m a sophomore in college, what better way to
experiment then with horny college frat guys?” She asks like I should already know this.

“She’s too good for one night stands. Aren’t you
Livie?” Brynn states bumping my shoulder while Soph giggles.

“I never said that. That’s just not me. You want to have sex with whomever that’s your prerogative. I do things my way you do yours your way.
Can we drop this stupid subject already?” I state hoping to end the conversation.

“Fine, no
more sexy talk around Livie the prude,” Brynn states laughing along with Sophie.

“Damn you both. I need a drink now
, especially if I have to deal with this shit all night,” I state beyond frustrated.

“You wouldn’t have to deal with this shit if you just got laid already. Maybe then you wo
uldn’t take things so seriously,” Sophie states giving me a ha-ha look.

“Enough. I will sleep with whom I want when I want got it?” I practically yell at them.

“Got it,” they say in unison.

Thank god it ends that terrible conversation.

Once we get to the frat house it’s bursting with people. Inside it looks like the house was hit by a tornado. Cups and decorations are thrown everywhere, bottles are scattered around the walls and floors. The floor looks sticky, which I’m guessing from spilled beer. It looks like a hot mess.

“Oh I can definitely fin
d me a boy toy tonight,” Sophie gleams.

“Hell yeah you can. Look
at this hotness surrounding us,” Brynn states.

I barely got past looking at the mess of the house I hadn’t even taken notice to the guys all around. There are definitely way too many hot guys attending this school.

“Let’s get some drinks, then we can scope out the guys,” I state as I figure out which way leads to the kitchen.

“Sounds good to me,” Brynn states as she heads in the direction of the kitchen. Clearly she’s been here before.

Before I know it we are throwing back shots and drinks and I’m feeling pretty good. We spot some hot guys and make an executive decision on which guy Sophie should pursue tonight. He ends up being around six foot, blonde hair, I think he has blue eyes, and tattoos galore. He’s got a lip and tongue piercing too.

“Wish me luck ladies,” she states as she heads in the direction of the tattooed, pierced man.

“Good luck,” Brynn and I state in unison with a laugh.

“Well damn, how did I miss you all night?” I hear behind me. As I turn around I see a pleased looking Levi standing there.

“Hey,” is all I say.

“Did you just get here?” he asks confused.

“No, we’ve been here for a while,” I tell him, then look to Brynn who has a freaking huge smile plastered on her face.

“Well shit, I don’t know how I missed you
, but now that I found you, care to hang out?” he asks.

“Sure, you can hang out with us,
” Brynn says before I get the chance to say anything.

“Great,” he says as he joins us on the couch in the living room. As he sits I take in his appearance. Tonight he’s wearing a dark gray v neck tee shi
rt with light jeans which seem to fit him snuggly. He looks hot, but then again I’m sure he knows it. He just has that confidence about him. “Where’s Chad?” he says looking at Brynn.

“Oh, he
had poker with the guys tonight,” she states like it’s not a big deal.

“So I get to hang out with you two lovely ladies by m
yself. I feel like a lucky man,” he says with a mischievous grin.

“You better feel privileged,
” Brynn states with a smile.

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