Never Say Goodbye (5 page)

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Authors: T. Renee Fike

BOOK: Never Say Goodbye
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“Thanks Rob
, but I’m not looking for anything right now,” I say and then excuse myself and head over towards the tables. My feet are killing me and I need to give them a rest.

“He’s cute right Liv?” Brynn a
sks as she sits down beside me.

“Yeah he’s cute, I’m just not l
ooking for anyone right now B.”

“I know Liv. Don’t worry you’
ll find your prince charming in time,” she tells me as she stares at Chad.

“I’m not worried Brynn, I’m just fine with being single for right now. I need to focus on othe
r things than boys all the time,” I say with a smile.

Ha-ha please, we’re girls we always have a focus on boys that will never change,” she says laughing. She’s right, boys are addicting. We end up hanging out with Chad’s friends, dancing some more, and laughing a lot before heading back to our dorm for the night.

Chapter Six

The next two months fly by and things are going great. School’s going good and so am I. We cut Christmas break at home short, so we can come back to campus. Brynn wants to see Chad. He’s a great guy and I couldn’t be happier for my best friend. He definitely treats her like a princess, which I’m grateful for, because Brynn deserves it.

busy with practice so I keep Brynn occupied with partying and sorority events. I’ve been in full party mode since we’ve come back from Christmas break and I can see that Brynn’s thrilled. I haven’t made it to any basketball games because it conflicts with other things in my schedule, but I promise Brynn I will be going to the after party tonight.

“Hey sexy bitch you ready ye
t?” she says through the phone.

“Yes Brynn
, I’m ready. Which house am I to meet you at tonight?” I ask looking at the clock.

“Oh none, we’
re going to swing by pick you up so be down here in like two minutes,” she says and then hangs up the phone.

I make my way down the stairs and see Chad’s car parked in the lot. I hop into the backseat and we drive to the house
, which is only a few blocks away.

“You know we could have walked right?” I
state from the backseat.

, Chad’s parking his car at his house and then we’re walking down the street to the party, and you were on the way woman. Plus it’s freaking cold outside.” Brynn says from the passenger seat.

“Oh okay, well thanks Chad.”

“Sure thing Liv,” he says as he drives us to his house. Chad lives on campus but in a house with three other guys on his basketball team. I’ve never been in his house, but it looks nice from the outside. We park the car and he throws his gym bag in the house and then we make the small walk to the party.

“Damn it is cold tonight.” I say

“What do you expect in January L
iv” Brynn says laughing at me.

We make our way in
side the house and it’s actually rather low key considering the team just won tonight. “I figured this place would be packed,” I say as we head towards the kitchen for drinks.

“Oh yea
, it’s just the team and some friends. We try to keep it under wraps,” Chad says surprisingly.

well that makes sense,” I say happily.

, it’s nice to have room to walk around, plus you can actually hear your conversations,” Brynn says as she laughs.

We get our drinks and make our way into the living room and have a seat on the sofa watching a few people dance on the make shift dance floor.

“Oh my goodness Liv, there’s a guy that would be perfect for you on Chad’s team,” she practically beams.

“What?” I say laughing.

“Liv trust me, he’s freaking gorgeous like mega gorgeous and from what I gather he’s pretty laid back, not a douche like some of the other guys. He is totally your type,” she says staring at me in excitement.

I start laughing, “Brynn what is my type?” I haven’t dated many guys in my past and Ryan
, well he was different.

“Trust me
Liv, he is definitely your type,” she says with a laugh.

“Okay sure,
if you say so,” I say laughing.

“Liv…I’m your
best friend, I know these things,” she states the obvious.

“Well point him out then
,” I say looking around at the hot guys all over the place. I start giggling like a high school teeny bopper and seeing my look Brynn starts laughing right with me, clearly seeing my dilemma. How on earth would I ever be able to figure him out, there’s too many hot guys here.

“I’m not sure if he’s here tonight,
” Brynn states with a small frown, “he doesn’t party much.”

“Oh” is all I can say. What do you say back to that? I’m rather surprised
, because the majority of the basketball team party’s hard core, so to hear someone who doesn’t is a bit refreshing.

“I’ll check with Chad
and see if he’s coming tonight,” she says excitedly.

“Okay if not, no worries
, I’m sure I’ll see Mr. Mega Gorgeous sooner or later,” I say laughing.

“Oh you laugh now
, but you just wait missy. He’s sex on a freaking stick. You will fucking wet your panties just by looking at him. I’m telling you Liv, he’s that freaking scrumptious,” she says, practically drooling at the mouth.

“Then why didn’t you go for him instead of
Chad, Brynn?” I ask curiously.

“Honestly…I was already with Chad when I met the sexy beast or I probably would have. He’s that hot Liv.
I can’t wait until you see him,” she says all giddy.

, well I’ll be the judge of that when I meet him for myself,” I say with a smile. Brynn just laughs.

The rest of the evening goes well. We hang out meet a few more of the basketball players
including a few of their girlfriends. They seem nice, well some of them anyway.

“Holy shit Liv, there he is
LOOK!” she practically yells at me. I look at the door and watch the back of a supposedly glorious sexy man.

“Shit you weren’t kidding, he’s hot
from the back,” I say laughing.

“I told you Liv,” s
he says laughing.

He’s around 6’3
,” has short dirty blonde hair and he’s muscular, like sexy muscles not the overly huge muscles; you can definitely tell he works out.

“Brynn stop staring,” I
say as I smack her on the arm.

rry, shit, I think I just creamed my panties,” she whispers.

“Are you
serious! You have a boyfriend Brynn!” I snap at her looking completely shocked.

, I can’t help it, he’s mouth-watering. I’m in a freaking relationship Liv, I’m not dead,” she states.

, why don’t we ask Chad what he thinks about your panties being soaked because of another guy,” I say with a smug smile on my face.

Oh stop, don’t take the fun out of it. You know your panties are wet too so don’t even talk,” she says with a wicked smile. Oh my best friend is up to no good I can feel it coming. “So do you want to meet him?” she asks as she starts to stand.

“No, I’m just fine,”
I say as I pull on her arm so she sits back down.

“Damn it Liv, I want
to meet him,” she says pouting.

“Oh so you want to use me so you can meet Mr. M
ysterious?” I say with a laugh.

…Well okay maybe, so what.” She says with a small pout.

, if you want to meet him just have Chad introduce you, they’re teammates for heaven’s sake,” I state easily enough.

“Oh yeah cause that will go over real well right Liv?” she says with
an I told you so look. I just laugh at her and her pouting face.

“Hey babe why the sad face?”
Chad asks Brynn as he walks over and kisses her on the cheek.

“Oh nothing
, Liv thinks she’s funny that’s all,” she says slyly.

“Okay, do you ladies need another drink?”
Chad asks sweetly.

“Yes please.
Thanks Chad,” I say as he walks towards the kitchen to get us drinks.

I look at Brynn and she’
s staring at Mr. Tall, Dark, and Sexy’s backside. “Brynn stop staring, Chad is going to notice if you don’t stop,” I say as I slap her leg.

“I’m sorry I know it’s wrong, but damn look at the way those
jeans fit his ass,” she says in awe.

I have to admit she has a point. From the back, which is all we can see of him right now, his j
eans are a light wash and they’re hanging dangerously low on his hips and they do hug his ass quite nicely. “He does have a hot ass Brynn, but stop staring,” I say laughing.

“He has an ass you can hold on too while he’s fucki
ng the shit out of you Liv…damn,” she says almost drooling.

my gosh Brynn stop, I can’t take it anymore you need to stop,” I can’t stop laughing. The girls got a point, but shit we don’t even know him. Hell, I haven’t even seen the front of him yet. It’s probably rude to have these thoughts of a complete stranger, but damn his ass is mighty fine. I wonder what it would look like underneath those clothes.

“What are you thinking best friend of mine?” Brynn asks
looking at me curiously.

“What the fuck do you think I’m thinking B? Only the thoughts you
just put into my head,” I say through a giggle. Chad returns, handing us our drinks and talks to us for a few more minutes before heading off to talk to more of his teammates.

d he go?” Brynn asks.

I ask confused.

“Are you serious right now Liv….
Mr.McHottie who else?” she states it like I should have known.

, I don’t know maybe your boyfriend who just walked away two minutes ago B,” I say looking at her dumbfounded.

“Oh stop
, you know you want to see the front of him now. If his package is anywhere near as hot as his ass, we are in so much trouble,” she says all serious.

, that’s what happens to me, a full belly of laughter “Brynn please stop, my stomach hurts, I can’t laugh anymore please stop.”

, I’m just stating a fact. Whatever girl gets him is one lucky little bitch,” she says with a serious face.

“I’m sure he has a new one each day Br
ynn. Guys like that usually do,” I say truthfully.

, Chad says he doesn’t fuck anything that walks like most of the other guys. Damn Liv, that makes him even sexier if that’s even possible,” she says looking defeated.

“Brynn you’
re taken so what does it even matter?” I ask.

“Because Liv you can go for him and I can live vicari
ously through you,” she states looking at me like this is an absolute amazing plan.

“Umm NO Brynn, not my style.
You know I’m not going to sleep with someone whom I’ve never even met.”

“Ugh I k
now, but damn I could dream,” she says with a pout.

As I
look around the guests at the party I can’t help but notice him. I look at him and damn he’s fine. I would like to check out the front of him, but all I can see is his damn backside and he has one hell of a backside. I turn back to Brynn and try to focus on what she’s saying. I want to look back at Mr. Delectable Ass, but refrain from doing so; I don’t want to be “that girl.”

Eventually Chad comes back with Sawyer, another guy on the team and we make small chat for the next hour. They tell us all about their practices and how the game went tonight. I got play by play of the game tonight and
am told that I better be at the next one. I promise I will be and I do, I have all plans of attending the next game. It’s getting later and I decide it’s time to go home. I’m not drunk, just a wee bit tipsy.

, why don’t you stay at Chad’s house with me?” she asks like it’s a no-brainer.

, I don’t want to interrupt anything, I can walk back to the dorm, it’s not far.” I say as I stand and get ready to head out.

, I’m not letting you walk back home by yourself, you’re crazy if you think otherwise,” she states.

rynn seriously, it’s not far I’ll be just fine.”

“No Liv absolutely not, Chad
tell her,” she practically yells.

, you can stay at my place its cool and I promise none of the guys will harass you,” he says sweetly.

“Seriously Chad
its fine, I’m….”

“No Liv
, you aren’t walking home by yourself so stop. You’re staying at Chad’s it’s settled.” Brynn demands not giving me room to debate the situation.

, you can even sleep in my roommate’s room, he’s going from here to his girls place so you’re good,” Chad says. I give in because clearly I won’t win this argument. So great, I get to stay in a stranger’s bed tonight, just how I planned my night to go.

We get back to Chad’s house
and he shows me to the room I’ll be sleeping in. “Ewe, disgusting, she cannot sleep in there Chad, look at it,” Brynn says obviously feeling the same way I do about the mess of a bedroom. There are clothes everywhere, plates and cups and beer bottles scattered all over, and it has a smell, it’s gross.

“Oh shit, sorry Liv
, let me see what else I can do,” Chad says as he heads off somewhere else in the house.

“I should have walked
home B, I would have been fine,” I say hastily.

“No Liv
, you were not going to walk home late at night by yourself. We promised each other, we would never do that and you aren’t going to start now,” she preaches to me. Ugh she’s right, but I’m debating on which would kill me first a potential killer that’s nuts or this guy’s room.

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