Never Say Goodbye (7 page)

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Authors: T. Renee Fike

BOOK: Never Say Goodbye
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he next three weeks go by and my friendship with my best friend is restored. “B, I know you want to stay with Chad so you honestly don’t have to keep staying here to entertain me,” I state truthfully.

“I know Liv
, it’s just that things are a little weird with Chad lately and I’m not sure why. Plus getting to hang out with you every night is pretty great too,” she says with a half-smile.

“Brynn talk to me, what’s weird with Chad?” I ask.

“I don’t know Liv, he just seems distant lately. So when I tell him I’m coming home he always says okay, never asks me to stay anymore. I feel like he’s pulling away from me and I don’t know what to do about it,” she says sadly.

talk to him, come right out and ask him. If you want to know, that’s the only way you’re going to find out,” I try telling her.

“It’s not that easy Liv, what happens if he doesn’t want me anymore?” she says as her eyes are filling up with tears.

As I wrap my arm around my best friend I tell her, “Then you find out now and move on, and if he does, I will kick his ass,” I say with a smug smile.

“I’m just scared. I’ve never felt this way about anyone and the first time I do, it
’s not reciprocated Liv, it sucks,” she says as a lone tear slides down her cheek.

“Hey B no crying, you need to find out what’s going on first before you start crying.
You need to talk to him honey,” I state while trying to comfort her.

“I know, I guess I should do it as soon as possible. Can you have the chocolates and ice cream ready for wh
en I get back?” she asks sadly.

“B stop, you have no idea what’s goi
ng on. Stop thinking the worst,” I tell her.

, I’m trying to be real here, can you do that for me please?” she says slightly frustrated.

“Yes Brynn, I will get the s
nacks, but we may not need them,” I say trying to relax her a bit.

“We will know soon enough, I’m going to get ready and head over to see Chad
now and then I’ll be back,” she says looking defeated.

“Okay well if you need me call me
, okay? If not I’ll be here.”

She shakes her head as she makes her way out the door to find out what’s going on between her and Chad. I decide while she’s gone that I better go get our sna
cks just in case we need them.

I’m back within twenty minutes and no sign of Brynn so that’s a good sign right? I hope so. Only time will tell. I decide to work
on some homework while I wait.

I end up waiting for three freaking hours. My
best friend now has me worried.

“Hey Liv, I’m so
sorry I should have called you,” she says giggling into the phone.

“It’s alright, is everything okay?” I ask curiously.

“OH MY Gosh things are better than okay Liv. I will tell you everything in a bit, I promise. I’m going to hang out here for a little while longer than Chad’s going to drop me off,” she says cheerfully.

“Okay good
, I’m very glad to hear that. I will just see you later then B,” I say now smiling because my best friend is beyond happy by the sound of her voice.

I’m glad they were able to figure out whatever issue was going on. Brynn deserves to be h
appy and Chad makes her happy.

I decide to be lazy and just hang out at the dorm for the day
, so I pull my iPad out to catch up on some reading.

At some point I must doze off because I wake up to an all exciting, bouncy, Brynn who is super hyper. What the hell?

“Brynn, can you tone it down just a notch please?” I beg while yawning.

“Sorry Liv
, but things are amazing,” she says bouncing over to my bed to sit on the edge of it.

“Okay spill B
, what happened?” I ask trying to sound a little cheery.

“Get this…so Chad was nervous because he wanted to tell me that he loves me
, but he wasn’t sure I felt the same way. So each time he would think about it he would get scared and back out and then would make excuses because he started to think I didn’t have those feeling for him, the bonehead,” she says with the biggest grin on her face.

, you had nothing to worry about Brynn, he loves you,” I say sweetly.

Brynn’s cheeks turn a pretty
shade of pink and she sighs, “I know I can’t believe it. I did yell at him though, and told him that he was driving me nuts,” she says with a smile.

“Well I’m just glad
you guys got things figured out,” I say as I give my best friend a hug.

“Me too and oh G
od the sex was out of this fucking world,” she states for the world to hear.

I just laugh
, because well, what can I really say to that.

The rest of the evening is pretty low key. We eat the goodies I got earlier and watch some girly movies before calling it a night. Class comes way t
oo early Monday morning.

Chapter Eight

“Liv, I know what you’re going to say, but please just hear me out,” Brynn practically begs, “Please, pretty please, come with me to spring break. It will be so much fun I promise.”

, you guys leave in like 3 days, there’s no way I can possibly get a room or anything now,” I say, hoping she lets it go.

“You can room with me s
illy girl,” she says with a laugh.

“No, you’r
e rooming with Chad remember?” I say reminding her.

, best friend of mine, Chad is rooming with Evan and you are rooming with me, we already decided,” she says with a smug grin.

“Who decided? “
I ask curiously.

“Chad, me, and Evan duh, who else?
” she says like I don’t count.

, don’t you think you should have included me in this little conversation that’s about me?” I state slightly irritated.

“Oh please Liv
, we both know you would have made up some excuse and now you can’t, so get packing bitch, we leave in 3 days,” she says with the biggest smile on her face. I hate when she does this.

“Really B
, I don’t wanna go,” I say defeated.

, seriously why not? We talked about this for over a year now,” she says looking intently.

“I don’t know
, things are just different now I guess.”

seriously, talk to me. What’s going on?” She says in a calmer tone.

“Nothing really
, I’m just not in the mood to party and get wasted every day for a week. I just want to enjoy no school or sorority stuff, that’s all.”

What if I promise not to make you drink, we can just go and have a good time and get our tan on. Plus we can definitely check the hotties out in Miami,” she says practically jumping with delight.

, remember you’re with Chad and he’s going along, so you need to behave,” I happily remind her.

, I know and trust me I’m looking forward to seeing him in nothing but swimming trunks too. That man has such a sexy body,” she says looking off in the distance.

“Earth to Brynn, where’d
ya go?” I say laughing as I’m snapping my fingers in front of her face.

“Hey sorry
, was just thinking how hot my boyfriend is naked,” she says in awe.

, well that’s nothing I want to know or hear about, so talk about something else please,” I beg.

“So what ever happened with
Mike? You saw him for like what two dates or something and then poof he’s gone?” She says looking at me all confused.

“Ugh seriously, that reminds me next time you try to h
ook me up DON’T. He was an ass,” I say with a disgusted look. Just the thought of him makes me want to punch him in the face and I’m not the angry type.

“Okay wait a minute, what happened? He seemed like a great guy?” she asks with a slight frown.

“Yeah B, he was so great we hung out twice and one time after that I went with Soph to a party and he was playing tonsil hockey with an ugly looking tramp. When I went home I made sure to wash my mouth out,” I say with a gross face.

Ewe, I’m so sorry he didn’t really seem like the douchebag type Liv. I’ll make sure to do a proper background check next time,” she says smiling but looking all serious.

, No, No, No Brynn, you aren’t hooking me up on any more dates. I will find a man when I’m good and ready. Right now let me just have my fun,” I say as I head in to the bathroom not giving her a chance to say anything.

The next three days go by fast and before I know it we are loading the cars up and heading to Miami for a week. I’m actually looking forward to the warm weather and the beaches, oh yeah and the hot men who’ll be runni
ng all around. Yep, can’t wait.

I’m driving down with Chad, Brynn, and Tony, a friend of Chad’s. He’s not on the basketball team with Chad
, which I’m thankful. Had I been forced to listen to talk about basketball this or basketball that for an entire drive down south; I would have gone nuts, but thankfully I didn’t. Now don’t get me wrong I love basketball, but I think I started loving football more. What can I say my ex was great at football and I just got into the games more. Maybe given more time that will change, but who knows.

The drive to Miami isn’t nearly as bad as I thought it would be. We finally make it to the hotel and head to our rooms.
There is a group of twenty of us re all on the same floor so I can already tell how this is going to go. Oh well, you only live once right?

, look at this view,” Brynn coos.

“Holy shit, that’s amazing. You
want to head down to the beach?” I ask hopeful.

“Sure, let’s not tell anyone right
now and just hang out for a bit, just us two,” she says with a smile.

“Sounds good to me,
” I say as I grab my swimsuit out of my luggage and head into the bathroom.

We get our things and sneak out of our room
to head to the beach. It’s nice to not have to worry about anything or anyone right now. I just want to enjoy the fresh salty air, warm weather, and peaceful waves on the beach. We make our way down the beach then set up our towels and settle down to work on our tans.

“I so needed this, thank you B for making me come,” I sigh to her.

“Anytime best friend. This feels amazing. I could stay right here all week,” she says all but whispering.

“Me too, how about we do that?”
I say as I close my eyes.

I don’t know how long we
stayed like that, but Brynn continues to remind me to lotion up, which I do, who wants to get burnt on their first day of vacation? Not me, that’s for damn sure. After what feels like forever, we decide to head back to shower then go grab dinner.

“Where the hell have you guys been? We’ve
been looking everywhere for you,” yells an angry Chad.

“Calm down baby
, I told you we were heading to the beach,” Brynn says as she leans up to kiss her boyfriend.

“Oh shit, I completely forgot,” he says shaking his head.

“Really, you forgot she told you she was heading to the beach, seriously dickhead?” says an irritated Evan.

“My bad man,
” Chad says with a small smile to his friend. Evan just walks away heading towards his room.

, I can’t believe you forgot where we were going,” Brynn says with a laugh.

hit, I can’t believe I did that,” Chad says while running his fingers through his hair.

“We are going to get showered
. Then how about we all go get dinner?” Brynn asks sweetly.

“That sounds good.” Chad says kissing his girlfriend again.

“Well while you two suck faces, I’m going to take my shower first,” I say with a smile and walk to our room.

“You better hurry your ass up in that sho
wer bitch, because I’m starving,” Brynn yells down the hall at me. All I can do is laugh as I enter the room.

Before we know it we’
re all sitting in the restaurant stuffing our faces with some amazing Italian food. This restaurant, Italiano Delight is amazing.

“So what are the plans for tonight?” Evan asks the table.

“Going out somewhere,” Chad replies. I see Brynn look at me out of the corner of her eye and I know what she’s planning, damn her.

“Going out sounds fun, what do you say Liv?” Brynn says
, so now everyone is looking at me. The little shit.

“Umm well I’m not sure; it depends on where you’re going.” I state.

“We should totally hit up a club, I feel like dancing tonight.” Meg says and Sophie is shaking her head agreeing.

“A club with dancing it is then,
” Brynn says with an I got you smile.

After dinner we head back to the hotel to get ready for our night out on the town, well ci
ty, we are in Miami after all.

, I have no idea what to wear to a Miami nightclub,” I say throwing everything out of my luggage.

, you can wear this,” she says as she hands me a cute little black dress.

I start laughing, “B seriously I can’t wear
this, it will never fit my body,” I say throwing it back towards her.

“Oh shush
, yes you can Liv. It’s stretch material that will fit you like a glove. Just put the damn thing on,” she says with a look that says don’t fuck with her. So I don’t. I put the dress on and feel slightly self-conscious in it. It’s cut very low in the front and the back and yeah now that I have it on, it’s a very short little black dress.

“Brynn,” I say in a serious tone, “I can’t wear this out tonight.” I say while staring at myself in the mirror.

“Bitch, yes you can. You look hot. Men are going to go crazy seeing you,” she says with a huge I told you so look.

“No B
, this isn’t me I can’t wear this out,” I say frustrated.

“Can’t or won’t Liv? Come on live a little
. Have some fun. You look hot and you need to get yourself out there,” she says harshly.

“Brynn if this is you trying to get me to find a gu
y then stop, it’s not happening,” I say angrily.

, calm your titties down. First off, I wouldn’t hook you up with a guy in Miami, that’s for when we get home. Two, you look sexy as hell and no one knows you here. So strut your shit and let’s go,” she says giving no room for argument. I decide it’s not worth the effort; instead I follow her out the door to go dancing. She does have a point.


“Come on Liv
, dance with me,” says Tony in an annoying voice.

“Not right
now, maybe later,” I say trying to brush him off.

“Hey gorgeous how are you this evening?” some random guys asks.

“I’m good, but looking for my friend sorry,” I say trying to walk away. Where the hell is Brynn?

“I’ll be your friend baby,”
another random guy says getting closer to me.

, that’s okay.” I say continuing my look for Brynn.

“Come dance with me baby,”
yet another random guy says as he pulls my arm heading towards the dance floor.

“Dude I said no, back the
hell off,” I yell pulling my arm out of his grasp.

, a feisty one huh, even better,” he says as he tries to grab a hold of my arm again.

“Listen here
dickwad, you touch me one more time you won’t have any luck with the ladies. Get my drift,” I state coldly to the asshole.

, what are ya gonna do? Slap me?” he says with a smug look.

“Try me asshole and you’ll
find out just how serious I am,” I say pissed off.

“There you are, I’ve be
en searching everywhere for you,” Brynn says walking up to me. “Who the hell are you?” she asks the random douchebag.

Who are you?” he states.

“Seriously Liv
, this is who you talk to?” she asks me curiously.

, God no he just won’t take NO for an answer,” I say angrily while looking at him ready to throw a punch at his smug face.

“Baby there’s room for both of you, this could be a fun night if you t
wo ladies play your cards right,” the smug bastard says.

We both start laughing instantly. “Seriously dickhead neither one
of us would touch you, get lost,” Brynn says brushing him off like he’s nothing.

“Listen h
ear you ungrateful little bitch,” he says grabbing Brynn’s arm now.

“I suggest you take your hands off my girlf
riend unless you want a problem,” Chad says as he steps beside Brynn. The guy lets go of her arm when he sees a group of guys and girls now surrounding us. The dickhead doesn’t say anything, just turns and stalks away.

“Who was that Brynn?” Chad asks

“No idea, just some r
andom ass who was bothering Liv,” she states.

“You okay Liv?” Chad asks.

“Yeah I’m fine, don’t you worry about me,” I say with a smile.

The rest of the evening continues with more dancing, drinking thanks to our fake id’s and laughter. I can’t remember when I
laughed so hard.

The walk back to the hotel was loud and crazy considering we’re a big group and slightly intoxicated.

“Baby, sleep with me tonight.” Chad slurs to Brynn.

“I can’t tonight, I’m rooming with Liv remember?” She states.

“So,” is all he says and then I feel Brynn’s eyes on me begging to let him stay in our room with us.

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