Never Say Goodbye (11 page)

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Authors: T. Renee Fike

BOOK: Never Say Goodbye
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Before he can respond
, our waitress is back with our drinks. Can’t lie, I’m a little nervous to drink it thinking she may have spit in it.

“Are you ready to order?” she pipes up.

Before I can respond Levi speaks up, “Give us a few more minutes,” all the while never taking his eyes off of me. She walks briskly away.

“What? You don’t usually get called out on your bullshit?” I ask confidently.

“Actually, no I don’t. Damn this is awkward,” he says looking anywhere, but at me now.

, girls let you pull this shit?” I ask not believing girls are that naïve.

“Look Liv, I’m not with her. I used to hang out with her
, but that was a while ago,” he says looking apologetically.

“Listen Levi, I don’t care what you did or who you did, but
I won’t tolerate being lied to,” I state with a harsh tone.

“I know and I’m sorry, it just caught me off guard and then you called me out and I didn’t know what to say. But you
are right you deserve the truth,” he says looking defeated.

I just stare at him, “No more lies or excuses okay?” I state.

“You got it. You are something else you know that?” he says out of nowhere.

“No, I just don
’t deal with bullshit.” I state proudly.

“I got it Liv, It won’t happen again,
” he says with a smile.

“Who said there’s going to be an again?” I deadpan.

“Shit,” he mutters quietly, “Liv, look I’m sorry. I swear there’s nothing going on with me and Rachel,” he says looking intently at me.

“I know we don’t know each other
, but I’m not going to lie, you definitely seem like the player type and well it’s starting to look like I was right,” I say truthfully.

“WHAT?” he says completely shocked.

“I didn’t stutter. You seem like a player, not saying you are, but you seem like it,” I say.

“Wow. First you call me out on my shit and then tell me I’m a player, this first date
is one for the books. Holy shit,” he says looking frustrated.

Before he can say anything else our lovely waitress comes back again. “Ready to order?” she asks
looking irritated.

“Sure,” I say,
“I’ll take the Rigatoni Forestiera,” I tell her with a smile. I glance over at Levi and he just looks shocked.

“And you Levi?” Rachel says.

“I’ll just take the Sicilian Chicken,” he says and after Rachel writes it down she walks away.

I look at Levi
and he’s just staring at me.

“What?” I ask.

“I’m surprised you don’t want me to take you home right now,” he states.

“I’m starving a
nd I’m dying to try their food,” I state matter of fact.

“Okay then,
” he says with a half-smile.

I look at him and nod my head and then look around to take in the beautiful restaurant.

“Liv, can we start over?” he asks out of nowhere.

I just look at
him in shock, “You’re serious?”

“Hell yeah
, I’m serious. Look, you seem like a cool ass girl and can’t say it didn’t turn me on a bit when you called me out,” he says with a confident smirk.

You’re showing me you’re exactly who I thought you were and I’m really not into that,” I state.

“Give me a chance. I w
ant you to truly get to know me,” he says looking hopeful.

“Let’s just
see how the rest of dinner goes,” I state.

“Sounds good to me,
” he says with a smile.

“How do you like your sorority?” he asks out of nowhere.

“I like it. The girls are all pretty cool,” I say with a smile.

“That’s good. Are you planning on moving into the sorority house next semester?” he says trying to have a conversation.

“Yeah, Brynn and I are both moving into the house.”

“That’s cool.”

“Did you live in the fraternity house before moving off campus?” I ask making conversation.

, I did for a year. Then me and a few of the guys decided to get our own place,” he says with a smile.

“Why?” I ask curiously.

“Why did we decide to get our own place?” he asks looking slightly confused.

“Yeah, you can do almost anyt
hing you want in the frat house. What made you decide to get your own place?” I ask looking intently at him, hoping he doesn’t give me some more bullshit lies.

“Honestly, I didn’t care for a few
of the guys in the house and some of the guys felt the same way so we decided to get our own place. Then we wouldn’t have to deal with their shit,” he says piercing me with his eyes.

“Why didn’t you care for some of them?” I ask being nosey.

He laughs a small laugh and then says, “Well some of them were just punks. Thought they could get away with anything. We got into a couple fights and decided they weren’t worth it and moved out.”

“Oh, well that’s good then.
Don’t you still see them at functions?” I ask curiously.

“Yeah, but
its different now. From living with them and seeing them every day to once in a while changes things,” he says with a nonchalant look.

“Okay, well that makes sense,
” I say not asking any more questions about it.

ly our food comes. Rachel, the waitress, drops our food off and walks away as fast as possible. We eat in silence but its comfortable silence. There’s soft music playing in the background which sets for a calming setting.

I finally get done with about half of my food
but can’t eat anymore.

“That was delicious,
” I say relaxing back into the booth seat.

Levi chuckles, “You’re done already? You still have a full plate.”

“Are you kidding me? I’m stuffed, help yourself,” I say pushing my plate towards him.

He starts laughing again, “No, I’m g
ood, I can’t finish mine either,” he says as he pushes his plate towards the middle of the table too.

“I think you
may need to roll me out of here,” I state patting my full stomach.

“Aren’t you just the funny one,” he says with a laugh, “So what did you think of your first visit to

good, I will definitely be coming back,” I say with a smile.

told you their food was amazing,” he says with a smile.

“Yes you did.”

“Dessert?” he asks with a sexy smirk.

I look at him like he’s lost his freaking mind, “Are you serious right now?” I ask.

“Of course I’m serious. They have awesome desserts,” he says with a smile.

“I have no room to put dessert,
” I say patting my full stomach.

“Okay, maybe next time,
” he says looking hopeful.

“So you’re confident thinking there’s going to be a next time?” I

“Not confident
, but hopeful.” he says with a shy smile.

Before I get the chance to respond, Rachel comes to our table. “Can I get either of you dessert?” she states.

“No, we’re good. Can we just have the check please?” he asks never taking his eyes off of me.

I think I should feel intimidated by his stares
, but I don’t. I take it he’s trying to show me that he doesn’t care if one of his conquests is here or not, and put the focus on me, though I could be wrong.

Rachel walks away and he’s still staring at me.

“Why are you staring at me?” I ask.

“Why not stare at you?” he retorts.

“Because it’s not nice to stare,” I state matter of fact.

He chuckles, “Does it make you feel uncomfortable?” he asks sweetly.

“No, not really it’s just not needed,” I state.

, maybe I like to look at you,” he says with a devious look.

“Trust me; I don’t have a
nything you haven’t seen before,” I state.

“Damn,” he says with a lau
gh, “You are one tough cookie.”

“I just don’t like bu
llshit, I told you this already,” I repeat.

“I got it Liv, relax.
You are a breath of fresh air princess,” he says smiling.

Because I’m not dealing with your lies or bullshit?” I ask confused.

“Yes, it’s nice to see a girl who stands-up for herself and won’t let a man walk all ov
er her. You are a rare breed.”

its unfortunate that more girls aren’t like me then,” I state matter of fact.

“Don’t I know it,
” he says with a laugh.

Rachel finally appears with our check, Levi pays and we head out into the blistering cold.

“Damn, sorry Liv, I should have come out to warm up the car,” he says apologetically as he opens the door for me.

“Don’t worry about it,
” I say through chattering teeth.

“Shit, you’re freezing. It’l
l take a few minutes to warm up,” he says looking solemnly at me.

“I’m getting used to th
e weather, don’t worry about it,” I state pulling my coat tighter around me.

“Here use this,
” Levi says as he pulls a blanket from the back seat and opens it up for me.

“I’ll be fine, honestly,
” I say trying to give the blanket back.

“No seri
ously, use it, it’s really warm,” he says looking stern.

“I don’t even want to know why you have a blanket in the back seat l
ike that,” I say through a laugh, but I take the blanket and wrap it around my cold, shivering body.

“Ha-ha very funny, you can get your mind out of the gutter
princess,” he says with a laugh.

“What? I didn’t say anything,
” I say looking innocent.

“I know what you were insinuating wit
h your comment and you’re wrong,” he states with a smile.

“Okay so fine, you caught me. I know
you aren’t the innocent guy you are trying to come off as,” I say, being honest.

“I never said I was innocent Liv, and maybe I was the guy you are making me out to be, but that doesn
’t mean I’m still that same guy,” he says with a mischievous smile.

“So, what changed then?” I ask curiously.

“What?” he asks looking confused.

“You said you’re not the same guy, why not?” I ask looking straight at him.

“I don’t know,” he says and it looks like he almost blushes.

“That’s not an answer,
” I retort.

“I guess I’m growing up,” he says with a laugh, which in turn makes me start to laugh.

“I highly doubt that’s the truth,” I state through my laughter.

“Why not?
I can’t change my bad boy ways?” he says with a sexy smirk.

“Can a zebra change its stripes?” I ask boldly.

“No, but that’s completely different,” he deadpans.

“Not really. It’s not something you can change overnight. Plus, if you want to
go and play you will. That’s a choice that can be made on a daily basis,” I point out.

“Point proven princess.
I must admit I’m liking you more and more by the minute,” he says with a wink.

“Why is that?” I ask boldly.

He starts to laugh, “Seriously? You have to ask why?” he says as he looks at me with a stern look.

“Yeah, why not?”
I ask surprised.

Liv, let me spell it out for you. Okay you ready?” he says with a smile, when I nod my head he continues, “In the very short time I’ve talked to you, you’ve called me out on my bullshit, you’re funny, confident, and yet you obviously don’t realize how sexy you are,” he says looking intently at me.

If I was cold
, I’m not anymore. Is it getting hot in here? Considering we are still in the same parking spot my vote is yes, because the heat kicked in.

“Thanks, are you ready to go?” I say as I’m looking out the window. I know my face is ten shades of red right now.

Levi starts laughing, “Sure thing princess. Didn’t mean to make you blush,” he says as he pulls out of the parking lot and onto the road to who knows.

“Where are we headed now?” I ask now looking at him as he drives.

“Where ever you want to go,” he says as he looks at me with a smile and then turns his head back towards the road.

“So you had nothing planned after dinner?” I ask slightly surprised.

“Well I did, but I’m afraid you’d cut my nuts off now,” he states hesitantly.

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