Never Say Goodbye (6 page)

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Authors: T. Renee Fike

BOOK: Never Say Goodbye
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Liv you can stay in Wolffe’s room. He’s going from the party to a friend’s house so he said you could sleep in his room,” Chad states.

“Okay if you’re sure h
e’s not going to be coming home,” I say hesitantly.

“No you’re good, he
won’t be back tonight. Come on,” he says as he leads the way to Wolffe’s room, he opens the door and then heads back in the direction of his room.

, talk about clean,” I state surprised.

“Nice, way better than the other room,” Brynn says with a laugh. This room is spotless. Nothing is out of place in this room; it almost makes me nervous to sleep in here. I have no idea whose room this is
, but I’m glad he’s clean.

“Crap I don’t have anything to wear, ugh why didn’t you just let me go ho
me Brynn?” I state frustrated.

“Oh just wait,” Brynn says as
she starts opening up drawers.

“What are you doing B stop snooping”
I say whispering.

“Please Liv
, I’m sure you can borrow a pair of shorts and a tee shirt and Wolffe won’t mind,” she says as she throws the clothing to me.

Chad is now standing
back at the doorway, “Its fine Liv, he won’t care.”

“Thanks then.
Well I guess goodnight and I’ll see you in the morning,” I say as they leave the room. I lock the door behind me. I’m not going to have any unwanted guests tonight. I change into Wolffe’s clothes and crawl into his bed. His sheets smell like they just came out of the washer. I know I’ll sleep much better in this room and I do, I fall right to sleep.

The next morning I wake up early and it takes me a minute to realize where I am. Once I recall all the events of last night
, I get up and head into the bathroom to wash up. I change back into my clothes from the night before and put Wolffe’s clothes in his dirty hamper then make his bed. His bed was made when I got in it, so it’s only right I make his room appear like I was never here.

I make my way to Chad’s room and knock
on the door hoping that Brynn’s awake, but knowing damn well she’s not. I don’t want to see something that’s not decent so I continue to knock. “Damn it Liv, just come in already,” Brynn yells.

, I didn’t know if you were awake or not,” I start to say.

”Well I wasn’t
, but your damn knocking woke me up. What’s going on?” she asks.

t wanted to let you know that I’m heading home now,” I tell her.

Okay Liv give me like five minutes and I’ll go with you,” she says groggily.

“Brynn you can stay
its fine, I’ll just see you later,” I whisper.

I have things I need to do today, just give me like five minutes and I’ll be ready to go,” she says as she starts to get out of bed.

Okay,” I say then make my way towards the living room. No one’s awake in the house so I take the house in since it’s the first time I’ve been in here. It’s actually rather large on the inside. Surprisingly, the furniture all matches and the décor is nicely done. It looks like a bachelor pad, but considering four guys live here I’m not surprised. I’m just shocked for how clean it looks.

“You ready,”
she says surprising me.

“Sure let’s go
,” I say to Brynn as we leave and walk back to our dorm.

The next few weeks fly by and I’m so swamped with schoolwork and sorority crap that I haven’t had a chance to make it to on
e of Chad’s basketball games. I can tell I’m getting on Brynn’s nerves because she keeps begging me to come along and I keep canceling, because something always comes up. I want to go, I love basketball, but I need to make sure I keep my grades up. I’m really rethinking my choice in joining the sorority too at this point. Sophie and Megan keep signing me up to help them with shit and it’s taking all my time up. I’ve resorted to telling both of them I’m done helping out with shit for the next month because I want my social life back. They both think it’s funny, but I don’t and clearly neither does Brynn.

“So help me G
od Liv, if you cancel on me one more time we’re done being best friends,” Brynn scolds.

, I’m sorry I promise I’ll be at their next home game. I won’t miss it I swear,” I say hoping she forgives me yet again.

, I believe I’ve heard that same shit the past three weeks now,” she huffs.

“Not this time
, I will be there you can count on it. I can’t lose my best friend over petty bullshit,” I say trying to lighten the mood because Brynn is pretty pissed right now.

“You bet your ass you can’t lose me
, so start making me a freaking priority will ya,” she says with a smile

“Yes Brynn
, you are my top priority along with a home basketball game,” I say smiling back.

“Thank G
od, it’s about damn time. I was seriously starting to think I need to look for a new best friend,” she says with an evil grin.

“Like hell you will Brynn
,” I start to say and then Brynn starts laughing, “So when is the next home game?” I ask.

“This Friday and we’
re going to an after party too so you better be ready,” she says all serious.

, it’s a date best friend of mine,” I say with the biggest smile I can muster and pull her into a side hug.

riday comes really fast and we’re getting ready to head to the game. I’m decked out in my NC colors and allow my best friend to lead the way. The gym is packed, but that’s to be expected, we are the Tar Heels after all. Our seats are really good and I’m guessing Chad had something to do with it. Brynn’s waving and blowing kisses to Chad, wishing him good luck, while I just take in the whole arena, it’s an amazing sight and the atmosphere is absolutely crazy in here.

“Hey Brynn which one is
Wolffe?” I haven’t seen him on campus, but it’s not surprising because this place is big and packed. I’m curious to see the man whose bed I slept in, even though it was alone.

, he’s not playing tonight,” she states.

“Why not?” I ask curiously.

“Chad says he had
a family emergency and had to leave, he may be gone for a few weeks,” she says.

“Oh that stinks, hopefully everything
’s okay,” I say sympathetically.

“Yeah I hope so too, I have no idea what’s going on though. Chad says he’s a pr
etty private guy so who knows,” she says.

Oh,” is all I can think to say.

“Watch that sexy beast of a man turn out to be gay. A
ll the freaking hot ones are,” she says looking hurt by this thought.

“I’m not sure what you’re talking about
, but to each its own right?” I say and then the crowd starts going crazy.

The game starts and we end up kicking ass tonight
. I couldn’t be happier. It’s a great game but I’m biased because I love basketball. I’m glad we’re going out tonight because I’m so riled up, I don’t want to go back to the dorm and sit, I feel like being out and about. “You ready to go Liv?” Brynn asks.

, lead the way.” I say as I follow her up the stairs to leave the gymnasium.

We make our way to the party
. Now this party is a lot bigger and crazier than the last one I came to. “I thought this was only for the basketball players Brynn?” I ask confused.

Oh, not this party, this is just a random house. The guys aren’t having their own private party tonight. Chad’s going to meet us here shortly,” she says as she heads towards the kitchen. I follow her and we get our drinks and talk about the game.

Eventually Chad gets
here with the bunch of the guys from the team. Everyone starts cheering for them as they walk in the door clearly impressed and happy with tonight’s win. As soon as Chad sees Brynn his face lights up and so does hers, I’m happy she found a good guy who treats her well.

“Hey baby
, hey Liv,” Chad says as he walks up and kisses Brynn.

game tonight Chad,” I say happily. He did have an awesome game tonight.

“Thanks Liv

“Yes baby
, you were amazing tonight,” Brynn says as she kisses him again.

“Okay guys you can save the foreplay for later, I want to hang out not watch you two suck
faces all night,” I say with a slight laugh.

“We really need to find her a
guy and soon,” B says to Chad.

, I’m standing right here and for your information I’m perfectly fine being single. Thank you very much,” I say to the two of them. They just laugh.

“No Liv
, I’m going to work on it, you need a guy. It’s been a few months since you and Ryan broke up and you need to move on,” she says all seriously.

“I have moved on, I’m over Ryan
, I just don’t want to deal with a relationship right now B.”

“I could hook you up with one of the guys Liv,” Chad says
putting his two cents in.

“There are some
hotties on the team; you should totally check them out,” Brynn states.

“You better not be thinking of hooking up with any of my teammates
' woman, you’re mine and only mine,” Chad states as he wraps his arm around Brynn’s shoulders.

“Don’t worry baby
, I’m all yours,” B says, while kissing him yet again.

“Ugh enough you two, I don’t want any of your teammates Chad, I want to embrace
being single for the time being,” I state to the two of them.

, but one of these days Liv...I will find you a new man who’s worth your time,” B says seriously.

Good, until then let’s enjoy our night,” I state. We continue to drink and enjoy the rest of the evening without any more talk of my love life or lack thereof.

Chapter Seven

The next two months fly by and things are going smoothly. Brynn is Chad’s biggest fan and I mean that in every sense of the word. Brynn is never around because Chad’s basketball season is over; they lost in the semi-finals by three points. It stinks. I’m now practically rooming by myself because she’s always at Chad’s place. Don’t get me wrong I’m beyond happy for my best friend, but I miss her. We spend time together, it’s just different now and I’m lucky if I see her in our dorm twice a week.

Other than
that, schools going well and so is the sorority stuff that I have going on. We have a fling thing coming up with a frat house which should be pretty entertaining. I’m actually really looking forward to it. In the spring we’re having a cookout with the same fraternity, but obviously it’s too cold for that right now. Winters are cold. I know it could be worse, but it’s still cold so bundling up is a must.


“Hey Liv
, can you help me with the decorations today?” Sophie asks.

“Sure thing, do we need to pick stuff up?”
I ask.

, we have all the decorations here at the house. Somehow I got nominated to decorate and I have no freaking idea who did it, but they’re asking for a beat down because of it,” she says all serious.

“It’s only decorating
Soph, how bad could it be?” I ask unsure now, because I did just volunteer to help.

, it’s a pain in the ass, at least we have the theme so that makes it a bit easier, but to hang all the stuff high with the lights, it sucks because we’re short,” she says in a huff.

“Can’t we get some of the frat guys to help out with the
high stuff?” I ask curiously.

Ha-ha yeah right, they’re worthless. You can definitely try, but it’s pointless, I’m telling you now," she states looking irritated.

“Okay we’ll
figure it out. We have two great minds let’s do this,” I state proudly.

re absolutely right Liv, screw men who needs em,” she says laughing. I can’t help but laugh with her as we walk down the stairs to start decorating.

It takes us three hours to hang all the freaking
decorations and I’m exhausted.

Soph, never ask me to help decorate again.” I say with a moan.

“Sorry Liv
, but if I have to suffer through it so do you,” she says laughing as she plops down on the chair.

“I must say th
is place looks damn good,” I tell her.

“Well duh bitch
, we decorated it. Of course it looks amazing,” she says laughing while looking around at our handiwork.

I just hope I’m awake to enjoy it tonight,” I say yawning.

“Seriously Liv
, you cannot be tired, it was just a little decorating,” she says laughing at me.

“I know, may
be I should take a nap first.”

“Well you have time if you want to. Do you want to take a nap he
re or back at your dorm room?” She asks.

k at my dorm, my dress is there,” I tell her as I start making my way to the door.

, well if you want to come over early and get ready here with us you can,” she says happily.

, I’ll probably do that. I’ll see you later tonight Soph,” I say as I head out the door and back to my dorm to catch a quick nap.

I wake up to pounding on my door. “Why are you pounding on the door?” I
ask as I open the door to an all dressed up Sophie and Megan.

“Umm hello Liv
, it’s already after 8:00 p.m. and we’ve called and texted you like a hundred times,” she says looking worried.

“Sorry guys
, I guess I napped longer than planned,” I say as I look at the clock.

worries, but get your ass moving woman we need to move,” Megan says rushing into the tiny closet to pull out my shoes. She grabs the dress that’s hanging on the back of the closet door and hands it to me all while pushing me towards the bathroom. “Can I take a quick shower?” I ask.

“NO,” they both re

, we don’t have time, we’re already going to be late. Now hurry up,” Sophie states.

“Sorry guys
, but I’m gross, I need a shower. If you want to go ahead over and I’ll hurry and be at the house as soon as possible,” I try to tell them.

“No we’
ll wait. It’s not safe for you to walk by yourself in the dark,” Soph states.

Soph its fine, I can even bring my mace. You guys shouldn’t have to be late because I overslept.”

“No, now hurry your ass up,” s
he says seriously.

agree, get a move on it Olivia,” Megan states trying to look all serious.

We make it to the sorority house within thirty minutes. I swear I
’ve never gotten ready so fast in my life, but I guess it helps having one person do my hair while the other tries to do my make-up while I try to get dressed. Talk about a crazy mess that was, but here we are.

“This place looks ama
zing if I do say so myself,” I giggle to the girls.

“You got that right,
” Soph says while Megan just laughs at us. We head inside and the place is packed. People are dancing in the living room that was made out to have a dance floor so the couches and chairs have been moved around the room.

“It’s about time you got your ass here Liv, I was st
arting to get worried about you,” Brynn says walking up to me.

, just took a longer nap than planned,” I say with a smile.

“Well you look amazing and I h
ave someone I want you to meet,” she says with a devilish grin.

, please don’t try to set me up, please,” I practically beg her.

“Oh stop Liv, he’s hot and sweet. He’s on the team with Chad too. Plus
, I think you two would be good together,” she says smiling.

, what have I been telling you? Just because you’re happy in a relationship does not mean that I want one,” I whine.

, just meet him, if you aren’t interested then fine, but at least give him a chance. Okay?” she says with a small pout.

“Ugh fine
, but no promises,” I state matter of fact.

Wait right here,” she says as she runs off to search for God knows who.

“You asked for it Liv, you should have just said not interested
,” Soph says with a laugh.

“I did, did you not see me. Ugh
, why does my best friend feel determined to find me a boyfriend?” I ask anyone who’s listening.

“She’s just happy and wants you
to feel the same say Liv,” Megan says softly.

m happy being single though,” I sigh. I’m not winning this situation against my best friend. Once she has something in her mind there’s no turning back.

“Okay Liv this is
Mike, Mike this is my best friend Olivia, but everyone calls her Liv,” Brynn says happily as she now stands beside me.

I must say he is definitely a good lo
oking guy. He’s tall around 6’1” maybe, blonde hair, blue eyes, and he’s built, he’s on the basketball team after all.

“Hi Li
v it’s nice to finally meet you,” Mike says.

“It’s nice to meet you too
, Mike,” I say with a smile.

, I’ll let you two get acquainted,” Brynn states and then walks away briskly.

, this is a little awkward right?” Mike asks out of nowhere.

I start laughing, “Yeah
, you could say that, but that’s my best friend for you.”

“Brynn’s cool and all
, but when she’s determined there’s no stopping her,” Mike states.

my gosh, you have that absolutely right. She’s crazy sometimes,” I say laughing. Our conversation actually goes really well and hanging out with Mike turns out to be fun. The rest of the night we laugh, dance, joke, and hang out with our friends who all happen to be mutual because hello, we are at the same party and do run in the same circles.

“See …I told you Liv, he’s
great for you,” Brynn walks up and states immediately.

“Now calm down B, we just met, plus you’ve told me that multiple guys are
great for me,” I say with a laugh, “He’s fun, but we’ll just see how things go. So no pressure, not on him or me Brynn do you hear me?” I scold her.

, yes I hear you, I promise I will not interfere,” she says reluctantly.

hank you B, you know I love you,” I say with a smile.

“Of course I do, I love you too best friend of
mine. I just want you to happy,” she says softly.

, I am really happy. I know things sucked after Ryan, but I’m good I promise. Things have been going well for me and being single isn’t actually so bad,” I say with a small giggle.

She laughs, “
Yeah right, being single sometimes sucks ass.” I just laugh.

The rest of the night goes by in a blur. We get a lit
tle tipsy and she promises she’s going to spend the night at the dorm with me. We make our way out of the party and head home to crash for the night.

“So what do you want t
o do today roomie?” Brynn asks the next morning.

You’re staying in today…no Chad?” I say totally shocked.

, we need some girl time, I miss my best friend,” she says with a sad smile.

“Well I
miss you too best friend,” I say as I give her a big hug.

“Why don’t we go and get pedicures and whatever else we want
?” She says excitedly.

“Sounds great, I’
ll get in the shower now,” I say as I head towards the bathroom. An hour and a half later we’re at the salon getting our feet done.

“We so need to do this more often Liv. Like once a week or so
mething, this feels like heaven,” she purrs.

“I agree
, we needed this. So how’s the love life with Chad Myers?” I ask with a giggle.

Liv, I’m seriously in love him that it freaks me out. I don’t know what the hell to do,” she says looking terrified.

, it seems he’s quite smitten with you too, so I don’t really think you have anything to worry about,” I tell her truthfully.

That’s just it Liv, he seems like he really likes me, but those three stupid little words haven’t come out of his mouth, so it makes me worry. Maybe he doesn’t actually feel the same way as me,” she says sadly.

“Brynn look at me, it’s obvious to anyone how he feels, maybe he’s just nervous to say the words. Why don’t you tell him how you feel?”
I ask, surprising the crap out of her.

“Are you freaking crazy, you never tell the guy you love him first, he’s suppose
d to do that,” she all but yells at me.

, it was just a thought,” I state awkwardly.

“Well absolutely not. I will not say those words to him until
he says it to me,” she deadpans.

“Okay Brynn
, I’m sure he’ll say it soon. You can tell he’s crazy about you,” I reassure her.

“I sure hope so
, because I’m freaking crazy about him.”

, enough boyfriend talk, why don’t we go and see a movie next?” I ask trying to change the subject.

“That s
ounds like a great idea, there’s a new comedy that I’m dying to see,” she coos.

“Okay perfect,”
I say with a smile.

the movies we have dinner and head home to hang out some more. We watch silly shows on television and bust out laughing at them. It’s great to spend the day with my best friend. It’s definitely something we needed to do.

A little while later as we’re lying in our beds Brynn starts talking.
“Hey Liv, when we move into the sorority house next semester can we still be roommates?” she asks sounding hopeful.

“Umm duh, who else am I going to room
with? You are my best friend B,” I look at her slightly confused.

“Thank G
od. Don’t get me wrong I love some of those girls, but I still want us to room together,” she says looking relieved.

, they have it set that we are rooming together, so we’re all good to go when we come back from summer break,” I tell her.


I don’t ask her about what Chad and her plans are over the summer because it’s still a touchy subject, because he hasn’t spoken those three golden words. I’ll ask another time; we still have the rest of this semester to get through first.

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