Never Say Goodbye (2 page)

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Authors: T. Renee Fike

BOOK: Never Say Goodbye
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Chapter Three

The next few weeks fly by. I’m spending as much time with Ryan as possible, along with hanging out with my best friend. We only have a little over a month before we leave for college and I’m excited, but sad because I won’t be close to Ryan. We talk briefly about our relationship, nothing too serious. I know he loves me and he tells me all the time; is that enough to make it work? Ryan’s going to have women throwing themselves at him; I’m not stupid it’s going to happen. It’s not just a few hours’ drive away. We will be thousands of miles apart from one another. Brynn knows how I feel about him, though she keeps telling me to end it, so we can both be single when we head to college. That’s Brynn for you.

Ryan’s coming over tonight to have dinner with my family. My parents really like
him and really what’s not to like. He’s a gentleman, sweet, sexy, athletic, and smart; he’s the entire package and he’s mine.

The doorbell rings and my dad
answers the door. “Hey Ryan, come on in. How you doing?” My dad makes small talk with Ryan, but honestly they could sit for hours and discuss sports, it’s a bit irritating sometimes, but I’m happy they get along.

“Hey you,
” I say as I enter the living room and place a kiss on my boyfriend’s lips.

ey babe,” he says with a smile.

Dinner goes by fairly quick. My mom and dad ask Ryan about college and if he’s excited.
He should be. He’s going to USC on a scholarship for freaking football. He’s really good and fun to watch. I’m so excited for him. I know he’ll do great. After dinner we head down to the game room to hang out and shoot some pool. I won’t have sex with my parents in the other room so that’s completely out of the question, but making out is always a possibility.

Ha-ha I win, take that babe!” I laugh to Ryan because I did just win.

“Hey Liv
, can we talk for a minute?” his voice all serious. I sit on the couch beside him, “what’s wrong Ryan?” I ask a bit nervously.

“Well nothing
’s wrong, but I want to talk to you about us and college,” he says.

“Oh okay, what’s on your mind?”
I ask.

, look I know we’re going to completely different schools that are not close at all, but I don’t want us to break up,” he says sweetly.

“Ryan I don’t want that either, but can we really make it work? I lo
ve you Ryan I truly do, but you’re going to play football at a big school where girls will be throwing themselves at you,” I say being truthful.

, I love you, I don’t care about other girls, you already know this,” he says looking at me intently.

I know, but when are we gonna be able to see each other? You have to leave for training and then your season. I’ll be at school. I want us to work, but I don’t want it to be a struggle for either one of us,” I say sadly looking as his solemn face.

“So you think we should break up then?” he asks looking defeated.

“No, I don’t want that, but I’m trying to be realistic here.” My eyes are starting to fill up with tears because I don’t want to lose this amazing man, but I can’t see how we can make it work.

, why don’t we try it? If it becomes too much for either of us, then we will take a break. I don’t want to give you up, I love you too much,” he says with passion in his eyes.

“I love you
too and yes, I want us to try and make it work,” I say and then I throw my arms around him and crush my lips to his. We end up making out for the rest of the evening.

I spend the nex
t two days with Ryan because he’s leaving for training camp and who knows when I’ll see him again. I help him pack and can’t help the few tears that escape my eyes. I’m so excited for him, but he’s a part of me and he’s going so far away.

, we are going to make this work, you’ll see,” he says as he gently folds me into his arms and kisses me sweetly.

“I know
, I’m just sad because I have no idea when I’m going to see you again,” I say as I hug him tightly to me.

, we’ll figure it out and we can FaceTime and Skype as much as possible too,” he says with a hopeful smile.

The rest of the evening consists of Ryan cuddling with me, making out, and just reminiscing on the good times.

My last two days with Ryan fly by and here I am sitting on his bed watching him pack the rest of his things. His parents are driving him out to California to make sure he gets settled and to help him with his stuff. “Hey babe, I want a picture of us from today,” he says as he holds a camera out to take our picture. We have so many photos of just the two of us, but I wouldn’t want it any other way. He takes one photo with the camera and one with his phone. “There, now we both have the picture from today,” he says as he sends the image to my phone and sets it as his background.

You’re too good to be true,” I say with a little laugh.

“You bet your ass
I am, I’m one amazing man so you better hold on to me baby,” he says while acting like he’s flexing a muscle. I can’t stop the laughter that’s coming from me, I fall back on the bed laughing so hard and it doesn’t take long for Ryan to follow; covering me with his body as he starts to kiss me.

going to miss you so much,” I say looking up into his eyes.

gonna miss you too Liv.” Just then his mom yells that they’re ready to hit the road. My time with Ryan has officially come to an end….for now. He kisses me a few more times and I help him carry the last few items he has down to the car. “Liv, this isn’t goodbye, you and me we are a forever, so we aren’t saying goodbye,” he says as he kisses the top of my head.

“Okay Ryan, I love you,” I say as the tears slowly start to sneak
out of the corners of my eyes.

don’t cry. I love you and I’ll call you as soon as we get there. We are going to be okay, I promise you Liv.” We say our I love you’s and then each head in different directions, Ryan to California and me back home. I don’t leave for college for another six weeks.

When I get b
ack to my house, my best friend’s waiting for me in the drive way. “Thought you could use your best friend right about now. I got us sappy movies, comedy movies, ice cream, and lots and lots of chocolate,” she says as she wraps her arm around me and leads me towards my house. What would I do without this girl? We watch movie after movie and eat all the ice cream and chocolates that she brought. I cry a few times, but stop because Ryan and I didn’t break up; we just have to overcome the distance between us for the next four years. It sounds impossible, but if anyone can do it, we can.

Chapter Four

Summer flies by. I talk or text with Ryan every day. He tells me all about college football and how the practices are hard as hell. He tells me about the campus and his roommates. Things seem to be going well for him and I couldn’t be happier for him. I’m glad he’s living his dream.

We talk about my leaving in a week with Brynn to UNC.
I’m excited and really nervous. College is hard and I know I’ll need to study my butt off, but I’m looking forward to it. I’m glad things are working out well for Ryan and I; I just hope they continue as they are now.

Between packing and talking to Ryan and hanging out with my parents, this last week
is over and it’s time to leave for college. Squee! I’m so excited. Brynn’s parents and my parents are coming along, so they can help to unload our stuff in our dorm room. Brynn and I are roommates, of course. Why wouldn’t we be? Plus, this way, we will have my car at campus if we need it.

“This is so freaking awesome!
” Brynn squeals in delight. I laugh because really what can I say to that. After we’re unloaded, we say bye to our parents and then start to unpack all our stuff. Our room is a decent size and we lucked out with a bathroom attached to it. Thank goodness we don’t have to share with the entire floor. I’m guessing because we’re in a co-ed dorm. “Liv, let’s unpack later, I want to check out the guys in our dorm,” she says practically jumping up and down on her bed.

I start laughing, “Brynn
, do you ever not think about men? And no, I want to unpack first and then we can roam the building.”

“Ugh fine, you alw
ays have to be the party pooper,” she says with a grunt as she starts to unpack more things.

After what feels like hours
, we’re finally all unpacked. All I want is to lie down, relax, and eat something, but I know my roommate has other plans for us. “Finally, now let’s get changed and go. I wanna meet some hotties,” she says all cheerfully.

“Brynn really, you have four years to meet all the
hotties you want. Can’t we just stay in and relax for tonight?” I practically beg.

“Absolutely not Liv, we’
re going out to tour the campus, get something to eat. While we do that I will check out the hotties around here,” she says with a big smile on her face. “Now let’s move,” she snickers to me.

Okay let’s go,” I say as I chuckle and let her lead the way.

We walk to the building that has the information for the campus
. We wait in line for about ten minutes before we’re able to score a map and some other important information. We walk out the doors and start walking from building to building to see which ones we’ll be in the most. I make note of where the library is, because I know I’ll be there a good bit.

We pass the cafeteria and deci
de to head to a pizza shop that’s off campus, but still within walking distance. There’s so many people roaming around outside, it is crazy to think that all of us are taking classes here. I know Brynn has to be going crazy because there are hot men everywhere. I know I’m taken, but shit I can still look and help my best friend out.

“So have you seen any
hotties to your liking best friend?” I ask with a big smile on my face.

Uhhh Liv, have you looked around? We are surrounded by hotness. I’m going to go crazy being around this many sexy men. How’s it possible that our school got all the sexy men? Those poor other colleges,” she says looking all serious.

I just bust out laughing and then Brynn laughs with me. A few people that pass by just look at us and then continue on their way. “Brynn
, I’m sure there are hot men at other schools too. Also, you need to control yourself; you don’t want to become a slut at college,” I tell her bluntly.

“Well shit….how
am I supposed to control myself with all of these guys, hell my panties are soaked just looking at them,” she states looking all serious.

I start laughing
again; only Brynn would say shit like that. “I will help you Brynn, you cannot come to school and learn how to be a slut, you want to make a guy work for it, and you need to find the right guy to make him work for it,” I say trying to be the responsible one.

, it’s been months since I’ve had sex…and shit I’m in so much trouble,” she says looking serious as all hell. I start laughing again. “Stop laughing at me Liv, it’s not funny.” Now she just looks mad.

“Yes it is
Brynn; you’re acting like a horny teenaged boy right now.”

“Oh stop, I am not. I’
m just pointing out the obvious that I can see why girls become sluts, the male hotness here is ridiculous and why wouldn’t you want to try each one of them out?” she asks looking curious.

, you cannot sleep with all of them,” I say, shocked that she would even suggest something so crazy.

“I won’t
, but I can see why girls do, hell look at them, look all around Liv and see what you’re missing because of Mr. Hot pants in Cali.”

, I think my Mr. Hot pants is pretty sexy, so I’m all set,” I say being honest because Ryan is sexy to me and he’s mine.

“Yes, yes Liv, we know and Ryan is hot
, but Liv he’s so far away, do you seriously think you’re going to make it four years together with the distance like it is, plus he’s playing college football,” she states.

“Brynn I know, can we please not talk about that right now. Things are working just fine and I’d like to think they can continue that way
,” I ask, hoping we can change the subject.

, your right, and Ryan is madly in love with you. That just means more possibilities for me,” she says with a giggle.

re hopeless,” I say as we head in the direction of the pizza place.

We eat our pizza and then make our way around campus some more to check things out. Well me to check out the buildings to see where my classes are located and Brynn to check
out more of the college guys.

By the time we make it back to our dorm
, the place is crowded and doors are open everywhere. I take in the scenery and then turn to head up the stairs only to smash right into someone. “Oww…I’m sorry I wasn’t paying attention,” I say rubbing my forehead.

“Not a problem
, are you okay?” the wall I hit says. I look up and see a tall guy who looks like he should be a football player standing in the doorway.

“Yeah I’m fine, sorry about tha
t, I wasn’t paying attention.”

“No worries
,” he says and then heads in the direction of what I am assuming is his dorm.

“Did you seriously just walk into the H
ulk?” Brynn asks with a laugh.

“Oh shut it, I wasn’t looking

, because he’s pretty hard to miss considering he’s tall and huge, he’s definitely a football player,” she says laughing at me. I ignore her and take the steps back to our room, which is on the third floor. The entire way up the three flights of stairs, I have to listen to Brynn making fun of me for walking into the Hulk. She’s never going to let me live this down. Ugh, I need to start paying more attention to things.

By the time
we make it back to our room I’m tired and now I have a freaking headache. I plop down onto my bed and close my eyes. I wake a few minutes later by Brynn yelling at me. “Seriously B, what do you want?” I mumble.

“Get your ass up, we’
re going out tonight,” she states like I don’t have a choice.

B, I just want to take a nap, wake me up before you go and I’ll get ready quick,” I say closing my eyes and pulling the pillow over my face.

“Umm Liv
, you just took a three hour nap, so it is later. Get your pretty tush up and get ready.”

What….I slept that long? Holy crap, it felt like ten minutes tops,” I say.

ell it wasn’t its going on 9:00 p.m. and by the time you’re ready it will be 10:00 p.m., so hurry up already,” she says pulling at me to get off the bed.

Ugh”…I mumble as I head toward the shower to get washed up. Hopefully, the shower will wake me up.

ll pick your outfit out while you’re in the shower, so move your ass woman,” B yells.

After about an hour of Brynn changing me to her liking
, we finally head out the door. “Okay, so tonight we’re going to a sorority house, but I was told there will be some sexy men there too,” she says excitedly.

, we haven’t even been here twenty-four hours and you’re already looking for your first prey, you my friend, are not right,” I say laughing at her.

“Oh stop, I’m just looking
at my options, no harm in that,” she says looking at me. “Also Liv, maybe we should consider joining a sorority. Just think about it, you and I are already practically sisters and we could join a group of others and be one big happy family,” she says laughing while looking serious at the same time.

“Are you serious?
Brynn I don’t want to join a sorority, I’m happy with how things are right now. If you want to go ahead,” I tell her.

, come on, it could be awesome, plus the dances, the parties, the friendships, OHHH my goodness we so have to do this,” she squeals.

A sorority is not something I had ever intended on joining. The thought of it sounds nice
, but living in a house full of girls complaining about this boy and that boy problem, and that girl and what she’s wearing, yeah not really my style. “B, I’ll think about it okay?” knowing darn well I have no intentions of thinking anymore about joining.

“Yay, okay we
’re almost there,” she says with an extra bounce in her step.

We walk up to a house that’
s definitely nice looking on the outside. We’re greeted at the door then escorted inside by some of the sisters of the house. They ask if we’re thinking about joining and Brynn starts right in with them. I just nod my head. The laughter and squealing is enough to make me want to turn right around and walk out that door, but I won’t do that to Brynn.

We spend the next four hours at the sorority house. There are a few girls that are pretty cool that I talk and hang out with while Brynn’s running around with the freaking president of the sorority. The two girls I’m hanging out with are Megan and Sophie. Sophie was
grand-fathered in so she tells me; it wasn’t really her choice. She did it so she wouldn’t hurt her mom’s feelings, so here she is. Megan is the opposite, she’s always wanted to be a sorority girl. It’s funny how these girls seem completely opposite, but get along great.

Megan and Sophie show me around and also introduce me to a few of the fraternity guys that are over tonight. I think I met a Matt, Bryan, and Boner. (I didn’t bother to ask for details on that one). They seem nice
, but are rather drunk.

my gosh Liv, we are totally going to rush for this sorority. These girls are awesome,” she says overly joyed as she rushes up to me.

“We’ll see B, I’m not sur
e if I want to be in a sorority,” I try telling her again.

, you need to live a little, we could have so much fun here.” Luckily I don’t have to say anything else because some drunken guys come up and start talking to us.

I’m definitely not drunk and for being here for so long
, I should be. I just want my bed. I finally get Brynn to leave and we head back to our dorm room. I have to listen to her talk about how awesome the sorority is and how cool the girls are and how rush is going to be so much fun. Yadda Yadda Yadda.


Brynn and I have two classes together
, which is nice. I’m happy that I won’t be completely by myself to start out the semester. I know if I join a sorority then I’ll have all types of friends, I’m just not sure how I feel about it yet.

, can I say I’m dreading the first day. The first day of any class is BOR-ING,” Brynn says sleepily.

“Rise and shine buttercup it’s going to be a great day,” I say all cheery. I end up getting hit in the face by one of Brynn’s pillows.

“I want more sleep,” she murmurs while pulling her sheets up over her head.

“No time, get up because we need to get a move on.” She fin
ally relents and gets up and heads into the bathroom. Thank goodness she doesn’t take forever or we’d be late to our very first college class.

My classes are ridiculous
ly packed. I end up sitting near the front in a few of them. I learn that the back of the rooms are always taken first. That’s okay by me, I need to study and make sure I pass my classes. I don’t know anyone except for Brynn, but she’s only in two of my classes and I’m taking six classes this semester. I look around and…yep, I don’t know one single person. Ugh, this is going to be a long semester. Brynn was right, the first day of class does suck. The professor’s just go over the syllabus then explain their guidelines and expectations. Fun times right here.

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