Numbers (9 page)

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Authors: Laurann Dohner

BOOK: Numbers
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“I thought you might have gone there to pick up a woman and
have sex with her.”

He growled. “You’re the only female I want. Why would you
think that?”

“Guys go to bars to pick up women to have sex with them.”

“I’m not a guy. The bar is for eating, dancing and
socializing. I would never share sex with another female, Dana. Species don’t

“I’m sure some do.”

He shook his head. “None have. You’ve never seen mates
together, have you?”


“You’d understand if you did. A mate bond is very strong.
There is talk that we become addicted to our females’ scent and none other will
do. No other females tempted me when I had a mate, despite the fact that she wasn’t
able to share sex with me.”

“I’m not the cheating type either.”

“I knew that.”

She let go of her stomach. “I could be pregnant.”

“I don’t think you are. I’ve scented ovulating human females
before, and don’t smell it on you. Does that disturb you?”

“Not really. That just falls into the category of things I
never thought someone would say to me.”

He chuckled. “We’ll take precautions from now on if you
wish. I have the condoms Paul gave me. I would be happy if you had my baby, but
I know you aren’t ready for that yet.” He tensed. “The food. We haven’t eaten.”
He lifted her off his lap and they stood. “Let me go get our dinner. We’ll

“I am hungry.”

He took her hand and they walked to the living room. He
released her. “I’ll be right back.”

“I’ll find plates and things.”

“Thank you.”

He exited the house and strode to the Jeep. His mind was on
Dana as he leaned over and hooked a strap of the duffle bag that was closest to
him on his shoulder, and slung it over his back. He lifted the box and spun,
returning to the house. He dropped the duffle bag inside and used his foot to
close the door. He could get the other bag later. He joined Dana in the

She had put plates on the island and found the silverware.
He put the box down and removed the sealed containers with their dinners. He
watched Dana move to the fridge and open it.

“Wow. They really packed this. What do you want to drink? It
seems they gave us about everything. There’s milk, sodas, iced tea, juice and
bottled waters.”

“I like soda.”

She removed two cans and came to him. He studied her face to
see if she was upset about the possibility of being pregnant. He wouldn’t blame
her if she was angry. She didn’t look it though. She smiled and took a seat on
one of the barstools. He passed her the fried chicken dinner and rounded the
counter to take a seat next to her with his own container. They were silent as
they transferred the food onto plates.

It was a comfortable silence as they ate. He’d never seen
someone use a knife and fork to cut fried chicken. He’d have eaten it with his
fingers. It made him consider their differences. Mourn had so many things he
wanted to ask Dana and discuss with her but he waited until she stopped eating.
She couldn’t finish it all but she wasn’t a large human.

“What is that odd look for?” She drew him from his thoughts.

He chuckled. “The way you eat is amusing.”


He shook his head. “It’s just cute.”

She tucked her head, but smiled. Mourn longed to reach out
and touch her. He held back, not wanting to do anything that might make her
withdraw from him. He finished his dinner and stood, taking their plates to the
sink. Dana came up behind him as he rinsed them.

“Do you need help?”

“I have a lot of experience at this. Why don’t you take a
seat on the couch, and I’ll be there in a moment?”

She moved away and he finished cleaning up. He found her on
the couch, and sat down close. “We could watch a movie. There are some left on
the shelf by the last couple who lived here.” He’d noticed them earlier.

Dana surprised him by turning to face him. She grabbed his
hand and peered up at him with a worried look. “Did my brother upset you? He
was out of line.”

“I wasn’t upset. I’m just glad I didn’t have to physically
restrain him.”

“He shouldn’t have done that. I’m sorry.”

“You’re apologizing again for what others do.” He leaned in
and touched her, lightly caressing her arm. “I know you come with family, Dana.
I considered that before I attempted to become more than your friend.”

She hesitated. “I worried the NSO would be upset with me
because we spent last night together. Darkness set me straight on that.”

“Why would they be upset?”

“You know, like I took advantage by having sex with you.”

He laughed.

“That’s exactly how Darkness reacted.”

“You’re thinking like a human. You couldn’t make me do
anything I didn’t want to do. They are more worried about what I might do to

“You’re not like that Vengeance guy you told me about.”

“No, I’m not. I am so glad you’re here with me.”

“I am too. I enjoy our time together.”

He studied her features. “Are you willing to consider moving
to Homeland and living with me if you learn that I’m your male?”

“I wish I had your confidence in us working out long-term.”

“You will.”

She broke eye contact and leaned back on the couch, out of
his reach. “That’s so not fair.”

His shoulders sagged. “I know it’s asking a lot for you to
give up your world for mine but I’d do everything to make you happy, Dana.”

“I understand why we’d have to live here. That’s not what I
was talking about.” She twisted to face him, but kept back. “You make me want
to do crazy things when you look at me like that and your voice gets husky.”

“I don’t understand.”

“I want to say yes. I’m trying to stay rational and not make
a mistake.”

“We are not a mistake.”

“You know what I mean.”

He scooted closer until his hip pressed against her leg.
“I’m not going to change my mind about us, Dana. I won’t regret asking you to
be mine. I want you to be my mate. I won’t leave you. I’m the one who worries
that you’ll do that to me.”

Her expression softened. “I don’t want to hurt you in any
way, Mourn.”

“Then agree to be my mate, move to Homeland and stay with

“I…” She seemed to falter for words.

“You need assurances that we’ll be good together. I plan to
convince you.” He stood and held out his hand. “Come with me.”

“Where are we going?” She allowed him to pull her to her

“To our bedroom.”

Her eyebrows arched, but she didn’t jerk away from him.

He smiled. “I’m going to show you how good we can be
together, Dana. I’ve thought all day about the things I want to do to you once
I strip you naked. I’ll do much better than what we shared last night.”

“Now you’re really not playing fair.”

“I’m Species. I go after what I want, and that’s you.”

Chapter Eight


Dana waited in the bedroom while Mourn ran outside to
retrieve the condoms. She wanted him, but their relationship was so new that
she worried sex would be uncomfortable between them. The first time might have
been a fluke. He returned quickly, an eager look on his face.

She couldn’t help but laugh. He closed the door and paused
to toss a large padded envelope on the bed. He bent and tore at his work boots.
Dana hovered near the dresser, watching him. “In a hurry?”

He straightened. “I’ll slow down.”

“Now I’m nervous,” she admitted.

“There’s no reason to be.” He walked right up to her and
gently gripped her upper arms. “I’ll be gentle.” He caressed her skin with his
thumbs. “Didn’t you enjoy it when I put my mouth between your thighs?”

The memory flashed through her mind and she nodded. “Yes.”

“Remove your clothes. No pressure. Just let me touch you,
Dana. I’ll stop if you don’t enjoy it. I will never make you do anything you
don’t want.”

“I guess I’m kind of worried that all we’ll have is sex.”

He cocked his head. “I don’t understand.”

“You know, like our relationship is solely going to be based
on sex.”

“We talk and enjoy spending time together. I’m hoping I can
convince you, with sex, to be my mate. I’m determined to learn everything about
you. Do you want to return to the living room? We don’t have to share sex. We
could talk, or watch one of the movies.”

She felt torn. “I want you. I’m just trying to stall taking
off my clothes. It’s bright in here.”

He frowned. “The lights bother you?”

“I look better in dimmer lighting.”

“Is this a human thing?”

She laughed. “I guess so.”

“I like you naked. You’re beautiful, Dana.”

She just decided to be blunt. “Your women are kind of
muscular, and I’m not. I saw a bunch of them at the bar when Paul and Becky
took me there. They look like fitness models.”

His expression softened. “I’m attracted to you. Not them.”

His words helped a lot. He released her and backed away. “Do
you want to go into the living room?”

She shook her head. She did want him.

He started to remove his uniform. “I’ll strip first. Perhaps
that will make you feel more comfortable.”

He was really sweet. She couldn’t look away as he pulled off
his shirt and then peeled the undershirt he wore over his head. The bandage on
his arm was gone and the stitches were out. It had just left a red mark. His
ability to heal quickly still impressed her. She shifted her gaze and admired
the sight of his broad shoulders and chest, and all the muscles revealed down
his stomach. He unfastened his belt, slowly pulling it through the loops of his
pants. He tossed it to the floor and reached for the front of his pants. He
kept his gaze locked on her the entire time.

“I’m aroused,” he warned.

She hadn’t really gotten a good look at him the night
before, and had avoided glancing at him while they’d gotten dressed in the
shed. He pulled down his pants first. The outline of his rigid cock stretched
the fabric of the tight black boxer briefs he wore. He kicked the pants away
and hooked his thumbs in the shorts, slowly easing them down.

He was absolutely breathtaking and amazing. Her gaze
lingered on his erection. She swallowed hard. Mourn was big all over. Her gaze
lifted when he kicked the shorts away and just stood still. He watched her with
those remarkable eyes, but then turned and walked to the bed. She appreciated
the view of his well-formed, muscular ass. He took a seat on the bed and leaned
back to rest his upper body on his bent elbows.

“Do you want to join me?”

Her hands trembled a little as she began to strip. “Yes.”

He smiled. “We’ll take it very slow. I don’t want to startle

She kept on her bra and panties, and climbed onto the bed
next to him. He held still, just peering at her. She settled on her side,
keeping some space between them. She lifted her hand, but paused over his

“Please touch me,” he rasped.

It was sexy when his voice deepened that way, and she saw
passion in his eyes. When she glanced at his lap, the evidence of his desire
for her was unmistakable. His cock was really hard. She lowered her hand and
splayed it on his chest. He eased back until he lay flat and placed his hands
beneath his head.

“That feels so good,” he encouraged. “Am I less threatening
on my back this way?’

She grew bolder, changed positions, sat cross-legged next to
him, put both hands on him, and explored his chest and lower stomach. His cock
jerked when her fingers slid closer. A low growl rumbled from him, and she
looked at his face. She froze because he almost looked angry with his fangs
showing and his lips parted.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I just want to touch you too, Dana. May I?”


Mourn moved fast, sat up and turned. He slowed his motions
then, reaching for her. He helped her ease back to lie flat. He got off the bed
and slid his hands under the back of her thighs and tugged her toward the edge then
just dropped to his knees, spreading her legs so he fit between them. He leaned
forward, half on top of her, and studied her bra. He growled.


“How do you get this off?”

She laughed. It proved he was not a womanizer. She reached
up with both hands and found the front clasp, popping it open. She spread the
cups off her breasts and twisted a bit to remove the straps, easing the rest of
it from under her back to throw it out of the way.

Her amusement died quickly when Mourn lunged forward and his
hot, wet mouth latched on to her nipple. She gasped at the sudden strong tugs.
It didn’t hurt. It instantly sent sensations straight to her clit as if they
were linked by nerves. She gripped his shoulders, kneading them just to have
something to cling to and anchor her.

He nipped her beaded nipple with his teeth and she felt his
fangs, but they didn’t break the skin.
So much for taking it slow
. She
didn’t mind though. His arm slid under her lower back and he jerked her hips
closer to his. It put his rock-hard cock against her panties. He ground it
against her pussy, rubbing her clit through the thin material that separated
them. She moaned and lifted her legs, hooking them around his hips.

He released her breast and went for the other.

“Oh god,” she moaned.

He stopped sucking her nipple and lifted his head. She
stared into his eyes.

“You’re very religious. Do you want to get married? Would
that make sharing sex more comfortable for you?”

She laughed. “I’m not. Very religious, that is.”

“You keep saying that when I’m touching you.”

“I’m enjoying it. It’s just what I say.”

“I wish you’d use my name.”

“I’ll try to remember that, but you make thinking impossible
when you’re touching me.”

He grinned, revealing his fangs. “I understand.” He lifted
up a bit and put a few inches of space between their bodies. “Do you care if I
remove the rest of your clothing?”

She shook her head and eased the grip of her legs, where she
held him against her. She expected him to back off and help her wiggle out of
her panties but he surprised her when he reached for the straps on each side of
her hips and just tore them apart. He yanked the material away.

He reached back and gripped her ankles, parting them and
shoving her knees up. He lowered farther down her body and buried his face between
her thighs. Dana threw her head back and her lips parted as his mouth attacked
her clit.

She squeezed her eyes shut. There was no description for the
way he tongued and sucked on that bundle of nerves. He wasn’t gentle or slow.
He began to purr and snarl, adding very strong vibrations into the mix. Dana
clawed at the bedding. Moans tore from her. It felt amazing and was too
intense. She attempted to slam her knees closed, but Mourn held her down and
open. He was merciless until the climax brutally tore through her. She cried
out his name.

He backed off and released her legs. She panted, opening her
eyes. Mourn reached out, snagged the large envelope and ripped the top off with
his teeth. He turned his head and spit out the paper, and then dumped the contents
on the bed next to her. She almost laughed at the number of condom strips that
came spilling out. She might have if she hadn’t seen the look on his face. It
alarmed her and she struggled to sit up.

“What’s wrong?”

“I want you,” he snarled. He picked up a strip, tore a
condom off, and then tried to open it. His hands shook and he dropped it,

She reached into the pile and pulled out a strip. “Let me.”

He was breathing hard, but she realized he wasn’t angry. He
was just really turned-on. Her body felt sluggish and sated after having her
mind blown, but one glance at his cock assured her that he still wanted her
bad. The skin had reddened a bit and it pulsed as if it had a heartbeat. She
figured it was a Species thing. She used her teeth to tear the wrapper open and
scooted to the edge of the bed.

She touched the slippery, lubricated condom and studied it.
“I’ve never put one of these on before. Talk me through it.”

“I’ll do it.” He seemed to have regained some control. “I
just have to remember what side to press against the tip so it rolls on.” He
took it and examined it, reached down and put it on. He grimaced.

“What’s wrong?”

“I don’t like the feel of it.”

“I’m sorry.”

“It is fine. You don’t want to get pregnant.”

She thought back over the things he’d told her. “You said
you can scent a woman when she’s ovulating?”

He nodded. “Usually. Not always, but it’s rare not to.”

She studied his stiff cock. It looked uncomfortable for him
to have to wear something so tight. “Take it off.”

His eyebrows shot up.

“Do I smell like I’m ovulating?”

His nostrils flared. “No.”

“Take it off.”

“I won’t put you at risk.”

“I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”

“I’ll deal with it, to have you. We’ll try this.”

She eased back on the bed. “Okay.”

He drew closer and maneuvered his hips between her thighs.
She spread them wider, and he gripped his shaft, rubbing the latex-covered
crown against her pussy. She was really wet as he teased her clit and slid
lower to her vaginal opening. Mourn pressed in. She tried to relax as he
entered her, but he was so big and thick. A soft groan came from him and he
came down on top of her, braced his arms near her sides and captured her mouth
with his, kissing her.


Mourn attempted to rein in his desire to take Dana hard and
fast. She turned him on so much that it was difficult to find restraint. She
made it more difficult when her fingernails raked down his back to his ass, and
she grabbed hold of him to squeeze each cheek in her hands. Not even the condom
could mute the pleasure of being sheathed inside her tight, warm, wet pussy.
Her muscles squeezed around his dick.

She broke the kiss by turning her head. “Mourn,” she moaned.
“Yes! Faster.”

He reached down and grabbed her hip, using his arm to pin
her thigh against him as he drove into her more rapidly and a little more
forcefully. She arched her back under him and he loved the sight of her taut
nipples and bouncing breasts. He snarled, no longer holding back as he drove in
and out of her. She felt too good. He clenched his teeth as he started to come.
A white haze of rapture tore through his body and left him unable to think. She
cried out his name loudly and her pussy milked his cock as she found her own

He collapsed on top of her but quickly remembered she was
much smaller than he was. He feared his weight would make it difficult for her
to breathe so he lifted up a little, released her hip and braced his arms on
the bed. They both panted.

He couldn’t look away from her face. She was beautiful while
in the throes of passion, but even more so in the aftermath of what they’d
shared. It made his chest hurt when she smiled at him and opened her eyes to
stare back at him.

She’s mine. Why can’t she see that? We belong together.
He cleared his throat, so many words wanting to spill out, but he hesitated,
trying to think of the least alarming thing to say. She wasn’t ready to mate
him, or hear how he never wanted to live another day without her. He didn’t
want to frighten her off. “Stay the night with me.”

She laughed. “You really aren’t playing fair, Mourn. How can
I say no after that?”

He felt relief. It would be so much better if she had agreed
to be his mate, but he’d take it one day at a time. She was his until morning.
Tomorrow he’d have to think of another way to get her to stay with him.


She ran her hands over his body, exploring. He enjoyed the
softness of them against his flesh more than anything he’d ever experienced. It
soothed him and gave him a peaceful feeling. She didn’t even seem to mind that
he stayed on top of her, his dick snugly nestled into her body to keep them
intimately linked. He could happily remain that way forever. There was nowhere
else he wanted to be, nothing else he wanted to do. Dana gave him purpose and

It made him think of 139. He tried to push those thoughts
away, but they haunted him. She had never smiled at him after they’d shared
sex. She’d never been content to allow him to hold her the way Dana did. 139
would have pushed him away by now to separate them. She’d never stroked her hands
over his body as if she enjoyed touching him.

Dana’s smile faltered, and she stopped stroking him. “What’s

He broke eye contact and leaned down, burying his face in
her neck. He inhaled, loving her scent. “You matter so much to me, Dana.”

She resumed caressing him. She even turned her head,
pressing her cheek against his. She shifted her legs, wrapping them tighter
around his hips, as if she hugged him with them to keep him close.

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