Official Book Club Selection (35 page)

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Authors: Kathy Griffin

Tags: #Non-Fiction, #Adult, #Biography, #Autobiography, #Memoir, #Humour

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xoxo steve

From: Kathy

Date: November 8, 2007 12:06:53 AM

To: Woz

Subject: Re: Seoul?

60 minutes did a very interesting piece on Negroponte last year. I would think you would like him. Did you?

I had this big and mortifying meeting with the mucky mucks at NBC last Friday and I’m still traumatized. The sexism is so profound, most of the time, I thought they were kidding with some of their comments. You came up. I met with about 10 of the executives. When I was joking about how little BRAVO pays me one of them said “Can’t your new boyfriend finance your show?” Another was “We don’t really do female driven comedies here. The numbers tell us, women don’t really watch tv.” And the kicker “We need to find a role for you that fits you as tight as those jeans” Welcome to 1958. Oh well, I guess it’s back to BRAVO for me. So much for me becoming the new Lucille Ball on NBC. Congratulations on your victory over those bastards, the OJD’s. With your skill and finesse, think of them as the 1978 Boston Bruins and you as the Montreal Canadiens.


From: Woz

Date: November 8, 2007 1:38:55 AM

To: Kathy

Subject: Re: Seoul?

I had met Negroponte only one time before.

On his panel they saved me for last. I spoke of his integrity and of some issues with his laptop program, based on my own experiences. In his answers to all of us on the panel he actually only acknowledged my own remarks. Afterward he expressed a desire to get together and talk so we’ll do that in California or Boston sometime. I really think that he deserves and could win the Nobel Peace Prize in a year or two. Unlike Gore, he’s actually making a measurable positive change in some lives. My opinion. And he cares about the poorest kids of all. Apple offered him their OS but he declined because it’s proprietary. I do wish him great success and luck with the program. He had handshake deals with 6 country leaders but they backed out when it came to writing the checks. So now he’s going first with Uruguay. Some of the technology in his laptop is beyond clever in fact.

I’m rather shocked to hear those NBC comments. I thought they had to be smart to be successful. At least it should help. If it’s about D List, boy did they blow it.

Oh, one more thing. Those Oakland Junkyard Dogs play dirty. And they play on slightly larger Segways, the offroad XT models. I hate playing against them because they are so intimidating and the Dogs just take them in any direction they feel like without looking, like someone driving a Hummer does. This one guy is the worst. He modified his Segway to go faster and he cuts ahead of me as I head down the field and he cuts in front of me. it’s fair and good strategy to block, but with a larger faster Segway it’s very unfair. Well, I still get right into the frays and skirmishes, Segway to Segway. At one junction I’d crowded him and as he tried to turn we were colliding. Well, he actually fell off (hopped off) and I cheered loudly how I’d taken out an XT!!


From: Kathy

Date: November 25, 2007 11:13:06 PM

To: Woz

Subject: Re: Thanks baby!

I think you’re coming to my Cupertino show on Friday night, right? I’m getting in to San Francisco Thursday afternoon or early evening. Want to do something Thursday night? XXOO, KG

From: Woz

Date: November 26, 2007 12:53:02 AM

To: Kathy

Subject: Re: Thanks baby!

I have tickets to the show in Cupertino Friday night. I also have tickets to your SF show Saturday night but a huge long-time music hero of mine, on whom I have never seen, is playing in Berkeley that night so it’s a dilemma.

I must warn you that I will be at the show with a woman friend who works at Apple in the Education Department.

I still can’t get my Google calendar up. It indicates that my friend, who will be coming to your Cupertino show, might be flying in to San Jose Thursday evening. I thought she was flying in Wednesday, but if she’s coming Thursday I may have to pick her up. I’ll let you know when I find out more.

It’s off to sleep for a couple of hours now.



From: Kathy

Date: November 26, 2007 2:09:15 AM

To: Woz

Subject: Re: Thanks baby!

I am more than ok with you missing either show as I get a little self conscious. My “Woz chunk” is growing though. The straight guys who were dragged to the show seem to really like it.

Can you take me for a bite after the show at one of your local haunts? I’m always struggling to find places that serve food after 10PM on a week night. Can your woman friend from Apple’s education dept please help mw with my iphone and my mail problems. Frankly, you’re useless in that department. Can she relocate to LA and move in with me? I have a very impressive home.

XXOO, Kathy G

From: Woz

Date: November 26, 2007 6:04:01 AM

To: Kathy

Subject: Re: Thanks baby!

Ha ha. Janet is actually an instructor on iLife and I need her assistance to keep my own computer going.

I don’t think that Janet would move to L.A. ever. She doesn’t mind it but she’s moving now to Cupertino from Iowa/Kansas only because she loves Apple so much and got a job at corporate.

See you soon,


From: Kathy

Date: December 11, 2007 10:01:30 PM PST

To: Woz

Subject: Last night

Did you go to your Monday night supper club last night? They seem like good company.



From: Woz

Date: December 11, 2007 10:27:20 PM

To: Kathy

Subject: Re: Last night

I missed the Monday night dinner due to an important panel at the Computer History Museum. That museum not only tries to preserve artifacts of the history of computers but also captures stories before the parties involved die. They have a regular speaking program. Last night was about a computer of major influence, the Commodore 64. I was on the panel (we offered Commodore our Apple but they turned us down) and a guy from the first IBM PC, another computer from that time frame (1982-1984) and the guy who joined Commodore later and invented their Amiga computer, another great one technically that didn’t go so far.

Tomorrow is Janet’s birthday and I don’t have a card or present but I joked that a concert ticket was her present and she said OK. Whew until

I get time. We have been going to shows together and playing cards and all so it’s been fine.

I’ll probably do all my X’mas shopping at Cosco the day before Christmas. Then I’m flying to Kansas to meet Janet’s family. Someday I’ll get 4 hours of sleep. I think.

I got a robot guitar the other day but haven’t had time to use it yet. I love calling it a robot guitar but more accurately it tunes itself.



From: Kathy

Date: December 11, 2007 10:57:24 PM

To: Woz

Subject: Re: Last night

That’s so weird,. I also was on a panel for the Computer History Museum. We must’ve just missed each other. My speech was called “the Sharp Wizard, bring back the greatest tech gadget ever invented”

What is your card game of choice with Janet? Texas hold ’em? Ooh, birthday presents are fun. May I suggest a rubber ring from, say Tiffany? You do know that telling me you’re going to do your X-mas shopping at Costco is the same as driving that joke right in to my act in your Prius. Thank you Jesus (and you, Woz) Gotta go. I’ll finish later. “Hi” to my girl Janet. XXOO, KG

From: Woz

Date: December 11, 2007 11:45:28 PM

To: Kathy

Subject: Re: Last night

The Computer History Museum has a great array of calculators through time.

I was a big fan and user of the Sharp Wizard myself! The trouble was, I didn’t want my life to be carried in an electronic device. I resented having a calendar on my person, so I never used it, only showed it off.

You had better check Costco out. Last X’mas I did my shopping the last day there. I got lots of books and CD’s and DVD’s and house stuff and kitchen stuff and toys and gifts and could even have gotten jewelry there. It was my best X’mas shopping ever.

missing you,



From: Kathy

Date: December 24, 2007 4:59:53 PM

To: Woz

Subject: Thinking of you

at Costco just going NUTS! I can’t stop imagining you running from aisle to aisle gleefully filling your shopping cart with books, cds, and 20 lb cans of funyuns, carmel corn and french onion dip. I hope you are having a wonderful X-mas and I look forward to seeing you in the new year. XXOO, KG

From: Woz

Date: December 24, 2007 11:03:54 PM

To: Kathy

Subject: Re: Thinking of you

I did much better this year.

A few days before Christmas Julie and I went shopping at a Cosco of her choice and it was a smaller Cosco. I wasn’t interested in any of the tech stuff there, iPods, cameras, etc. I got some books and DVD collections but not very much overall. I found lots of stocking stuffer type stuff like magic tricks and candles and back scratchers and forks that can grab your friends’ food.

I do love you and all your people and the fun you bring to us all,

xoxox steve

From: Kathy

Date: January 8, 2008 5:51:40 PM

To: Woz

Subject: Hey and Hi

My God, the straight guys love you! I was on kimmel last night and he was beside himself. He went to some convention you were at and said the crowd went apeshit. How is your new year going so far? Back in to traveling?

Have you given any thought to driving down for the Producers Guild Awards on Saturday, Feb 2nd? Please, please, please? Just being next to you at these things is a purifying experience. Besides, you’re the only one smart enough to keep up with my high brow, cerebral and environmentally conscience brand of humor. XXOO, KG

From: Woz

Date: February 1, 2008 1:10:01 AM

To: Kathy

Subject: Re: Hey and Hi

Kimmel … kimmel … please tell me who or what he is …

I decided today to drive down on Friday but now I’m having such problems with tech at home that I may still wind up coming down on Saturday. Anyway, I can’t wait. How fun it will be, and I’m pretty much in the dark. I love all our times together so much!



From: Kathy

Date: January 22, 2008 12:20:15 AM

To: Woz

Subject: So many things!

I’m bursting with stuff to talk about with you. First of all, I’m beyond thrilled you’re my date for the PGA’s. We can really catch up then. Some topics on the table …

How was the MacWorld Expo, or as I call it Mac Pride Fest? Granted, it must have been a bitter pill for you when all the tech gays just wanted to hear what it’s like for you to be allowed to be in my presence.

I’m dying to know if you ran in to Jobs?

should I get the 3K air thing? What if I drop it??? Do I have to think of everything?

I’ve been getting a big laugh when I tell the Gays in my audiences that the Mac Enthusiasts are giving them a run for their money.

Did you really invent the universal remote? Finally, something that can actually improve people’s lives.


From: Woz

Date: February 1, 2008 1:26:53 AM

To: Kathy

Subject: Re: So many things!

MacWorld was good and I got to chat with Steve Jobs for a while.

He was friendly for a photo. I talk to him at all the MacWorlds. I get in early with VIP’s and it’s easy to talk with Steve. I also talk to him right after as well. Oddly, he suffered some bad publicity when some girl asked him for a photo and he said that it would be rude, which is sort of accurate—it would be rude to the thousands of others that he’d have to turn down.

I made up a joke while there. Q: What do you call Steve Jobs’ bodyguards? A: Jobs Security.

I am not a big fan of the Apple Air but you are probably the perfect candidate for it. As tech objects get smaller, they get tighter too and don’t break as easily when dropped. Look how many times people drop cell phones and they usually survive. Steve Jobs showed the Air by taking it out of an interoffice mail envelope. I joked right away that I wanted a case that had the interoffice design on it and a day later a company announced one. I have it on order but that case may be months off.

actually, yes, [I did invent the universal remote] and there’s a story behind it, a normal story



From: Kathy

Date: April 10, 2008 12:53:11 AM

To: Woz

Subject: ep 1

Hey Steve-I just saw the rough cut of episode one of season 4 and you’re so cute in it! Thanks for participating. I hear from Julie that it may have caused some discomfort for you with Janet, but you and Janet will see that it has truly been in fun! XXOO, KG

From: Woz

Date: April 10, 2008 7:43:04 AM

To: Kathy

Subject: Re: ep 1

The show was more fun than anything for me! It was so different from the other exciting times and adventures in my life. I hope it does go well.

Xoxo steve

From: Kathy

Date: April 14, 2008 10:00:31 PM

To: Woz

Subject: Holy shitballs!

Are you engaged? Some one from NBC emailed and heard you got engaged. Congratulations, if you are, but let me know as I will have to answer on talk shows etc. XXOO, KG

From: Woz

Date: April 14, 2008 10:06:35 PM

To: Kathy

Subject: Re: Holy shitballs!

actually, yes, but we’ve been hiding it for some time … this NBC source may not be in the know … I don’t know anyone at NBC …

we are planning kids too!

xoxo Steve

From: Kathy

Date: April 14, 2008 10:34:58 PM

To: Woz

Subject: Re: Holy shitballs!

Steve, I wish all the best for you! Have you guys set a date? XXOO, KG

From: Kathy

Date: April 25, 2008 1:32:53 AM

To: Woz

Subject: Finally!!!

I sent you an email Sunday night, but my iphone ran out and I couldn’t find it in my sent or drafts or anything. Anyway, there’s a cute picture if us in the STAR, so folks online are commenting on your wedding ring slash not wedding ring. SO, did you two crazy kids actually tie the knot or not? On the D-List show, we’re kind of dating. It’s harmless stuff, but I don’t want to be seen as some one who would “date” a married guy. XXOO, KG

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