On the Edge (18 page)

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Authors: V.E. Avance

BOOK: On the Edge
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“Tommy, we understand your fears and they are legitimate fears, however, we feel that Abigail needs to stay here for some time so you can work out what you need to work out.  Even when she’s ready to move in with you, you two will not be on your own.  Joyce and I will gladly help when we can and Mike, Abby’s brother, has even offered to help to ensure that these babies are cared for.  We are a close family and we do not let one of our own sink under stress.”

“Thank you, Mr. Wilkinson.  When do you think
I will be able to move Abigail in with me so we can start our family?”

“Well, that’s another thing, Tommy.  Abigail is on bed rest for another three weeks.  She will not be leaving this house for any reason until her follow up appointment.  I don’t know exactly what happened last Sunday, but she was scared and you were nowhere to be found.  She experienced some complications and we need to make sure she heals and the babies are well before she can even start visiting you at your place.”

“So, she won’t even be allowed to move in with me after her bed rest has expired?” Tommy says as he glances at me.

“Tommy the family has discussed that it wouldn’t be in anyone’s best interest if she were to move in with you immediately following the termination of bed rest.  We believe that you two need to take baby steps, so to speak.  After the doctor releases her from bed rest, you and Abby can start going out for the day a couple times a week.  This will happen in the month of July. Toward the middle of August, she can start staying weekends with you through September.  The first weekend of October, which would be around the sixth, we could move her in so you two have a few months to adjust to living together before the babies arrive.
  That is, only if she wants to move in with you.  The decision is fully her own to make.”

“I understand your concerns with your daughter moving in with me and I will honor whatever schedule you have for her.  I just want to let everyone know that what happened before will never happen again.  I was really stupid and I let my fear and anger get the best of me and I wasn’t there when Abigail needed me the most.  I can’t take back what I did but I can promise it will never happen again,” Tommy assures everyone at the table.  “Will I be able to visit with Abby during her bed rest?”

“Yes.  We would never stop you from seeing Abigail unless that’s what she wanted.  You are more than welcome to visit her anytime you like but you have to remember, she is on strict bed rest.  This is the first time she’s been up and sitting for an extended period of time since her release from the hospital.  She will not be leaving anywhere and you will have to visit her in the living room here,” Dad informs him.

“I understand and accept
that, Mr. Wilkinson.”

With that, my mom helps me to the sofa in the living room and allows Tommy and I some privacy as they escape to their bedroom.
  “When is your next appointment?” Tommy asks after I get comfortable on the couch.

“Mom made my appointment for
the twenty-fifth of June at ten o’clock in the morning.  I should be having another ultrasound that day.”

“I didn’t think the
y did ultrasounds at every visit?” Tommy questions the need of another ultrasound.

“Usually they don’t, but I will have one every time I go in because I am carrying identical twins and they are sharing the same placenta and that makes this high risk.”

“High risk, is everything going to be alright?” He generally sounds sincere in his worry.

“Dr. Hubert says everything should be fine.  He just wants to make sure they don’t get tangled up inside there.  If that happens, then it could be a bad thing for one or both.”

“I’m so sorry, Abigail.  I didn’t know how bad this could be.  I feel like an asshole,” he says as he starts to cry.  “I didn’t realize how much I truly love you and these babies.  I was so selfish and only thinking of myself.  Please, will you forgive me?”

I run my hand through Tommy’s hair.  “I forgave you a long time ago.  I love you Thomas Jackson and I want to make this work.”

He places both his hands on my face and gives me a deep and passionate kiss.  I love kissing Tommy but sparks aren’t flying with our kiss like they do when Jason kisses me.  What the hell does that mean?  I know I love Tommy but something is different with us than it is with Jason.

Tommy decides to head home so I can rest with the promise to stop by tomorrow afternoon.  It’s almost eight and I’m getting tired and still need to take a bath.  Maybe I can get Mom to allow me to take a shower tonight.  Tommy shows himself out the door since I am bounded to the sofa.  I pick my phone up from the coffee table and text my brother.

He just left. 

Mike and Jason are out in the living room in no time flat.  They must have been waiting for that message so they could pounce for information.  I explain what we all talked about and how Tommy was behaving.  I leave out the lack of spark in the kiss.  I inform them that Tommy is supposed to be here tomorrow.
  “Could one of you two please be here when he shows up?  He was sweet today but I just don’t fully trust him yet,” I say.

“I’m busy tomorrow with Katherine,” Mike explains.

“I’m free.  I’ll stay in Mike’s room with the door cracked so I can keep an ear out for anything.  You don’t have to worry about him, Abigail,” Jason assures me.

“I think this schedule is the best thing for you,” Mike adds and Jason nods his head in agreement.

Mom comes in to ask me if I’m ready for a bath but I convince her into letting me shower.  The only stipulation that she has is that she is to stay in there with me just in case anything happens.  I love my mom and love that she’s so attentive, but I feel like I’m being smothered. 

After my shower I head to my room to retire for the night.  Mike has left a bottle of water on the nightstand and even my dose of my nausea medication and Mom has turned back the covers.  As I crawl into bed, Mike brings in my phone. 

“There are some text messages on your phone.  Most of them are from Katherine but there is at least one from Tommy.  I talked to Katherine since the messages so you can ignore them.  She just wanted to stop by to see you tomorrow.  I told her that I would pick her up in the morning so she can visit before Tommy comes over.”

“Thanks, Mike.  It will be nice to see Katherine tomorrow.  I need a little time with my best friend.”

Mike hands me my phone and kisses my cheek.  He and Jason are getting ready to head over to their new place.  I can’t wait until I’m off bed rest so I can see the new place, I think as I unlock my phone and check my message from Tommy.

I’m so sorry that I was an ass.  I like the schedule your family has in place.  I love you Abigail and those babies.  Tell them daddy loves them and I’ll see you guys tomorrow afternoon.  Sweet dreams and goodnight.

Tommy is trying and I hope he continues to try.  My thoughts go to the babies and creating a loving and safe home for them before I drift to sleep.

Chapter Fifteen

Tommy is supposed to be here this afternoon for our visit.  I feel uncomfortable after all that happened the past few days that I requested Jason be here during the visit.  Mom has some plans for the day so she will be in and out.  Dad said that he needed to stop by the police department to finish a report that the district attorney’s office needs by the end of the week.  Jason arrived early this morning to enjoy breakfast with me and laze around watching television.

“When do you start work?” I ask Jason during the movie. 

“I’m supposed to start work Monday morning.  I’m really excited,” Jason says, almost unable to hide the full excitement that he has about his new job.

“Did you get that job that you were talking about a while back?”  I ask.

“Actually, I did but I was offered another job that I took instead.  I took a job as a financial advisor for a small firm here in Placid.”

“Yea, that sounds like a boring job,” I state with a long, sad face.

Jason laughs at my face and kisses my forehead, “Yea, it’s a little boring but it pays more and it leaves me the opportunity to work from home more often than the other job would have.”

Jason is not the type that likes to stay home and he has never really cared much for money before.  He is one that likes to do what he finds fun and, as long as the pay gives him his necessities, he didn’t care about making a lot of money.  “So, why do you want to make more money and be able to work from home?”  I am now intrigued to discover his motive behind this job choice.

“Honestly, Abigail, I did it for you,” Jason says as he takes my hand.

Now, I’m a little confused.  Scratch that!  I’m a lot confused.  “Why would you take this job for

Jason looks down at our hands.  “Abigail, you’re going to need help with the babies after they come.  Even if you and Tommy work out, you’re going to need help.  By working from home, I can come over here and help you with the babies so you can go to college.  By making more money, I can help you with tuition so you don’t feel like you’re a burden to your family, even though you are not a burden to anyone.”

I don’t have time to respond to Jason before the doorbell rings.  Jason gives me a quick peck on the cheek before making his way to Mike’s bedroom.  Mom makes her way from her room to the front door before I have a chance to get up.  “Good afternoon, Tommy.  How are you?” Mom asks as Tommy steps into the foyer.

“I’m good, Mrs. Wilkinson,” he responds.  Mom smiles at me and retreats back to her bedroom.  Tommy walks over to me and kisses me on my forehead.  “How are my lovely angel and our sweet babies doing today?”

I give him a smile, “We’re alright.  Getting tired of bed rest but it’s needed for these little beans.”

“Yes, you need to rest for them.  We can’t have anything happening to our children because you didn’t listen to the doctor,” he states.

“Yes, but we wouldn’t have had to be on bed rest if you had listened to me and thought of others,” I point out.

Tommy’s leg begins to bounce up and I can tell he’s beginning to hold back his anger.  I am pretty sure I just over stepped his imaginary line, but it’s too late to back track now.  I decide to push forward.  I have Jason and my mom here so this is the best time to bring this conversation up.  “Tommy, we need to talk about something.  I do not want you lying to me about it.”

His lips pucker out as he shoots me a look that tells me to get on with it before he changes his mind.  I swallow and take a deep breath.  “Tommy, I have thought about what I know of you, what I’ve seen and your Jekyll-and-Hyde attitude.  It is my belief, as well as others, that you are doing drugs.  Now, I don’t want to hear that it’s baby powder on the counters or that you’re under stress as an excuse for your mood swings.  We already know that you are on drugs.”

He’s hands are beginning to shake.  With each second that passes my heart seems to beat harder and faster.  I know that I just pissed him off and I know that I just put myself and the babies in harms way.  I really should’ve avoided this conversation.  Too late now, I already opened that can of worms and now it’s time to face it.

Tommy turns to face me.  I no longer see a speckle of my Tommy.  The person I am looking at has eyes that exhibit pure and unadulterated evil.  “So, you spend a few nights away from me and then turn on me?  It’s none of your fucking concern if I’m on drugs, do you understand me?  Yes, I snort dope.  What’s the big fucking deal?”  Tommy snarls at me.

“It’s a big deal because I’m pregnant with your babies or did you forget about them in your drug haze?  I will not allow my children around a meth head even if it is their own father!”

Tommy grabs me by my arm and pulls me closer to his face, “You are the reason that I use drugs.  You got pregnant because you were too stupid to use birth control and now you want to use these kids over my head?  You are one stupid girl for sure.  You will
threaten me by withholding my children from me.  They are just as much my children as they are yours,” he is now shouting at me.  “Don’t you
use my kids against me!  You are nothing without me!”

Tommy is talking low but his anger is evident.  I have to get the attention of my mom or Jason.  I feel my chest tighten as Tommy’s hand tightens around my arm.  I flinch as I see his free hand come down against the side of my face.  Immediately I scream as the burning radiates across my face.  “Get off of me!  Let me go!” I scream as loud as I can. 

There’s a commotion behind me and Tommy looks up.  Tears are streaming down my face as he lets my arm go and rises to his feet.  I move to the other side of the couch and put my hand over the spot where his hand, just seconds ago, had struck.  I look up and see my mom and Jason making their way into the living room.  Jason puts his arm in front of my mom ushering her back as he proceeds to walk toward Tommy.  “What they hell did you do to her?” Jason yells at Tommy. 

Tommy walks toward Jason and gets right up in his face.  My heart is racing.  These two do not like each other and I know this is going to end very badly for Tommy.  “What the fuck are
doing here?” Tommy asks Jason then looks back at me.  “You!  You are fucking this guy, aren’t you?  You fucking bitch,” he yells as he starts to come back toward me. 

I begin to shake.  My heart feels as if it’s going to pound out of my chest.  Tommy raises his fist up, ready to pop me across my face.  There’s nowhere for me to go.  He’s blocking my only way up and, at this level, I have no leverage to fight back.  Just as his fist is coming down toward my already damaged face, Jason grabs his arm.  Jason spins Tommy around on his heels and pushes him toward the front door and away from me.  “Didn’t anyone ever teach you not to hit a lady,” Jason says before he punches Tommy square in the nose. 

Tommy places his hand over his nose immediately after impact.  My mom runs for the bedroom.  Jason takes a step toward Tommy as Tommy removes his hand from his nose and blood begins to squirt all over.  “You broke my nose you fucking dumb jock!”  Tommy shouts as he leaps toward Jason.  A scream escapes my throat as Tommy wraps his arms around Jason’s waist and he pushes Jason back a few steps. 

It doesn’t take Jason long to regain his footing but it gives Tommy enough time to throw a punch at Jason that finds its mark on Jason’s eye.  Jason raises his fist again and, this time, makes contact with Tommy’s jaw.  Tommy’s shouts mask my own screams.  Mom makes her way back into the living room with her phone up to her ear.  She begins yelling at Tommy that she’s on the phone with the 911 dispatcher and he better just get the hell out of her home and leave her kids alone.  Tommy squares off to Jason and, for a moment there, my heart stops.  Is Tommy going to take another swing at Jason?

Just as quickly as the fighting started, it’s ended but my heart rate is still elevated.  Tommy walks out the front door, slamming it behind him.  The force of the door slamming was so forceful that it knocked one of our family photos off the wall.  The frame breaks and the glass shattered to a million pieces on the floor.

My mom comes running to me, phone still against her ear.  I can’t make out what she’s saying to the operator from the sound of my own heart beating in my head.  I’m shaking from the stress of the situation and looking up at Jason.  He swipes his hand through his hair as he turns to look at me.  He lets out a sigh and starts walking towards me.  “Abigail, oh my God baby, are you alright?”  He asks as my mom stands to let the officers in that just arrived.

Jason sits next to me and moves my hand from my face.  His demeanor changes when he sees it.  I can’t see it but I can feel the burning and stinging of Tommy’s hand.  “I’m fine Jason.  My face and arm hurts a little but I’m fine.  You got hurt worse than me,” I say as I run my finger over the swollen spot of his eye where Tommy struck him. 

Jason closes his eyes upon my touch and lets out a sigh.  “Abigail, this isn’t healthy.  The way Tommy flies off the handle isn’t healthy.  Can’t you see that?”

I nod, letting Jason know that I understand.  “I don’t want to be with Tommy anymore.  Not while he’s on drugs,” I say. “This is what the whole fight was about.  I brought up his drug use and he flew off the handle.”

“Abigail, people on drugs are unstable.  You never should have confronted him about it.  Tommy needs more help than you can give to him.  He needs counseling and rehabilitation for his anger and drug use.  You can’t devote yourself to stay by him during all that.  You have two babies coming that don’t need to be around a father that is addicted to drugs.”

“I know, Jay.  I’m not going to waste my time with this anymore.  I’m so sorry that you got drug into the middle of this and, because of me, you got hurt.  I always seem to fuck up.  I’m the reason people get mad and end up getting hurt,” I say as I start to cry again. 

“Abby, damn it, I don’t know how many times I have to tell you, this is
your fault!  And no, you didn’t cause me to get hurt.  I got hurt because Tommy has an anger issue.  I would rather him take his anger out on me than you.  This is all because of him, not you,” he says as he kisses my head.

The police officers take our statements and issue a warrant for Tommy’s arrest.  My dad comes in the front door as the officers are finishing up with our statements.   Jason is sitting next to me and mom is in the kitchen starting dinner.  He nods toward Jason and I and makes his way to the kitchen to check on Mom.  He isn’t gone long before he reappears to talk to one of the officers.  They step outside to talk in private.

“Abigail, I’m sorry that you had witness my anger surface.  I know that the situation that was unfolding in front of you had to have stressed you out and that is not good for the babies.  I’m sorry,” Jason says; the empathy showing on his face.

“Jason, you have nothing to be sorry for.  I was already stressed and anxious when Tommy put his hands on me.  All you did was defend me and you did it the only way that you could at the time.  Tommy didn’t leave you any other choice in the matter,” I say as I lay my head on his chest and he wraps his arms around my shoulders.

The front door opens and Mike and Katherine rush in.  I forgot that they were going to come over for dinner tonight.  “What the hell is going on guys?” Mike asks referring to the police officers that are still talking to dad outside.  Jason and I give him a summary of what happened.

Katherine stands there with her mouth wide open.  I don’t think I’ve ever seen Katherine speechless.  “What the hell?  He hit you again?” Mike questions.  “How long do you plan on putting up with this shit before you have enough, sis?”

I don’t know what to say.  I’m still reeling from what happened and I don’t feel like getting into it with Mike.  “Mike, your sister is still shaken up.  Let’s cut her some slack and try to get past today, ok?”

Katherine decides that she is able to muster some words and decides to put her two senses in now.  “Yea, Mike.  Abigail had to have been scared and the stress and fear isn’t good for the babies.  Let’s discuss this some other day, ok?”

Mike nods in agreement with Katherine and I am thankful.  I am stressed and barely starting to calm down from the whole ordeal.  Mike and Katherine find seats in the living room and start flipping through the television stations.  Mike finds a comedy sitcom on one of the stations to try to lighten the mood.  We are all unwinding when Dad walks back into the house.

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