On the Edge (21 page)

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Authors: V.E. Avance

BOOK: On the Edge
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I give Tommy a quick smile and turn to walk away.  Before I can take a step in the direction of my table, Tommy takes my hand.  “Abigail, I would like another chance with you.  I know I don’t deserve it but I do love you.  I love you and I want us all to be a family.”

I remove my hand from his and give him a half smile.  “Tommy, I don’t know what the future holds for us.  I don’t trust you enough to go back to you but things could change over time.  Let’s just take this slow and see what happens.”

Tommy nods and returns my half smile before kissing my cheek.  I wave goodbye and make my way to my table.  I decide not to tell Mom about the encounter with Tommy because I know she’ll have something negative to say about it.  Mom finishes paying the bill and we head home.


*   *   *


Jason asked Mike, Katherine and me to dinner tonight to celebrate the pending birth of two little girls.  The guys usually do semi-formal restaurants for special dinners so I really want to look my best.  I grab out the black, spaghetti strapped dress my mom bought for me earlier this month and black, open-toed flats that match.  I lay both items on my bed before making my way to the shower. 

By the time I’m done getting ready, it’s almost six.  I’ve had my iPod on while I was getting ready and realized I wouldn’t have heard my phone if anyone called or text.  I grab it from my night
stand and see that I’ve missed two calls; both are from Tommy.  I decide to check them before heading out.  This first is from Tommy:

“Hey Abby I just wanted to call and check on you and the babies.  How have you guys been?  I am thankful to you and your family for including me in the appointment this week.  It meant the world to me.  I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness because I was cruel to you.
  I would really love another chance with you so I can love you like you deserve to be loved.” There’s silence on the line before I hear Tommy sob into the line and hang up.

Poor Tommy, I’m sure seeing Jason and I together
at the appointment must be driving him crazy and I know he’s truly sorry for hurting me.  No matter how much I want to forgive him fully and try for another relationship with him, I don’t see my family being accepting of that, but I was honest with him today when I told him that I didn’t know what the future held for us.  I delete his message and move on to the next one.

“Abigail, this is Jessica!  You know Lucas’s God awful fiancée?  Anyways, I’m sitting here with your man and h
e’s bitching because he’s hopelessly in love with you, though I don’t see why.  You need to quit playing games and act responsibly instead of jumping down the next man’s pants that pays you any attention!  Tommy opened his heart up to you today and you give some bullshit explanation that you don’t trust him.  It’s not that you don’t trust him, you don’t know how to keep your legs closed is what…..” I can’t listen to anymore.  I delete the message before she’s done speaking.

I am so angry at Tommy that I don’t trust myself not to scream and yell and cause everyone in the house to come running in my room to see what the matter is.  So, I decide that the safe alternative is to text Tommy.

How dare you allow that heifer to call me????  I gave you my number so YOU could call me.  Don’t start your shit now that I showed you a little respect because I will change my number again and tell you to fuck off without so much as looking back!

After I press the send button, I turn my phone off.  I find my mom in her room.
  “Mom, if you need to reach me, call Mike’s phone.  I turned mine off.”

“Is everything alright?”

“Yes Mom, I just received a message from someone I never wanted to talk to again.  It’s okay though.”

“Ok, sweetie I’ll call Mike if I need you,” she says as the doorbell rings.  “Have fun baby girl!”

I answer the door and I am shocked at what I see.  Jason is standing before me with two dozen pink roses.  Oh no, here comes those dreaded tears.  I’m trying really hard to hold the tears back but to no avail.

“Oh, Abby please don’t
cry.  You’ll mess up your makeup.  I just wanted to bring a dozen roses for each baby girl before taking you out for dinner to celebrate,” he says as he hands me a handkerchief.  The initials
are inscribed on the piece of cloth.  I look up at him questioningly.  “A graduation gift from my parents,” he says.

I place the roses in two separate vases before taking Jason’s arm and heading outside.  What the hell?  I’ve never seen this car before.  I look over at him.  He looks down and smiles a huge, shit-eating grin back at me.

“What is this?” I pry.

Jason smiles a big cheesy grin. 
“Another graduation gift; this one is from my grandparents.  It’s a 2012, fully loaded Ford Explorer.”

My mouth drops open.  I’m in total shock. 
“Holy crap, Jason, aren’t you a spoiled one?”

“That I am and I’m proud of it,” he smiles as he places his hand on the small of my back.
  “Come on, let me help you in so we aren’t late for dinner.”

We arrive at the restaurant just as Mike and Katherine are pulling in.  Jason picked an exclusive Italian restaurant that you need reservations to get in.  I knew he was going to be pulling out all the stops tonight.  “Wait until I help you out, Abigail.  I don’t want you falling out and hurting yourself, ok?”  I nod my head but stick my tongue out at him for implying that I’m a klutz.  That
caused him to laugh before exiting the vehicle to assist my klutzy behind out.

“My lady,” he says as he takes my hand in his and wraps his free hand around my waist.  Oh, Jason is being both funny and cute tonight.  I like being around Jason.  He can always make a bad day good. 

“Abigail!” I hear Katherine shrieking.  Jason scrunches up his face and pokes his fingers in his ears.  I giggle loudly as Katherine rushes to me and wraps her arms around me in a bear hug.  “Oh. My. God.  I still can’t get over the fact that I’m going to be an aunt to two amazing little girls.  Thank you so much for letting me tag along with you and your mom this week,” she squeals with delight. 

“Baby, calm down.  You’ll scare the poor babies and they will be petrified of you before they’re even born,” my brother says jokingly. Katherine blushes and rolls her eyes at Michael.  I had my doubts about those two working out but they seem perfect for each other.  I hope, for the love of all that’s good, those two work out.

We check in and are seated immediately at a corner booth.  We place our drink orders and begin looking through the menu.  I am the last one to make my decision. 

We all start to talk about our futures over our dinner.  Mike and Jason are faring well in their careers and love what they do for a living.  Katherine is talking about going to fashion school or beauty school.  Though she’s enrolled at the local community college, she talks about dropping after the first year.  For me, all I can say is that I plan on being a mom to two little girls and starting college next year.

Jason puts his arm around me and starts to talk to me but where Katherine and Mike can hear.  “And when you go back to school, I’ll be in the corner cheering you on and helping you to care for the two gorgeous little girls that you created.”

Mike scrunches his face and laughs, “Boy, Jason, you sure are whipped and you’
re not even dating her.”

Jason gets serious all of a sudden and looks into my eyes while responding to Mike.  “Well, if she would have me, I would love to date your sister.  I’ve loved her for the past four years and nothing in the world will ever change that.”

I’m rendered speechless.  I don’t know what to say.  Honestly, I love Jason too.  This is a healthy love not a dysfunctional love that I have to walk on eggshells to have.  I can be myself with him and not have to change who I am on a daily basis to fit his mood.  “I think I would like that,” I say to Jason before I have time to change my mind.  Jason has been there for me and he and I both deserve to be happy.

Katherine squeals as Jason leans down to kiss my lips.  The butterflies that resided in my belly when I was with Tommy have now taken up residency in my heart with Jason.  I feel little fluttery beats in my heart when our lips press to each other.

My thoughts are interrupted at the ringing of Mike’s cell phone.  He fishes it out of his pocket, answers it and places it to his ear. 
“Hello?” Mikes says.  Mike’s eyes grow wide with fear.  “Okay, where did they take him?”

Ugh, I hate one-sided conversations.  I can never hear what’s being said on the other end.
  “Ok, we’re on our way, Mom.  Love you.”

“We have to cut this short.  Dad’s been injured in the line of duty.  A squad car picked up Mom and has taken her to Placid General Hospital.”

Jason grabs his wallet and throws a hundred dollar bill on the table and helps me up.  My world is spinning and my legs feel like jelly.  Jason scoops me into his arms and carries me to the car.  Dad’s been injured?  Not my dad.  They’re mistaken, right?


The tears are falling at record speed as Jason weaves in and out of traffic behind Mike and Katherine.  I barely register that he has my hand in his.  My dad is my rock and he can’t be hurt.  I need him more now than I ever needed him before.

              I feel like my heart is going to beat out of my chest.  I don’t know if my dad is alive or dead.  All I know is that he’s been injured and is in the hospital.  My stomach is in knots.  I feel like everything I just ate is going to come right back up. 

“It’s going to be ok Abby,” Jason says.  I can’t respond.  I’m too shaken to speak.  I just want to get to my father.  The sobs that come from my lips are becoming louder and every muscle in my body is shaking right now.  I am shivering as if I’m cold, but I’m not.

“Abby, you need to calm down.  You have to remember those babies.  They need you to stay strong right now.  You need to try to calm down.  I know it’s difficult to stay calm when you don’t know exactly what’s happening but you need to try to take some deep breaths, baby.  We don’t know how bad this is.”

I try taking deep breaths and am finally calming down when we pull into a parking spot in the emergency department.  I notice that Jason has pulled into a handicapped parking spot since it’s the closest spot to the entrance.  “Wait there, Abby.  I will come around to get you.”

I do as I’m told.  Actually, I couldn’t move right now even if I wanted to.  The nerves and stress have full control over my body and I am paralyzed with fear.  Jason opens the door and leans over me to unbuckle my seat belt.  Mike and Katherine look toward us and I see Jason motion to them to continue inside.  Jason puts my right arm over his neck and wraps his left arm around my waist as he places his right hand in my left and glides me out of the large SUV.  I feel myself falling into him.  His left arm tightens around my waist and he pulls me close to his chest.  Jason holds me near him until my legs are able to support my own weight.

“Are you strong enough to walk on your own or do I need to carry you?” I nod my head to indicate that I can walk on my own.  He loosens his grip around my waist and I move my arm from around his neck to around his waist.  He continues to hold me as we walk to the emergency room.  My mind is racing until I see Mike and Mom’s face.  They both have a sense of relief over their face.  It’s at that moment that I know that Dad isn’t dead or in any danger.

“Abigail, I’m so sorry I ruined your evening out.  I didn’t know how bad it was,” Mom says.

“It’s ok, Mom.  What happened?”

“Well, he was shot but it’s not life threatening.  He was on duty and following up on a lead when the aggressor pulled a gun.  Dad stepped back to pull his service weapon and the suspect got a round off into Dad’s thigh.  Your dad is not happy and wants to get out of here and get the perpetrator but that’s not happening anytime soon,” she chuckles.  “They’re going to take him in for surgery to remove the bullet and fix anything that needs fixing in there.”

They’ve already taken Dad back for surgery so all we can do is wait until he’s in recovery.  Mike and Katherine decide to stay at the hospital with Mom until the surgery is over but I’m getting tired and Mom is insistent on me going home to rest.  “Abby, it’s not just you that I’m worried about.  You have two little girls that depend on you to be healthy so they can grow and your dad wouldn’t want you to risk their life to wait for him.  He will be fine and I’ll call you or Jason with any news.  Go home and get some rest love.”

Mom is right.  These babies need me healthy and I need to sleep and get something to eat; not necessarily in that order.  Jason and I say our goodbyes before we head back to the SUV.  We drive in silence but hand in hand to my parent’s house.  Every now and then Jason will bring my hand to his lips.  The drive is relaxing and I am more at ease now that I know everything is fine with my dad.

Jason helps me out of his gigantic SUV when we get to my parents’ house.  I know it’s not really that big but it feels like a monste
r truck when you’re tired and over twenty weeks pregnant with twins.  He walks me to the front door where he takes my key and unlocks the door and holds it open for me.  He closes the door behind as I flip on the light to the foyer. 

“Abby, I really don’t feel comfortable leaving you here alone.  Your mom is going to be at the hospital all night, I’m sure.  Why don’t you pack an overnight bag and stay at mine and Mike’s house?”

Jason isn’t the only one that doesn’t feel comfortable with me staying here alone.  Honestly, I don’t want to be here alone either.  I nod my head in agreement with him and head toward my room.  Jason follows behind me and sits on my bed while I pack some clothes for tonight and tomorrow.  “Don’t forget your vitamins, Abby,” Jason reminds me as he grabs them from my nightstand and hands them to me.  I will have to take these horse pills until after the babies are born but I was lucky enough to not need the other pill after fourteen weeks.

I’m ready to go in less than ten minutes.  Jason grabs my bag and puts his arm around my shoulder as we walk to his SUV.  He gets me situated before double checking that the front door is se
cure before we head to his house.  This will be the first time that I’ve been in his and Mike’s home.  I only wish it was under different circumstances.


*   *   *


Their house is lovely.  It’s almost the same layout as my parents’ home.  I take a few steps into the foyer and the kitchen is to my left while the living room is to the right.  This is backwards from my parents’ house.  The hallway is straight ahead.  I’m fairly certain all the bedrooms are down there.  “Here, let me show you where the bathroom is and where my room is.  I figured I’d let you sleep in there and I’d take the couch.  Our extra room isn’t guest ready for company yet.”

“Thank you, Jason,” I say after he shows me both rooms.  I make my way to the bathroom with my overnight back to change into my sleepwear and brush my teeth.  When I exit, I am wearing a pair of Joe Boxer sleep shorts and a matching tank top.  I walk into Jason’s room as he’s turning back the covers on the bed.  I place my bag on the ground by one of the walls.  Jason looks over at me and stops what he’s doing and just stares.  I feel my cheeks begin to blush as I tuck a piece of my blonde hair behind my ear.  I really need to make time for a haircut.
  “Abigail, even in sleepwear, you are gorgeous.”

Forget blushing, my entire face is now flushed in crimson.  There is no way that Jason is speaking the truth.  I look down at my swollen belly.  He’s just trying to make me feel good about myself.  I’m pregnant and in pajamas, no way am I gorgeous.
  “Stop that, Abigail,” he says. 

Confused by his statement I look over at him. 
“What am I doing?”

“You’re second guessing what I’m telling you.  You’re thinking you’re ugly and pregnant and I’m just saying you’re gorgeous to build up your confidence.” Damn, he hit the nail on the head there.

“Abigail, I’m not lying to you,” his voice is tender and comforting.  “If you need to be told this every day for it to sink in, then damn it, I’ll tell you every day!  You are beautiful and you don’t even realize it,” he says as he gently shakes his head.  “Come, get into bed.  You’ve had a long day and you need some rest.  I’m calling in to work tomorrow so I’ll be here when you wake up,” he says as he covers me with the blanket before kissing my cheek and walking out of the room.

I wake up to the sound of my own screams, sweat seeping from every pore in my body.  I’m in a place I don’t recognize.  I feel my fight or flight response go into overdrive.  I’m frozen in place by pure fear.  The light comes on and Jason has me in his arms in record time.  His touch brings relief in a way I’ve never known.
  “Abigail, hey, it’s ok.  I’m here.  You’re safe and everything is alright.”

My pulse rate is coming down as the tears begin to flow.  I don’t know what scared me so badly.  I can’t remember what I was dreaming
about; all I know is that I was very scared.  Why?

“It’s ok, Abby.  Do you want to talk?”  Jason asks but I shake my head.  I just want to go back to sleep but I don’t want Jason to leave the room.
  “Jason,” he looks at me with worried eyes.  “Will you stay with me until I fall back asleep?”

A smile creeps across his face.  “Of course I will, Abigail.  I didn’t plan on leaving your side for the rest of the night.  Let me grab my cell from the living room and turn the light out and I’ll lie with you until you’re asleep.  You don’t have to be afraid with me around,” he states as he
kisses my lips and gets up.  He’s back in less than a minute and I lay my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. The pounding rhythm relaxes me.  My life has not turned out as I thought I would.  I realize how lucky I am that I am out of the volatile relationship with Tommy and in a stable relationship with Jason as I begin to drift back to sleep.

I am awakened by the sound of a ringing phone.  I’m still lying on Jason’s chest as he reaches over to grab the phone from the nightstand next to his bed.  “Hello?” He says as I start to rollover.  He wraps his left arm around me to keep me from moving.  “Ok, we’ll be there in about an hour or so.  I want to make sure your sister eats first.  Thanks for the update, Mike.”

I lay there staring at Jason waiting for him tell me what Mike said.  “He’s doing fine.  He came out of surgery with no problems and is giving the nursing staff a hard time.  You know your dad.  He takes a licking and keeps on ticking,” he says with a soft smile on his face.  “How are you doing, Abigail?”

“I’m good.  I do have to pee though,” I say as I blush.

“Of course,” he says as he kisses my temple and releases his arm from around my waist.  “Those babies like to use your bladder as their own personal trampoline,” he jokes as he releases me from his embrace.  “Why don’t you go ahead and take a shower and get dressed while you’re in there and I’ll make you some breakfast.  Would a Colorado omelet and fruit be alright?”

“Sure.  Anything you have will be fine.  Are your towels and wash cloths kept in the hall closet?”

He nods as he stands to head to the kitchen.  He’s wearing only a pair of boxer-briefs.  This is the first time I’ve seen Jason with so little on.  His chest is rock hard and his abs are amazingly defined.  My gaze moves to his arms.  Geez, his biceps are huge.  No wonder why I feel so safe in his arms.  How can he have such strong arms yet be so gentle?  I can’t help myself as I focus my eyes on his rock hard ass.  Jason’s physique is exquisite.  I don’t think he expected me to need him to sleep with me last night because he was well underdressed for that.  However, I am not minding what I see.  Damn it, Abigail, get those thoughts out of your head, girl!  Jason shimmies over to his dresser and pulls out sleep shorts and a t-shirt while I climb out of bed, grab my bag and head to the bathroom.

After my shower, I head back into Jason’s room to grab my phone from my purse.  I flip it on as I grab my brush and head back to the bathroom to pull my hair back.  By the time I make my way back to his room, my phone has had enough time to come
on and show me my missed texts.  I have one text waiting for me

I’m sorry she called you, Abby.  I didn’t realize she grabbed my phone.  I wasn’t even in the room.  Please forgive me and don’t allow her to jeopardize any future we may have.

As of now, there is no future with Tommy.  Jason asked me to be his girlfriend and I can’t imagine leaving a fantastic man for a man who has always treated me like a welcome mat.  I decide it’s better to message Tommy now and let him know that there is no ‘us’ in the future.

Tommy, as I said, I don’t know what the future holds.  In the past 24 hours life has changed for me.  I’ve moved on.  There is no chance that we will be a couple anymore.  I don’t plan on keeping your from our girl’s but you need to understand that there will be no Tommy and Abigail.  Ever! 

I walk to the kitchen where Jason has prepared breakfast, just as he said he would.  “Here, Abby, sit down and eat.  I’m going to take a shower and get ready.”

“Aren’t you going to eat?”

A smile spreads across his face, “Well, you’re such a girl that I had enough time to eat my breakfast while you were getting ready.”

I blush and give him an innocent smile as he turns to walk down the hall and I dig into my breakfast.  Man, Jason can cook!  I scarf my breakfast down in record time.  Once my hunger is satisfied and my d
ishes are washed and put away, Jason and I head to the hospital.








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